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27583746 No.27583746 [Reply] [Original]

ITT:hilarious chuubas

>> No.27583952

Not funny, just based

>> No.27584011

I bet she'd congratulate Shrek if he had an official twitter account.

>> No.27584650

I honestly laughed out this. Am I retarded

>> No.27584874

she living the dream
her cringe dream

>> No.27585007

Would've been better if she somehow ratio'd him

>> No.27585119

You wouldn't?

>> No.27585211

I hate america so much it's unreal

>> No.27585317
File: 114 KB, 1920x1080, 4E6EE2E7-239B-4629-B7FF-453EC3716928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only funny chuuba

>> No.27585536

Collab of the century coming soon.

>> No.27585705

You first

>> No.27585747

we don't like you either zhang, now get off our website.

>> No.27585761

I mean, you would shit your pants if it actually happened.

>> No.27585812


>> No.27586084

It's hard to explain what I think of mori. She just never gets tired of the same 3 or 4 things, over and over, for apparently years at a time. It's impressive, maybe?

>> No.27586103

My Whori

>> No.27586188

>makes shitty joke to Adam Sandler
Fitting and based.

>> No.27586603

Why Adam Sandler though?

>> No.27587521
File: 2.70 MB, 660x660, Kiara's Mori Impression [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F15paj1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is le bad movie man

>> No.27587606

She really wants Hes Dildo so bad.
She even calls him out on stream asking to collab with her.
Damn, I must admit, she has Bigger Balls than me.

>> No.27588454

>Implying only chink hate america
Chúpala puto

>> No.27588557

falling for a fake tweet
everyone here is literally braindead

>> No.27588805

>implying calli wouldn't say this
>implying anyone should want to check the cringe wigger's twitter
Eat shit deadshart

>> No.27588905

why did you capitalize bigger balls

>> No.27588947


>> No.27588982

>our website.
Cunt you don't even own the website anymore

>> No.27589017

Kinda Cute lol

>> No.27589222


>> No.27589595
File: 2.16 MB, 720x720, Mori Loves Lean[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fez7rwf.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule 2 of this board should be "gaslighting about easily verifiable facts to white knight Mori results in an immediate permaban" because this shit is getting tiresome.

>> No.27589624

t. doxbrap that doesn't know what white knighting is.

>> No.27589683

Another successful Mori thread. Good job Deadbeats.

>> No.27589712

You will never get rid of deadbeats from here anyway. Also why do you guys keep making these anti threads when you could just go to /morig/ and shit up that place?

>> No.27589746

Oh the Airani. >>27589222

>> No.27589797

they don't know what gaslighting is either.

>> No.27589906


>> No.27589973

Gaslighting is what Mori does during the breaks she takes frequently during her streams, right?

>> No.27590084

I can see with my own two eyes that the fucking tweet exists and that the anon I responded to was fucking lying to protect m'ladies' honor. Care to explain how I'm wrong or are you cuckbeat discord faggots just going to resort to more stock lines and call me an ESL like you always do when backed into a corner?

>> No.27590265

Is that the play by play? It just seems like you can't take a joke or are too esl to read between the lines.

>> No.27590314

>cuckbeat discord
Holy fuck, anon. Do you have any idea how segregated Mori's fanbase is? They couldn't organize a fucking raid even if they tried.

>> No.27590322

I hope he dms her and asks for Fubuki's contact information.

>> No.27590338

I wasn't going to call you an ESL, but you are clearly insecure about it, so sure.

>> No.27590448
File: 63 KB, 634x356, 1642936863163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not going to fuck you no matter how hard you defend her.

>> No.27590473

She's a cartoon anon she's not going to fuck anybody.

>> No.27590523

Nigga, I was talking about her fanbase and not her.

>> No.27590859

Mori interviewing Sandler when?

>> No.27593676

Can you call yourself a deadcuck if you don't even know what she did?

>> No.27593719

Why are you denyimg the tweet existing, when it is not a tweet that makes Mori look bad?

>> No.27594039

It's an anti implying the tweet is fake because they think it makes Mori look bad. So they pretend to be a deadbeat insisting it's fake so that they can be totally pwnd or whatever the kids are saying these days by having the tweet "proven" to be "real" again because they're falseflagging as a deadbeat and don't know that real deadbeats know exactly the kind of shit Mori posts. There's layers to it, like an onion.

>> No.27594343

>collabing with Adam Sandler

which celeb dick won't she bend over for?
