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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 658 KB, 1000x1288, Tsukino_Mito_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27705996 No.27705996 [Reply] [Original]

>the first Nijisanji liver is graduating to join hololive's 7th generation

>> No.27706084

Kill yourself

>> No.27706113

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.27706217

>nijiniggers for years now
>mito ditches negro company
>ugh, just kys, ugh!

>> No.27706356

Are we just making shit up now?

>> No.27706414

>>the first Nijisanji liver
she's not the first catalognignog

>> No.27706452
File: 737 KB, 1300x1818, 1657030661301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mito go home
we have creative freedom

>> No.27706515

2020fags have finally lost what little bit of their minds they had left with this VShojo thing

>> No.27706605

why you use greentext this time? are you getting bored of that?

>> No.27706844

I dunno which anonymous enemy you think I'm supposed to be but thank you for reiterating my point

>> No.27706977

you are welcome

>> No.27706982

she is the first

>> No.27706986

This board always finds a way to say the STUPIDEST shit.
You think we've peaked on how retarded most of you can be and then its like someone hears me and goes "HOLD MY BEER" and posts shit like this.

>> No.27707027

you are welcome

>> No.27707031

>This board
you know who's at fault

>> No.27707035
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Bad nijinigger!

>> No.27707170

*pees and shits all over you*

>> No.27707179 [DELETED] 
File: 679 KB, 735x987, LA HERMANA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back in the cuckshed, sapling. You don't want to cause a commotion.

>> No.27707180

They get what they fucking deserve vtubing as the medium we see today has not even been around for a decade. It changes and has changed extremely fast. Hell hololive gen 1 debuted only 4 years ago. Hell Coco wasn't even with Hololive for 2 full years.

>> No.27707251
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>Mito will have to address Towa as her senpai

>> No.27707398
File: 110 KB, 308x288, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you believe me if I told you that some of these retards are still upset over Christmas.

she's not.

>> No.27707399

Yea I know. Kobo's horrific fanbase is spreading through this place like the worst kind of cancer.

>> No.27707741

Is this just shitposting or someone has any actual proof?

>> No.27707966

shitposting but it's true that nijisanji is in graduation season right now and mito is on a break from all this

>> No.27708275

go back

>> No.27708534
File: 191 KB, 1500x1500, FVw2yIgVUAA0phL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you believe me if I told you that some of these retards are still upset

>> No.27708680

She JUST did a stream today.

>> No.27709649

Err, what's the basis of this rrat?

>> No.27709867

Lots of niji graduations and Mito being less active
Looks like anykira is trimming the fat
Public company, you know.

>> No.27710066

I say, some could be possible. But why Mito? Doesn't make sense in the slightest.

>> No.27710483

I know this is a worthless shitpost but Mito's kind of content would work fine in Hololive. She's essentially Akai Haato but better.

>> No.27710870


Cant they just make them semi-graduate like ayame?

Stream like once a month, has 3D Events and concert and sponsorships?

>> No.27713409

She's not needed in Hololive.
Holos need facilitators the most now I feel.

>> No.27713542

Niji can't afford that especially from their heavy hitters. They need money and numbers to look good to their investors. They are now forcing their talents to back their pivot to a more idol centric content.

>> No.27714122


>> No.27714143

so why did she shoot Abe bros?
what's her end Goal?

>> No.27714172

>wanted talent freedom
Welcome to Vshojo.

>> No.27714431

Are you kidding me?? what the fuck

>> No.27715332

that'd be pretty sad, I don't watch every stream since my Japanese is pretty mediocre but I love her voice and chill attitude
one of the first vtubers I ever saw that bitch is underrated

>> No.27715681


>> No.27716506

>I watched her but I don't know shit about her
do /vt/sisters really?

>> No.27719917

graduation rush lol

>> No.27720066

All she did was a shill stream for cup noodles. Can you explain why she would graduate without quoting the voices in your head?

>> No.27720223

I see Holofags really aren't processing the Coco and Rushia thing all too well.
Don't worry, you'll always be able to brag about taking Moruluna.

>> No.27720327


Niji aiming World Record
Graduation Rush any%, seedless, random livers.

