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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27600030 No.27600030 [Reply] [Original]

Autism the holo

>> No.27600079

She's my cute autistic wife.

>> No.27600104

she sounds like a smoker in her solo streams
is there a reason for this?

>> No.27600128

If only all of them were like her... YAGOO please, hire autists only from now on.

>> No.27600189

"the worst the girl sounds , the cuter the girl is irl ".

anonchama 69:420

>> No.27600252
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>> No.27600256

i want to smooch

>> No.27600276
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I need correction from this autistic hagsmith

>> No.27600916

I want her to forge my penis in her hag vagina forge
if you know what I mean

>> No.27600925

>casually streams 5-10 hours almost everyday
i think i'm in love

>> No.27600948

Guys please
Get some help

>> No.27600984

Aren't like at least half of the holos autistic to some degree?

>> No.27601101

I just found out that she's not a hag...
My autistic gamer mommy image of her is gone now...

>> No.27601112

lemao you

>> No.27601122
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Why does she do it? Why is she like this?

>> No.27601174

The nabbsky rrat is very dead anon. Their streams have overlapped repeatedly.

>> No.27601181

my sides


>> No.27601199

as a kenzoku i can attest to this.

>> No.27601214

i need help marrying her yes

>> No.27601247


>> No.27601272

It's a different one, I'm 95% convinced about this one

>> No.27601289
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Only cry emote

>> No.27601311

>AXAXAXAXAX is allowed
Cпacибo бoгy

>> No.27601313

shes not nabbsky but people already found her PL youtube because its not hard to find when all you play is wild rift. shes really cute either way.

>> No.27601332

She desperately needs children in her belly.

>> No.27601341

>doesn't say no 11111111
Age of Empires 2 bros we're still in

>> No.27601344
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Holy based

>> No.27601355

She must like Grass

>> No.27601399
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It also improves her singing voice.

>> No.27601406

Children would get in the way of games

>> No.27601412

Yeah I just found out about this one, she looks way different than what I imagined

>> No.27601413


>> No.27601446
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Banning those would be offensive to JP members.

>> No.27601512

God I love her

>> No.27601521
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You will never be japanese

>> No.27601584
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Yeah, but pic related is.

>> No.27601626

do half japanese count ?

>> No.27602007

what are the keywords for the search, anon?

>> No.27602116

>hohohoho not expressly forbidden
Santachads, we're in.

>> No.27602148
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>> No.27602296

she wants everyone to have a silent laugh like her

>> No.27602522

In layman's terms
I want her to molest me and to put my penor in her vagina hole

>> No.27602751

>silent laughs
get some help

>> No.27602823

>YAGOO please, hire autists only from now on.
Name one non-autistic holomem. (Menhera counts as autism)

>> No.27602866


>> No.27602888

You reminded me of a scene in eiyuu senki drawn by Ina's mama

>> No.27603094

She cannot drink, so she had no way to socialize with normalfags, therefore autism induced by lack of socialization.

>> No.27603167

is it a good kind of autism? like cute or endearing? or uncomfortable to watch type?

>> No.27603203

i will marry her

>> No.27603211

That's a good thing

>> No.27603228

Was actually skeptical until she begun deleting all her contents very recently. Quite possibly the cutest among the ID, too bad she's not a hag

>> No.27603456

Recommend streams or something idk

>> No.27603629

In spanish it can be jajajaja jejejeje jijiji jojojojo jujujujuju so go wild. Je.

>> No.27603771


>> No.27603927 [DELETED] 

Arent all indogs unable to drink on pain of stoning to death in their hellhole of a country?

>> No.27603964

>no kek in the list
Rookie mistake

>> No.27604000 [DELETED] 

1. Isn't an indog
2. Her body simply cannot process alkohol

>> No.27604256

Realized something. Just as all blue hairs have some form of popularity buff, all blondes have some form of extreme autism that sets them apart from their genmates

>> No.27604738

Mori and Gura are autists too. It only produces the good side effects if they learn to keep the annoying shit under control.

>> No.27605013

>ID pinguin
High functioning autism that make her genuinely fun to watch
oh nyo am so autismo and awnxious uwu i stubbled on my word ableblblblblblblbl

>> No.27605046

What sort of autism does Aki Rose have?

>> No.27605098

more like autism the unfunny, get better taste retard itt

>> No.27605238

Hips way too strong, genmates feel their womanhood threatened nearby her.

>> No.27605425


>> No.27605463


>> No.27605554


>> No.27605555

>no xaxaxaxaxa
Russian bros, you win

>> No.27605905

Sami, no...

>> No.27607371

How old is she exactly?

>> No.27607464


>> No.27607700

Check her crash bandicoot and what the golf streams. All of those are great
Endearing type

>> No.27607770

thanks, I have some free time later today

>> No.27608184

Not sure but probably in late 20s

>> No.27608334

What western culture does to a motherfucker

>> No.27608674

Kaela is fully committed to Hololive. She had PC troubles, same day goes out into the city and buys a new PC, and next day is back to streaming again. Always updating her twitter with any changes to schedule or things that come up. She gets 3-4 hours of sleep a night ... and averages 6 hours a day for streaming. She isn't forcing herself to stream these long hours either, in her own words she would be doing the same thing off stream in her spare time https://youtu.be/JmJs7IRF7ig?t=9590

>> No.27608832

Still waiting for Gura to get diagnosed but we know the result will be that's she's on the spectrum.

