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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28231717 No.28231717 [Reply] [Original]

who has the better voice?

>> No.28231967

Kiryu coco

>> No.28232031

i dont watch either but Zeta easily
Fauna's voice filters me theres just something weird about it

>> No.28232699

Zeta sounds natural while Fauna forces it. Easy

>> No.28232749

Fauna is a real voice and the Indonesian girl is phoning it in

>> No.28232863

seethe and cope more enshart

>> No.28233021

I don't care what you say.
It can be directly compared to eachother.
It sounds like she's doing an impression of Fauna and things like her laugh come across as fake.

>> No.28235390

I don't care both voices are pure sex

>> No.28235583

shut up , you inferior westoid, YWNBJ .
in other hand we sea (not the niggers one) have the closest resemblance to japanese since we are direct descendant of japanese blood during the occupation of ww2

>> No.28235623

obviously fauna

>> No.28235633

I want to make a Japanese woman Scottish.

>> No.28235804
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Zeta, Faunas sounds patronizing for some reason, it's still cute though.

>> No.28235844

i'd go with zeta only because fauna's accent is really weird. she enunciates. every. single. consonant.
and she hangs onto her S's for way too long which really filters me.
sucks, because otherwise fauna's asmr's would be amazing if she didn't talk like that. zeta doesn't have that weird accent, and i don't really hear her accent as ID, it's just overall soft. so i'd go with zeta between the two.

>> No.28236308

Reps, it's the opposite, we know how Fauna's real voice sounds like, she literally said she doesn't like having to do the anime girl voice all the time.

>> No.28236417


>> No.28236519

holy crap this is some extreme coping right here

>> No.28236882

Imagine bragging about being routinely raped.

>> No.28237957

grey cat sounds like pink cat

>> No.28239906

Who pink cat???

>> No.28239963

>t.coping retard
