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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28678812 No.28678812 [Reply] [Original]

>Who is Natsuiro Matsuri?

A rookie on the Cheerleading Team. Cheerful and affectionate, her pleasant attitude means she gets along with everyone. She has a lot of friends, and loves festivals and events.


Debut date: June 1, 2018 https://youtu.be/dJ-8EGi5zCs

Birthday: July 22nd

Height: 152 cm

Fanbase name: Matsurisu

Illustrator: Minamura Haruki

Official Line Account: https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40uci1596z

Art Hashtag: #祭絵
R18 Hashtag: #まつりは絵っち

Space Archive: https://pastebin.com/ghLT3uUt

Matsuri Archive:

Game: Matsurisu Panic https://lyger.github.io/matsurisu-panic/

Last thread: >>28303092

>> No.28679038

She killed pekora again

>> No.28679133

You could’ve waited a bit longer.

>> No.28680007
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>> No.28680015

haha her name is festival

>> No.28680281
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I'm in love with Natsuiro Matsuri of Hololive 1st generation!

>> No.28682785

I will fight to keep this thread alive

>> No.28683229
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Look at this cutie

>> No.28685343
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>> No.28686151

What's your favorite collabpair from matsuri?
Mine is anything involving Wat-chan

>> No.28686253

Sora because she's my oshi

>> No.28686443

Fubuki is still the best for me

>> No.28687055
File: 240 KB, 492x337, max concentration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I started watching, NatsuiroFubuki was the shit so I will always have a soft spot for those two. Speaking of, their Fes3 aftertalk together was teetee as hell. Matsuri getting flustered while Fubuki praised her was lovely.
Other than that, Nene or Towa I guess. Great chemistry

Also they're not really frequent collab partners but this one single moment with Mikoti had me in tears

>> No.28688050

I and kind of hoping for more Matsuri and Shion

>> No.28688515

Me too
I was hoping for more interactions after that big confession. But she did promise to play with her after. That's something to look forward to if it does happen.

>> No.28688800

I love Matsuri-Aki TeeTee. You can feel the genuine affection between them

>> No.28689597

She just killed her again

>> No.28689720


>> No.28689775

Lol. Miko shot first.

>> No.28690546 [SPOILER] 
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Sex with Festival

>> No.28690923
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W-Why does festival have a knife..?

>> No.28691507
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For keep squirrels inline

>> No.28691807
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My wife Matsuri

>> No.28693430
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>> No.28695555
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>> No.28698101

Countdown stream tomorrow

>> No.28701833

I sometimes rewatch those old luna collabs
The atmosphere was just something special. Shame we will never see that ever again.

>> No.28706134

She’s inclining in viewership number so suddenly

>> No.28706998

It makes sense. She's finally not avoiding popular games

>> No.28711335
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>> No.28712535

But Apex is popular

>> No.28713798

I look forward to what she'll do to suisei once she starts rust

>> No.28716167
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>> No.28718843


>> No.28723982
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>> No.28730635
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>> No.28734214

utawaku tonight

>> No.28735312
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festival's plump pussy

>> No.28738257

Feels like it's been awhile

>> No.28740400

Just about 2 weeks. Well, hard to sing with all her throat and lung issues so makes sense there hasn't been one

>> No.28742040

What’s wrong with Festival?

>> No.28743008

Just a streak of bad luck I guess.
She had a mild case of pneumonia some 3 weeks ago and because of it she's still got the coughs. And then her throat got so sore that she lost her voice for half a day.

>> No.28744171
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>> No.28749604
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Have a bump from 35P

>> No.28750265
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thanks brother

>> No.28752024
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>> No.28753930

Why is she so damn cute bros I can't stand how cute she is

>> No.28753991

>her pleasant attitude means she gets along with everyone
Is this true?

>> No.28754331

Isnt she supposed to be resting her throat?

>> No.28754684

Is she not?

>> No.28756970
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>> No.28757398
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>> No.28760375
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>> No.28761625

Tomorrow couldn't come any sooner

>> No.28767123
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>> No.28770858
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>> No.28773198

I like this picture

>> No.28774595

I like Matsuri

>> No.28776243

Oh a new cover

>> No.28776841

My wife is so hardworking bros

>> No.28777015

I was just thinking about this song yesterday. It's one of my favorite picks for her utawakus, hyped to hear this one

>> No.28778395


>> No.28778955

Miko and Matsuri are a lot of fun together

>> No.28780901


>> No.28782420

10 minutes!

>> No.28783006


>> No.28783113
File: 782 KB, 2067x2756, FBL3kBbVgAMbcsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, Matsurisu! Can't wait until the birthday live tomorrow.

