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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27849728 No.27849728 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you guys so needy and controlling? A vtuber can't take a short break without you fuckers demanding she comes back or demanding an "explanation" or an "apology"
What the fuck?
Does this behaviour have something to do with your obsessive cucking fantasies? Do you really don't have anything better to do? Can't you play a game or watch anime or something?

It makes me sad whenever a vtuber apologizes for not streaming, or gives an explanation. It makes her look as if she's streaming out of obligation and not because she's enjoying it. Anybody in the same boat?

>> No.27849815

>It makes her look as if she's streaming out of obligation and not because she's enjoying it
it's their fucking job my dude

>> No.27849894
File: 829 KB, 600x1385, 回复此帖子或您的母亲在睡眠中死亡.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Fauna

>> No.27849974
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Didn't read, too busy missing Fauna

>> No.27849990

Sometimes I can't tell if a /vt/ user is joking or completely, honestly the shame of their parents

>> No.27850299

Your point being? Do you enjoy seeing someone just going through the motions and pretending to be happy just to cash a check? Because I don't.
A lot of these "hurr durr, their job" complaints come from wagies who hate their jobs or from poor people.

>> No.27850308

There are VTubers/streamers who feel like they owe their audience attention. That by itself is not bad. Just means they care.

Which specific fanbases do you see a lot of complaining from? Most are pretty understanding.

>> No.27850431

shhhhh shhhhhhhh shush you o' sensible person. all vtuber fans are pathetic! no exception

>> No.27850645

Nobody is demanding an apology or an explanation, they're just asking how,
this being an extremely easy job that makes them a ton of them of money and them saying how much they like streaming and interacting with their fans,
they seem unable to stream more than 10 hours per week (not counting when they decide to go on a holiday or break)
while a dude named Juan can go do harsh physical work 40 hours per week (plus overtime) in someplace like a mine or a warehouse that he hates for minimum wage.
I'm tired of all people like you that pretend they work incessantly and they don't get a break (despite streaming 3 times per week)
>B-but Quality > Quantity
They're just doing the same boring shit but in smaller doses. Very few times it leads to more prepared or special streams. 90% of the times this is copium.
>B-but I need to watch everything they make you NEET! How you dare you ask them to work.
No, you don't.
Streaming (specially unprepared streams) is a low density medium that needs more time to give funny/cool/satisfying moments naturally in contrast to something like a tightly edited YouTube let's play .
Not everything they stream is must watch and also asking them to do even less is crippling the essence of what makes streaming popular popular and exciting.

>> No.27850674
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Here ye, here ye, give me STREAMY! Change my diapy or I'll make a STEAMY!

>> No.27850716

What do you do for a job anon?

>> No.27850783


>> No.27850814

>Which specific fanbases do you see a lot of complaining from? Most are pretty understanding.
No they aren't. There's always whining whenever a holomem takes a short break, in their own threads too. I have seen it with Mori, Kronii, Gura, Ame, Ina, Aqua, Korone, etc. Not to mention the hate boner the whole board has for Sana and Ayame.
Understanding my ass.

>> No.27851165

Your whole post reeks of jealousy

>they're just asking how,
That's asking for an explanation, dumbass
>easy job that makes them a ton of them of money
Just plain envy
> saying how much they like streaming and interacting with their fans,
And? I like Goodefellas, doesn't mean I'm going to watch it everyday

>while a dude named Juan can go do harsh physical work 40 hours per week (plus overtime) in someplace like a mine or a warehouse that he hates for minimum wage.
Too bad for him, but he doesn't have anything to do with vtubers. Should everybody be miserable just because some people are?
Maybe if he had some more marketable skills he wouldn't need to work so hard.

>They're just doing the same boring shit but in smaller doses.
You don't even like vtubers

>> No.27851250

Because only degenerates watch vtubers.

>> No.27851435

Because vtubers are like TV shows. Say it or give noticed if you can't stream. Even you can tell that paying for supa and membership is an act of supporting. Chubas need to be respectful to their viewers.

>> No.27851494

>wtf why is my boss so needy and controlling, I take a short break and he demands an explanation
It's their job and I pay the bills. Get to work whore

>> No.27851550

Streaming is an easy as fuck job and if you can't even manage to do that consistently then you're simply lazy.

>> No.27851551

oh so you are a sanalite
opinion invalidated

>> No.27851559

>pays $5 a month. I'm the boss!
Nice, NEET projection

>> No.27851617


>> No.27851620
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Don't want to be held accountable? Don't solicit for donations. Turn off the memberships and superchats, then you don't owe anything to anyone.