>> No.27608909

Well I like her, top ID for me

>> No.27609008

>multiple Kaela threads in the catalog

>> No.27609225

With most streamers its like
>I need to do a stream so let me pick something to play
With Ela its
>Im playing this and I feel like streaming it too
Different vibe from most corporate vtubers

>> No.27609293

holy based

>> No.27609445

its better to incline slowly and gain loyal fans rather than be a salome and have dead subs

>> No.27609514

Hololive needs more endurance streamers like her

>> No.27609529

>She gets 3-4 hours of sleep a night
Bad thing. She should get enough sleep.

>> No.27609669

I'm calling BS, there's still nothing on her on the doxsite

hopefully it stays that way

>> No.27609898

Kaela says on twitter "I'm going to bed early" and ends up sleeping for 4 hours 15 minutes like she is oversleeping. She brought up sleeping in "hibernation mode" taking one day a month to sleep the full day or something like that. What a weirdo

>> No.27609968

she also enjoys having the viewers around to chat with

>> No.27610127

i sleep 3h on average and i have 2 to 3 days per month where i fucking shutdown and sleep around 16 hours

>> No.27610512

>you lack the critical information
get some actual friends that can help you find her PL next

>> No.27610797

anon doxx site isn't just the nyf you know

>> No.27610900

Most corpo chuubas don't like vidya. The huwaito ones especially.

>> No.27610967

>Quite possibly the cutest among the ID
Really? Is she that cute for an autistic dork?

>> No.27611313

doxx site isn't even that accurate, I'm pretty certain that some of their findings are wrong.

>> No.27612257

she's 100% a hag anon from her knowledge. if it's not a hag than you found the wrong person

>> No.27613261

So there's no information that said she's not a hag, right? Either way, she's at least a cake so it doesn't matter that much anyway

>> No.27613489

absolutely based

>> No.27614199

Their post about Moona is retarded kek. Sure, they got the real RM, but somehow they think another person is also Moona kek.

>> No.27614380


>> No.27616088

She's my most watch ID unironically

>> No.27623261

It feels weird for me since she actually looks like a high schooler

>> No.27628609

cakebros, we're in

>> No.27629037

'xD' it is then

>> No.27630005

Do you know how hard it is to find people outside of this board that actually give a fuck enough to find streamer's PL, let alone even watch an anime girl stream. I tried showing my menhera friend hololive and she did not like it. I have one irl friend who actually likes vtubers and he's an acquaintance from fuckin high school

>> No.27630129 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27630314

Extremely based

>> No.27630399

holy cuteola

>> No.27630513

Blondes are autistic, huh?

>> No.27630975

Damn look at that nose, imagine her sniffing my cock

>> No.27632051

Lost sleep is lost forever. You better get some better quality sleep or you'll end up retarded by your 60's.

>> No.27633246
File: 273 KB, 328x350, taka ina takataka inaa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is serious vtuber.
Vtubing is serious business.

>> No.27633380

>no huehuehue
brazil still in

>> No.27633490

Well most holohags look young so it isn't weird at all

>> No.27633528

I wonder if she moves autistically too, can't wait for 3D debut

>> No.27634262

made up elven language

>> No.27634535

gura- you stream, like, a lot
hagsmith- it's our fucking job

>> No.27635832

duck hat?

>> No.27639633


>> No.27640894

U know u could just spill out the beans instead of blueballing all of us

>> No.27646041

Read thread

>> No.27646378


>> No.27646492

wheres the 40 minute video of her leaving her mine to get another diamond pickaxe

>> No.27646837

I wish she'd sit on me

>> No.27646938
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I literally cannot figure out what the fuck she meant by this. Is she drunk?

>> No.27647003

I want her to rape me

>> No.27647155

Your choice

>> No.27654629

it was a very serious strim

>> No.27656142
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The autism would be too powerful if these two collabed.

>> No.27659886

she cute

>> No.27660139

Her autism has her thinking the chat is laughing at her which she interprets as rude.

>> No.27660772

hey that's my wife

>> No.27660777

jesus christ that is autistic. That's genuinely shocking to me.

>> No.27661041

I think you guys might be the ones who are autistic, it's literally just a comedy bit that she does kek. The premise of that stream was that she was a "serious streamer"

>> No.27663947

it's /vt/ anon, we know that catalog is full of schizos

>> No.27664745

cute hag

>> No.27666346

Does she knows english other than;
Good morning/evening my cute students?

>> No.27666391

hey psst LEMAO

>> No.27666629

This girl knows what's up

>> No.27666632

Fauna is ok about this too, def not to the extent of ela tho.

>> No.27667262

She knows 'hey pig'
