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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28222549 No.28222549 [Reply] [Original]

>no access to the EN/JP Minecraft server, because they won't put males together with their JP idols. Will create a server from scratch
>different discord server, since they're part of Holostars Holopro, not Hololive
>different managers, focused on help them milk female viewers
>no open VC with the girls, they can't join the girls' streams randomly
>the EN girls can choose if they want to do collabs with them or not, and they'll all be formal collabs scheduled days before
>in general, they're not linked to the girls in any way, exactly the same as Holostars JP (hence HOLOSTARS EN)
You can try and grudgepost me later, I know I'm right.
Hololive cares about its image.

>> No.28222593

>your stage of grief is: bargaining

>> No.28222627

statistically at least some of this is true

>> No.28222651

they've been in discord with your oshi for months, give it up

>> No.28222695

Kiara will kill the rrat that they're in the same discord by tomorrow
Give it up

>> No.28222719

This will be a true scenario I believe

>> No.28222724

>huge influx of English-speaking femoid fans
>um, idol culture is problematic, Cover should do better
etc etc etc. I can already see it. It's fucking over.

>> No.28222785

>twitter trannies bombing every tweet demanding collabs with the poor boys to help them
they'll crack even they don't want to

>> No.28222819

Cover doesn't care about the purity of EN, English fans don't care either.

>> No.28222834

I feel like they'll be more of a bro than a fag

>> No.28222838


>> No.28222844

lol lmao it's fucking over
They will collab with Myth according to contractual obligations
Their numbers will suffer and spark a Myth civil war (Mori/Ame pro-homo, Ina/Gura anti-homo, and Kiara pretending to be an idol while flirting)
Eventually Gura will sue Cover due to the financial damage from contractual collapse
This will be the final yab that destroys Hololive

>> No.28222873

Based, I hope they join the Stars Minecraft server and the Stars Discord and the Stars inner circle. I want them to be Holostars, not Hololive EN's little sidekick boys.

>> No.28222882

If they didn't care, cover would put them in the hololiveEN branch
Instead they put them in the Holostars branch

>> No.28222901


>> No.28222912

Based chimken leaking us the important deets.

>> No.28222960

>he actually thinks they'll do shit like this
nobody tell him about Oga and FBK

>> No.28222964


>> No.28222994

I fully expect this is how it's going to work as that's exactly how Holostars already works. Except maybe the part about milking female viewers.

>> No.28223015


>> No.28223111
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Wrong, they will collab with foobs, towa and matuli

>> No.28223149

>nobody tell him about Oga and FBK
>the EN girls can choose if they want to do collabs with them or not, and they'll all be formal collabs scheduled days before

>> No.28223210

top kek

>> No.28223244

HoloTempus will eventually collab with HoloEN girls. If they try to resist by not collab for several months, YAGOO will be pressured to let the collab happen. There's a precedence for this.

Risu and Iofi collab'ed several times with Holostars boys. It's hailed by normies in both EN and ID as "owning the incel / idolfag". Also, the unicorns in EN and ID aren't as rabid as JP. The anti-incel propaganda is strong here.

Every attempt to restrict HoloTempus - HoloEN collaboration will backfire and further degrade COVER reputation after several graduations.

>> No.28223257

Seems correct
Nothing to worry about HOLOCHADS

>> No.28223364

This, only /vt/ is seething.

>> No.28223413
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Your oshis WILL collab with the males and you're gonna LOVE it.

>> No.28223438
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The second one with the kemonomimi looks like sex, and I will jack my cock off to him everyday and you can't stop me.

>> No.28223629
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Personally I don’t give a shit. I just won’t watch those streams. I’ll just wait for En3 to drop instead.

>> No.28223640

Yeah but there are still jps who watch them and I can lie to them about what is being said.

>> No.28223729

I don't believe any of this, nor does it matter. Outside of their professional activities, they're still in proximity to the holos and can presumably communicate on their own time.

>> No.28223768

The JPs that watch them are unlikely to care. JPs know western women are sluts and don't hold them to the same standards, it's probably part of the appeal for them

>> No.28223769

>Amamiya and Rosemi

>> No.28223777

thats why we love chimken /here/

>> No.28223822

Holos have been free to collab with the Stars boys for a very long time. Most don't, and the ones who do have formal collabs where they are polite and respectful to each other. In fact half the charm of the ones involving Roberu/Mea is she is trying to throw herself at him and he is deflecting every advance like a professional. All these dumb troll posts boil down to "It's only Talent Freedom when they do what I want them to do otherwise they are oppressed wymyn who need saving."
Feel free to tell me to Cope and Seethe because you don't watch enough streams to form a counterargument.

>> No.28223880

>English fans don't care either.
Yeah, they stop watching the stream instead, remember the EN collab with ID and Holostars, it didn't break 10k viewers.

>> No.28224077

Here's a little bit of info for you: around half of the Stars knew, were friends and made content with some of the Hololive members before they became vtubers. Hell, Coco has a photo with Kira. Did she collab with him? No, never even interacted with.

>> No.28224153

Hololive knows very well the audience it appeals to
They won't destroy the whole "pretend girlfriend" thing unless the girls don't care about that e.g. Mori
Its why they named them Holostars.

>> No.28224154

True. They is always only a handful care enough to say anything. (Mostly due to sunk cost fallacy)
Most just move on to something else suiting their needs.

>> No.28224231

As a Starsfag, these are actually reasonable rules, I like them actually, I want StarsEN to stand on their own

>> No.28224283

If they ever collab at least I wish they're cool guys and not douchebags frat bros

>> No.28224292


>> No.28224376

If Holostars JP is anything to judge by, the boys tend to be timid around girls and generally don't speak unless spoken to or will make non-controversial observational statements about a game

>> No.28224383

JP stars fans will bitch about special treatment if EN stars are allowed to be different (more freedom)

>> No.28224440

I've been hearing the exact same thing since Myth debuted, and only 3 out of 11 members ever collabed with the Stars. Come on, throw all the excuses for it like language barrier, timezone difference and the other cope you glowies love to repeat every single time this discussion happens.