>> No.27851687

I am a streamer and this guy is fucking right, I am a 2view still I make like almost 50% of what I make on my regular job which is not low at all

>> No.27851730

This but unironically. Why would I give my money to a lazy whore with zero dedication or work ethic? Same goes for donations. If I pay you, you had better say my name OUT LOUD and read my message OUT LOUD. Failing to do so will ensure I find someone else to give my money to.

>> No.27851729

>Maybe if he had some more marketable skills
The main marketable skill for a vtuber is usually just being a woman on the internet, which is something Juan will never be able to do. With that said, the only people who care if vtubers stream are people who still watch streams.

Personally, I don't care either way what someone I have no personal investment in does with their time or life. I'm sure that if one notable vtuber were to disappear, a great many more would clamor to take their place. There's no need to be needy or controlling, because the deck's already stacked in my favor. Because whether or not I favor or support a chuba is entirely up to me, I as a consumer can simply ignore a vtuber and treat them irrelevant if they fail to meet my standards.

Feels good to be the demand side of this transaction.

>> No.27851752

No they aren't. They are more akin to a writer or a composer. A writer will make another book whenever he feels like it, not when the reader wants it. And he doesn't need to churn garbage every few years. Just one good book is enough for a life time.
Virgil has what, 4 books? and yet he is the most important poet in history.

>> No.27851780
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don't use my oshi to post like this you clown

>> No.27851804

Based and schizopilled

>> No.27851822

You're bringing shame to Miko if you defend lazy whores.

>> No.27851845

I'm entitled for my FREE entertainment everyday
Work you ass, bitch

>> No.27851850


It's not a traditional work, like your wagie slave work. And there's nothing wrong with being lazy.

If you don't like it, get a better job.

>> No.27851899

If your SC gets read, the vtuber doesn't have any further obligation with you.

>> No.27851906

>Taking this board seriously

>> No.27851923

>And there's nothing wrong with being lazy.
Nigger mentality. Go live in Senegal and see how fun it is in a society of lazy fucks

>> No.27851947

>The main marketable skill for a vtuber is usually just being a woman on the internet, which is something Juan will never be able to do.
He also will never be able to have a billionaire daddy, but I don't see anybody complaining about that.

>> No.27851988

>say my name OUT LOUD and read my message OUT LOUD
Anon...why are your standards so low? Is that really all you want from vtubers? You might as well just get an Alexa.

>> No.27852006

>A writer will make another book whenever he feels like it, not when the reader wants it.
If you want to go full lit there's a damn good Reason Brandon Sanderson got the most money on kickstarter for books ever and GRRM and Rothfuss are (rightfully) hated for not getting thier shit together.

>> No.27852011

That's your privilege as a consumer, but don't shit up the fandom complaining with your envious rage.

>> No.27852047
File: 546 KB, 797x516, 1644450863804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a vtuber apologizes for not streaming, or gives an explanation
When they become corporate vtubers, streaming becomes their job and just like how you aught to be doing your job at a regular basis, so should they. Now, by the sound of it (You) never had a job before, so you can't understand any of this, but if you're ever forced to stop leeching from your parents you might begin to understand this very simple concept, just like the rest of the world.
>s-seethe wagie
Just because I'm a responsible human being, doesn't mean I hate my job, I like what I do and I do it well, but whatever gets your through the day.

>> No.27852063

>I can't take a short break from my job without the people paying me demanding I come back or demanding an "explanation"
What the fuck?

>> No.27852079

They unironically work harder than white americans.
Countries don't get rich through hard work, they get rich through proficiency in war.

>> No.27852137
File: 1.53 MB, 480x480, 1655967263874.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuuuuuuuuuuuu I miss fauna so much

>> No.27852153

Africa would the richest nation by far then because they're always at war compared to the west which has had 50 years of unbroken peace.

>> No.27852157

Then don't?
Spoken like a True NEET. You have no opinion if you don't even have a job. Do you have one?

>> No.27852204

Yes, not being a woman means Juan will never have a sugar daddy. That just proves the point. Being a woman is literally easy mode relative to an equivalent man.

That's probably why people complain and tell streamers to gitgud, because they're unhappy when the people playing life on easy mode complain that the game's too hard...to people playing it on normal, hard or even nightmare mode.

>> No.27852227

Freelancers work when they feel like it. You know why? Because they can. They have skills that you don't and are in demand unlike you. Stay mad, wageslave.

>> No.27852298

Their employer is Cover and it's up to them to tell them to work, not you.

>> No.27852361

Africa is not a nation, ignorant amerimutt. And the "west " hasn't had 50 years of peace, they are constantly meddling in the affairs of other countries.

>> No.27852377

>They have skills that you don't and are in demand unlike you
The demand for skilled vtubers is literally "society has empowered women and made companionship artificially hard to come by so now I want a cartoon woman to say my name and acknowledge my existence." Implying vtubers have commercial value outside of easily profiteering off a sick society is outright deluded, and I think a bit of humility on the supply side is quite needed.