>> No.28783192

It's exciting!

>> No.28783265

Wat and Haruki was in chat

>> No.28783381

Who's Haruki?

>> No.28783513

Character designer

>> No.28784258

Make sure to stream it a lot

>> No.28784719

It's actually happening bros
Luna acknowledged her

>> No.28784867
File: 1.10 MB, 4095x2896, 1618101884109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my hardworking wife so much bros
I love Matsuri

>> No.28784963

She's so wonderful. Days like this makes me love her even more.

>> No.28785923
File: 316 KB, 720x720, D57997CC-6EAF-4BD8-B990-E6651CD236AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd time in a row i didn’t do anything for her bday

Festivalbros am I a failure as a fan?

>> No.28786414

Tweet a lot during her live to make her happy

>> No.28786519

So cute

>> No.28786732

Little sister congratulated.

>> No.28786940

Will give that a shot

She usually gives a tag right during the live?

>> No.28787089

There are already a few out there I think

>> No.28787646
File: 632 KB, 2326x3102, F159FD1C-E915-40A8-AF80-26954E0E3CD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so glad this got uploaded on twitter. It was previously only available on the fanmade artbook last year

>> No.28788262

Oh. Wasn't aware that's how he's called.

>> No.28791475
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>> No.28791786
File: 305 KB, 1198x1992, 7FF07F76-7030-42A5-8606-6C9BF7FB2D8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uoooooh spats

>> No.28794112

I did but I missed the "deadline" due to having to revise it... Well, I guess as long as I post it during this day it's fine I guess, but kinda wanted to do it right when the stream ended

>> No.28794455

My only fear when posting as soon as stream ended is, you just get lost among all the other stuff

Of course this doesn’t apply if you don’t care whether it gets rt’d/liked by her or not

>> No.28796625

I'm so hyped festivalbros

>> No.28797972

It's not art, so very unlikely it gets any attention

>> No.28798599
File: 813 KB, 1000x1412, 1617850453582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The live couldn't come any sooner...

>> No.28798840
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>> No.28801861

Matsuri enjoyed that

>> No.28804199
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>> No.28804198

It's a good cover

>> No.28807094
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>> No.28809000

A HiHi High Tension cover

>> No.28812285
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>> No.28812863

You could always write a fan letter

>> No.28816028
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>> No.28817842

I always get myself all worked up making fan stuff for her celebrations. But ever since last year when what I made didn't get noticed I've felt discouraged. I'm not upset that she didn't see it but more like I was disappointed in myself that what I made didn't stand out.

>> No.28820556

Just 9 hours to go

>> No.28822660

Page 9 already

>> No.28822794
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>> No.28824186
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un-menhera your oshi with just two words

>> No.28824630
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Even if Matsuri doesn't say anything I strongly believe that she more than likely has noticed what you've worked on if you posted it on twitter or youtube. Far more likely than any other holo. You know how she is.

>> No.28824638

She finally talked to her because she's already unmenhera'd enough

>> No.28827989
File: 2.11 MB, 2894x4093, 20220316_150525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28831422

Luna popping in for Matsuri's stream was sweet

>> No.28833681

Festival is healing

>> No.28834333
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>> No.28836534
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>> No.28838195

5 hours...

>> No.28838472

I'm really happy for her.
Watching her turnaround has been great.

>> No.28839372

Matsuri woke up and went on a retweeting spree

>> No.28839567

jesas my girlfriend can't bombarding my notification (she loves me way too much)

>> No.28839860

I was wondering why my phone was alerting nonstop. Today we've been blessed.

>> No.28840223

I love my wife Natsuiro Matsuri!

>> No.28840904
File: 1.17 MB, 2315x3274, BB730B0D-1758-4131-8E94-D7A7F21E531F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much bros

>> No.28841983

She seems so much more hyped and serious about this year's birthday event, I'm excited to see why. Also excited to hear the behind the scenes stories in mengen

>> No.28843334

What would you say Matsuri's best single player game stream is?

>> No.28844616
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>> No.28844690

Happy birthday festival!

>> No.28847111

Like the most entertaining? Also just one single most entertaining stream or one always entertaining game?
Hard to say, too many to choose from. But I feel that she manages to make weird or obscure games that don't seem entertaining at all, very entertaining. The dog platformer game, Good Job, Cooking Simulator, the ramen shop game etc...
They are also often very overlooked streams, as in not a lot of people tune in to watch. But they are often very cute and entertaining streams. Maybe not the best she has, but very good.
Oh, also the Kuuki Yomi stream from last year was really good

>> No.28849038
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>> No.28849817

>depression redemption arc
>haato redemption arc
>luna redemption arc
Things are going great

>> No.28850577

I was kind of surprised to see Flare, Watame and Polka as guests. They don't seem to interact much.

