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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 235 KB, 1317x788, Ryan-Gosling-Face-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28790568 No.28790568 [Reply] [Original]

>Sana won't watch her debut, have a 1 year celebration stream and be part of the Council's 1st anniversary stream.
>Will never finish Celeste's DLC on stream.
>Won't be around for the next Pokémon game.
>Won't be part of the next off-collab streams with Council.
>Will never show up in a Smol CouncilRyS live again and be able to interact with her room.
>Won't have her 3D debut in HoloFes.
>Won't be part of the next Halloween and Christmas VR streams.
>Won't show up in call-ins again.
>The Sanalites won't have the 1 year member badge.
>Probably won't have the chance to interact with her next kouhais.
>We'll only hear from her from other holomembers and even then they probably won't say much about her and probably won't even mention her name.
>We'll never see her or be able to interact with her again unless she does streams on her roomate's channel, which is unlikely.

>> No.28790609
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>> No.28790636

What the fuck is a Sana?

>> No.28790662


>> No.28790673

Lmao her fault.

>> No.28790680

She can play Genshin though

>> No.28790690

Stop trying to imbue emotion on a person who clearly never cared about the "unity" of her gen

>> No.28790719

so glad Sana is gone, now I don't have to put up with her autism in collabs

>> No.28790744

>She gave it all up so Hypergryph and Mihoyo could sleep easier at night

>> No.28790742

Shes going to look after the cosmos Goslingite, at least she'll be remembered unlike that green thing

>> No.28790812


>> No.28790846
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>> No.28790850

could have gotten most of that shit done if she hadn't taken off 3+ months for bullshit lmao

>> No.28791002

>I'm graduating because my back hurts and i don't have time
>I will now do endurance streams all day every day until the end of the month, with no complaints of back problems
It's such a stupidly shallow excuse, i'm amazed anyone apart from pickme 2views or delusional sanalites would believe it

>> No.28791050

I just hope councilrys will all sing astro girl together

>> No.28791153

even when she broke her back she didn't complained about it faggot, even streaming from her bed in pain

>> No.28791202

>>The Sanalites won't have the 1 year member badge.
Didn't they leave coco's membership open for three months after her graduation? Sanalites might get their badge after all.

>> No.28791327 [SPOILER] 
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, yes anon.... give in to the narrative
It's not her laziness! It was the antis about her dog! and her broken back! give in...and breath heavily

>> No.28791354
File: 107 KB, 800x800, saners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least she made discord trannies seethe so hard they'll keep raiding this dogshit board even 2 years from now.
rejects won't ever get in.

>> No.28791459 [DELETED] 

was following her even before hololive, you're faggotry won't stick on me nigger

>> No.28791463

Literally how, she's done nothing of note in the past 11 odd months

>> No.28791578

All that time, and yet your ilk was the most surprised by her lethargic ways

>> No.28791607

I like how Sanallites act like hot shit when Sana canceled an idea she liked due to antis

>> No.28791740

It's standard Cover cope
Mori and the deadbeats talk mad shit now about how they don't care about antis, but for like 6-8 months, Mori's members only streams were nothing but her asking her paypigs about ideas and what they thought of it, it getting so bad she would be talking to some of the top cashcows by name and directly

>> No.28792563
File: 1.94 MB, 2897x4096, __omega_alpha_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tamago_nezumi__18fd4a4164d6757c8a80d54e78525c0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have faith in baseless speculation

>> No.28792633

Thank god

>> No.28792939

My dream Kirby Star Allies offcollab will never happen. I really think the girls would have had fun with that. The other 4 could do it as well, and it would still be cool, but Sana's the Kirby girl.

>> No.28794845
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>> No.28795586

the fact that she only streams 2 games because she's too lazy to do anything else doesn't give her ownership it just means she's a lazy cunt that won't stream because dog hurt its back

>> No.28796657

She would have half-assed every single one of those like everything she's done in her entire vtubing career. Face it, some people were just not built for this medium and she's one of them.

>> No.28796918

she should've gone the shigure ui/pochi mama route.
she could collab with ina as a non-holo

>> No.28797657

Some dog fucker that never streams

>> No.28797733
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greentexting about stuff like that only works if it's about chuba people give a shit about.

>> No.28800907

she doesn't want to stream that's why she never did it except for like the 2 games she wants to play or now in this collab pity party to get saviour fag $$$$

>> No.28802222
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>> No.28807539

>We'll only hear from her from other holomembers and even then they probably won't say much about her and probably won't even mention her name.
deserved, she did nothing of note and couldn't even stick it out for a year before fucking off. part of me wants to see her scrubbed from Hololive like Rushia, but it's better that she remain as an example of what not to do so that her more worthy cowokers and kouhais can do better

>> No.28809032

so you're telling me, I shouldn't take A MONTH off of work because my incredibly old animal died. that I don't even live with.

>> No.28812447

Find out if you want to know, I'm not here to explain.
For you.
Yeah, she decided to break her back out of nowhere,right?
But I doubt she'll do it often.
She was great at collabs, haven't you watched her last streams?
She was streaming on heavy meds like morphine.
I hope so, but I don't think there will be enough time for this to happen.
Nah, there's no way that's real.
Same, she's a huge Kirby fangirl and it wouldn't be the same without her. Sad it will never happen.
Not if she didn't have a broken back. She really cared about it.
That would be nice, at least we would see her one more time.
There are a lot of people who give a shit here.
>part of me wants to see her scrubbed from Hololive like Rushia, but it's better that she remain as an example of what not to do so that her more worthy cowokers and kouhais can do better
Why are you comparing her with Rushia? She didn't backstabbed her coworkers by doxxing them and breaking NDA. She left on good terms with everyone.

>> No.28812510

any links to roommate

>> No.28812710

We can't share here because the mods will delete it and I don't know her roomate's name or where to find out.

>> No.28812828

get well soon

>> No.28812961
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Fuck off mass replying retard.

>> No.28813845

probably not, since that was only for some pixiv thing. Unless there's another art event that requires her to stream, she'll never be seen again.

>> No.28819161


