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File: 656 KB, 850x1190, image_2022-07-12_043131358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27984503 No.27984503 [Reply] [Original]

Sana 100% got fired and you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise

>> No.27984604

lol brown lol

>> No.27984609

She wanted to quit from the beginning.

>> No.27984632

How do you explain ayame and folks?

>> No.27984664

she said the PR report wasn't true right? it says she ASKED to leave... so ye, she probably very much did not ASK at all

>> No.27984745

>sana you have to stream ever. no your goldfish dying doesn't mean ANOTHER paid month off

it's so unfair they are so mean !!

>> No.27984760

Wouldn't have a graduation if she was fired retard nigger

>> No.27984761

Then why'd she make Ina use her nepotism powers to get her in the first place.

>> No.27984795

She probably WAS ASKED to leave. But there ain't no way in hell she asked to leave

>> No.27984879

She was given a choice. Accept these new obligations or graduate.

>> No.27984903
File: 50 KB, 720x289, Screenshot_20220711-213653_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's graduating to move in with polka (they're fucking). They obviously discussed it before Sana went live (they're in a relationship)
Source: my penis

>> No.27984909

just provide the 100% proof bro

>> No.27984950

let go, pedantfag

>> No.27984965

Its a shame we won't see her collab with council anymore. But luckily she her roomamte is 1:1. Hopefully there will be other nonholo collabs in the future.

Also she seems to like streaming but not as routinely and vigorously as a talent which is fine. She's got a fanbase now.

>> No.27985017

Obviously, can you blame them? The contract clearly fucking stated she had a minimum streaming quota. If they don't put their foot down every future fucking generation that joins is going to pull this shit.
My personal theory is that Sana is the first holo ever that didn't break even after the first year. Hiring the rigger, the artists, the marketing, producing the merch, including her in all the events like holofes, her manager's salary. A new chuuba costs a shitload of money.
Ayame actually did her fucking job for more than a year and still brings in a shitload of money. Sana didn't do shit with her debut momentum and never build up a real audience. Even ID3 is doing better than her.

>> No.27985019

>holo said X
>must be true
yeah, yeah

>> No.27985033

>new obligations

very good post anon

>> No.27985049

jezas i can't even begin the imagine the mental gymnastics

>> No.27985130

Word was passed down that employees need to up their revenue. Sana didn't like that and decided to quit. Ayame can show up once a month and take home the average woman's yearly salary.

>> No.27985207

She never fucking streamed or did anything worth remembering. It's a miracle they didn't can her dumbass sooner

>> No.27985213

It's not pedantic retarded
Being fired means that the employer voids the contract and there's things like severance pay while not renewing a contract has none of that
Maybe in indognesia you get handed a coconut and told you're fired so it's the same as quitting but not in the civilized world

>> No.27985263

Good riddance, theres no reason to keep around dead weight

>> No.27985287
File: 207 KB, 499x253, sana potato head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get into Hololive through pure nepotism, completely undeserved, taking a spot from dozens of more talented Vtubers
>Demand an ugly brown model because you are an ugly brown SJW who wants to make Hololive more "diverse"
>Sabotage Council and cause the English branch of the most successful Vtuber company to take a massive reputational loss
>Stop streaming because nobody wants to watch an ugly brown Vtuber
>Get fired, squandering the greatest opportunity that any Vtuber could ever ask for.

Sana should graduate IRL as well.

>> No.27985323

The timing seems more like the contract not being renewed rather than a firing. Splitting hairs but there is a difference

>> No.27985353

Link channel

>> No.27985354

No. She said that it was "VAGUE". A lot of people mistook this for "FAKE", but no, that's not what she said.

>> No.27985376

Everyone on Youtube is on max copium saying it's for health reasons. She obviously wasn't the greatest entertainer, and lacked good communication.

This is a show business after all, and there's a lot of live up to at Hololive.

>> No.27985382

If that were the case, my oshi Kaela would be long gone

>> No.27985407

by the beginning I mean the point where she realized she wasn't going to be top dog of her gen by virtue of being such a special snowflake

>> No.27985425

How did she hurt her back? Was it bad?

>> No.27985429

Probably what her contract said, stream 1 hour a week.

>> No.27985444

ayame still also does tons of shit for cover that ISN'T streaming. sana never did ANYTHING. Even if she hadn't helped BUILD the entire industry she still does so much more currently than sana ever has.

>> No.27985457

Kill yourself, you'll never procreate

>> No.27985469


5/10 rrat

Hololive has its models figured out before they look for talents.

