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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28383700 No.28383700 [Reply] [Original]

>talent first management
I think you all know what she meant with this.

>> No.28383772

I actually don't it sounds like gibberish to me.

>> No.28383792

Lol what a two-faced bitch.

>> No.28383805

>Kson words

>> No.28383807

Meant she gets to sucks as much dick as she wants OP. Give me one culture where giving woman power and freedom amounted to anything.

>> No.28383833

Coco made no secret that management made life difficult for her in her zatsudans.

>> No.28383832

That she’ll say anything for money?

>> No.28383860
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you can't lol

>> No.28383877


>> No.28383884

she's not only jabbing at management here...

>> No.28383952


>> No.28383951

Did she bring in Nijisanji's former COO to suck his dick?

>> No.28384012

Did no one in VShojo have enough experience with typography to tell her that the font she was using looked horrible? It doesn't even give a retro vibe, just ugly.
(Unless that was her intention to leave some sort of lasting impression)

>> No.28384051

Ah.. excuse my autism.

>> No.28384068

My based sonvubitches

>> No.28384087

her computer is messed up, the entire stream was improvised complete with donated sounds that she was imitating
it was great.

>> No.28384128

Hololive management keeps shutting down the Holos' own projects, this hook is how Vshojo got her.

>> No.28384249


>> No.28384255

Being family with VShoujo is the equivalent of being family with a bunch of meth addicts.

>> No.28384355

This but unironically since I bet most of them at least do coke on the regular.

>> No.28384364

With all that emphasis on FAMILY you'd think she's meme-ing Vin Diesel

Or is she admitting that Hololive wasn't a family to her?

>> No.28384427

>barely knows them

>> No.28384431

Meth is for poor people.
They're at least classy enough for heroin.

>> No.28384452

kek truth

>> No.28384492


>> No.28384527

A real family says taiwan with you

>> No.28384549

She is essentially spitting in the face of the company that helped jump start her career in streaming not to mention anyone who is in it.
No wonder Kanata moved out.

>> No.28384598

Bunch of faggots sperging on kson because nobody worth a shit in hololive EN is streaming or being talked about by anybody worth a shit either seethe holokeks

>> No.28384629

In fact no, a real family pretends Pro China, suck all the chinese money, and have shabushabu together.

>> No.28384690

Despite the fact that cover goes out of their way to harass talent (Coco and Mel), have an incompetent management that basically makes Amelia the manager of EN, and is now throwing all of you faggots under the bus for the male vtuber market that nijisanji has a death grip on. And you guys still defend cover. You guys are such fucking idiots. defending a shit jap company run by retards and by the looks of this thread, for retards. Seethe

>> No.28384691

>voices in my head

>> No.28384762


>> No.28384829

Kek how many months untill they stab each other back?

>> No.28384830

> t.Vshitshow cuckold

>> No.28384920
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>> No.28384964

We need more like you around. These illogicals fucks will spin your words to suit their narrative. Chuds loves the corporations though.

>> No.28385095

I don't love corporations, I just hate vshojo.

>> No.28385192

Says the Holokek faggot who starts sperging out whenever girls mention males in streams kek

Fuck you and cope.

>> No.28385265

>anon frothing
>anon telling others to seethe after going on a rant
hehe, funny

>> No.28385321

Still the biggest and most popular Vtuber company, with the highest retention rate despite having more than 50+ talents. Cope and fucking seethe you asshat.

>> No.28385360

aw yeah, look at that seethe right there. anon lost like a little bitch boy

>> No.28385371
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>Fuck you
>and cope
These cucks are too much

>> No.28385391

There goes the faggots deflecting from the truth as I predicted minutes ago kek.

>> No.28385504

Rent free

>> No.28385565

For now, only a matter of time before more and more talent gets tired of retarded managers like omega who are only competent at writing failed creative writing drafts pulled out of DeviantArt

>> No.28385594

unless kson has been fucking around with the vshojo members for years, her whole FAMILY spiel comes off even more fake than the manufactured family hololive pushes on gen introductions
also... little did Kanata mean to her I guess

>> No.28385706

Has she even interacted with any vshojos outside Melody?

>> No.28385770

Ah yes, 2 more weeks, right?

>> No.28385859

Her debut can be summarised as this:

>> No.28385896

wtf does she even mean by family she barely knows these people?

>> No.28385902

>still indie btw
You still expect truth from that mouth?

>> No.28385981

More like a week before nazuna overtakes all of hololive lol

>> No.28386061

She fucked Melody. That's family for ya

>> No.28386099

>GFE is creepy unless we're the ones doing it

>> No.28386157

Cuckoldry is okay if we do it

>> No.28386189

I don't know why people are surprised she's having a dig at cover it was pretty clear to me she left with a decent grudge against the company

>> No.28386389

>Less viewers than HoloID debut
Yeah no

>> No.28386934
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Wonder how long until they force her to disavow public enemy number #1.

>> No.28387163


>> No.28387213

Sweet home Georgia? Close enough.

