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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 121 KB, 364x406, small pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27555225 No.27555225 [Reply] [Original]

【 idol corporation 】
idol is a VTuber agency that produces and represents VTuber talents around the world. Our goal is to empower our talents and provide them all the tools and assets they need to become the best content creators they can be.
[Website] https://idol-company.com
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/c/idol_corp
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/idol_corp
[Schedules] https://holodex.net/?org=idol%20Corp
[Debut PV] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnSGu_Iaz18
[Original Song] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqSsJM6teG8


1st gen features the following Israeli VTubers:

【 Neo Sparkles - ניאו ספארקלס 】
Magical fox lolibaba who likes dad jokes and RPGs. Her naivety and ADHD lead to many awkward moments, but they're also her charm point.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaksHmr89krw-g9EaktdjBw
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/NEOSPARKLES

【 Emi Suika - אמי סויקה 】
Watermelon loli that hates sleep, backing down from challenges, and pineapples. Her cute 'lessgo' quickly became an iconic motto.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-E-oMwc7SHuiK5gT_ule8Q
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/suikaemi

【 Kattarina Qutie - קאטרינה קיוטי 】
Half-russian asthmatic onee-sama and a mafia boss. She has a cute laugh and sometimes makes controversial jokes.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmy_EmxnYQ8aar8fNZrumw
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/kattarina_qutie

【 Nikki Rei - ניקי ריי 】
Comfy gamer and an apocalypse survivor. Her calming voice and late evening streams are incredibly soothing; people can just straight out fall asleep to her.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBnmfjpmhGxao6v54fIIMUA
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol

【 Lily Sin - לילי סין 】
Bright demon imouto that likes her chat and hates chicken. She hides her delicate heart with a prickly front.
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE-Cjd6k8VUMI2hdfHYwCfg
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/lily_sin_idol


【 EN Clips Channel 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCezrFKGE6eAuMXDcixhvtYA

【 HE Clips Channel 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCalmo32FKNFg_yaxEhuaPQA

【 Game suggestions form 】

【 Report user form 】

Previous Thread: >>27481629

>> No.27555259

Much Much painnnn

>> No.27555265
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I love Nikki!

>> No.27555272
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Dumping pain folder

>> No.27555305
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>> No.27555319
File: 2 KB, 37x41, smallest pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27555368
File: 157 KB, 364x406, spray paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27555392


>> No.27555415
File: 119 KB, 364x406, upside down pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27555420

fun collab I want to watch some muse dash though

>> No.27555428

no amount of moans will make me change oshis

>> No.27555457
File: 249 KB, 532x571, warped pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27555504
File: 122 KB, 364x406, yellow pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same im gonna watch both at the same time

>> No.27555557
File: 112 KB, 364x406, aqua pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27555636


>> No.27555664
File: 84 KB, 364x406, red pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27555710
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>> No.27555744

i'm new to this
are they drunk, they sound retarded

>> No.27555759

they are both retarded as fuck

>> No.27555783
File: 83 KB, 364x406, green pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit shes gonna stream more..... how the fuck is Emi so powerful

>> No.27555835
File: 118 KB, 364x406, purple pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27555863

Emi and her watermelons will save Idol

>> No.27555871
File: 234 KB, 364x406, deep fried pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27555909

i wonder what sounds would emi produce when confronted with a bat

>> No.27555972
File: 85 KB, 364x406, grayscale pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27555999

Lily was streaming and none of you said anything, this is why jidf is dying

>> No.27556007
File: 27 KB, 507x164, 1645055902930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally i am the last bonker

>> No.27556021

cool more Emi

>> No.27556028
File: 131 KB, 364x406, no more pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27556078
File: 43 KB, 653x802, pixel pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok retard....
also this is a new thread there were people talking about it last thread

>> No.27556097

The watermelon girl is just ESL and kissing me the entire time she streams, which makes it difficult to speak properly.

>> No.27556123
File: 152 KB, 364x406, reverse pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27556187
File: 162 KB, 364x406, shocked pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27556228
File: 120 KB, 364x406, transparent small pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27556358
File: 33 KB, 112x112, pain pat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my last pain image for now.
Feel free to make your own

>> No.27556536
File: 167 KB, 556x708, 1643895906658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no...

>> No.27556608

OH NYO!!!!!