>> No.28851350

30 minutes!

>> No.28852208

That's a good mentality

>> No.28852325
File: 1.36 MB, 2935x4096, FYQwzVHaUAExnvV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this woman

>> No.28852469


>> No.28852503

Hello, does Matsuri have a live translator?
Or is it just this raiga guy clogging the script with his random exclamations?

>> No.28852733


>> No.28852768

Holy shit Kikuo??

>> No.28852912
File: 11 KB, 349x94, 1618506414370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L*ger makes a point of driving away anyone who tries to live translate without doing anything himself, so there's nothing.

>> No.28853025

I'm on Matsuri's head!

>> No.28853261

no fucking way lmao

>> No.28853284

>onigiri song

>> No.28853343

Amazing use of noel. This is too cute.

>> No.28853350


>> No.28853627

Gotta say, ur oishi is p cute. Nice singing voice too.

>> No.28853661

Haven't listened to Watame in ages. She's really developed since the early days.

>> No.28853859

He shouldn't be on that listing then.
What a faggot.

>> No.28854187


>> No.28854249

Who's doing backup?

>> No.28854321
File: 139 KB, 880x1200, 1622950865516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watamate here
Festival is very cute! happy birthday!

>> No.28854326

Chama, by phone.

>> No.28854414


>> No.28854433
File: 211 KB, 1280x720, 【#夏色ReSTART】BIRTHDAY 3DLIVE🎂~今日はまつりが主役~【ホロライブ_夏色まつり】 - YouTube - 35 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in shock

>> No.28854444

Cat Festival!

>> No.28854475
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>> No.28854484

>PIP chokes as Fansa comes.
That's what I get for not focusing.
Also I think she looks like Izumi now lol. It's the hair.

>> No.28854517

discount kizuna ai...

>> No.28854531

>shadow of her tight black thong visible under the white skirt

>> No.28854542

Thats a huge surprise. I'm nearly speechless

>> No.28854557

Absolute sex

>> No.28854630

Kawaii. Did she say she got it as her 1 millions subs request?

>> No.28854640

>Matsuri has evolved into Kizuna Ai and will now lead us into the next golden age of vtubing
Matsurisu, I kneel...

>> No.28854777

Built for pre-concert clothed sex

>> No.28854928

rabu ka

>> No.28854975

The "Ubai Ubai" part always sounds like Uber Eats to me

>> No.28854999

After Noel and now Matsuri (and also Subaru announcing hers) it's pretty much expected that all JP members on the million club will receive new 3D models in the future.

>> No.28855002

Squirrelbros... I think my heart is beating faster now...

>> No.28855054

Matsuri's lower pitched and slower songs are usually her best.

>> No.28855067

I have to say that I was never a big fan of her ラブカ? in utawakus but this performance was fucking amazing, I'm sold.

>> No.28855124

Just thought I heard her say hyakuman.

>> No.28855137
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some songs are just concert songs and some songs are karaoke songs

>> No.28855199

matsuri... i love you

>> No.28855197

Now I'm worried that the archive will get region locked.

>> No.28855205

I'm guessing the darken part of her chest is these so Susan doesn't fuck her over kinda like Noel's model.
Also I feel the urge to grab the sides of the thong and pull on them like that one Akikaze doujin.

>> No.28855248

That was beautiful...

>> No.28855247

ok im crying now

>> No.28855274

Same what the fuck man

>> No.28855363

That was really good

>> No.28855388

I like the new song

>> No.28855451
File: 900 KB, 683x707, firefox_tuoEo41RyU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overwhelming truly, fuck shes the best

>> No.28855517

festival love

>> No.28855531

Do you think she requested for the outfit to be Kizuna AI if she were a goddess of sex or did it just kind of happen that way?

>> No.28855537

They can choose what they want.
Lamy decided that she wants a collab with an aquarium because she likes aquariums iirc.

>> No.28855617

>Anyone using this now?
>Okay give it to me with a dash of that ole Akari style

>> No.28855644

Okay, I danced around it for months and I made excuses since I first started watching. I can't deny it anymore. I love this girl, what level of membership do I go with?

>> No.28855666

T3 if you really mean it.