>> No.28224498

Not that I disagree with OP, but are you really comparing japanese herbivore men with western males?

>> No.28224708

ideal men, really

>> No.28224893

and if starsEN underperforms, reddit would seethe at the management for not letting the girls help boost the males' viewership
so better pray the the males would be successful right off the bat (aka watch and sub to them)

>> No.28224939

>Hololive cares about its image.
JP does, EN clearly doesn't, so most of this sadly won't apply here and EN viewers will just force them to change things if this was the case and non of the EN girls who might actually be opposed to this has the spine to say no, except when it is about streaming more.

>> No.28224975

As long as i don't feel any chemistry between one of them and my oshi, it's all fine.

>> No.28224991

The first one at least is true the servers are linked now and it would be a slap in the face to allow homos EN in and not homos JP in.

>> No.28225040

Because it would be awkward for Hololive events like the Mario Kart tournament and the Minecraft festivals

>> No.28225045

So you want the males to become 2nd class citizens?

>> No.28225059


>> No.28225086

Cope, the girls will collab with the boys.

>> No.28225122


>> No.28225134


>> No.28225156

Good lord anon you didn’t have to go that hard on OP

>> No.28225173

Yes. Should join Nijisanji if you want to become 1st class citizens.

>> No.28225281

Those are basically the same rules StarsJP works under. The people talking shit are clearly tourists who don't watch streams and just want to start baseless drama. They couldn't keep it in their pants long enough for the debuts because they don't actually believe this shit will happen and need to shitpost while they can. They learned the hard way from the Kanata nothingburger that their posts aren't even worthy of being called rrats.

>> No.28225339

I don't watch any Holomems that collabs with males

>> No.28225342

More like royalty. The girls their have to lick their feet for the crumbs.

>> No.28225404

>Hololive knows very well the audience it appeals to
I have a counterargument to that: Omega

>> No.28225411
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>mfw all 4 males have masochism femdom fetish

>> No.28225512

>EN clearly doesn't
If I mention StarsJP will you use the same tired "muh language barrier" excuse? Just asking so I don't waste my time with a retard.

>> No.28225615

That's fair. I'm not calling you out for choosing who to watch or not based on what you feel comfortable with. Just the shit-stirrers trying to call everyone incels because "this thing the voices in my head told me about is totally going to happen"

>> No.28225633

>there will never be an S in holopro, ever

>> No.28225779

I think the incoming influx of female fans will forever change the Hololive culture, just like it did for Nijisanji, and I'm already jumping ship to Phase connect.

>> No.28225825

NTA. I for the most part think the only EN girls who will collab with them frequently are ones too stupid to know where the big bucks come from or actively dislike their audience and want to fuck with them.
But saying 'muh language barrier' isn't valid is the same as saying the en girls wouldn;t collab more with the jp girls if they could speak the same language. Sounds retarded to me.

>> No.28225963
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No nepotism hires this time pls .... we dont need inas boyfriend in there

>> No.28226009

>different managers, focused on help them milk female viewers
Okay, now this is based. Where do I sign up.

Also, "holotempus" or "holopro" or whatever sounds way more badass than holostars imo.

>> No.28226019

>implying AO isn't one of them
See you in 2 days.

>> No.28226227

It's still a dumb excuse when half of the members who never collabed with them know more Japanese than Mori, and the other half went out of their way to interact with their JP senpai.

>> No.28226241

I honestly doubt most people care about this. Even with the fandom in Japan the ones demanding to ban males are such a minority that they're insignificant. Not to mention that these weird ass Japanese standards don't apply to gaijins at all.

>> No.28226373

It's her only saving grace

>> No.28226389

>Not to mention that these weird ass Japanese standards don't apply to gaijins at all
Refer to this >>28225512

>> No.28226461


I swear i will become an anti if that happens

>> No.28226468

Probably because their audience also only speaks english. language barrier doesn't just exist between the talents.

>> No.28226491

Are people here really scared of girls you don't know interacting with guys?
You know most of these girls probably have boyfriends they just don't talk about on stream

>> No.28226544

They're really insecure please andastd

>> No.28226636

>different managers
Pffft holoEN barely has designated managers as is, Cover isn't professional enough to create a new entirely separate management structure for just 4 talents. They're gonna be under the same umbrella and you know it.

>> No.28226647

They don't 'care' because they are not allowed to voice that opinion. But even whores like belle get paid a metric ass ton of money from lonely people sending them messages. Even mori changed the way she collabs with certain people.

>> No.28226675

And Kiara, Ina, Sana and IRyS all had Japanese only collabs with their JP senpai, with Kiara having a whole talk show made to better introduce the JP members to an English audience. I seriously fail to see how StarsEN will change the entire landscape of HoloEN, but maybe I'm not looking hard enough at it (or I just lack the drugs and mental deficiency to "see" it)

>> No.28226680

>people try to get Gura to collab with ecelebs
>she literally ignores them
Gura will just do the same here, grey opinions don't mean shit to her and thats the best part, good luck trying to get Kiara to do something she doesn't want to as well

>> No.28226708

>Asking why stars and en don't collab
>At the same time admitting you and many others would harass them if they did
Gee I wonder why they don't collab more often

>> No.28226720

You're confusing the vtuber with the real person behind it.

>> No.28226782

>>At the same time admitting you and many others would harass them if they did
What? Where the fuck did you read this? How much of a fucking schizo you need to be to get this from my post?