>> No.27720419

It's what happens when corpos go public, they kill the goose that lays the golden egg. She's not pulling numbers and shareholders don't understand what her appeal is, they tell CEO what they want. He could try and convince them that she's special but unless he has a strong financial argument to keep her onboard it's a done deal.

>> No.27720491
File: 328 KB, 1300x1300, 1656791910268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come Mito. You were always the best.

>> No.27720501

It was a shilling stream. Mito is taking a month off streaming because she is currently emotionally unstable right now, but she promises that she will do the planned sponsorship streams because they can't be canceled

>> No.27720588

>Some nijiniggers in this thread don't even know their daisenpai is on her menhera phase

>> No.27720611
File: 2.06 MB, 1300x1273, 1654547072564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast brother.

>> No.27720656

I dunno, it wouldn't take much to catch the shareholders up to speed how she is symbolically very very important. Pretty much all you have to do is remind them that losing Mito would be like Holo losing Sora, only even bigger than that because mito is the origin point of the giant live2d streaming vtuber snowball.

I mean is it costing them money to keep her around? They don't even pay their chubbas salary IIRC, wouldn't it literally cost them nothing? If she does leave it'd be totally of her own volition, and also a failing of Riku to convince her to stay on board.

>> No.27720739

Wait if Mito is graduating wouldn't Fumino Tamaki follow her?

>> No.27720848

they don't watch streams and focus only on numberfagging

>> No.27720915

They released only like 6% of the shares. The major shareholders didn't change whatsoever.
Mito's entire life is a menhera phase.

>> No.27720953


>> No.27720966

I've been on video call meetings with public shareholders and upper management, they literally don't give a shit about the company and what it does and typically the upper management doesn't either. It's all just fucking numbers, literally shit like
>we need to increase revenue 3% to hit target goal for X projection to be on track but instead of pushing for market expansion we can just cut costs by 9% and achieve the same result. That cut can be met by shutting down our 5 worst performing branches in the northeast region
and then the news reports 20,000 layoffs due to downsizing. I don't think Riku is a dispassionate asshole but I absolutely can guarantee the majority stake shareholders don't give a fuck what the company is about and all they want to do is do whatever it takes to increase shareholder value. And if their investment in her like avatars, 3D stuff, assets, equipment, etc is X value and her ROI is -XY then she's on the chopping block. It's why you never go public if you care about the company and it's employees.

>> No.27721266

After Nui's statement on the other day, it is frightening to speculate who will graduate next

>> No.27721578

what did she say?

>> No.27721595

Karma is a bitch holobronies, you tried to spreading nijisanji's rat and the next thing is your precious idol company fires a big earner, aqua is the next in big yab. Mark my words

>> No.27721666


>> No.27721699

ching chong ching chang to you too faggot

>> No.27721725

fuck off

>> No.27721816

go back

>> No.27721836

I'm trying to learn Japanese.
immersion is very important and watching vtubers is a good and fun way to do it, i do the same with Natori Sana and Marine

>> No.27722603

You think Anykara's new chinesey overlords give shit about any of that?
Also this

>> No.27723108


>> No.27723283


>> No.27723508

Mito is just another member who happen to debut first in niji first wave lol, she has no real power in the company and now if the shareholder are not happy with her, they will just cut her off

>> No.27723544

Niji in shambles

>> No.27723710

mito has some kino for halloween, just you wait. Source me

>> No.27723967

I was staying on my oshis split only this week
What happened that rrats like Mito graduating suddenly started?

>> No.27724527

She is on break because of personal reasons that have nothing to do with Nijisanji, she is still doing sponsorships and stuff that she scheduled before the break and she also said she has no plans to quit.

>> No.27724724

>personal reasons
yeah being tired of nijisanji and their bullshit like most livers
>she also said she has no plans to quit

>> No.27724816

>niji graduations
1 = lots?

>> No.27724848

>all public companies in the world operate like my shitty company

>> No.27725049

Mito is less active because her dad is trying to claim he has a right to some of her money. I think that's the rrat on the jp side at least.

>> No.27725218

3, anon, and that's not counting the nijiKr branch because I'm feeling charitable today

>> No.27727360

What a scumbag. What an entirely believable rrat tbhfamalama

>> No.27727580

It's like they're not even trying.

>> No.27727882

>she also said she has no plans to quit
Literally everyone said this before they decided to graduated anyway

>> No.27728051


>> No.27728539

They literally shut down their IN branch and merged the KR with JP

>> No.27729697

this is the post that told me abe was assassinated.