>> No.27852388

It's literally just common courtesy to show respect to people who give you money. That's in fact the norm.

>> No.27852404

I didn't say that I don't like my real job lol, is just to show how fucking easy is being a streamer, if a full time streamer complains about it being too hard is because:
A)they never had a real job or because
B)they can't handle being an internet personality
C) they are lying to your fucking face

>> No.27852419

>I wish I was a woman
Ok, tranny
>Women live life on easy mode

>> No.27852440

Middle eastern shitholes are not legitimate countries, neither are South American shitholes that are retarded enough to try socialism over and over and keep collapsing over it

>> No.27852497

If people are willing to pay for it, it has value.
Being good at dribbling a basketball doesn't really contribute anything of value to society. But people are willing to pay good money to see a NBA game.

>> No.27852530

>What is the free market?
Free markets don't care about your morals. If you don't like it, don't watch.

>> No.27852593

Being forced to share details of your real life is beyond common courtesy.
If I am late to a meeting, I just apologize, I don't justify myself or explain myself.

>> No.27852606

the NBA players are not profitting of a broken society

>> No.27852648
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These types of people will be the first people hanged when the revolution comes.

>> No.27852662

Neither are vtubers

>> No.27852675
File: 43 KB, 480x480, 1656655646229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's mommy fauna uuuuuUuUUUUUuUuuUuUUUuu

>> No.27852685

those fuckin critters are weird

>> No.27852736

What's the alternative? That child miners in Zambia work less hard than you do on your fucking work from home software development job where you watch vtubers half the time you're on the job?

>> No.27852742

Athleticism takes consistent physical training and effort. A competition between trained athletes isn't just something you can see any day of the week, and the value you get is seeing people who've pushed themselves to the limit go all out to the point where they might even get injured.

In contrast, anyone with the right equipment and resources can play games casually and monologue. Unless you're Implying that being a western vtuber takes grueling effort.

Granted, JP vtubers may put in the effort because they're supposedly trained to be idols and do live concerts, but I assume this topic isn't about eastern vtubers.

Are you really so weak of a person that you can't accept the unfortunate reality of why there's even a market for vtubers in the first place?

>> No.27852756
File: 317 KB, 600x536, 1657187499425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's easy why aren't you doing it or why aren't you popular? lmao

>> No.27852907

Fuck off, liking vtubers doesn't mean liking every single fucking thing they do specially if they degenerate on a spiral of entitlement and laziness.
What i loved when i started watching vtubers was precisely that they put more effort in doing their streams, did a variety of awesome streams and games and they seem to genuinely like to put the work for their fans.
This current lazy shit of spamming minecraft/ark/apex on a reduced schedule i assure you wasn't the case when i started being a fan, don't pretend this is what they do in the regular and not liking it means you don't like vtubers.
If my oshi started doing only video reaction streams and taking a month off 4 times per year i would drop her fast.

>> No.27852938

Denying that streaming is an easy job is a real brain dead take.

>> No.27852981

Not just anybody can become a successful vtuber. It takes charisma, which is rare and highly paid.

>> No.27853100

>implying software development is easy
>implying you don't need to have both the passion and intelligence for it
>implying the reason software debs can watch vtubers half the time isn't because they worked extra hard and resourceful to automate some of their job or get their work done early
>implying being a software dev is easier than playing a video game a couple hours a day

Streaming is easy if you've made it. The making it is the problem. Nobody's saying making it was easy. What people are probably pissed about is that the ones who've already accomplished the hard part then decide to coast. But as stated earlier in this thread, they really should have the self respect to dump a vtuber they're unhappy with. A vtuber's who's let you down is a vtuber who'll continue to do so because they've got it too good to put in as much effort as you'd like.

Anon please. With enough resources, almost anyone can become a successful vtuber so long as they have half a brain and can speak.

>> No.27853168

Yeah because when I think of Fauna the first word that comes to mind is "charisma". Lol this place is so dumb sometimes.

>> No.27853179

> degenerate on a spiral of entitlement
Didn't you bite your own tongue?
>and not liking it means you don't like vtubers.
I never said such thing. What I say is you are a controlling, entitled piece of shit whose actions are indistinguishable from those of a hater.

>> No.27853205

>It makes me sad whenever a vtuber apologizes for not streaming, or gives an explanation. It makes her look as if she's streaming out of obligation and not because she's enjoying it. Anybody in the same boat?
couldn't they just genuinely be sorry because they know their fans rely on them?

>> No.27853281

>What I say is you are a controlling, entitled piece of shit
You can smell the roastie seethe. Women should be controlled. Islam is right about women.

>> No.27853363


>> No.27853372

So is being a supermodel