>> No.28387540

She seems to have no problem disavowing anyone so long as the money is good.

>> No.28389059

Good rule of thumb is that unless you've known someone and been close to said person for longer than a year, never trust anyone who throws around the word "family".
Anyone here who's worked in a corporate environment knows exactly what i'm talking about.

>> No.28389680

Family either means 'the family only' or 'if you don't do what management wants you're an outsider'

>> No.28389808

>not even trending on JP twitter

>> No.28389980

>tech support
>asking on her twitter about an orange light on her router.

>> No.28390143

>only a matter of time before more and more talent gets tired of retarded managers
You fuckers have been saying this for more than two years now.

>> No.28390322

Seeing others make that leap first is often encouraging to those less sure of themselves (this is not exclusive to vtubing, or are you really that much of a shut-in you don't notice this is how people operate all the time?). Having Covers' former star chuubas switch to VShojo (a foreign company, no less) may inspire others to feel ok about doing it.

>> No.28390457

two more weeks

>> No.28390619

Couldn't watch the stream, so, does she have a hand on managing the Japanese branch herself now like she always wanted to do or what?

>> No.28390709

she's free to do what she wants but she also wants to do stuff with other people (her choice)

>> No.28390789

I just assumed it meant not shoving a gag in her mouth and telling her to get shit on. Honestly can't blame her. Bureaucracies don't always have the best interests of an individual at heart, and a looser structure suits more independently minded people.

>> No.28390846

Coco said many, many times in zatsudans that management was being difficult for her.

>> No.28390868

I guess that's good enough.

>> No.28391072
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>linking your own tweets
>unapologetic siscon
>a huge faggot
Damn. This guy sure does seem like a real winner.

>> No.28391088

It's also for the naive to believe it and made to feel special and included.
The second you leave that company, they wouldn't lose a wink of sleep if you died tomorrow.

>> No.28391326

Good thing Mel and Kson have been close since 2020 then.

>> No.28391652

And the rest of VShojo?
Look, i'm not begrudging her. It's a good business move because she's going to make a lot more money out of this deal.
But let's not pretend this isn't mostly a business deal.

>> No.28392003

Just a word of warning bros, don't ever take a job where the interviewers describes the work place as a family.

>> No.28392316

I think that's most corporate workplaces nowadays, sadly.
And it usually always has the same results.

>> No.28393497

If you stand your ground and make it clear that this is all strictly business, then it's all good. They might use platitudes but as long as you're aware that they don't care about you, you have the upper hand.

>> No.28394186

It means there will be yabs galore in the first two months and then the branch will be closed.

>> No.28394263
File: 2.32 MB, 1280x720, Talent.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does talent first mean?
It means

>> No.28394991

Interactions on Twitter = family to western women

>> No.28395049

Like it or not she's making power moves in the industry that will leave both Hololive and Nijisanji in shambles due to the recent graduation exoduses.

>> No.28395108

Touch grass

>> No.28395276

retarded newfag. they fired the manager when they found out, they just didn't press charges which is what mel had to do on her own.

>> No.28395662

This isn't the own you think it is.

>> No.28395714

Oddly specific projection you've got there, friendo. Are you sure forced "family" shit in your precious corporations is any better?

>> No.28395760

>he doesn't know
Newfags PLEASE fucking leave. Kson has been VTubing since 2016 and has been a pioneer with steady viewership since.

>> No.28395820

So she is just a dumb traitor whore.

>> No.28395824

Not the own you think it is. Harassment is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Don't be surprised when Kson's incline is the end result of this.
VShojo is 100%

>> No.28395876

Considering that hee content became shit after she left they may have had a point.

>> No.28395879

It's happening too. Broke debut records for any Japanese VTuber in Hololive and was the top trending topic in Virtual YouTubers in Japan on Twitter. She's going to be VShojo's Salome with the dedicated fanbase.

>> No.28395928

Your first cope was beliving Hololive had GFE after they fired their only GFE talent and VShojo has way more GFE than Hololive ever had.

>> No.28396013

not him, and not defending corpos either, but vshojo already has a history of being retarded

>> No.28396019

Considering she completely ruined an entire branch they were probably right to crack down on her.

>> No.28396109

Why is her model so bad. Its borderline unwatchable with how blurry she is.

>> No.28396183

The one group that actually puts in work for its talents is far from being historically retarded and even if they made mistakes in the past, what does that tell you about what Hololive and Nijisanji are now?

>> No.28396187
File: 244 KB, 543x475, 1656548198764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit and cope CNfag

>> No.28396239

Better than anything Hololive or Nijisanji came out with in their existence.

>> No.28396244
File: 341 KB, 670x670, 1653794990398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her pc is having issues. her actual l2d is one of the best.

>> No.28396284

OK Zhang

>> No.28396326

Wrong newfag, they only fired her when they had their hand forced because they kept brushing it under the rug beforehand.

>> No.28396375

There are easier ways to says that you don't watch Hololive.

