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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 107 KB, 800x800, sana fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28201929 No.28201929 [Reply] [Original]

Collab with this, you creeps!

>> No.28202077
File: 55 KB, 720x720, merle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed this is from Sana. Officially wrecked.

>> No.28202156

Retroactively the only pure EN...

>> No.28202478

The worst HoloEN has the best graduation, what a plot twist

>> No.28202779

>The worst HoloEN
we're talking about Sana, not Mori

>> No.28203364

Sorry my mind censored Mori automatically

>> No.28203602

The only respectable one.

>> No.28203886
File: 372 KB, 528x517, 1437074970554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She bailed at the right moment RUMAO

>> No.28204018


>> No.28204184

Based Sana bailing before the shitshow. Very smart girl.

>> No.28204300

she sacrificed her career for the greater good...
will sana be the best holo unironically after homoEN collabs and corrupts all of EN girls???

>> No.28204463

Wtf are you guys talking about? Sana caused that shit
>Quickly debut someone
And the cycle repeats itself

>> No.28204689

They are going to debut tomorrow to rob viewers from Michelle's vshojo debut. It doesn't have anything to do with Sana.

>> No.28204802

>Michaelangelo panders to male unicorns
How will that work?

>> No.28204836

Sana left before she knew.
She knew the end was near and tried to warn us with her graduation.
But we didn't listen.
We just didn't listen to her and here we are...

>> No.28205057

Nobody has the slightest idea. Hopefully they get some other Japanese girls she can collab with.

>> No.28205148
File: 47 KB, 575x500, 1642453970062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if you tried to eat out Sana but her aussie pussy tastes as if you are drinking movie theatre butter straight from the dispenser and it's way too rich for you?

>> No.28205363

Based Sana defying the inevitable and going out on a high note.

>> No.28205439

its better to burn out, than fade awaaaaaayyyyyyy.

>> No.28205444 [DELETED] 

She and Irys are the only ones who have not "collabed" with males if you count roommates

>> No.28205534

>Sana graduated because males were joining
Was she actually the best EN all along?

>> No.28205662

She and Irys are the only ones who have not "collabed" with males if you count roommates

>> No.28205667

Sana dodged a fucking bullet and will be the only pure Holo. I can't believe that I actually like Sana now.

>> No.28205671

Faggot they are preparing this for months.

>> No.28205754


>> No.28205962

you can bet your ass Whori and Bae will force Irys to

>> No.28206466

I doubt it, Bae could have made it happen already since she herself collab with homostars several time.

>> No.28206527

Based Sana enjoyer

>> No.28206984

They'll drag one onto their podcast

>> No.28207079

>he doesn't know about her roommate content

>> No.28207350

She left because she didn't want to be mandated to collab with males

>> No.28207682

you're stupid if you associate "room mate content" with their current vtuber persona. non of that shit matters as long as its never associated with their current self. A bunch of big vtubers are in relationships and maybe even married and none of that shit matters to the character they play.

>> No.28208744

While miguels core viewers will be the unicorns. The reddit tourists / saviorfags will also turn up to her debut. Given that homos are even bigger saviorfag bait they might just pull a couple thousand viewers away

>> No.28209729

when is Michelle's la chatte debut?

>> No.28212047

Like anyone would want to collab with Sana even if they're male. Even Ina's got a bigger dumpy than her. Tako's should be more afraid their dorky priestess is about to become someones bride soon.

>> No.28212954

>i know about her roomate
you're not kidding anyone cunt

>> No.28213019

I would. Kirby co-op would be fun with Sananannana

>> No.28213169

She graduated when she heard males were invited in. The last pure idol.

>> No.28213801

imagine sana fingering my prostate

fucking hot

>> No.28216266

he's reincarnating and debuting with tempus

>> No.28216341

Guys she jumped ship because she new this was coming! I regret not watching her from the start!

>> No.28217264

OMG This is why she can't stream from the 21st till the 31st she doesen't want people to think she doesen't want to collab with Homostars

>> No.28222031

brown ina.... i kneel...

>> No.28225540

Sana leaving before disaster

>> No.28225616

I'm fucking clapping. Bravo, Sana. We didn't deserve you.

>> No.28226711
File: 88 KB, 377x221, sanafu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28226912

Is Sana the only based HoloEN girl?

>> No.28227091


>> No.28227755

sana will be eternally unsullied. Her song even explicitly pronounces her love to her fans above all. Best bogan.

>> No.28228165

Holy based

>> No.28228249

Yeah, it's still correct
