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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2867954 No.2867954 [Reply] [Original]

How would you fix your oshi's design?

>> No.2867988

A black eye would fix kiara's design

>> No.2868051

my dick in her ass and a ball gag in her mouth

>> No.2868134

Replacing the girl behind the mask.
Ceterum autem censeo Kiarainem esse delendam

>> No.2868234

>changing her legging frills

don run amok SEAnig

>> No.2868279

please don't be racist. Your oshi would not approve of racism.

>> No.2868384

really? also you made her look like a flight attendant

>> No.2868390

Listen. I NEED you to understand this.
Anyone who doesn't think her two hats is one of the best and funniest elements they've ever seen on a vtuber design deserves a lobotomy.

>> No.2868392
File: 55 KB, 426x600, 518D36BD-F03F-48D0-933C-0FA4D5FA50B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flatter booba.

>> No.2868452

If they play it for comedy and have them fall off in her 3d debut I'll forgive them, until then I am team 1 hat

>> No.2868459

Much like a person who talks out of both sides of their mouth Kiara is a vtuber who adorns both sides of their head. Not trustworthy.

>> No.2868503
File: 1.53 MB, 3000x1202, 1618272207889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed them all

>> No.2868572

I love Kiara. Even if I don't like the things she does, her presence causes so much unending butthurt in her old antis.

>> No.2869308

I get that reference.

>> No.2869407

Dunno who decided to add in the sword and shield, but it doesn't go with her design at all

>> No.2869518

looks like one of those shitty "casual" outfits Bleach would force out

>> No.2869536


>> No.2869561 [DELETED] 

Making it darker, and istead of KFP I'll make her brand be Isle 4

>> No.2869600

Outfit doesn't matter. Kiara's hair is the ugliest shade of orange I've ever seen. Pairing that with a neon blue-green somehow makes that puke orange seem even uglier.

>> No.2869690

The two hats are hilarious from a parody perspective but it doesn't work on a legitimate basis.

>> No.2869695

thats some shit taste right there

>> No.2869789 [DELETED] 

They all look like Nijiwhores

>> No.2869885

Gura is trans?

>> No.2870482

transpecies apparently, going from shark to cat.

not really sure I would call it a 'fix' idea so much as maybe like alt costumes for EN to make some of the girls look more monster girl-y. Like maybe a more sharky gura with a wider mouth, bluish silver skin, some fins, and such? Maybe a paler Calli with sunken looking eyes and skeletal hands? Give Kiara some wings? Ina crashes the stream with no survivors and her speech is now just distorted playings of Calli on the recorder and Ame's time-travel sounds. No idea what for Ame since she's just a time traveller and not a monster-girl.

Admittedly, I don't know if this would be a good idea, just sort of spit-balling.

>> No.2871410

The only way Miko could be improved would require Pekora's opinion on designs she'd go gay for.

>> No.2872907
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Bring back her string panties

>> No.2872975

>how would you fix Kirkara?
She needs wings that aren’t deep fried

>> No.2873070

I stand corrected.

>> No.2873675 [DELETED] 

>hide spoilers and no clip or get copystriked for remake of 30 year old game
do nipniggers really?

>> No.2873808

Gura, Ina and Kiara look good here. Ame and Mori less so. I think Gura and Kiara would really benefit from a casual outfit like this. And streetwear Gura is especially based.

>> No.2873837

crocs in an environment where oil splatters and spills can happen?

>> No.2873876

Kiara's a CEO, they don't do any work.

>> No.2873890

replacing them all with afroamericans and changing their desings so they are more inclusive to POC

>> No.2874021
File: 749 KB, 2388x3406, 1612440777737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd love something like this for mori

>> No.2875146

I love Miko's new design but I still miss her derpy triangle mouth

>> No.2875214

Nothing because her design is perfect
My condolences to KFP and others.

>> No.2875601

I would make her shorter with skinnier thighs and smaller boobs and way more plain looking. Her 'hot body' and outgoing personality just gives me normie vibes, it'd be better if she was weird looking.

