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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28800476 No.28800476 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, our Shark stood up for us. You, me, every one, she told us she loves us just the way we are. You do realize she told the mob to fuck off and die with that stream last night. I love Gura!

>> No.28800884
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I'll trust the shark for the time being, but what if one of the ruffian trio has a british accent?

>> No.28800943

>Watching Gura

>> No.28801012

you paid to watch it and think she wouldn't say exactly what you want to hear

>> No.28801019

The last pure EN

>> No.28801069

Damn are we really retreating to shark after all?

>> No.28801086

>Please never change i still need rent money and i cant get that if your not a pedo

>> No.28801111

it will be swedish and gooba will be suspiciously quiet on him

>> No.28801122

>never fucking streams
>notices people are starting to get annoyed at this
>comes up with a clever lie behind her paywall to keep chumkiddies from leaving
>disappears once more
>returns again with another karaoke or members stream

>> No.28801183

>It's fucking Forsen

>> No.28801199

Still happy, love goober

>> No.28801243
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investor meetings hitting HARD

>> No.28801303

Why? Guess talked about forsen on stream before

>> No.28801362

She avoids males so yes.

>> No.28801426

You guys are brainwashed jesus christ, she's milking you like the fat little money cows you are so she can laze around and get fucked all day

>> No.28801440

I really chose well giving her my one EN membership when Myth debuted.

>> No.28801497

>not watching the queen of vtubing

>> No.28801500

I used to be Gurame prime but man am I glad she is getting away from Ame. Long live the one true queen

>> No.28801513
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Shark is our 1 EN bastion, she will never betray us and love us for who we are. She is the Miko of EN in terms of the depth of her feelings towards her fans.

>> No.28801514

>this is the same person complaining about Mori disrespecting Gura with her rager

>> No.28801569

>memberships that started around her birthday will end around this time
>quickly does coomer bait to retain the retards

>> No.28801582

eeew look at this smelly grey

>> No.28801620

Holy shit you copy pasta'd my post from /ggg/. I'd be flattered if it wasn't for you using it to shit up the board. Kys discord faggot tranny

>> No.28801648

Calm down bro. Why are you so butthurt and angy?

>> No.28801676

gura's daughter was cute today

>> No.28801677
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>> No.28801692

>Never stop being a sad, lonely pedo so I can keep making money off you indefinitely
Such pure and virtuous intentions

>> No.28801712

anyone have gura's asmr she did yesterday

>> No.28801718

>getting away from Ame by flying to her house last month to spend her bd stream with her.
You're not very bright, Anon.

>> No.28801730

>coomer bait
This is how you out yourself as a filthy greynigger

>> No.28801818

how many more posts do you plan to make ITT you sad angry loser?

>> No.28801823

>he didn't cum

>> No.28801850

Ame will collab with males so she better get away from Gura.

>> No.28801891
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My kind of girl *snort*

>> No.28801957
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Gura has always been coomerbait, even her fanbase says so, look at this:

>> No.28801975
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Gawr Gura, the woman against time.

>> No.28802123

You say this, but Ame's fans pay to watch her and she shat all over them, so...

>> No.28802363

Didn't you fuckers creep on a Gura-lite chuuba just a couple days ago and scare her off insta and tiktok? Maybe you're not find just the way you are...

>> No.28802386

Ah yes, every single negative, critical post on this board is made by the same person. I forgot how fucking deranged you people are.

>> No.28802532

Cope. Mori has collabed with several males and just recently had a concert featuring Gura today.

>> No.28802571
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>> No.28803053

Gura i love u

>> No.28803084

>queen of vtubing

>> No.28803187 [DELETED] 

Gura streamed with her boyfriend on her previous life tho so it doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.28803254

Yeah, me

>> No.28803351

>literally the only holoEN/ID fanbase that is not cucked
I kneel.

>> No.28803363

>She's brainwashing you.
>She's just milking you like the fat little money cows you are.

>> No.28803607


>> No.28803716

now he streams alone

>> No.28803736
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>> No.28803787
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Only Gura!!

>> No.28804292

Fans reflect their oshi, after all.

>> No.28804335

Yeah me

>> No.28804512
File: 161 KB, 760x500, 1649010173005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is the EN Fubuki and is all about unity, no matter the cost. I can respect that. Ame is already building up a reputation similar to what Fubuki has on the EN side.
>EN1 love Ame
>EN2 praise Ame
Watch 6 months from now, Tempus will kneel to Ame.

>> No.28804826

Yeah, me

>> No.28805270

>Tempus will kneel to Ame
I don't care. Still don't like her anymore.

>> No.28805338


>> No.28805346

I love Gura and her stream last night was fantastic but this thread is just stealth shitting on Ame and if Gura is your oshi you would know how much she would dislike that.
Ame is very sincere with her fans, has encouraged self improvement and talked about her own efforts right throughout her time at hololive, whilst reasonable people may say that her comments on the stars were a bit clumsy in the second answer It was again a genuine answer and her being upfront with her fans, which is what most people who like Ame expect.
If you want to hear what being talked down to and condescended really sounds like check out Bae's baby voice "You guys are very kind brrats right" spiel. I don't even blame Bae because it's a difficult thing to address but holy shit I felt pathetic even listening to that answer and had to close the tab.

>> No.28805568

Gura secretly hates Ame and is behind 90% of the anti Ame shitposting.

>> No.28805647

I will not fall for your propaganda.

>> No.28805689

I believe this

>> No.28805739

But enough about Ame

>> No.28805834


>> No.28805882

>legal pedophilia
I wonder what type of cases could be made for this.

>> No.28807528

what mob?

>> No.28808184
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I like this creature

>> No.28808463

Love is the desire for the good of others.

Telling people to "not change", ie not improve themselves is the opposite of love.

>> No.28808916

>last stream 8 days ago

>> No.28811490

Gura: Stay fat. I don't care if you do not improve yourself as long as you throw me money.
Pretty based, I would say.