>> No.28226781

Say that to cuckbeats and cucklings

>> No.28226804

This. I'm migrating to phase connect, kawaii, maybe some indies now that I can.

>> No.28226994

>I seriously fail to see how StarsEN will change the entire landscape of HoloEN

English-speaking femoid fans under the same company.

>> No.28227000

Gura knows her audience, unlike the retards wanting every girl to collab with guys.

>> No.28227043

Sapling here. I'm used to be cucked and Fauna is very smart and knows her audience. Even if she collabs she'll keep the feelings of her audience and Eboy first and foremost.

>> No.28227085

K, and that will change HoloEN because?

>> No.28227189

They haven't been named "HOLOSTARS" once, you fucking faggot.

>> No.28227187

>Industry built almost entirely around women
>Scared of more women getting into it

>> No.28227206

Sooooo, like usual? Why did you need to type this in the first place?

>> No.28227218

I wonder what it's like to be one of these boys reading all this shit right now.

>> No.28227229

>um, idol culture is problematic, Cover needs to do better

>> No.28227274

They will come here and I will tell them that their oshi will fail without myth's help so they complain on social media sites that actually might have some impact.

>> No.28227355

People already say that and nobody at the company gives a shit. It's a Japanese company, as long as the talents are making money they don't care what some twitter user says about them being too horny or whatever

>> No.28227368

Because that worked before? And besides, what will Cover do about it? Force them to collab?

>> No.28227400

They'll start giving a shit once it's their own fans saying that.

>> No.28227415

You know none of this will be respected, right? I think Mori will be the first to flirt it up with the boys. She's going to be the Nina of HomoTempus. Mark my words.

>> No.28227526

Yes and yes. Remember the majority twitter opinion is rushia was sacked for having a bf.

>> No.28227676
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>> No.28227696

Aw Sweet, a Schizo post

>> No.28227701

three? Who? Bae, Mumei and IRyS or Mori?

>> No.28227739

Oh yeah, forcing collabs will be a great idea. It'll definitely not be apparent and the talents will act like it's the best thing since sliced bread and definitely won't count their days until they can do a Sana and get the fuck out. Also picking up a handful of schizos as the "majority" is pretty dumb, you know?

Rrar, Owl and Mori. IRyS never collabed with them.

>> No.28227875

always such a shame about Mumes, because she is exactly the correct flavor of retard 99% of the time.
Bae is thirsty as fuck
Mori is a retard, not in the good way
Mumes is a retard, but in the good way, but actively trying to push away unicorns because, you know

>> No.28227934

I wanna kill myself
Maybe, as an alternative to becoming a cuck, I learn that these fags are as cool that I turn gay and I leave my oshi

>> No.28228010

Are you implying management doesn't force them to do things they don't want to do now? I remember one of the myth girls making a video she explicitly said was to drive away sponsors before she joined hololive.

>> No.28228065


Wtf, Mumei collabed with a male?

Well there it is, my Council ranking

>> No.28228102

Mumei was literally the my feet hurt girl during the collab and barely talked, and she never mentioned the Stars after the collab. Mori only collabed with Rikka and always finds a new excuse for why she barely interacts with the other Stars while always repeating how she supports them. Rrat is the only one who actually gives a fuck about them.

>I remember
Stop remembering and post proof. Otherwise it's just some feeling garbage that I'm tired of seeing in this garbage board. And if management really forced them to collab we would have way more collabs with the Stars, but for some reason we don't. Strange, isn't it?

>> No.28228108

Its over for you Anon
they will be sexual tension, there will be shipping
The cuckening has started

>> No.28228124
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>> No.28228145

People say this exact same thing about the anime industry, but still every season there are panty shots of 5 year old anime girls, despite how much western fans (including me) don't like it

>> No.28228202

>Wtf, Mumei collabed with a male?
if it's any consolation she barely traded a word and just scared them all with her weird drawings, some might even go as far as saying she was only there because bae asked her.

>> No.28228210

anime industry has already been ruined by Cr*nchyroll and you "people"

>> No.28228269

It might be to filter the unicorns from her audience, which also make her deserve my lowest spot. I'm not an unicorn but I don't like chuubas who actively filters unicorns

>> No.28228292

>take a 3 day for me
No do your reps. You don't even have to go through warosu or anything.

>> No.28228407

Sorry but I'm so confused. It's known she has a bf, but how she acts during a stars collab is what matters?
Fauna and Mumei are trash simple as.

>> No.28228414

Shove your reps deep down your ass, you sanctimonious cunt. Post the source or fuck off with your "I feel" bullshit.

>> No.28228460

who knows. the collab was hosted on iofi's channel if i remember correctly so if that's so then it might not have been that effective. the homos' reaction to her drawings were pretty funny though.

>> No.28228513

Do you think any of the vtuber girls would want to be friends or even date a guy that spends all his time bitching on 4chan about how a male vtuber is going to steal his waifu

>> No.28228574

You're confusing the vtuber with the roommate behind it.

>> No.28228622

No, you're either baiting to get me banned or you're a lazy fuck. Either way look it up faggot.You're puppet master shit doesn't work. Don't claim to know more shit about any of the talents and then demand to be spoonfed. If someone else wants to take a threeday for your retarded ass they're welcome to.

>> No.28228652

i believe cover knows what they are doing, separating the males and females is the right thing, seeing how they made a separate youtube account for tempus, they are going kpop route with the boys, in which they will build their own established female fanbase, you can stan both of them without forcing collabs

>> No.28228797

Then you admit you're just retarded faggot pulling shit straight out of cavernous ass of bullshit just to make your argument look stronger on a board where retarded schizos post the most insane shit every single day. Glad to see someone can admit being a loser in this den of fucktards.

>> No.28229009

I'll drop HoloEN just like I dropped NijiEN if they start collabing with males. I don't want them to even acknowledge their existence.