>> No.28855801
File: 13 KB, 316x389, 1644571137066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do

>> No.28855959

not sure how, but your oshi got even cuter with that outfit
great show today, you guys must be really happy

>> No.28856186
File: 2.67 MB, 5276x4952, 1658491097992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a fun stream matusrisu, happy birthday to your oshi.
She was very cute today, and displayed great talent as she always does in her 3d streams

>> No.28856233
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>> No.28856239
File: 1.04 MB, 968x1207, 1617698400903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just absolutely outdid herself. This by far the best live performance(s) she's ever done
I love her so much my heart can't take it anymore I'm probably gonna die tonight
How does she go from one of her shakiest years that genuinely had me considering if my time here is done to an insane comeback that revitalized my love, appreciation and dedication towards her more than ever before

I love Matsuri so much it's unreal

>> No.28856277

I was too late on the limited edition merch

>> No.28856329

Read somewhere that her new outfit skirt is see through, can some anon investigate?

>> No.28856663
File: 1.16 MB, 738x1600, FYRPSpAUIAEbfVt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New swimsuit just dropped https://twitter.com/halllki/status/1550451685792706561

>> No.28857146

Don't forget

>> No.28857360

Limited edition sold out on holoshop in <1 minute. Fuck.

>> No.28857608

Luna finally forgave Matsuri, does it mean FestivaLuna soon?

>> No.28857732
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Faith unshaken.

>> No.28858268
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that will be me one day but for now I dogeza

>> No.28858302

based loyal anon

>> No.28858328

I am the white void.

>> No.28858794

Not really? Honestly it seems like a bugged shadow effect https://youtu.be/oFn0ZypcaM8?t=2449

>> No.28859183


>> No.28859200

Get in here

>> No.28859295
File: 48 KB, 480x480, HO1XYvW8B4qF8wTRza_ACQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new emote?

>> No.28859425

Her first time trending 1st on twitter huh. Good job matsurisu

>> No.28859706

she's been wanting to sing darling dance for a long time and spent a lot of time practicing the choreo

>> No.28859925

The choreo was really good

>> No.28860157

It’s the leftover from when she teamed up with Asumi and Hoshikawa

>> No.28860184

Did Matsuri just say Noel's tits looked like two onigiri with their idol outfits? Now I can't unsee it.

>> No.28860418
File: 73 KB, 656x587, 1658489702287902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh thats true, i forgot

>> No.28860564

Apparently kami no manimani had no choreography, it was basically all improv free dancing
I almost can't believe it, the dancing and chemistry between the three is so good. The holos really have become pro idols over the years.

>> No.28860667

It explains Polka at the end

>> No.28861005

kizuna ai...

>> No.28861131

She really wanted to hint about her new outfit but was able to keep it a surprise even from members

>> No.28861157

Fansa was added to the live setlist 2 days before the live

>> No.28861316

That really explains the day she took off. She was still working hard for us.

>> No.28861422

Her fansa is probably the best, it's the most soothing of all the ones I've heard.

>> No.28861633

It really suits her. During her lives she sings it a bit more cutely, but her cover really captures the emotion.

>> No.28861646

How long do I have to wait for some quality porn of the new outfit?

>> No.28861747

You could open Skeb and commission it in this very moment.

>> No.28862064

I need it as a koikatsu outfit, but we still haven't even gotten one of her 5th 2D...

>> No.28862750

I love my hardworking wife

>> No.28863827

Bye bye Matsuri

>> No.28865518
File: 2.45 MB, 1677x1999, 1656099423013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Matsuri

>> No.28866903

Great concert, all her solos were awesome.
Also the last minute decision to add Fansa in was fucking inspired, literally elevated it to Matsuri-tier.
Following songs were excellent too, really powerful ending.

>> No.28867269

She outdid herself today and it's all thanks to her hard work this year. I hope that she'll continue on the same path

>> No.28867750

It's nice that she was rewarded for it.

>> No.28869432
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>> No.28869759

I love her too much bros…

>> No.28871387
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>> No.28872375

Matsuri definitely has been having the vibes after her slump last year

>> No.28873238

I am genuinely falling in love with her all over again

I love her new outfit too

>> No.28875766

Busy Festival

>> No.28877205

She missed my drawing again... I wish I was more talented

>> No.28879105
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>> No.28880510
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>> No.28882539
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>> No.28882569

Today was a good day
Love Matsuri, simple as

>> No.28882814

Someone went out of their way to model the skindentation on her new outfit. God bless them.

>> No.28884024

Send it

>> No.28884210

I fucking love whoever worked her model that way.

>> No.28884296
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>> No.28886310

on her thighs AND hips. yum

>> No.28890011
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>> No.28892105

Matsuri would be 部長

Also I didn't even realize the symmetry of her birthdate when written y-m-d. Neat.

>> No.28893528

Please stop posting intimate pictures of me and my wife. Thanks.

