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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 63 KB, 500x589, Iida_Pochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27944074 No.27944074 [Reply] [Original]

Is Pochi dying?

>> No.27944107

everyone is

>> No.27944215

everyone is but some are faster than others

>> No.27944288

We start dying the day we are born anon.

>> No.27944420

she went for an MRI today and mentioned something about meds and rehab

>> No.27944434

I miss her

>> No.27945651

Pochi... I forgot about her

>> No.27945768
File: 71 KB, 796x900, 1653768880183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she is dying... to have my children.

>> No.27946090

I wrote this

>> No.27946301
File: 505 KB, 970x542, 1633231418412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not on my watch
I really need to save her

>> No.27946642

Maybe? She gave 40 membership on Reine’s latest Holocure stream.

>> No.27947025

if she dies ill give her 100 spankings

>> No.27947918

How does she feel having a lesbian daughter?

>> No.27948097

Please dont...
I dont want reine to have another model...

>> No.27950275
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why do bad things happen to good people

>> No.27950519
File: 96 KB, 437x394, 1642827452794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you find out that Pochi has severe heart problems
Why must this happen?

>> No.27950642

She will live forever.

>> No.27950753

Wait what? Since when? Can I save her?

Damn, I really like her too. She's too cute to die. Is this the price I have to pay for liking hags?

>> No.27950887

>Wait what? Since when?
She has always been of weak constitution, but being a manga artist drains all lifeforce from her delicate body. I don't know why being a manga artist is such a deadly profession in Japan. They all seem to wither away. I wish only the best for Pochi, she is the only vtuber out there worth goslinging for.

>> No.27950987

God look at how flat she is. Is so fucking hot.

>> No.27950998

>Wait what? Since when? Can I save her?
Couple of years ago, she already had a surgery to help with that but it seemed her constitution is still weak

>> No.27951148
File: 8 KB, 205x245, 1235433456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want the truth yes she has a chronic health condition will without a doubt kill her one day. But that day has yet to come so make the best times you can with her like i do OP.

>> No.27951187

Manga is a high stress low activity job. I work in finance and most of the people I know suffer from heart and blood pressure problems.

>> No.27951220

She wishes she had big boobs like Chiyo so she could seduce a shota

>> No.27951765

she is going to summon me and i will be her demon big brother, we will live forever

>> No.27954520


>> No.27958743

she'll use the last ounce of her strength to draw Reine getting impregnated by a shota

>> No.27959011

our hypochondriac...............

>> No.27959126

Come on everyone, be more positive!
She's going to be fine, don't get depressive, she wouldn't like that!
Also, post more art of her, please?

>> No.27959241

Please exercise, eat well and grow stronger Pochi!

>> No.27963694

enjoy your chuubas while you have them, you never when it ends

>> No.27964795

Yes, can't wait for her c100 doujin

>> No.27965512
File: 1.54 MB, 1670x1759, 1650689835761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you asked nicely. Pochi love!

>> No.27965966

But I can't have sex with her that will kill her faster

>> No.27966079


>> No.27966172

I'm gonna tell Pochi she made me cum buckets, that will surely make her happy, right?

>> No.27969511

I can save her
For quite a long time. She would often complain about it even before the VTubing stuff.

>> No.27972503

>I don't know why being a manga artist is such a deadly profession in Japan.

Lack of physical activity
Sitting in the worst possible posture for extended periods of time
Shitty as hell diet

No joke if they would just fuckin jog for an hour and meal plan at least half of their meals to be healthy they'd stop dropping like flies

>> No.27972772

Pochi's parents cook for her sometimes.

>> No.27972815

We'll all die one day. Me, I will transfer my consciousness to the cloud.

>> No.27973640
File: 2.86 MB, 664x742, Pochi waiting animation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27974189

She went to get an MRI, she was scared of it.

>> No.27974666

dying from lack of shotas to fuck and cuddle

>> No.27974711


>> No.27977674

did she say this on her twiter or on her yootoob?

>> No.27977784
File: 55 KB, 554x308, Cleaning the room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27978115

Please be true

>> No.27979087

more than any of this is the absolutely fatal deadlines. most manga artists have to work for 16+ hours a day to barely keep up, that's just the time they spend drawing the manga, then they have to draw promo arts, develop the story, go to meetings for merch and anime development, go to company meetings, cook-eat-clean-laundry etc.

If you're unaware lack of sleep is literally the #1 predictor of early fatality in humans. More than any other element in your entire life, not sleeping affects you the worst.

>> No.27979126

Please live pochi

>> No.27981544

yeah she's drowning in my cum

>> No.27984043

Like actually dying?

>> No.27984236

Combine what everyone said and mix in Japan's 'work till you drop' culture

>> No.27984341

I wish I could save her but I'm useless... I would give her the rest of my lifespan in a heartbeat considering I don't have anything to do with it.

>> No.27985093

24/7, constantly. She's still doing all right.

>> No.27985317


>> No.27985912
File: 48 KB, 597x298, It's true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I forgot how cute her voice is...
I'm glad that we seem to help her out, at least.

>> No.27986302

Dying to stream because she loves us so much

>> No.27987826

since we're on the topic of pochi, the okaasan online ending really pissed me off because of how disappointing it was.

>> No.27988436

Spoil me.

>> No.27988603

The dissapointment was so severe she got sick. She trully hates /u/fag

>> No.27988807

She seems in a constant state of dying. Get that woman an ergonomic set up, and a man that can cook for her.

>> No.27989096

Open the borders I am willing to do anything for her.

>> No.27990548

Why do talented people like her constantly dying meanwhile i'm very healthy but useless.

>> No.27991048

creating egregores drain your soul, read Evola's Introduction to Magick volume I

>> No.27992393

She needs to stop working ASAP. Miura literally died because his heart burst from overworking. We made fun of all the hiatuses he took. But then we got a steady string of monthly chapters, and then bam he died. Taking breaks wad literally keeping him alive. Honestly, Pochi needs to really lay off the art, if she wants to keep living.

>> No.27993115

Because they expend their health on their talents while you idle and conserve energy

>> No.27996559

If only Abe opened the borders before he got CHENEY MANIA'd . . . . Then Pochi would already have a full belly and a full womb.

>> No.28000651

If only i could give her and maybe ito my lifeforce.

>> No.28003109

She has an ugly model.

>> No.28004708
File: 360 KB, 1280x1807, 1657445824112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to sacrifice shotas to her, Its the only way.

>> No.28005037

YOU'RE ugly

>> No.28005209

Yes, someone please marry her.

>> No.28007894


>> No.28007998

This doujin was fucking top tier
