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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27718353 No.27718353 [Reply] [Original]

>/vt/ agrees that amelia is a better vtuber than every other holoEN
>/vt/ agrees that korone is a better vtuber than every other holoJP
Does /vt/ universally agree on anyone in holoID the same way?

>> No.27718379


>> No.27718770

> /vt/ agrees on something
Well that's a fucking lie

>> No.27718810

amelia is universally considered to be the best talent in hololive EN here

>> No.27718875
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risu is queen no denying it, stfu and kneel fags

>> No.27718917

>/vt/ agrees
oh look a schizo

>> No.27718954
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>/vt/ agrees

>> No.27718996
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>> No.27719068

>/vt/ agrees
If you're going to fucking false flag, do it right you fucking ape

>> No.27719109

why would anyone falseflag as a koronesuki?

>> No.27719153

Sorry that you're wrong but here, let me speak for /vt/. Mori is the best EN chuuba. Matsuri is the JP chuuba. Ollie is the best ID chuuba according to /vt/

>> No.27719600

Amelia and her roommate makes my dick hard. So yes, she is the best.

>> No.27719809

(You) just convinced me she is the worst.
I hope your happy anon.

>> No.27720679

I can tell you it isn't Kobo.

>> No.27720773

>Does /vt/ universally agree

>> No.27720820

The only thing /vt/ probably agrees on that ama is trying really hard, but is still the worst.
I think there is a 99% agreement that shion is the best overall jptuber.

>> No.27723455


>> No.27723526

>/vt/ agrees.
already wrong.

>> No.27725072

I agree that OP is a faggot, can anyone refute this?

>> No.27725447


>> No.27725610

Huh? No.

>> No.27725760

>Ame has the worst Myth debut by far, only Kiara comes close to her level of negative initial reception on 4chan.
>Quickly becomes our girl.
How did she do it?

>> No.27725856

do you want to timeloop amageddon? thought so.

>> No.27726032


>> No.27726128

How much her bodycount again teacucks?

>> No.27726260

You mean that big, fat juicy nothingburger?

>> No.27726310

>/vt/ agrees
Wtf I thought this place isn't hivemind?

>> No.27728496

Watson is unwatchable, bland as fuck with childish humor not to mention can't sing for shit

>> No.27729091

>newfag fell for the bait threads

>> No.27730302
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>>/vt/ agrees that korone is a better vtuber than every other holoJP

>> No.27731047

Reine. Kaela gives her a run for her money, but her autistic mumbling can be offputting.

Best singer, okay game streamer, but hardly streams.

>> No.27732956

she's the only EN that's not completely in it for herself, and actually helps out other people in hololive. she's also the only creative and soulful EN member

>> No.27734376

Ame is a great idea person but she feels really forced and almost hostile on a lot of her streams
I think if she relaxed and tried to have more fun she would become much more popular

>> No.27735097

Ame admitted she has a gun
is she alt right

>> No.27735165

Fuck off retard even the lefties can have guns if they want. Ame is still probably right wing though

>> No.27735187

Nobody hates Amelia because she's irrelevant.

>> No.27735212

alt right and lefties are both dumb
america is stupid for believing there are 2 sides
grow up

>> No.27735979
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pls rate
>didnt include Sana because I havent seen enough of her

>> No.27736287

t. le epic "enlightened" centrist

>> No.27736405

There's no equivalent for ID, closest thing I guess is Reine?

>> No.27736502

we've evolved anonchama
you need to catch up

>> No.27736720

You just based the alignments on their lore/memes instead of their actual opinions. (Which we know next to nothing about, because of Hololive's "no politics" rule.)
If anything, Kiara ought to be of the left side simply by being a European.

>> No.27736904

>You just based the alignments on their lore/memes instead of their actual opinions.
memes are the purest expression of truth

>> No.27737028

and Austrians are best when authoritarian right

>> No.27737829

Pigs will fly before /vt/ agrees unanimously on anything

>> No.27737973

I don't think Ame is a great vtuber.
I think she is great in general, a great person, a great friend, very ambitious and fresh air in the scene.
But as a vtuber, she is pretty mediocre.

>> No.27738765

But Kiara is the best vtuber in EN.

>> No.27738854

/vt/ agrees that you're a faggot OP

>> No.27739050

She's the best "JP vtuber" in EN.
But most western fags don't like JP vtubing style.
I think Kiara would have had more success if she debut in a JP gen

>> No.27741632

Hang on! I read the same thread 12 hours ago!

>> No.27742533

Her roommate is obnoxiously authoritarian left, you know that anon. I'm not reposting dox but I know you've seen the tweets.
And they're all young women so they're probably all left leaning. Even Ame.

>> No.27746187


>> No.27752593
File: 81 KB, 577x432, twitch degens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kronii is a nazi? based.