>> No.27985484

It costs more to fire someone in these type of social media agency than to just keep them no matter the numbers. Cover only fire people if it's a major yab like russhia.

>> No.27985510

I know you're stuck in your little world, but her model is basically platinum blonde Flare color wise

>> No.27985521

Iofi would be gone already too

>> No.27985529

I wanna graduate IRL, any tips?

>> No.27985570

so not new, just regular contractual obligations, fair

>> No.27985579

the reason cover didn't renew her contract its so obvious yet people on youtube can't accept the truth

>> No.27985598

Keep studying and finish high school
You must be 18 years or older to use 4channel

>> No.27985625

Death by cops

>> No.27985645

>us of a?

>> No.27985650


>> No.27985657

Kek, Iofi is too valuable. Even if she doesn't bring in a lot of money she managed to get cover a bunch of REALLY GOOD connections just by talking to people on twitter. I'm sure her managers are aware of this.

>> No.27985683

he wants to kill himself retard

>> No.27985709

She's next

>> No.27985726

>My personal theory is that Sana is the first holo ever that didn't break even after the first year.
Interesting theory but I wonder if that is true. Sana gets SC iirc. Hard to imagine any Holo is unable to break even (in modern day Hololive).

>> No.27985735

ID (allegedly) only has one manager so the branch's overhead is likely not particularly high. Not to mention that if M-chan lives in Indonesia her salary probably isn't as much as the other managers.

>> No.27985823

>The contract clearly fucking stated she had a minimum streaming quota.
If this is true, how do you explain Sana's low streaming frequency?

>> No.27985841

ayame is sleeping with cover management

>> No.27985844
File: 2.37 MB, 498x372, revolution-guillotine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to turn this into a shitty numbers thread but Ayame typically brings anywhere from 5-10 times the views and revenue that Sana does.
Probably because she's actually made a character of herself and her viewers actually want to watch her stream, even the ENViewers that have no clue what she's saying.
On the other hand Sana probably couldn't convince her own family to watch her if she promised to buy them dinner

>> No.27985867

What happened to Rushia is what happens when you are fired. She was clearly given guidlines about streaming (mainly that she needed to stream) and she didn't want to, so she quit. I don't think Kronii suddenly discovering her passion for streaming is a coincidence. I think Hololive is getting sick of these girls taking months off from streaming and not even communicating with their fans. It's one thing if it's just Shion or Ayame in JP because they have so many. But these girls are killing the EN branch with their behavior.

>> No.27985893

>Ayame can show up once a month and take home the average woman's yearly salary
Sana could've too, the Hololive brand does most of the work for them. Fans of the company would've turned up in the thousands for the rare bi-monthly Sana stream if she had just made them out to be a rare spectacle. By graduating from Hololive she's basically throwing everything away after already having crossed the finish line.

>> No.27985898

I would wager ID1 did worse for their first full year than Sana. It wasn't unusual to see <500 CCV streams from them back then.

>> No.27985961

Take your meds, psycho.

>> No.27985998

Sana shill and play genshin though

>> No.27986061

True but ID1 clearly cost them way less money. The 1.0 rigs were really fucking bad and the artists weren't as high profile.
Not to mention that just iofi more than made up for it by befriending big name artists and having them design holos.

>> No.27986073


>> No.27986079

Ayame helped build the Hololive brand years ago.

>> No.27986134

I think you're full of shit, an all around faggot, and you're just kidding yourself if you think otherwise

>> No.27986151

Everyone was smaller back then. Hell, 100K subs was considered a major milestone in the JP branch.

>> No.27986200

She didn't cross the finish line is the problem. She stumbled and didn't want to get back up. She didn't have the build up Ayame does. She doesn't have the investment or influence to pull what Ayame can.
She just hobbled along before deciding to quit cause the finish line was still too far away.

>> No.27986220

ye i think youre right actually anon mb

>> No.27986224

they literally said she had trouble keeping up with her vtubing duties in the press release. It's all but confirmed at this point

>> No.27986349

newfags keep bringing up gen2 like they debuted last year. Without their efforts in the beginning you retards wouldn't even had holoEN

>> No.27986364

They might have a schedule, but they obviously have a company culture where any excuse is good enough.

>> No.27986430

I feel like so much of ID gets shit on by the other branches when in reality they've done so much for Hololive. ID3 is genuinely my second favorite branch behind Myth, I fucking love Kaela. Proof that with diligence and hard work you can make something from nothing
