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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 729 KB, 1996x3398, sana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28020565 No.28020565 [Reply] [Original]

Both the "fired for low productivity" and the "Ina's nepotism hire" rrats are ridiculous.
>fired for low productivity
Ayame is a thing.
There has literally been zero examples of holo chuubas getting fired for streaming too little.
Sana's supacha revenue is only slightly lower than the green whore and the owl slut despite streaming half as much.
From the Cover's standpoint, Sana doesn't take away any resources that'd be better spend elsewhere. Even if she pulled a Roa, it's much better to leave her be than fire her - especially right after the Rushiagate. Also Sana's PL being known actually helps the Cover's reputation in that case.
>Ina's nepotism hire
Ina is too smart and selfish to pull the strings to bring her friend in a new gen before accumulating enough reputation and experience in the company, especially if said friend doesn't have a substantial streaming experience.
The friendship with Ina *might* have influenced the management - but again, that's not Ina pulling any strings, that's just lacking better candidates.

>> No.28020608

She's pregnant with Fulgur's child. Fulgur will graduate soon.

>> No.28020704

>Ayame is a thing
Ayame worked hard in the early days. You should view her as a semi-retired vtuber, not a current member.

>> No.28020707

Kronii can get into Hololive with her sex voice. But Cover has no reason to pick Sana if she decided not to draw. There are two Aussie accents in Council so Sana is not a necessity. Sana doesn't have outstanding qualities that would secure her a Holo spot.

>> No.28020743

Ayame can start a livestream of her getting fucked by her boyfriend and will still make a fuckton of money. That wasn't the case with this brown woman.

>> No.28020751

>Ina's nepotism hire
It's not just Ina. When ina got in, whoever was using AO-chan as their proxy got in too, and with what and how Omega was like, it's not hard to put 2 and 2 together.

Sana was Ina's pick, and she had ins with the management enough to make it happen.
There is no way it was an accident, you don't just apply to work with a friend as a "surprise".
The only question here is the exact extent, but it's ultimately irrelevant in face of the results.

>> No.28020835

It's quite obvious she wasn't terminated or graduating cause of "no streams" otherwise she would be getting terminated for going against her contract. Shitposters delusional rrats shouldn't be taken seriously, anon.

>> No.28020851
File: 248 KB, 800x500, 1635942237132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple JP holos mentioned that they have a minimum stream quota in their first year contract. I assume it's in there so they at least break even on their investment. They have to pay for your model, manager, marketing, including you in stuff like holofes, merch that includes all of hololive etc.
I think the difference between her and Ayame is that Sana never broke even on the investment the did. Council's artists were all high profile. They probably weren't cheap. They probably just didn't renew her contract.
Also, Ayame actually streamed in the first two years. I don't like her because she's clearly lazy these days but nobody can deny that there probably wouldn't fucking be a HoloEN if she had sat on her ass like Sana did during her debut days.

As for the Nepotism thing. You really think it's a coincidence that Ina's friend got hired out of thousands of applicants? Sana was never a good streamer while everyone else in EN either had streaming experience or a skill that made them stand out.

>> No.28020860

Kronii's past experience made her a very good pick for Hololive overall. However, the green whore and the owl slut are both very subpar streaming talents. If they got in without apparent nepotism, then so did Sana.

>> No.28020943

But Ina and Sana were long time friends. If I have to choose between pure coincidence and not concidence(nepo), I always choose the latter.

>> No.28020947

When I was looking at the StarEN forms they mentioned you need to be able to stream at least 4 times a week for the first year, then you can slack as much as you want, I'm pretty sure Ayame fulfilled that quota before stopping streaming, Sana couldn't even complete one year.
Anyway, I don't think that's the case, it just seems like a personal request.

>> No.28020962

That's what I'm talking about, Sana may have been a nepotism hire, but it's not Ina's nepotism hire. May be she slept with loserbait, who knows.

>> No.28020966

As much as I love to shit on Ayame, she's still very active in a lot of non-streaming Hololive-related activities.
She's present in many live concerts, partnerships, songs, interviews, radio shows, etc...
And even then beyond that, she used to stream much more when Hololive was barely a thing.

>> No.28020991
File: 39 KB, 1242x336, 3 times a week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The audition page for Hololive states being able to stream three times a week

Ina and Sanas RMs know each other and have met in person

>> No.28021047

True, but Ayame is still a powerhouse. She could stream 5 min sounds of her shitting and still get cash

>> No.28021081

Fauna had a channel with over 100k subs, a successful patreon and streamed on twitch, plus she's an ASMRtists which even if you don't like her ASMR or ASMR in general, they probably wanted an ASMRtist for Council.

>> No.28021129

So why didn't they fire Kronii?

