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28586635 No.28586635 [Reply] [Original]

So, I decided to make a thread about this since it appears her general is celebrating her 1.5mil subs and i don't want to talk about this in that thread. Let the nijii-fags have their fun with it.

I was curious about Salome since I hadn't caught her since her 1mil in 1 week event so i took a look at some of her streams, plus her translated clips and such and noticed a few things.

First of all she's absolute poison to clippers.
Salome is a 100% japanese thing, with legit zero international appeal. Some really good clippers have tried to get some traction going with forigners for Salome with legit zero interest generated. We're talking Sana/Anya levels of interest, frankly far worse, as atleast Sana can break 50k with her jpn clips, Salome rarely breaks 30k on any given english language clip...

Secondly I noticed whomever her manager is, knows the Youtube algorythem like a pro, she's got dozens of "shorts" to go with her full length VODs, now content creaters have been pointing out that in the current algorythem if you're not making shorts your channel just doesn't grow currently. Her shorts are all fucking viral as all heck too, with millions of views. Meaning the person making them for her is a legit pro; and so she's not sure "capturing" the algorithm she's riding it right now.

Her content is... well this is why I didn't want to post in her official thread, especially with a celebration going on... but her content is worst then derivitive. She's about as cynical a streamer as i've ever seen. She's fucking copied pekora's laugh and general streaming persona to a T, though instead of her silly sometimes bunny girl bit, she uses an oujo-sama bit that is... frankly it's cringe and lewd as all fuck... frankly I'm stunned pekora hasn't gone on hiatus in legit rage over it. I mean she's legit stolen pekora's whole bit apart from the accent.

What she hasn't stolen from pekora she's stollen from Marine, as she's lewd as all fuck, though her bit twists it a bit by saying lewd shit, constantly, without acknowledging it as lewd. as if she were some sort of dim whited oujo-sama saying lewd shit because she doesn't know it's lewd.

It's a tedious bit because the moment she gets a reaction from her fans for it, she'll drive the bit into the ground by just repeating it over and over and over again until no one really reacts anymore. I am loathed to compair her to Marine because marine is actually funny. I don't personally find Salome all that funny; however her stupidity does make for some solid "shorts" content, which is in general superior to her VODs as her derivative and blatantly stollen streaming persona is far worse in a full length vod then it is in her shorts.

Be ready for it, Salome will hit 3mil subs in the time it took gura to hit 2... and i'm pretty sure she'll overtake gura in under a year. She's manipulating the algorithm really aggressively. Of course that assumes there are enough JP onlys to break 4mil subs; I think there are.

>> No.28586669

/#/ leaking again

>> No.28586725


>> No.28586808

if she does reach 3mil, I'll hang herself and leak our sex tapes

>> No.28586883

Shitposting ingredients
>Stir and mix well, simmer for 2 hours.

>> No.28586965

Had me in the first half ngl

>> No.28586976

at this pace she'll do it by thanksgiving, whomever is managing her channel is legit exploiting the YouTube algorithm to the 9s. I know one of the biggest anti-bullshit lines about how gura got popular is she was exploiting the YouTube algorithm, and yes she got a bit of algorithm love, however it was nothing like what you see when you look at Salome's channel. she's hitting every single algorithm trick in the book as if she were some aggressive Russians channel with 100million subs with nonsense clickbait fake lifehack content.

>> No.28587053

I guarantee the doggystyle vid will bring her to 5

>> No.28587055

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Hyakumantenbara Salome. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of endoscopic medicine most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Salomes nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterization - her personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodanya Volya literature, for instanse. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Hyakumantenbara Salome truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Salomes existential catchphrase "Desu Wa" which itself is cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rikus genius unfolds itself on their computer monitors. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Hyakumantenbara Salome tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only. And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand

>> No.28587118

Wow calm down mate you look like you about to have a stroke.

>> No.28587343


dude, i am not actually upset about this. i just spent 4 hours watching her JP content, and frankly i found her tedious and scripted; someone is clearly writing some of her "live game stream" bits, she's not particularly all that naturally good a streamer, but she has some amazingly funny bits I think were written for her before her streams that will pop in at various parts.

I'd be surprised if she actually played these games and wasn't just commentating, reading a script of the playthroughs. because some of her content which had to be live due to the format is no where near as funny or even close to as entertaining as the stuff that could have been pre-recorded.

I've got a pretty good fake detector... and something about salome screams "consume product"

>> No.28587353

>5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand

ah I see, so its like a height thing then sensei?

>> No.28587355

Hey, just some advice on making bait. You should probably swap Peko and Marine's paragraphs to make it more believable, or better yet take out Marine and use another less popular member. Also you might want to use less or no eclipses at all. You also use the same vocab really repetitively sometimes, and put the punchlines at the end. Remove the part about celebrating 1.5m subs and just add in some dramabait instead, cut out the 2nd and 7th paragraphs about your own thoughts and you're golden.

>> No.28587535

>You should probably swap Peko and Marine's paragraphs to make it more believable
the fact you even wrote this says all i need to know about how much you actually watch salome. I just sat through 4 hours of her content, and she's definitely stolen pekora's streaming bit right down to swipping her laugh which is definitely more pekora then it is oujo-sama, and mixed it with marine's lewd.

>> No.28587555


>> No.28587565

This would make for good pasta but it runs on for too long. Workshop it a bit more. Keep at it OP

>> No.28587620

she doesn't make it overseas because her bit is stolen from better streamers.

>> No.28587675

I wasn't aiming for a copypasta.

>> No.28587734


>> No.28588056

No bro, the peko and marine copy bait stuff is great, but if you just slap on two of the hard hitters no one is going to believe you. You need to tack on another member that people don't regularly watch so they just take you at your word. You should move the last paragraph up first too so more people are incentivized to continue reading.

>> No.28590271

Does anyone know why she seems a bit isolated and different compared to other chuubas? I can't really explain it but everything about her kinda reminds me of 2017 vtubers where the character are molded through a team instead of one person

>> No.28591511

Didnt read lol