>> No.27556644

fucking rip

>> No.27556741

surprisingly neo is still really cute

>> No.27556868


>> No.27556878


>> No.27557016

Burger king anon cannot stop winning

>> No.27557084

Should I shill the EN auditions on /asp/ if someone didn't already?

>> No.27557106

shill them on reddit

>> No.27557273


>> No.27557589

yeah, help save /jidf/

also op, there are other talents than Emi and Lily, last 10 threads the only characters that were shown are either lily, emi or general image.

Show some love to Katta and Nikki

>> No.27557658

Panders to ame****ns:
Emi Suika
Lily Sin
Neo Sparkles
Does not pander to ame****ns:
Nikki Rei
Kattarina Qutie
Know your enemy!

>> No.27557729

the thread op should stay /jidf/ so new en posters will always know who theyre true masters are

>> No.27557778

thankfully my country is pretty antisemitic, watching those girls helped me ease the hate

>> No.27557831

fuck off

>> No.27557864


>> No.27557914
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>> No.27557921


>> No.27557933

We'll riot if anyone even attempts to change it.

>> No.27558018

emi suika should fix her schedule, there's literally nobody streaming until like 7 pm

>> No.27558042

>i want to try to go to sleep
>but im going to disturb potential rest i can get by focusing on a possible immediate stream in the next hour

>> No.27558075

emi kneels to americans (brazilians)

>> No.27558201

Emi is for burgers just accept it

>> No.27558314

maybe.... I dont like the idea of Emi Gura overlap

>> No.27558316

I hope Emi can get some sleep so I can watch all 6+ hours of her streams per day instead of just 2. Also I want her to be healthy and strong because I love her

>> No.27558325

i need more karaoke, especially filled with punk or hard rock

>> No.27559117

I like Muse Dash and hate the Chinese

>> No.27559641


>> No.27559703

Lily is great, she just needs a chat that isn't full of assholes

>> No.27559850

Talk in her chat and be nice then.

>> No.27559914

lily gives too much attention to asshole comments, i shittalked her once and she threw a fit

>> No.27559959

B is for Bshark and nobody will ever change that.

>> No.27559964

I am Lily chill

>> No.27560050
File: 21 KB, 379x243, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you are

>> No.27560070

fuck i knew lily hooper was here

>> No.27560110

deranged tranny

>> No.27560112

How new?

>> No.27560132

how new?

>> No.27560168

truth hurts

>> No.27560219

this thread proves watermelons are the problem not sparks.

>> No.27560289

Than why are watermelons the only ones who post and only ones who superchat and only ones who make threads?

>> No.27560352

watermelons are deranged just like their oshi

>> No.27560431

If you arent deranged than why are you here?

>> No.27560456

i'm cute and femmy

>> No.27560550

i cant tell if that was a typo or if you own 3 dragon dildos

>> No.27560568

not yet

>> No.27560661

Thanks for reminding me of the 5 pound shark pussy onahole poster in /ggg/

>> No.27560715

i hate chumbuds more than anything else on this board

>> No.27560764

good for you

>> No.27560848

I miss Emi

>> No.27561290

I miss Neo and Nikki.

>> No.27561956
File: 329 KB, 720x1280, nikki_gn[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fcrlxfx.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27562538

>new advertisements this week when
>minecraft server when
>lily/emi membership when
>meme competition when
>Aviel getting off his ass and showing up on stream when

>> No.27563092

i gave up caring about what aviel does, at this point i just watch them knowing this might collapse any day

>> No.27566162

i like it when nikki alludes to rape

>> No.27567217

she's corrupting the watermelon
she probably told her all about teabagging

>> No.27570783


>> No.27571761


>> No.27572167


>> No.27573019
File: 377 KB, 493x503, 13627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get anxiety with low viewer chatting streams because i dont to be directly acknowledge and talked to so many times

>> No.27573194

dont want*

>> No.27573364

emi spotted

>> No.27573369

Emi with Neo

>> No.27573462
File: 427 KB, 536x564, 1573512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27573975

cute anon, show some love to the girls they need it. nice messages are appreciated

>> No.27574305
File: 65 KB, 372x471, 1617499967062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but what if i tab out to do something for a while and the girls try to talk to me but feel bad since im not there

>> No.27574658

I wouldn't worry about it, you showed your support and they will love it
maybe send emotes over typing

>> No.27574848

They love the support.
They work hard for you, you should work hard for them.