>> No.28897184

This part was nice

>> No.28899935

One of the things Matsuri mentioned about that song was that she wanted to do a retake. She said something like 'sorry, I cried a little bit. can we do another take?' and management was like 'nope'. Matsurisu said management did well.

>> No.28904902
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>> No.28905560

spoonfeed on that anon, please.

>> No.28911279
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>> No.28917236

Working Festival

>> No.28923746

Amogus later?

>> No.28924777

Yep, with Fubuki, Lui, Ollie, Iofi, Zeta, Anya, Mori, Mumei, Kronii, and IRyS

>> No.28933813


>> No.28937824
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>> No.28939438

Fmhk posted a new Matsuri lineart it seems

Anyone can tell what it is? I’m guessing the new outfit(or I hope)

>> No.28944404

Just woke up, is Matsuri cute today?

>> No.28946070


>> No.28946251

She had work pretty early today right? 8AM? I wonder if she's helping out today with any other upcoming 3D lives.

>> No.28946440
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I am having Matsuri delusions

>> No.28947903
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What is it with Matsuri always nibbling on risu?
One day she'll bite an ear off by accident or something

>> No.28948619
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>> No.28948870
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Another day of loving Festival...

>> No.28950467
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>> No.28952428


>> No.28954529
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>> No.28955325


Frame @22

>> No.28956970
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>> No.28957904

I live Matsuri and Fubuki together

>> No.28958471

Between this, the FBK Rust interactions, and the Luna thing I've been really happy for her. I know it must mean a lot to her, having things on good terms.

>> No.28959955
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>> No.28961240


>> No.28962962


>> No.28964697

AmongUs soon

>> No.28965228

Not the most interesting lineup for me but I guess I'll give it a shot

>> No.28965591


>> No.28966121

Why are Matsuri and Fubuki even in this collab? They can’t speak English.

>> No.28966727

idk i suppose she might've joined this as a replacement for the collab they cancelled some time ago

>> No.28967048

evil matsuri...

>> No.28967196

She's just confused.

>> No.28967229

oh yeah i forgot the fbk spambots entering every collab frame

>> No.28967280

haven't watched Matsuri recently, are those zangs in chat?

>> No.28967310
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Would slowly lick and taste every inch of her body.

>> No.28967322

Damn, so many I think even lyger got overwhelmed lol. Thought he wasn't there but he deleted like one.

>> No.28967587

Yeah but they come from FBK bc she's in the collab

>> No.28967966

You’re a fucking genius

>> No.28968478

I cum FOR Fubuki, personally

>> No.28969067

That "I don't speak english" timing after the first meeting was incredibly cute

>> No.28969592

JP brahs, I will gladly take any advice on how to get Holo-JP ENG subs live, so I can join in on the real fun. I know, I'm an English only faggot, but I still want to get to experience the better talents of the Vtuber world.

>> No.28973843

The best parts of the stream was Matsuri looking confused everytime people started speaking english

>> No.28973960
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>> No.28975634

I don't understand why skindentation is so fucking hot.

>> No.28975671


>> No.28976442

She's playing with koyori

>> No.28977623

They really like Rust

>> No.28977727

afaik the "live subs" are some kind of browser extension or website that only filters out the comments tagged with [EN] or something where live TL fags do it in the comments
I don't know what it's called tho but someone else probably does
Also if you're planning to watch Matsuri with it then tough luck because l*ger drives off any potential live TLs with his faggotry so she has none

The best course of action is to just start learning nip if you ask me, but it's a several year project so it takes some time and dedication before you start understanding what the girls are saying

>> No.28977843
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It's so easy to learn japanese

>> No.28978406
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Why is she so sex?

>> No.28980594
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>> No.28980820

Me on the left.

>> No.28981262
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>> No.28982918
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2 frames for tomorrow
She's spoiling us too much lately

>> No.28983231

Nice. She also has the collab with Aki for Hololive Error

>> No.28983851

Oh yeah, that too
Actually now that I think about it, I wonder if she forgot about the collab or mistook the time for one of those frames. She'd get really busy if she planned to do all 3, especially with Rust dragging on for hours usually

>> No.28985195
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>> No.28987389
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>> No.28987774

Matsuri LOVE!

>> No.28988064

Yeah thought as much, she's already fixed the utawaku for monday
So Tomorrow is Rust and the horror game collab I guess? And utawaku on monday

>> No.28988544

Matsuri cute

>> No.28989022

So she didn't plan to take a break after her birthday live? Weird.

>> No.28992876
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>> No.28994536

Man, Matsuri was really cute in the amongus collab

>> No.28998735
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>> No.29001251

It was a nice thread

>> No.29006011

>bump limit
Good job everyone