>> No.2875789
File: 86 KB, 480x640, 0215103855_5e474bafb1331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if you really want to push Ame's design you got to try and do it in a way that still says 'detective' while dropping the trenchcoat but that's pretty hard. Failing that you could give her some of those nice designer type dresses based on trenchoat button designs.

>> No.2876246

How can you trust a woman who wears two hats? She can't even trust her own head.

>> No.2876889

>Ame is an exhibitionist

>> No.2877228

I really like kiara here actually

>> No.2877360

Gura reminds me so much of nyanners in this pic that it makes.my.stomach turn

>> No.2884218

draw myself next to her

>> No.2885030

Shes already perfect
A traditional german outfit

>> No.2885037

>only one hat
giga cringe

>> No.2885190

Longer pencil skirt
No neck ribbon

>> No.2886350

A one piece dress might be better

>> No.2886387

Now I want to see that

>> No.2888392

Pretty fucking great idea anon.

>> No.2888930
File: 112 KB, 532x918, 8132bd405b314241d1e5335169df94c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Same deesu!"

Gura is perfect the way she is, but id love a april fools joke of her getting an "Ass kicking" form.

>> No.2896653

wouldn't fix anything, i chose my oshi solely based off their design and don't watch any streams

>> No.2896680

Mimics reality too much

>> No.2897197

Everyone tries to fix Kiara's clothes, but for me it's her face that feels off

>> No.2897377

make her 18 and not ""0""

>> No.2904489

gura is a cat shark?

>> No.2919222

Fix her design anon.

>> No.2919482

I like my oshi the way she is. For Kiara I'd say dress her in some Hugo Boss, give her a riding crop, and make her relationship with KFP more like Korone's with that Caillou looking fucker.

>> No.2921721


>> No.2921735
File: 1.64 MB, 1465x1567, @BorealYoako5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some chinese motiff would make her more interestin, idk

>> No.2927566

lack critical yada yada

>> No.2927642
File: 760 KB, 607x900, 1603386099010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashionable Gyaru outfit, those that look out of shoujo manga, or a cute dirndl.

I love Kiara and her character is super pretty, she looks good in anything, but I'm not a fan of her normal clothing.

>> No.2934299


>> No.2934360

she's Austrian artist mommy of course she would approve

>> No.2934367

Just bring the white pantyhose back, it's all I need.

>> No.2934510

I'd be down for a noir "femme fatale" kind of design for Ame. Like a silk dress and stilettos and elbow length gloves. Keep the syringes and the monocle hairpiece but do away with the hat.

>> No.2936447
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>> No.2936679
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Shion but tits.
>Not as huge this, maybe Aqua sized.

>> No.2936953
File: 327 KB, 1448x2048, hecatia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would probably change her eyes to be one color, the 2 eye colors is a little too chuuni. But it also fits her because she IS very chuuni...

>> No.2936987

Wedding dress for Kiara for our Wedding

>> No.2938079

I don’t have it on me, but that short hair Ina edit is really good.

>> No.2939635


>> No.2942087

chuuni? more like, chuuneese

>> No.2944785

Hecatia's model is such a huge improvement over the last one.

Crazy good.

>> No.2944852

some people use crocs but the ones without holes

>> No.2944968

Still want to see someone attempt a combination outfit. taking elements of both. I like Nene's new hair a lot as well as the new skirt and color scheme but I hate the boob window and the jacket used to try and cover it for the algorithm.

>> No.2948882
File: 32 KB, 424x600, aartiiiaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is great. I had a soft spot for the Artia model, though, it made me happy.

>> No.2951967

yeah it was just really fitting for a gremlin idol

>> No.2951994

Take away Ame's shirt. She doesn't need it.

>> No.2960742

I feel bad for anyone that has Kiara as their oshi
It's like believing KFC is the best chicken stop

>> No.2962309

that's a low bar

>> No.2963135

>daily anti thread by the samefag who wants to kill her / beat her up
>random anons derail the thread and talk about other oshi designs instead
kek sometimes you guys are alright. i'm honestly glad this community is improving and isn't become /qa/nigger tier.

>> No.2965633

Like this https://youtu.be/KCBHlHMhlyg