>> No.28021167

>Ina is too smart and selfish to pull the strings to bring her friend in a new gen before accumulating enough reputation and experience in the company, especially if said friend doesn't have a substantial streaming experience.
>The friendship with Ina *might* have influenced the management - but again, that's not Ina pulling any strings, that's just lacking better candidates.

what kind of cope is this? Ina is a major part of their most successful vtuber wave of all time, and a fairly successful industry professional outside of her streaming persona. not to mention that Ina, Sana, and Omega all go way back, this was 100% them hooking up their friend with a free meal ticket

>> No.28021187

Retard, she wasn't terminated, her 1 year contract simply was not renewed. There's a difference you dumbfuck.

No matter what mental gymnastics you come up with, Sana made it abundantly clear that she did NOT want to leave Hololive. She even wanted to get ahead of the bullshit PR statement (which implied it was a mutual decision) and explicitly said so.

>> No.28021208

>and omega
I think Omega was loserbait, but I don't think omega=loserbait=AOchan

>> No.28021226

>she's still very active in a lot of non-streaming Hololive-related activities.
such as?

>> No.28021269

How hard can it be to play some games 3 times a week?

>> No.28021279

Sana resigned because she wants to join VShojo
screencap this

>> No.28021345

Has Sana demonstrated not enough?

>> No.28021352

I keep forgetting who Kronii's roomate is and it's driving me crazy.

>> No.28021413

some amateur voice actress?

>> No.28021494

Yeah, some VA with queer dementia, but that narrows it down SO LITTLE.

>> No.28021500

Did you mean to reply to someone else or?

>> No.28021567

The anon you're replying to literally told you. The most visible thing for EOPs is the holo concerts.
They also pick her for a lot of Japan only promotional events.

>> No.28021589

>Ina is too smart and selfish to pull the strings to bring her friend in a new gen before accumulating enough reputation and experience in the company
This, This, This.
I'm tired of the ina nepotism meme, Sana got it becasue she was better than those indies people keep talking about ina didn't do shit more than telling sana to try it.

>> No.28021633

Not streaming for many days, just to produce such minimal results?

>> No.28021636

she doesn't even know how to do tingles

>> No.28021647

Ayame is a terrible example. Her fanbase is huge and she is one of THE hololivers due to her cutenes

>> No.28021674

Seems like Tako deflection to me

>> No.28021687

why is ayame so popular she doesn't even stream?

>> No.28021689

>Green whore

>> No.28021742

She used to stream. Also has a top 5 model and everyone in the company loves her and treats her like a niece or little sister.

>> No.28021766

Cute is justice.
Also the only Holo Hoshiyomis don't wanna mess with.

>> No.28021776

>Ayame is a thing
Ayame streamed a lot during her first years
Sana didn't manage to meet her first year quota, so her contract wasn't renewed
Simple as

>> No.28021779

That just a few who failled, probably first round and still salty about it, meaning the first round did it's job.

>> No.28021812

>Stream three times a week
I watch a 2view streamer and he streams 5 days a week

>> No.28021822

There was a period where she actually streamed.
But, after she got a huge fanbase, she just decision to have more sex

>> No.28021854

Think cover let her go before they started working on 3d models for council?

>> No.28021878

Why are the nigger janitors deleting Sana threads? This is a hydra situation where 2 threads are made every time you kill 1. Just leave it alone and people won't care in a day or two.

>> No.28021882

tell him to try out for hololive.

>> No.28021920

No, you dumbfuck. You think the only way to get graduated for not streaming which is idiotic

>> No.28021919

Sana, management thinks we can't go on this way. You should stream more frequently, at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 8 hour/week. Could you assure us to be able to do it in the next year?

I'll try but I don't know. My actual work takes most of my time and I now have a little baby... I really don't know.

OK, I'll talk to the management...

OK, thank you (... return to play Genshin)


>> No.28021957

Ayame still earns money.Sana was lazy and didn't make them any money.
>Sana's supacha revenue is only slightly lower than the green whore and the owl slut despite streaming half as much.
And neither of them make nearly as much as Ayame.

>> No.28021965

why didn't she just stream genshin on her sana account? cover would have given her the money to roll.

>> No.28021966

>I'm tired of the ina nepotism meme, Sana got it becasue she was better than those indies people keep talking about
Do you really honestly believe that? Everyone in HoloX and ID3 is a significantly better streamer than Sana ever was at her peak. Out of THOUSANDS of applicants she happened to be the fifth best?

>> No.28021978

Read my first post but slowly this time

>> No.28021993

I don't think they have the permission from Mihoyo. You know: zhangs...

>> No.28021994

china game

>> No.28022017

id3 and holox didn't apply for council.
also id3 and holox are the best out of their respective batches.
show me indies who applied to get into council who are better than sana and maybe you've got a point but all you're saying to me now.
is these other people passed the interviews and are good pics

>> No.28022021

They hired her because of her other job, simple as. Sana was never comfortable in Hololive from the jump and I suspect she only auditioned because Ina asked her to.

>> No.28022023

Did you miss the part of the Taiwan arc where Chinese gacha devs were literally releasing press releases publicly denouncing Cover and saying that they'll never get to play their games ever again?
That's actually a thing that happened.

>> No.28022025

Maybe you should read it, fucking retard.