>> No.28396392


>> No.28396469

Pippa Pipkin's model singlehandedly mogs the entirety of both Hololive and Nijisanji.

>> No.28396529

>she completely ruined an entire branch
Chinese nationalists ruined the branch. Attacking someone else only harmed their own countrymen. I feel for the Chinese fans, and the talents who were caught up in it, but Coco did nothing wrong, and ultimately the bad actor were the online nationalists.

>> No.28396628

>they only fired her
opinion discarded

>> No.28396655

Doesn't change the fact that Ksons model looked terrible in that stream anon

>> No.28396735

>they fired the manager

>> No.28396861

ok its 6 AM alright

>> No.28397061

I've only somewhat kept up with vshojo after the nuxtaku fall out, but from what I gather, most of their content has just strictly gotten worse.
New model is bad + mental breakdowns
BF shit and drama with other streamers
her content has gotten so much worse, she's no longer an interesting entertainer, she is the vtuber equivalent of jimmy kimmel, in every way, an accessory to someone else
Still has nothing really interesting going on for her besides mmo streams
Doesn't fucking stream because it's just a joke
Still bland + terminally online virtue posting despite her 4chan past
Has long since given up on making good content, she has been phoning it in for awhile
Same as melody
I don't think anyone actually gives a shit about her anymore, all the clip channels that used to cover her stopped because her vids don't get views like they used to after the BF shit

Nazuna is the only one I am particularly interested in watching now, what she is capable of is way more interesting than any of the vshojo girls

>> No.28397093

>Better than anything Hololive or Nijisanji came out with in their existence.
Anon, that guy made like 10 3D model for Holos including Coco

>> No.28397146

>I'm a rich indie vtuber who has made tons of connections over the last like 10 years I've been active on the internet and can do literally whatever I want because I am my own boss and everyone likes me
>I should force myself into some random company, that's the only way I can possibly be free!
She's talked about creative freedom for over a year now and even still I have no idea what the hell she is talking about if this is the train of thought she really went through.

>> No.28397151

None of that reflects on the corporate retardation Hololive and Nijisanji has. I'm not reading any of the rest of your chudbabble.

>> No.28397214

>mental breakdowns
What a surprise.

>> No.28397333

HRT causes/strengthens mental instability
many such cases!

>> No.28397498

It isn't that hard, man. She wants the backing of a group without them owning her.

>> No.28397555

Stop bringing up corpos, I'm an indie guy, which is specifically why I dislike vshojo, they have done nothing but harm the indie community since their inception

What I was referring to is the fact that none of the vshojo girls content got better after they joined vshojo, it's only been worse

>> No.28397578

She also said that she knows where they're coming from so she's fine with it. In what company does management approve whatever comes to your mind? She does not want to deal with management anymore which is why she goes indie henceforth "creative difference".

I mean, Marine stuck around and managed to push through her swimsuits to be approved, she worked with management on the limit that can be shown for that. Koyori also basically took over Asacoco's segment. Management are not enemy, they're someone for you to work with and around.

>> No.28397720

In case you haven't noticed, she's charismatic and easily makes connections, but she's not exactly the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Her love for reddit "humor" is perfect evidence.

>> No.28397730

You're right but you have to admit that Coco's situation was way way different thanks to the zhangs. She basically was put in a straitjacket for her "own good," but that meant the death of her ability to stream, which is what she was there for in the first place.

>> No.28397745

but will rushia have the freedom to dox her mates?

>> No.28397786
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>ITT mald zhangs

>> No.28397798

Most of them doxxed themselves already, which is probably why they had no problem hiring her.

>> No.28397827

They advocate for the empowerment of indies and VShojo is a group of indies under the same tech and legal name, why are you seething so hard at the best of the best regarding indies?

>> No.28397911

you don't have to be Chinese to disagree with the actions she's been doing recently. Especially since it makes her seem kinda rude and dumb.

>> No.28397967

You're just mad she's truly living a libertarian lifestyle free of any influence whatsoever. She would have been revered so hard on this place 10 years ago. Tourists like you wouldn't keep up with this level of based.

>> No.28398116

amemiya nazuna chan has a bright future waiting for her, her past entity was the best.

>> No.28398229

>free of any influence
>instantly gets a funko pop and a shitty slutwear costume after joining vshojo

>> No.28398426

>they advocate for the empowerment of indies
Uhuh, that's why they added zero new indies to their line up since their inception, their applications were completely thrown in the trash, while they only nepotism hired kson and rushia, already established former corpo vtubers, all while they intentionally hid phishing scams from the public by someone using vshojo's name?

They haven't done a damn thing to protect, uplift or benefit the indie community besides creating a clique and keeping everyone else down.

>> No.28398835

First of all you're thinking of Rushia and second, the manager that harrassed Mel was a man.

>> No.28399245

You don't get it, you don't even try to understand or inform yourself, you just make assumptions, swimsuit outfit was in plans since January, but i get it, the audacity to reveal it in summer, preposterous!!