>> No.28229164

Probably not. These guys aren’t pretending they’re actually going to get with their oshi, though. They want them in 2D; it’s just “easier” that way.

>> No.28229228

Not a lot of people watch ENxJP collabs anyway, since they usually speak Japanese, and HoloEN fans are mostly EOP's or ESL's.

>> No.28229352

>cover knows what they are doing
>Myth 3D

>> No.28229446

what's the correlation retard

>> No.28229450

Forgot about her, kek

>> No.28229475

>different discord server, since they're part of Holostars Holopro, not Hololive
But anon, every gen is stuck in their own discord already
And no, there's no easy way for them to communicate with other gens, why did you ask?

>> No.28229497

>no shota in sight
Yep, consider me a day 0 anti. Fuck this shit

>> No.28229526

This, I honestly think the ENhomos will be respectful but unless this branch fails EN will never be the same. Twittertrannies will demand that the space they invaded be reshaped to their liking

>> No.28229715

>myth 3D
>scuffed pile of shit after years of waiting
>lore, omega, sana
>cover knows what they are doing

>> No.28229954

It really depends, someone like Selen who will banter and bully males is gold.

>> No.28230177

I see that Omega is still in charge. The entire thing reeks of his cringe ideas. When will he learn that he is in charge of a group of entertainers and not a writer working on FF14 (he does a bad job at both).

>> No.28230591

I hope he got transferred to them and that was the whole reason for his departure and all his dumb attempts trying to force the Stars IS HOLOLIVE connection.

>> No.28230712

Anon if you haven't payed attention, Cover is way more careful and delicate with the Holostars. They genuinely have higher standards when doing things for them. That may be Shinove's doing though.

>> No.28231051

I don't understand why the dumb lore is accepted in the first place. Does the home office really think this shit appeals to westerners?

>> No.28231053

>Mori does another off collab with Gura
>books a place for them and doesn't give away the location this time
>invites a HolostarEN without telling Gura
>he ends up staying the night there
What would happen?

>> No.28231163

She would call a cab and find a hotel to stay at, or we would never hear about this story because it would end with all three of them losing their jobs.

>> No.28231194
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Nijifags are coping because their EN branch was raped on arrival
If HomostarsEN manage to grow without leeching off females I will kneel

>> No.28231361

None of this is what's going to happen.

Access to minecraft server will happen
Same managers because it'd be retarded to hire new people for management. Do you mean a new marketing team?
VC are fine with girls, but they'll be guided to mostly talk to each other for awhile like all new waves.
Collabs are fine, you can ask whoever in the company. The person asked just has to say yes.
Holostars JP collaborates with all groups in their company, just rarely because they're more solo stream focused

You're very obviously an EN only fan

>> No.28231630

The only one that is guaranteed to never happen is access to minecraft server. EN and ID could have whoever the fuck they wanted on their servers when they were independent but once they merge with JP, all of that was banned. Stars aren't allowed on the Holoserver. If they actually allowed Stars EN on the Holoserver that would be the end of HoloJP, not the end of HoloEN. HoloEN is already over.

>> No.28231811

>Access to minecraft server will happen
That server is also JP's. It was a pain to let Astel and Aruran play on the ID server, why do you think StarsEN will have easy access to the global one?
>Same managers because it'd be retarded to hire new people for management. Do you mean a new marketing team?
Cover put up a hiring notice for people that know how to advertise stuff for women. I think it's pretty obvious why.
>VC are fine with girls, but they'll be guided to mostly talk to each other for awhile like all new waves.
We barely have open VC with HoloEN right now, why it would be any different with StarsEN?
>Collabs are fine, you can ask whoever in the company. The person asked just has to say yes.
Pretty much the only point you are correct.
>Holostars JP collaborates with all groups in their company, just rarely because they're more solo stream focused
While true they're still a separate thing, with their own events and concerts. Same thing will happen for StarsEN
>You're very obviously an EN only fan

>> No.28232183

>different managers, focused on help them milk female viewers
I mean... That one is pretty much confirmed, consider Cover was looking for new managers.

>> No.28232290

>Access to minecraft server will happen
Ironic you called OP EN only fan, consider this point will never happen because JP. Who really is EN here anon?

>> No.28232329

This right here will be there biggest problem. People will want them to be somthing they are not

>> No.28232346

This. Uptight SJW females that can take no for an answer are going to ruin everything. It’s been a good run guys.

>> No.28232348

Omega is proof at least EN management doesn't know.

>> No.28232414

Uptight right-wing culture warriors tried this with Gura but failed miserably, what makes you think SJWs have any chance to win this time?

>> No.28232467

>Industry built almost entirely around women TALENTS and MALE FANS.
>huge influx of FEMALE fans that will predictably demand the company change forever to suit them.

>> No.28232475

>no access to the EN/JP Minecraft server
Then they will make new MC world for EN and StarsEN. Invite ID and StarsJP if possible.
It will incline their numbers even more

>> No.28232511

Right wingers tried what?

>> No.28232547

NTA but the concern isn't outsiders talking shit. It's paying fans doing it and trying to change things from the inside. Nijisanji attracted the woke crowd as fans and now they suffer for it internally. I still doubt it will happen, but I just wanted to point out the difference.

>> No.28232575

Fuck this shit pretty sure she's not above shoehorning him in loot at those other vtuber couples or nijis

>> No.28232602
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>>no access to the EN/JP Minecraft server, because they won't put males together with their JP idols. Will create a server from scratch
oh yes, the pure JP idols that have never interacted with males, ever. Actual idolschizos like Miko will ignore the males, the rest will be fine with it
>>different discord server, since they're part of Holostars Holopro, not Hololive
>>different managers, focused on help them milk female viewers
>>no open VC with the girls, they can't join the girls' streams randomly
>>the EN girls can choose if they want to do collabs with them or not, and they'll all be formal collabs scheduled days before
see you at the unannounced off collab
>>in general, they're not linked to the girls in any way, exactly the same as Holostars JP (hence HOLOSTARS EN)
see pic rel

>> No.28232653

Get her banned for being a loli. The person everyone associates with that is a whore but she's previously famous for her association with the alt-right.