>> No.27575085

i never know what emi is thinking

>> No.27575094
File: 808 KB, 846x1242, 1634287935496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly was expecting to see at least one swastika

>> No.27575504

lily should show off her lower tummy more often

>> No.27575597

good job on no one being an ass

>> No.27575787

americans arent antisemitic

>> No.27575835

haha of course not

>> No.27576007

Most wholesome vtuber viewerbase no antisemitism here

>> No.27576498

>woke up
>lily was streaming while i was asleep
im telling you she hates me
im telling mom.

>> No.27578594

emi would be physically abusive

>> No.27579760

suddenly emi is a lot better

>> No.27580112

>Emi has been streaming with Neo playing a fun drawing game
>I didnt know because im watching goomba and she didnt tweet anything
well..... damn that stinks, has it been any good despite the thread being totally dead? Worth a vod watch?

>> No.27580151

no one made any nazi iconography yet

>> No.27580332

neo on neos stream

>> No.27580350

neo's model improves tenfold with emi's voice

>> No.27580384
File: 945 KB, 877x635, 1378348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emi model swaps
>instantly looks turkish

>> No.27580585
File: 341 KB, 465x437, 9421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27580665

please clip it

>> No.27581084

Emi..... why did you do this to me while goomba was streaming.
I wanted to play drawing games with you too =*(

>> No.27581234
File: 678 KB, 790x562, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleepy Emi

>> No.27581414

emi loves her friends

>> No.27581416

emi is so nice

>> No.27581464

holy shit

>> No.27581637

I love these girls so much

>> No.27581999

emi is the one needed to make this fox sing and actually enjoy it

>> No.27582820

neo gets a lot of points this stream

>> No.27582961

Emi and Neo were very cute tonight

>> No.27583106


>> No.27583149

and https://youtu.be/Obk5DSnhLX8?t=8922

>> No.27583264

All Neo and Emi need is to be confident and they will be perfectly fine singers.
Also I like Neo a lot more after tonight honestly. This was a cute stream.

>> No.27583326

I like when Emi goes

>> No.27583560

Emi retweeting cute cat meme
I love her!!!

>> No.27583950


>> No.27584213

i wanted to apply but it’s only for US and canada :/ genuinely stupid considering they advertised it as a “global opportunity”

>> No.27584282

dead company

>> No.27584393

considering vt culture is maining japan, usa market is still 'global'.

>> No.27584413

forever sharing this great mental breakdown

>> No.27584441

I mean..... you aren't a girl anyway are you?
Why would you even apply?

>> No.27584513

who cares as long as i can make the voice of one

>> No.27584534

I care fag

>> No.27584599

Jesus it sounded like she was getting her leg sawn off or something
Literally everyone who matters cares.

>> No.27584690

>Who cares
You might be better off with vshojo bud.

>> No.27584828

this wasn’t me ;w;
i’m a biological woman (unfortunately) but i don’t expect 4chan to believe me. i’m just a tourist anyways

>> No.27584918

are you audiotioning for the male models?

>> No.27584979

no, it’s just that 4chan users usually assume i’m a tranny, a twink, or if they actually believe me, tell me to post my boobs

but i’m here because i like emi’s artist, very cute and funny!!

>> No.27584989

>He doesn't know that all women on 4chan hate women
Why do you think we like cunny so much instead?

>> No.27585052

welcome and enjoy the cute watermelon

>> No.27585078

thanks anon :3 watermelon good

>> No.27585098
File: 66 KB, 804x349, 1642427642159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27585103

I wish I was cunny so autistic women who watch vtubers would care about me.....

>> No.27585112

every women was once a cunny.

>> No.27585125


>> No.27585145

it's going to happen
I'll hate it but it will happen

>> No.27585176
File: 163 KB, 1100x1754, e0k8y63v7t251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27585241

Not a huge fan but as long as she keeps /pol/shit out I really have no issues with it and think it could help them all grow.

>> No.27585691


>> No.27586151

i dont want a gross 4chan panderer to make my jewbas feel bad

>> No.27586273

If I got in I'd never acknowledge this place again I'll be honest.
I don't like vtubers that pander to us and I sure as hell wouldn't want to be one.

>> No.27587556

important news

>> No.27587773

will you still browse and hear our cirticism?