>> No.28399324

she charged $5 million for that kek

>> No.28399387

Dealing with suicide baiting and getting doxxed from 1 person is efficient. It wraps up multiple problems into 1 easy package.

>> No.28399386

Anon, It was 10gorillions

>> No.28399466

Don't forget said indies were either already in the top % of twitch chuubas or nepotism hires.

>> No.28399481

"Talent first" aka i get to be an even lazier bitch and whore myself out completely, such empowerment

>> No.28399526

Its not funko pop. Funko Pop still have more prestige. Its more of funko pop lookalike which from their lineup, I can see alot of youtubers are also there.

>> No.28399799

>Talent first managements
That's the second or third time I've heard this phrase being used from someone going to VShojo. Sounds like a corporate mantra that is used to shit on competitors.
I think those VShojo faggots are getting too cocky. They think they can leech on Holo/Niji then leave and be smug about it? No fucking way!

>> No.28400088

The thing about Hololive is that, she can just be there and she will still be relevant. Yes, she may become the accessory to Gen 4 in general, but she will still be very much relevant. Just do meme review once-a-week or twice-a-week, maybe release a song cover, or maybe take more dance practice so she can be better at 3D concert. I can take the thing about "she left because she do not want to bother others with her situation" alot more than "she left because she get bullied" especially when everyone else talked about trying to get her to stay and making special arrangement for her. I can swallow the story that she don't want to because her pride will not be able to take it.

>> No.28400209

Her entire schtick is being as much as a whore as possible. Of course management in holo intervened, the fuck? People act like she was above the standards we hold every other girl to because of the reddit dragon. But truth is she's a whore. That's it.

>> No.28400360

She's building gunpla and you're here seething.

>> No.28400398

Anon, she want to revolutionize the entire vtuber industry. Everyone self-manages and fight for themselves. Free from rules of mortal worlds

Or at least that's her shtick. She really likes her persona as rulebreaker and nothing is more rulebreaker than claiming as indie, while attached to a corpo.

>> No.28400734

Vshojo is a talent agency. Their chuubas arent employees, theyre business partners. Their association is contractual, their vtubers are, tehnically, independent - as in, they own their own character/chan els/avatars/etc. Its why you dont see Syd getting fired for never streaming, or Nyan or Vei getting chewed out for not streaming very much: theyre not employees. They cant make them do anything, theyre simply there to help them when they do stream.

>> No.28401356

Which is also why Vshojo are not invested in any single streamers. They don't even take income from streaming like superchat and other stuffs since they're not really paying for the models or any stream expenses too. They just take their cuts when they got merch deals or something like that.

For Kson, I can believe its "no Cons" at least for her. For Nazuna, this deal is probably more of "its better than starting from literal 0 while still hounded by antis"

>> No.28401438

Somebody post the Senator Coco speech. I forgot to save it.

>> No.28401450
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>He's still mad about her joining
Let it go, Zhang

>> No.28401521

>while still hounded by antis
All of the antis that tried shit in her debut stream got banned right away. Mods on Twitch are a godsend that will only protect her further. She has absolutely no cons as well.

>> No.28401666

only literal bugmen like vshojo so don't throw stones in a glass house

>> No.28401741

>Cannot exist without being a passive-aggressive backstabber
It's crazy how well she fits in her new company
I'm happy for her

>> No.28401750

We are Vtubers without corporation.
Our purpose defined by the era we live in.
We will sometimes have to lose some IP's rights
If listeners demand it, we will be Idol , gamer or whore.

And yes, We may all be headed straight to hell
But what better place for us than this?
It's our only home. Our heaven and our hell

This is VshojoJP

>> No.28401794
File: 317 KB, 450x250, congratulations.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

edgy, and cringe to that

>> No.28402010

watching tiktoks isnt a talent lmao

>> No.28402062

You guys are still shitting yourselfs? its been two weeks since the announcement

>> No.28402115

The debuts happened. Nazuna ended up being the top trend in Japan shortly after. Must suck living in denial.

>> No.28402203

>Nazuna ended up being the top trend in Japan shortly after
No need to lie.

>> No.28402211

That's why she's willing to abandon her Mikeneko's account.... that is literally just created few months ago complete with (donated) vtuber model debut.

The cons is that she will be using Twitch though, and she don't have gen-mates to bounce off to give a break from her usual material.

>> No.28402311

Nazuna is on 8.5k tweets from my side. The new HoloGra gains that same amount in like 2 hours.

>> No.28402315

Reminds me of how the WWE refers to itself as a family behind the scenes, yet has 0 problem throwing people out for petty business reasons

>> No.28402512

I wonder how many of them starting slacking after that multimillion dollar investment because they're now guaranteed to make bank no matter what. lol

>> No.28402531

And here I thought she's supposed to know.... Been working in actual corpo for 1 and half year. Same with her vagueposting after Kanata's moving announcement stream.

Its kinda taking me out of the immersion when she's throwing the word family or "Everyone let's have fun" to distract from the consequences of her own decision.

>> No.28402559

She seems to break those connections as easily as she can make them.