>> No.28232678

Right, because all of EN that isn't Rrat will play on another, completely new server.

Tried to push the idea that Gura fans are all pedos. You know, the stuff terminally online culture warriors from both sides love to do.

Well Finana was forced to go back with her retarded comment about traps and futa. That aside, we don't even know how popular Tempus will be, and if we take the current Stars as an example it doesn't look they'll attract this huge swath of SJW women ready to criticize Cover for not letting (read forcing) them to collab with HoloEN or whatever people want to complain about.

>> No.28232726

You're so fucking retarded that you make actual feds look like masters of infiltration and espionage.

>> No.28232730

>no open VC with the girls, they can't join the girls' streams randomly
People said this about Council too lol. Unfortunately Cover thinks they've got to copy NijiEN move for move or fall behind so expect the same shit.

>> No.28232743

>the three of them
why would gura, the victim, be at fault?

>> No.28232755

If I was to apply I'd be fine with those rules to be honest, I don't see how they are a bad thing.

>> No.28232825

>we don't even know how popular Tempus will be
I mentioned this in another thread but I honestly think they can't follow the Luxiem path of appealing to fujos and succeed. NijiEN had too big of a head start on that and cornered the market already. My opinion is they either need to be cool dudes that guys are going to want to watch, or they need to go for the seiso idol route and attract the female unicorns that nobody else really panders to in the west. Possibly both.

>> No.28232839

You're not a victim when you do the same bad thing twice.

>> No.28232845

wow, I feel so insulted that you offered no counterarguments and didn't give me a (you).

>> No.28232925

I wouldn’t call BV “right wingers”. Right wingers hate her now.

>> No.28232970

>huge influx of English-speaking femoid fans
Not going to happen. Male vtubers is already a tapped market.

>> No.28233005

They are going either put StarsEN on the same Minecraft server as StarsJP for peak UNITY, or link the two. They won't do anything with Hololive servers because that's been confirmed and set in stone.

>> No.28233118

Time to get our gatekeeping boots on lads.

>> No.28233134

If Cover is truly smart all 4 of the new guys are decent singers and musicians, with one or two of them being the standout talent. NijiEN has some good singers but it's not the main appeal of the group, while a musically inclined group of male vtubers isn't a niche that has been dominated yet.

Well that's obvious. People who think they'll play on the global server are either mentally retarded, schizos or glowies shitposting.

>> No.28233163


Except internet right wingers very little power compared to internet progressives who have a lot of power and are huge in number. They're already ruined gaming and anime

>> No.28233201

I would have some drinks with them, shoot the shit and then retire to my chambers for a little pre-bedtime posting or perhaps? Even a little gaming ooh sinful

>> No.28233208
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>> No.28233215

If Mori did it intentionally she would be terminated. There is no point arguing this.
The male would absolutely be terminated without a second thought. Stars aren't allowed to interact with the female talents without a manager present.
Gura wouldn't be fired if she could prove she wasn't at fault and had no other alternatives but to stay there. She would, however, suffer irrevocable damage to her reputation. The ex-fan backlash would be severe. I'm not sure she could handle it and keep going on. She's already made enough money to retire many times over anyway so why deal with that shit.

>> No.28233253

You're giving WAY too much credit for people who cry when you use the wrong pronouns for them.

>> No.28233261

>If Cover is truly smart all 4 of the new guys are decent singers and musicians
This is honestly the only thing under heaven that would make me even consider watching an EN Holostar.

>> No.28233272

>Britany venti
>right wing

I hate how far the Overton window's been shifted.

>> No.28233334

Oh noooo the progressives ruined anime. WHO GIVES A SHIT POLITICS IS FOR RETARDS


>> No.28233387

You're giving too little care about your hobby being destroyed from the inside, or you don't know any better. I bet you're okay with Crunchyroll.

>> No.28233431

I give a shit when politics subvert my hobby and makes it worse

>> No.28233439

>fem fans go up ten fold or more
>once they’re here you can’t get rid of them again
>becomes mainstream issue with endless polygon, kotaku articles etc blowing it up into a huge gamergate style controversy
>they will keep kicking up dust and dragging the company until negative pressure becomes too much.
I can already see it now, “idol fans are not welcome in OUR Hololive community”.
Best thing you can do is vote with your views and wallet, have a backbone, cancel membership unsub stop buying merch etc. The loss off revenue will send the strongest message.

>> No.28233538

You get what you deserve for worshipping a one-dimensional political alignment method that lacks any nuance or objective standards.

>> No.28233560

I've been 18 too bro

>> No.28233567

have you ever watched a niji male collab stream? they always make shitty zoomer jokes and somehow steer the conversation into sex and dicks. i have 0 faith in modern western males to not ruin everything.

>> No.28233570

How the hell they will destroy it from the inside? Do you really think these people are the whales who will buy merch and give superchats? Haven't you seen how any piece of media that heavily panders to them is a financial failure? I already pointed out but we don't know how big Tempus we'll be, and we're more than justified to believe they won't be the new Myth or Luxiem, so why are you so insistent that this barely announced group will somehow destroy Hololive as we know it? Did you come from 2020 when Cover announced HoloEN auditions and everyone thought this shit would happen?

>> No.28233596

I don't want them to exist in the first place. But since they have to: Yes.

>> No.28233608

>it's time we addressed the sexism, racism, transphobia and other problematic behaviors in the vtuber community
>we can do better!

Just fucking kill me now.

