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28304975 No.28304975 [Reply] [Original]

>Joins Vshojo JP
>They hire an idol producer
I told you she'd heal Vshojo

>> No.28305027
File: 113 KB, 320x320, 1657897496014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*unwhore vshojo*

>> No.28305036

That's like trying to teach fish how to life on land. Impossible.

>> No.28305084

Nigga we literally evolved from fish

>> No.28305202

The entire reason she wanted to destroy hololive was because Cover wouldn't cancel the 3rd gen live concert when her cat died.
She hates doing idol shit.

>> No.28305243

I hope the weather is nice over there in Jakarta

>> No.28305302

She was literally crying about having to go to practice after her cat died in her messages to korekore, schizo.

>> No.28305375

And it took how many years?
I don't think we have so much time to wait for vwhores to evolve.

>> No.28305453

>believing in Darwinian evolution
nigga are you for real

>> No.28305476

>if I double down on my fiction I will surely convince people

>> No.28305502

Oh so you're back to "everything korekore showed is fake"?

>> No.28305517

Yeah we were made out of clay what the fuck is this nigga on about

>> No.28305530 [DELETED] 

Heals?? You actually meant destroy right

>> No.28305552

>korekore showed
maybe when you post things actually said in what he showed you'll sound like a reasonable person

>> No.28305577

Actually I misremembered things. It wasn't messages to korekore, it was literally something she tweeted in March but you still act like it never happened.
Why do you not believe what she literally told you on twitter?

>> No.28305678

she never tweeted what you said lmao
damn schizo

>> No.28305978

She did tweet it but you're a pleb who didn't get to follow her first sub account.

>> No.28306389

who ?

>> No.28306530

>She did tweet it but you're a pleb who didn't get to follow her first sub account.
I was the first English speaker tonget accepted in her first sub account, and the 21st follower(she stopped accepting more after she accepted me)
She also accepted my sub account sonfor a while I was like 10% of the followers lmao
No, she didn't tweet anything like that. Fuck off, schizo

>> No.28306539

God just shut the fuck up already and stay in your containment thread.

>> No.28306605

She did tweet it and bunkerfags had a meltdown when it was leaked.
I see you're running the same line they did back then in denying in ever happened.

>> No.28306669

Post the tweet then anonchama

>> No.28307043

Why would I have a deleted tweet that was reposted on litter?

>> No.28307385

>christian detected
opinion discarded

>> No.28307508

>reposted on litter?
Ahahahahaha the state of newfag EOP antis and their bunker boogeyman. We didn't post screencaps of those tweets. And by "we", I mean "me", because for a while I was the only person whoncould share them with the rest of the bunker. Kill yourself immediately

>> No.28307612

How were people talking about her saying things that were legally out of line if she never did any of that?

>> No.28307709

All I said was that she never said anything that could be construed as her hating idol activities.

>> No.28308025

So you don't deny her talking about hating that she had to practice while her cat was dying.

>> No.28308149

What, yes I DO deny that, she never even fucking talked about the concert on that account even fucking once.

>> No.28308163

So vshojo is a idol company now.
An idol company founded on a bootleg Coco and a bootleg Kanata
So, Vshojo will be a bootleg Cover.
Is this the power of "creative freedom"?

>> No.28308219

She talked about having to work while her cat was dying and the only thing that happened at that time was the concert practice.

>> No.28308463

Funny how the goalposts moved from "she hates idol activities" to "she was upset about not getting time off when her cat died". May I suggest you be a schizo somewhere else?

>> No.28308513

>She talked about having to work while her cat was dying and the only thing that happened at that time was the concert practice.
I just looked through my logs of all of her tweets on that account just to be extra sure and the only time she mentions her cat is an entirely unrelated context.

>> No.28308517

The goalposts didn't move. The only way for her to get what she wanted would mean the concert would have to be cancelled.

>> No.28308622

Sounds more like she hates the idea of being forced to work rather than idol activities specifically, assuming that's even true

>> No.28308648

Wow SEA Retardation is next level.

>> No.28308681

Why are you so racist? That's against the rules.

>> No.28308680

Unless you think that she'll have a dying cat every time she goes to do idol activities, your point is already moot.

>> No.28308754

How's the discord plan to bump these trash threads going nijisisters?

>> No.28308799

Dying cat is just one of the many things that made her hate hololive.

>> No.28308922

If you're going to lie anyway I don't get why you go for something as retarded as "she said that she was too grief struck to perform on stage because her childhood pet passed away and therefore she hates idol activities"
It's not just a lie, it's also a retarded one

>> No.28308999

She loved being an idol and even called herself one as Mikeneko both before the controversy AND in her last twitcast and her dad was super lroud of it and it made her happy, go fuck yourself anti-idol schizo my wife loves being an idol

>> No.28309026

Yet she tried to destroy Hololive.

>> No.28309265

see >>28305243

>> No.28309355

She was spreading false rumors since November in an attempt to damage the group.

>> No.28309447

>in an attempt to damage the group.
see >>28305243

>> No.28309676

Oh she ONLY wanted to get back at her manager. That makes it ok to say unnamed people at the company were horrible to her.

>> No.28309800
File: 24 KB, 698x433, For you schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be rather hot today. Make sure you wear your suncream when you go outside, anon.

>> No.28309833

Nothing will satisfy your shriveled like hate boner anti-kun just fucking neck yourself already you've harassed a mentally ill troubled girl for half a fucking year

>> No.28309841

What's with the racism?

>> No.28309886

>you've harassed a mentally ill troubled girl for half a fucking year
Hololive did that for two years. I say they deserve to burn.

>> No.28309982

imao, imagine thinking vsluts is actually going to go the idol route just because they hired a former manager. you can't put the genie back in the lamp.

>> No.28310002

stop being brown

>> No.28310056

Neck yourself Marineschizo, my oshi wife wants to be an idol.

>> No.28310078

She will be an idol and she will take down hololive.

>> No.28310143

Nobody cares, go back to /jp/

>> No.28310183

I don't know if you noticed it yet but your new Vshojo friends all hate hololive and this idol manager hire feeds into that.

>> No.28310242

nigga you dumb af believing that stupid shit is real. ask some real questions to those retards such as how were male and females created and be ready to laugh your ass off as they try to bs with their pathetic answers.

Too soon for that. For all we know vhshoujo probably wants to produce more covers for their JP talents and bring in more of that audience.

>> No.28310329

Vshojo JP will be idols.

>> No.28310332

see >>28305243

>> No.28310628

brown and black wear sunscreen too idiot. just not as frequent.

>> No.28314247 [DELETED] 

I live vshojo now