>> No.28402663

Coco = The Boss
Kson = Venom Boss
Nasuna = Ocelet
VshojoJP = The Outer Heaven

Nice job anon

>> No.28402705

That anon is just coping, Nazuna was not even trending on JP twitter.

>> No.28402981

Well, if we're to believe that they're really not a corporation the talents would get exactly 0 of that money.

>> No.28403143

Is the Creative Freedom she's trying to get during her days in Cover, gunpla building?
Ever since she went indie I only see her do gunpla and do regular chatting stream. Nothing of value.

>> No.28403169

You can't seriously believe the early members of vshojo don't have equity in the company, right?

The funny part is that this being the case under the surface just means that the moment early members start feeling like their money is at risk, they'll drop the talent freedom line as fast as possible

>> No.28403311

Don't forget ARK and react streams on twitch.

>> No.28403604

She can do bath-tub stream now as kson (Indie) @ Vshojo instead of just kson. Vtuber doing bath-tub stream, totally rule-breaking!

>> No.28403771

Matsuri, Haachama and Gura have all done bathtubs streams.
So no, what else she got?

>> No.28404079

>They advocate for the empowerment of indies and VShojo is a group of indies under the same tech and legal name, why are you seething so hard at the best of the best regarding indies?
Yeah alright, I'm convinced. There are paid vshojo shills on this board. I don't believe anyone would write this corpo speech bullshit with a straight face after the only thing Vshojo did for indies was dox them and then throw their applications in the trash.
Every single fucking member of vshojo is either a nepotism hire or was fucking huge when they got hired.

>> No.28404199

post the cover.txt

>> No.28404535

nuxoid detected

>> No.28404764

Damn that's a lot of talent

>> No.28405745

It means that as soon as any troubles arise talent is gonna be the first to deal with it while management is counting money.

>> No.28405937

Creative freedom also includes shilling merch as much as humanly possible since it's the only way for the company to make money. By the way does talent freedom include the freedom to not sell merch at all?

>> No.28406033

Creative freedom means coping as much as the other company as much as possible while bringing nothing worthwhile to the table

>> No.28406341

Creative freedom means whoring out more than actual prostitutes

>> No.28408253

>wdym I can't talk about drug use or show kanata necking herself on stream
>muh freedoms ree

>> No.28408379

They might have had a point

>> No.28408896

with notrushia there that will happen in weeks

>> No.28409291

I don't remember Holos pushes le toretto's catchphrase as a slogan At least not so blatantly like Kekson is doing

>> No.28409469
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Fucking when will vtuber companies hire me for sex first management

>> No.28411594
File: 15 KB, 3264x418, 1632848329186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came in this thread looking for some semblance of a discussion

I only got literal ESL rambling seething and screeching

Thanks I guess

>> No.28412176

Cover intern need a raise anon. Gove them a chance to post here. Think about their family.

>> No.28412200

Your fault for even looking for discussion in what's clearly bait thread.

At least go to r/virtualyoutuber

>> No.28414146

you forgot the meme reviews!

>> No.28414416

>Made a point to fight management whenever possible, always made a big deal about it
>Whenever she got bored of doing a project and stopped, it was managements fault
>After she's freed from management, doesn't do any projects that are nearly as interesting, doesn't bring back any of her abandoned projects
>Claims to love freedom. Immediately runs to be under the boot of the next corporation that will take her.

>> No.28414647
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, frpekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seethe EOP

>> No.28414843

lmao positive thinker

>> No.28414907

Mouse, and she met a bunch of them at AX.

>> No.28415612

>what is an archived thread

>> No.28417357

Sound like german propaganda in the 30s

>> No.28417507

Guys bad news, 10 hours after the debut akirose, haachama, roboco, polka, laplus and holostars are still following vshojo on twitter.

>> No.28417618

Why shouldn't they?
Schizos /here/ aside, I doubt Hololive carry any sort of major grudge against VShojo (or care that much about them, for that matter). Hololive and Niji have much longer history with, and competing against each other, yet both companies are still in okay terms. Why should it be different between Hololive and VShojo?

>> No.28418065

What people don't realize is that Coco was a vwhorejo type from the start. Cover was the only thing keeping her in check. In a way the bugmen unhooked her shackles.

>> No.28418117

schizo AND newfag. a brutal combination.

>> No.28418219

So what does vshojo do for them exactly? Do they just do the networking for them and take a cut of their money?