>> No.28233633

You’re giving way too little credit for people who have made their governments pass laws criminalising misgendering.

>> No.28233654

It's a shame you didn't learn anything.

>> No.28233683

it's the dynamic, which is completely different with males vs females. not everyone who dislikes male collabs are raging virgin unicorns. there are plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike them, especially going off other vtuber companies' track records.

>> No.28233701

>Haven't you seen how any piece of media that heavily panders to them is a financial failure?
Crunchyroll and Netflix are still going strong

>Did you come from 2020 when Cover announced HoloEN auditions and everyone thought this shit would happen?
And it did happen. This will make it even worse. Hololive pre-EN was more enjoyable.

>> No.28233712

When would those laws ever affect you, those sorts of laws only matter for propaganda purposes since they affect the elite class who brainwash the young but if you are allowing your children to consume that shit then you are the problem to begin with.

>> No.28233739

>if you are allowing your children to consume that shit then you are the problem to begin with.
Right because I should just keep my children in a basement forever, because otherwise they're gonna consume that shit.

>> No.28233895

>Crunchyroll and Netflix are still going strong
When Crunchyroll helps funding an anime where one of the main plot points is a dude wrongly accused of rape and Netflix had to fire a bunch of it's employees because they keep wasting money on horrible series that even the woketards hate. I will give you for a lot of CRs translations, but they still aren't the absolute worst in the industry (because some people really want to win that contest for some reason)
>And it did happen. This will make it even worse. Hololive pre-EN was more enjoyable.
I'm not seeing any of HoloEN talking about political shit or openly decrying idol culture, parasocial relationships or trying to convince people "trap" and "futa" are transphobic terms.

>> No.28233943

After they're old enough and you've taught them well, obviously. You fucking retard.

>> No.28233958
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>> No.28234280

>I'm not seeing any of HoloEN talking about political shit or openly decrying idol culture, parasocial relationships or trying to convince people "trap" and "futa" are transphobic terms.
You're way focusing on the specific shit, instead of just the general culture/atmosphere, but just to humor you, I don't think any HoloJP girls were "genderfluids" before getting hired. There also weren't rapping wiggers talking about lean. They were CGDCT. I don't think you'd truly get it if you weren't born & raised in an asian country. You don't really know what you're missing

The general culture of the fanbase and hobby changed when EN happened, for the worse. And this will make it worse again.

Crunchyrolli openly adamant about wanting to reshape anime culture to suit (((western))) tastes, and removing the "toxic/undesirable" elements from it, by the way. If you don't see that, then there's really no common language. You don't know what you've been missing

>> No.28234332

Keep thinking that.

>> No.28234405

>Says Holostars on the background when you click the website

All that doomposting about them being a part of Hololive... gone like tears in the rain...

>> No.28234489

towa will collab with males, just not with stars.
They dont have the requisite numbers

>> No.28234618

CR shit aside we still haven't seen Kronii ever talk about this or even give hints about it, and while Mori is truly a complete train wreck the SJWs you think will infest the hobby hate her guts with passion. I'm tired of seeing /vt/-tier levels of vitriol coming from twitter users who also don't care about doxx posting to the point the jannies here would have to work overtime if they did that shit here. And even if I am also scared of how the new guys will turn out because I have zero faith they'll be any good I still firmly believe that the chances for them to attract so many schizos like you're saying are almost null because unlike Nijisanji Holopro was never known for it's popular male talents, and I heavily doubt things will change just because now they can speak English (and lets be real here, without the mainland audience they will never rise as fast as Luxiem did).

>> No.28234681

>I want the government to raise my kids
>but not that way!

>> No.28234762

Does holostars not have a Minecraft server already? Let them go play with Roberu.

>> No.28234802

wtf I love hololive now

>> No.28234870

it's funny seeing all the unicorns going through all the stages

>> No.28234928

Motherfucker it’s your bummy ass attitude and inability to feel gratitude or joy for simple things in your life that is sucking the fun out of shit for you, not some losers you have never and will never met that you are CONSTANTLY reading about online

>> No.28234933

You don't even watch the Stars, glowie. Stop trying to fit in.

>> No.28234993

Keep coping retard. Your EN whores are gonna get creampied by the homos

>> No.28235094

You aren't even trying, glowie.

>> No.28236316

No, I’m pretty sure it’s just the people who invade my hobbies then rot them from the inside out.

>> No.28236427

>all this negative gossiping
Bros... i only took the job so i can fuck kiara...

>> No.28236527

>new shotaHolo by pochi mama
>is bullied by his holo nee-sans
It should be me

>> No.28236551

tf is intermisic
am i not hateful enough anymore i feel like im lagging behind

>> No.28237056

this, i mention it on another thread before, if just 2 of them are musically invested guys, they'll hit the market right

>> No.28237086


>> No.28237090

is there something I'm missing here? why do people think they're joining hololive when they're clearly holostars?
not a single holostar has access to any of the minecraft servers, EN and ID included

>> No.28237874

/vt/ poster are mentally deranged, news at 11.

>> No.28238111

praying for a literal minecraft autist in starsEN to make modded server

>> No.28238127

all of those rules alraedy exist

>> No.28238448

fpbp, OP in tears

>> No.28238589


>> No.28239563

Only if that involves Nene's feet.

>> No.28239630

fpbp, op btfo'd once again

>> No.28239735

Sure thing sister

>> No.28239799

Ollie and Bae will be the first to get close with them. Then an orgy. Roberu already has Mae, so he won't be affected by this.

>> No.28240004

Holostars =/= Hololive
Don't worry anons.
Instead be happy, at least one or more of them will speak fluent Japanese and we'll have kino EN/JP collab.

And Matsuri, high on hormones Matsuri collab will be inevitable.