>> No.27732651


>> No.27733175
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>> No.27735586


>> No.27736206

If you have to resort to self-bumping a bait thread that usually means that the well has run dry, might as well try with another thread later

>> No.27736540

who is the third

>> No.27737237

Ryuushen. All LGBT will be removed. NijiEn is next.

>> No.27740808

VShojoJP awaits

>> No.27743373

Nijisanji Graduations so far in 2022
2022/04/30 - Warabeda Meiji
2022/06/01 - Melissa Kinrenka
2022/07/28 - Mayuzumi Kai

2022/02/20 - Ko Yami
2022/03/20 - Lee Siu
2022/03/30 - Lee On
2022/03/31 - Shin Kiru
2022/04/20 - Chae Ara (Graduation never oficially announced, however her profile was removed from Nijisanji's website on April 20 and all videos on her channel were privated on May 16.
2022/04/28 - Han Chiho
2022/05/01 - Song Mia
And Lee Roha is taking a 300 day "break" starting July 7.

Not counting VirtuaReal, or the disbanded Nijisanji Shanghai, Nijisanji Taipei, and Nijisanji IN.
Of Nijisanji's total 35 graduations in the last 4.5 years, 10 of them have happened in the last 4.5 months.

>> No.27743580
File: 94 KB, 250x250, 1650691963467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was literally to sick, tried her best to stick out and took a long break, ultimately decided to just graduate.
Wanted more control over her music, couldn't reach an agreement and graduated(has more control on her RM).
Wasn't feeling it for a long time, was given countless proposals and on where to go next, didn't like any of them, decided to graduate.

Stupid faggot numbercunt brony, shut the FUCK UP, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and are trying to craft something out of nothing.
Also, if you knew anything you'd know that Chae is the entire reason so many people KR graduated, would you like to know why? I'm not fucking tell you, now fuck off back to your containtment thread.

>> No.27744217

Did I ask for any of their reasons, you fucking moron? Did anyone? I'm not crafting anything, you smooth-brained faggot. Anons in this this thread asked which members graduated recently and I answered their fucking question, you knuckle-dragging, air gulping, retarded piece of shit.
To go on a list of who recently graduated, the member's given reasons for graduating doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is whether or not they graduated.
How are you so fucking stupid?

>> No.27744271

>Immediate damage control
Why are you so defensive about a couple of names and dates about your precious dead nijisanji members, intern-kun? That anon didn't state anything about the reasons why they graduated

>> No.27744354

>Stupid faggot numbercunt brony, shut the FUCK UP, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Give me just one single instance of anything I said in >>27743373 being wrong, you seething final form faggot.

>> No.27744403

Did Ryuushen announce her intent to graduate? Could you provide a source?

>> No.27744611

She said something along the line of "there might be some livers who are intending/planning to graduate but we haven't known yet"
Not exactly refered to herself

>> No.27744739

>Warabeda Was literally to sick, tried her best to stick out and took a long break, ultimately decided to just graduate.
She immediately started streaming on a new youtube account right after she graduated.

>was given countless proposals and on where to go next
He specifically said that he didn't want to the things that management now wanted him to do going forward. He's quitting because management is trying to force him to do things he doesn't want to do or make the type of content he doesn't want to make.

>> No.27747348

>Was literally to sick
But healthy enough to do announcing for Gibara's event a month before she announced her graduation?

>> No.27750848

where'd you get that anon

>> No.27750905

come home...

>> No.27750938


>> No.27751007

>joins vshojoJP
How will /vt/ react?

>> No.27751079

I will bully every niji general for a month

>> No.27751265

I will kek and call her a whore as always

>> No.27751481

>wants to be an idol
>joins vshojo
At least Hololive would be less nonsensical c'mon. These rrats are way too low effort

>> No.27751503

She's really going to do it.
niji in shambles

>> No.27751673

I have never heard anybody call her that but you had to bump the thread, I get it

>> No.27751955
File: 323 KB, 1891x924, 1648831935774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your poison

>> No.27753067

why does this thread exist

>> No.27755943

low activity on her part and some hololive fans not really knowing much about nijisanji
they would hate her in hololive and she would hate it too