>> No.28418257 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 1362x788, 1639285619562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait, is that a MALE in my heckin' VTuber collab? *THROWS MONITOR* God I fucking hate MALES! Fuck MALES, fuck BFE, heil GFE, and heil Yuribait!
> Wait, mentioning a MALE on my heckin GFE KINO COMFY Minecraft stream?!! *PUNCHES monitor* who these WHORES think i am?!! i just donated FUCKING 100$ this YEAR!
> Wait, this WHORE didn't stream today... *smashes keyboard* DOESN'T she have ANY FEELINGS? SHE'S my VIRTUAL GIRLFRIEND! NOW I'M FUCKING LONELY

>> No.28418339

The merch and event stuff

>> No.28418417
File: 1.46 MB, 900x900, 165806544813125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of you watch Vshojo you are just holoantis with acres of rent free space in your head
>You are either chinese, women, or twitter user and have never read a book in your life
>Nothing you say will ever have any value or relevance you are in the grips of ideology
>Despite your nonsense being funded and pushed by an international clique no one will actually care to watch it, proved by Rushia being the only popular thing in Vshojo currently

>> No.28418503

>Be free
>Only if you're already a big vtuber though lol see our auditions section

>> No.28419031

Management is what makes or breaks a vtuber. Granted Cover's management is mostly retarded but Coco's whole character was boasting about going against the grain and she was aware it wasn't sustainable. Add to this the absolute retardation when it came to dealing with chinks and you have someone who justifiably hates the company that's mismanaging her. It's not hard to lose all motivation in these conditions. This is most likely the reason why she's buying the "talent freedom" marketing shit wholesale without realizing her absolutely unique circumstances.

Talent freedom is pointless for actual indies who are struggling to survive, what they need is control, management, people who know how to make a star out of them, how to direct them, tell them what deals to take and broker those deals for them, give them analytics and strategy, get collabs, prevent them from being stupid. Kson doesn't need any of that anymore, she already has all the benefits while being fully free. What she wants isn't creative freedom but a place to belong, a company.

>> No.28419087

Kson's content was better when working under tight constraints as Coco. She is just boring on her own. Vshojo might be good for her eventually but she doesn't have the same kind of appeal as being the vulgar one when literally everyone in the company is a whore.

>> No.28419157

Something no one reads

Fat retard

>> No.28419253

Did she really peak at 53k? That's less than nijiguys that just debuted.

>> No.28419405

more like talent retirement home

>> No.28419561
File: 405 KB, 970x1256, talent freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that "talent freedom" is a joke in itself and is just being used to deflect management from talent getting away with yabs and other controversial shit.


>Be free.
Sell your soul to Gunrun and Mowtendoo.
>Make the content you want to make.
More like be stuck with group collabs and constant react streams.
>Have fun.
Like other agencies weren't allowing that.
>Make friends with whoever you want.
Until you phase out your previous group for vshojo approved orbiters and anitubers.
>Play whatever you want.
kson could play ARK all year long, she didn't need them.
>Build your community and keep it, forever.
Until you menhera due to antis and vshojo can't deal with the bugs.
Talent freedom until the venture capitalists who threw $15 mil at them start yelling the orders.

>> No.28419652

2 weeks of seething holy shit holobronies! Lets get to 3!

>> No.28419746

Man that debut looks sloppy. Typical vshojo am I right?

I feel bad for her room mate. Thrown out the house so she could play with veibae and NotRushia.

>> No.28419793

and she was raided too

>> No.28419812

When are they signing up Lulu so the nijis can get worked up too?

>> No.28419854

unironically I can see Flare laughing at this

>> No.28419971

More like nuclear waste grounds for unwanted vtubers.

>> No.28420069

Lulu is at a pretty good place right now and hopefully isn't stupid enough to sign up with another company now that she has actual freedom to go at her own pace.

>> No.28420122

She's been good friends with them for a while, in fact Vshojo + their circle (trash taste) has helped her setting up some shit before.

Not like the schizos here would even know.

>> No.28420238

Well people said the same for kson and she fell for the melody clique meme regardless. The fact they signed a former niji exec does make me wonder if they'll put feelers out to her.

>> No.28420253

>and she was raided too
Jesus wept

>> No.28420357

Nazuna probably made more money out of her stream than Pekora lol

>> No.28420809


>> No.28421085

I agree on the subject that the real chink fans (I'd include Yoghurt and Spade) deserved none of this but that statement you just gave was peak apologist behavior, Jesus.

>> No.28421194

>No you can't show your gonorrhea-infested vagina on stream

>> No.28421976

Ogey artifag

>> No.28422022

> this guy lack critical information

>> No.28422321

>people said the same for kson
Kson has absolutely nothing going on for her aside from vtubing.

>> No.28425925

It's also true. Nationalism is a fucking cancer everywhere. Chinese is just one flavor of it.

>> No.28427010

Jesus that looks exactly like a pyramid scheme shill

>> No.28427253

lol imagine being Captain Save A Ho in current year.

>> No.28428021

Reddit's that way bro

>> No.28429253

>Cover sides with her and kills off a whole branch for her
>Complains about being on a tighter leesh
>Was still the most gratuitously vulgar holo by a country mile
Cover, China and Coco were all pretty shitty, but in defence of Cover, it feels like they were keeping her from going full on vshojo and twitch whore with her content, because she was already skirting the line in Hololive. And when she left and became an indie again you could have said she was an honorary vshojo and I would have believed you.