>> No.28240200

My hope is that they're successful enough to have their own fanbase that wants things to be a sausage-fest and to dissuade homobegging due to them having high enough viewership.

>> No.28240273
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>> No.28240319
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>> No.28240915

>Kiara, Noel, Haachama, Marine, Matsuri

>> No.28241656

I've been steeped in this sort of twitter and tumblr culture for years and even I don't know what that is

>> No.28243565

would be nice

>> No.28243637

They will collab with your oshis and you will like it.

>> No.28245529

>crying as I type this

>> No.28247481

And what? Close the entire HoloJP that revolves around idol culture?

>> No.28247711

Anime is not for you then
Anime and the likes were supposed to be "Ew you watch anime? Such a degenerate" back then but then normies fucking jump into anime and those fuckers ruined it

>> No.28247797


>> No.28247848

>Remember the majority twitter opinion is rushia was sacked for having a bf
Yes it was fun looking at the retards being retards

>> No.28247902

ventichama was just the convenient hole of the moment, and gura didn't even notice/acknowledge that retardation

>> No.28248141

The board will be fast for sure and I don't want that
Shit stirrer will post the same shit all over and over again

>> No.28248646

>Who gives a shit about politics
Lots of us don't and that's exactly why lots of us run to Hololive
But there's a probability of the new Stars bringing in SJW retards to this sanctuary which is annoying

>> No.28248820

Everyday I feel gratitude to Nijisanji for absorbing these sort of crowds

>> No.28248868


>> No.28249107


>> No.28249273


>> No.28249388
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>> No.28249588


>> No.28249633

Unicorns seething will always be funny but nothing will ever top the moment collab beggars start getting brain aneurysms because the boys won't be able to play in the same minecraft server as the girls.

>> No.28249681

There is a holostars account and Cover used that to announce uproar.
But for tempus, they used the hololive account. The boys are going to join hololive not holostars. Face it, the girls need some dicks.

>> No.28249723

Couldn't agree more. I'm personally excited for the Mumei gangbang streams that will become a Friday night staple.

>> No.28249979

I don't care about parasocial relationships and all that crap, I just don't like dudes in my "cute anime girls being borderline retarded" entertainment.
I wouldn't mind if the collabs were fairly rare and they were cool like Aruran but odds of that are low.
I more or less dropped NijiEN because of the men (and larping lady).

>> No.28250293

>>no access to the EN/JP Minecraft server, because they won't put males together with their JP idols. Will create a server from scratch
>>different discord server, since they're part of Holostars Holopro, not Hololive
>>different managers, focused on help them milk female viewers
>>no open VC with the girls, they can't join the girls' streams randomly
>>the EN girls can choose if they want to do collabs with them or not, and they'll all be formal collabs scheduled days before
>>in general, they're not linked to the girls in any way, exactly the same as Holostars JP (hence HOLOSTARS EN)
>You can try and grudgepost me later, I know I'm right.
>Hololive cares about its image.
These are all the rules that I say every day in my head to help me cope.

>> No.28250485

based Hololive girls

>> No.28250524

>>Myth 3D
The only actual problem with this is covid related
shitposting aside there's literally nothing wrong with Council, and Sana's backhurt and priority of her other job is not Cover's fault.

>> No.28250636

anon...JP holostars is also hololive production its even on their website link

>> No.28250674

you guys care way too much

>> No.28251684

you don't care enough

>> No.28253335

More people care than are willing to admit to it though. It's similar to them having a bf. You'll have a lot of Redditors go public about how "they don't care and they are only here for the stream" but if they actually publically talked about getting a bf many of them would quietly stop watching after a while anyway. They would never admit to it though, cause it makes you go against the grain.

>> No.28253942

hate for intersex, etc.

>> No.28253976

Not caring enough is how we allowed this to happen

>> No.28254149
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Its about time, my oshi needs more cock in her streams, TT just isn't cutting it. I'm more than happy to watch her male collabs weekly whilst I beat off in a corner
she's such a queen

>> No.28256242

sorry anon but unlike the Japanese, western men are alpha chads and western women are whores. there's no way you can reasonably have the two in close proximity and expect the two to not start fucking,.

>> No.28256546

>western men are alpha chads
However, men that go for vtubing tend to express f*male behaviour when near girls, see Porcelain Maid.

>> No.28256660

I don't know who the fuck is the demographic that's convinced themselves that western men aren't massive bitches. Especially when we're on a board full of them

>> No.28256742

>no access to the EN/JP Minecraft server, because they won't put males together with their JP idols. Will create a server from scratch
Holostar Minecraft server exist.
>different discord server, since they're part of Holostars Holopro, not Hololive
Same with jp
>different managers, focused on help them milk female viewers
Same with jp
>no open VC with the girls, they can't join the girls' streams randomly
Same w jp
>the EN girls can choose if they want to do collabs with them or not, and they'll all be formal collabs scheduled days before
>in general, they're not linked to the girls in any way, exactly the same as Holostars JP (hence HOLOSTARS EN)
I want holobros.

>> No.28257456
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The fact I don't trust Mori to not go full retard like this deebly goncerns me.

>> No.28257538

>from an insecure fag
>on the schizo basket weaving forum

>> No.28257675

Why are holobronies so misandrist? Shouldn't you cheer for you fellow men?

>> No.28257688

anon, Mori's collab with Kobo barely broke 10k
the OW2/Apex collab with Towa never broke 10k on ANY pov

>> No.28257788

>*Fauna and Mumei exist*
>*Mori and her real friends exist*

>> No.28258021
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The JP stars are bro tubers so I hope the EN ones are to.
That's all I care about, the angry unicorns and idolfags is just icing on the cake.

>> No.28258034

>western men are alpha chads
Not the one's that go into vtubing.