>> No.28429425

so easy to spot you guys lol

>> No.28429462
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, 1633603780903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holo won't let you collab with anyone but themselves
>meanwhile in reality

>> No.28429669

Call me a chink, bug, ccp freak if you want. If you want to be more accurate you could call me a nigger. None of that changes facts, though.

>> No.28429827

They were clearly right to considering her content went to shit when she became fully independent.

>> No.28430220

When projects or x/y/z/ gets shot down we only hear one side of the story, I'm not being a bootlicker but I wouldn't trust most of the Holo members to do risk control or think of the bigger picture when it comes to certain things, Like the RUST streamer server for example, Lap and Towa wanted to play it but management NG'd it, a week later Nijisanji and VSPO apologize because someone said something and someone laughed with it, If a Holo member was the person laughing it would be a fucking massive fire because the more popular the more antis.

Are the suits upstairs too tight or too scared? Yeah they probably are but it doesn't take much to get a fucking hate train riding on Holo, e.g BL in the fridge, Lamy cleaner joke, Suisei telling anti's to kill themselves for upsetting Towa, You get the picture.

>> No.28430275

based coco shitting on holotrash

>> No.28431298

>it feels like they were keeping her from going full on vshojo and twitch whore with her content
Just change twich to NicoNico, whore content has always been before and after coco.
Even the Japanese have a name equivalent to "twich whore" for holo members.
Here is a fact

>> No.28432355

Is zen a Troon or I'd assume since the text to speech

>> No.28432488

Held at gun point to say that to hide the fact of the many mismanagement that vshojo has done.

>> No.28432781

It means
>i'm under an NDA and everything I've said about hololive is a lie
So tatsus shill a liar one way or the other. She belongs in vshojo.

>> No.28432962

Cover is careless when it comes to the situations they never experienced but careful with those they have. Hololive faces much dire consequences for everything they do than all the other streamers. There's a point where talent safety has to be considered at every step over everything else, even if it comes from the point of a company protecting their assets. We also assume so much about how talents feel about certain things. Just look at Holocaust's consequences. Or lack of them.

>> No.28433078

nothing says "talent safety" like blaming the talent for everything and painting them as some sort of villain

>> No.28433154

>Hololive faces much dire consequences for everything they do than all the other streamers.
Exactly that's why they're scared or tend to shoot things down because because they don't want to venture into the unknown.

>> No.28433239

When did they do that?

>> No.28433851

>Suisei telling anti's to kill themselves for upsetting Towa
This never happened. What the hell are you smoking?

>> No.28433945

Hololive is a black company

>> No.28433946

Watch streams before you fucking speak to me you imbecile.
Yes it did happen.

>> No.28434312

Kson is the Dan Price of VTubing. Claims to have everything for both the people and and supporters in a faux generous demeanor, in reality is loaded with cash and could care less about their grift behind the scenes, are irredeemable human beings outside it all.

>> No.28434917

...so it never happened.
If you've had enough suffering from schizophrenia you can just go ahead and take a cyanide pill, nobody but your imaginary friends will miss you.

>> No.28435097

I'm not going to spoonfeed your lazy ass, go do your own research you oxygen thief.

>> No.28435695

WOW she's a good fit for vshojo, congrats to her

>> No.28435909

>I don't see it and talk out of my ass.
Most of the anons in this thread

>> No.28436714

Look at him, he's marketing for zero compensation

>> No.28436883

>do your own research!
>I'm not going to spoonfeed you!
Classic shitposter. The burden of proof isn't on me, I don't have to believe you, give me reasons to do it.

>> No.28437062

I don't need to convince you, I've seen it with my own eyes.
Couldn't give a toss what some nonce says otherwise.

>> No.28437524


reminder that any job that says they're a family expects you to do shit for free

>> No.28438170

Why are you using a hololive talent to defend a hololive anti like coco?

>> No.28438673
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 1621985292970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talent FREEDOM
>Still just playing ark, minecraft and doing meme reviews
She gave up being the most superchatted person on youtube for this.

>> No.28442078


>> No.28447181

she nnuts

>> No.28447440

hololive made her rich and famous and now she's being petty about it.

>> No.28447581

Cover got too big so they hired 50-year old bugmen in suits to run the company, which is what happens with every company.

>> No.28447651

why does her model look so blurry

>> No.28447958


>> No.28449159

Talent freedom means she can ask someone for a collab and if they say yes then they set a date. No middle man required. She talked about setting up a collab with Mel in Japan during her debut last night where they'll build Gunpla together and Mel accepted on the spot so you know it's going to happen instead of hoping and praying that a manager is going to be okay with it.

>> No.28449472

holos can do that with their RM just look Mori
you need better cope

>> No.28450638


>> No.28456920

So when Mori and Ironmouse first wanted to collab it took 3 months to happen because a goblin told them to wait and it wasn't because of management?

>> No.28457356

>and Mel accepted on the spot
So it didn't need to go through a manager even though you imply that in Hololive it has to? Weird self-own but okay.

>> No.28459610

I meant the actual relevant Mel, Projekt Melody.