>> No.28258157

shut up SHUT UP THEY'RE GOING TO COLLAB WITH THE GIRLS EVERY DAY LIKE NIJI BECAUSE uhhh yeah because fuck you because it would make people mad fuck you

>> No.28258224

It says holostars on the background of the teaser website you sperg

>> No.28258445

really hope they're a bunch of nobodies and not rebranded big NA retards

>> No.28258609

That would be nice.

>> No.28259690

>western men are alpha chads
Have you seen how all the Luxiem dudes look like? Fucking Vox looks like a twig that will break at any time due to a light breeze.

>> No.28259727

Holy delusion. None would be punished. Nobody outside vt would even care.

>> No.28259978

at the very least they wont be on the minecraft server, that will get JP gachis angry, and Cover definitely doesn't want to anger them. As for the others, if they do open vc then I'm just out period, there is no acceptance.

>> No.28260024

Based, I just want to grill and watch some chill boys.

>> No.28260118

But don't you know, they'll 100% play on the global server and all the JP girls will whore themselves out because of how alpha they are. And I'm certainly not an unmedicated schizo who spent way too much time on an e-celeb board.

>> No.28260121

this, i'm fleeing back to JP.

>> No.28260490

> Have you seen how all the Luxiem dudes look like
No, because I’m not a doxxnigger? This might surprise you but before 2020 Hololive normalized groveling for incel money and brought you freaks in, it wasn’t standard to doxx new talents in some sad attempt to control their personal lives.

>> No.28261198

I'll examine each of these logically:
>no access to the EN/JP Minecraft server
This seems plausible as it would be a bit strange to have a bunch of people some of whom can't or won't collab all in the same server. I imagine that the stars will also want to do their own thing. It will also preemptively shut down uncomfortable discussions of impromptu offcollabs for members who do not want to collab. /vt/ tends to approach this as if the homos will definitely want to collab with the girls, but that's not necessarily true.
>different discord server
Seems logical. There's little reason for them to share a server especially if it might make some members uncomfortable.
>different managers
They'll almost certainly have different managers. It sounds like the existing managers are kept pretty busy just with the girls. They'll have a single manager for the whole gen unless they really take off.
>no open VC with the girls, they can't join the girls' streams randomly
100,000% true, that's never gonna happen and provides more reason why I believe they'll be in different servers. Again it's not a given that every member of both sides will be okay with the other so this makes sense and should limit problems.
>the EN girls can choose if they want to do collabs with them or not
I think that this has always been the case whether it's girls or guys. Corporate mandated collabs are gonna be stuff like holidays and anniversaries and that's going to be limited generationally. Remember that there are still members of HoloEN that Gura has not collabed with yet in anything other than a group setting. Gura still has not collabed with Haachama even though it has been at least a year since that was discussed and ideas were floated for what the collab would involve. I think they have a good amount of control over who they collab with within the company.
>in general, they're not linked to the girls in any way
This is the one that I think is most likely to be untrue. I think that Cover may look back at how they handled Holostars JP and decide that they kneecapped their growth by creating too much formal separation. I think that externally at least they'll try to treat it as if they aren't completely separate.

>> No.28261303

>uncomfortable discussions of impromptu offcollabs
Fuck I meant just collabs, not offcollabs

>> No.28261382

What are they going for with the fantasy rpg party?

They can’t all be uwu softbois right? Especially the gladiator

>> No.28261443

The managers thing was already proved with Cover opening new jobs for people with experience in selling stuff to women. And their site had a big Holostars logo in the background, so they're definitely not trying to shove Tempus in Hololive proper. Also it's not that weird for people in their own gen to not have 1x1 collabs. Fubuki and Korone first collab was a few weeks ago after more than 3 years, even tho both collab a lot with each otheras OKFAMS.

>> No.28261484

That still means more homo collabs especially for usual suspects like Ollie, Sana, Bae, Calli... We're losing just not as much as we could.

>> No.28261519

What do you mean about that, glowie?

>> No.28261531

I'm sure Sana will have tons and tons of collabs with them.

>> No.28261631

>/vt/ tends to approach this as if the homos will definitely want to collab with the girls
Because they fucking will.
Men are incapable of thinking about anything but their dicks. They'll fall in love with the girls, if they haven't already, and will be flirting and trying to get with them at every opportunity.

>> No.28261704

Anon they're either turbo virgins or already have partners, I'm sure they can resist the holoEN pheromones.

>> No.28261708

Actually they market this group as "hololive production" so they could put holo in it rather than stars, I think they also said that this group is under hololive English management even if they have separate managers so that's already pretty bad.

>> No.28261787
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Explain this then.

>> No.28261821

>turbo virgins
So they'll be like everyone here and even more likely to do what I said.
>already have partners
Because men never cheat? Men are hardwired to spread their seed. They continually look at other women even when they're already taken.

>> No.28261836

So why this never happened with StarsJP?

>> No.28261904

Japan has a much more strict idol culture. The JP audience wouldn't tolerate it.
The West is full of entirely cucked males who will accept their oshi fucking other men however.

>> No.28261941

>Actually they market this group as "hololive production"
Hololive production and Hololive are not the same thing, JP Stars are also under Hololive production.

>> No.28261982

>men are incapable about thinking of anything other than their dicks
Nice projection coomanon

>> No.28262072

Sure, and all collabs HoloEN had with the Stars had great viewership compared to their solo stuff, right?

>> No.28262089

They can be as bro as they want. Just don't touch/talk/interact with the Holo girls in any way.

>> No.28262315

Now I want them to show up constantly just to spite faggots like you.

>> No.28262356

What is your stance on them cumming inside the girls?

>> No.28262461


>> No.28262520


>> No.28262715
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>> No.28263482
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EN males will be right wingers who blurt out /pol/ dog whistles each stream

>> No.28266003
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>under hololive English management
No please No