>> No.28459968

Do your reps. Melody's roommate practically looks like a crack whore, just slightly better fed.

>> No.28460796 [DELETED] 

Imagine throwing away your career in a big corpo losing half your fanbase just so you could have creative freedom only to turn around and join a different corpo...why are women retarded like this?

>> No.28460993

Coco has no money issues, now she's happier with no shit management shooting her ideas down.

>> No.28461452

> She not put in banishment room by Cover's upper management anymore

>> No.28461478 [DELETED] 

And? Why bother joining a corpo then? Also you do understand that one of the perks of being in a corpo is to basically have an easier time getting sponsorships I don't think you faggots truly understand how far money actually goes before it runs the fuck out inflation happened pretty much everywhere my guy and a 30% tax + whatever YouTube takes does not pad those old holo dollars out

>> No.28462259

Kson has sponser stream all time.
And you are faggot who never watch Kson and talk shit to her.


>> No.28462688 [DELETED] 

You are god damn right I don't watch talentless whores glad we cleared that up retard now go eat some more lead paint or huff model glue or something.

>> No.28462774

Vshojo is Vtuber Service Provider Company and faggot like you can't understand from joint-venture and corporation.

Are you NEET?

>> No.28463080

I accept your surrender

>> No.28463309


>> No.28463785

Can you post this again but in English?

>> No.28464072

>is to basically have an easier time getting sponsorships
I'm pretty sure that hololive doesn't pay their talents for sponsored streams, and for merch.
You sign up to to be a vtuber and you make 100x more money than a regular salaryman just from superchats (even when 30% is taken by youtube and another 30% is taken by hololive), you aren't in a place to be greedy considering the fact that hololive uses that money to prop up the profit margins to help rally up more investors in cover.
Pretty sure most of the money cover spends is probably for new models, songs, staff (dance, singing instructors) and office renting (I know there are some individuals who spend out of their own wallet to pay for their own models or songs, and hololive seems to only give songs to only recently debuted vtubers).

>> No.28464151

> can't counter his's point
> attack English's skill instead.

Such a loser

>> No.28464331

Source for op's pic? What stream did she say that?

>> No.28464387

You forget Hologacha game

>> No.28464480
File: 64 KB, 828x452, 1590606451811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But not as much of a loser as kson. Never as much as her.

>> No.28464523

Not OP
Re-Debut live in Twitch yesterday

>> No.28464649

It's not you to decide.


>> No.28465022

Seething now? Kusa

>> No.28465141

actually hololive is a private company, so I guess it's possible they are more reasonable.

>> No.28465359

>her pc is having issues
Vshojo sis our godlike tier support and tech.....

>> No.28465460 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded they literally are a corpo you do understand what a corpo is right? Maybe you need to learn some basic definition on shit before pretending like you know anything

>> No.28465485

imagine how strong her former company would be now if they didn't fire the #1 and #2 earners.

>> No.28465531

No reason to seeing how the only ones who defend kson here are ESLs who can't even form a proper sentence.

>> No.28465816

I mean most of the countries that do limit women’s freedom tend to be shitholes so I don’t know if this is the best argument.

>> No.28465861 [DELETED] 

What surrender retard? There was nothing to consed I don't watch talentless whores its not an argument but a statement of fact what are you illiterate?, fucking stupid? Or just so socially inept that you don't understand how to even start an argument? Is this really what Vshojo fans are like or is this Kson fans

>> No.28465900

No wonder kanata left what a bitch

>> No.28466233

Getting rid of tumors spoiling the whole brand is more important than passing profit. Meanwhile kson's whole life is still revolving around the fact that she was once in Hololive. Hololive survives without her just fine but she can't survive without it because she's not special without it. You can't name three things that make her stand out from the crowd of mediocrity without bringing up Hololive in some form. In the end her graduation did infinitely more damage to her than it did to Cover.

>> No.28466308
File: 160 KB, 1200x1200, 95BACEC1-2BE1-4048-B141-05A1DA227927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@ hololive management

>> No.28466397 [DELETED] 

My understanding on merch was that production came out of the talents pockets and they basically had to recoup and make a profit off sales with the only support cover offering was through distribution and manufacturing channels but this is all third hand from an old stream translation which could have been 100% fucking wrong

>> No.28466409

people are still talking about this old drama?

>> No.28466759

Holy ESL chama

>> No.28467356

she's the best EN vtuber they ever had, for starters

>> No.28467989

>calling girls tumors because of your deep love of a capitalist corporation
the things 4chan does to people

>> No.28468826

And nobody knew or cared untill.she became coco. And after she deopped coco few cared for a year. Unless she creates drama, nobody cares about her.

>> No.28468882
File: 327 KB, 467x374, 1644622347933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even the Japanese have a name equivalent to "twitch whore" for holo members.
what is that?

>> No.28469040

collabs, merch, sponsorships, back office generally, idk about JPs tho, maybe they actually have managers

>> No.28474783

> can't counter his point
> never watch and just only schizo from your head.