>> No.27587836

i just realized you probably thought i was referring to you but i was talking about pipkin

>> No.27587923

Burgerchads cant stop winning

>> No.27588115

now i want to see emi in big red clown afro

>> No.27588277

Emi would look perfect with a cowboy hat or fez hat

>> No.27590434

i can't believe i missed a kino stream... all those burger panderers...

>> No.27590845

at this point idol will be another holo en copy with streams at 2-6 am...

>> No.27590925

you have katta

>> No.27590994

katta sucks

>> No.27591067

of course the only girl who didnt give up on israeli crowd is the trashy one. i should move abroad.

>> No.27591677

i should anti emi suika, she's the reason girls are sinning now

>> No.27592392

doomposters hate

>> No.27592437

doomposters love

>> No.27592998

doomposters neutral feeling

>> No.27593727
File: 180 KB, 351x336, Emichka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saying hi and sending some emotes is enough. They just want to know someone is watching and appreciating (and loving) them.

Also I watch, appreciate, and love Emi like you wouldn't believe

>> No.27595308

dead chat is no better time to ask questions you want answered

>> No.27595903

those three should make a podcast

>> No.27597369
File: 424 KB, 820x980, neo_i_love_you_neo[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fyqohiv.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 10, /jidf/ is dying.

>> No.27598806


/jidf/ is saved

>> No.27598838

how lmao

>> No.27598873

just like that

>> No.27598889

you guys must be trolling

>> No.27599065
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, 1631355188521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the one that streams the least says this

>> No.27599180

most streamers sit while doin so. she sit the least because she streams the least.

>> No.27599213

perfect explanation

>> No.27599790

Emi love

>> No.27600875

You aren't very smart are you?

>> No.27600921

I am not american, this gives me some advantage.

>> No.27601099

hi summerfag

>> No.27601403

wanna cuddle?

>> No.27601663


>> No.27602175

suika in 8 mins twd
katta in 8 mins gta v
thefox in 2 hours a plague tale innocence
nikki in 2 hours cuphead
lily in 6 hours jump king

>> No.27602205

Thank you bot!

>> No.27602387

oh shit nikki hebrew title

>> No.27603274

Emi live!!!

>> No.27603563
File: 269 KB, 1920x1080, 1654076257925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she wearing that

>> No.27603648

she still sounds sleepy

>> No.27603877

its comfy

>> No.27604260

Not that anon but considering auditioning: Yes. I think if you wade through the horny and schizo posts some of the best and most fair Vtuber criticism is /here/

>> No.27604340

will you be a loli? if not dont bother auditioning

>> No.27604435

i hope emi won't pick jane over kenny later

>> No.27604614

>how does she know this stu- HUH

>> No.27604710

Jane is a terrible cunt.....

>> No.27605060


>> No.27605081

please understand she has the brain of a watermelon

>> No.27605128

clementine was at her most sexually arousing in season 2

>> No.27605192

can /ggg/ go somewhere else...

>> No.27605480

>I'm from the mossad you little trash

>> No.27605623

Its a shame season 3 is..... meh

>> No.27605740

they would say season 1

>> No.27605922

Nah season one she was too much of a kid in terms of maturity.
I like Emi and Gura because they are clearly lolibaba which makes it 1000x better.

>> No.27605970

i wish people talked about hags...

>> No.27605991
File: 131 KB, 259x278, EmiLean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Emi Lean is the cutest thing I've ever seen..

>> No.27606033

start up the conversation
posture check

>> No.27606037


>> No.27606122


>> No.27606431

Like a curious puppy, but cuter

>> No.27606479

so how's it going Kattafans?
how is GTA going?

>> No.27606487

This is why cunnychads will always be superior.
Because instead of crying about people not talking about cunny we just talk about it.

>> No.27606504
File: 285 KB, 480x480, 1637015836501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more of a cake fan

>> No.27606535

cakes surrounded by hags...

>> No.27606618

never understood why they made this mom a complete cunt in season 1 then did a 180 the very next episode

>> No.27606706

kattafags aren't real

>> No.27606745
File: 3 KB, 158x67, 1654946753709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27606802
File: 4 KB, 283x39, 1626744960176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27606905

Anon..... shes pregnant.

>> No.27606979

she's a burden

>> No.27607008
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, 1634442472392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27607121

the burger guy already gave her up last thread
he should be happy, she keeps tweeting about it

>> No.27607175

Yea Anon..... shes pregnant.

>> No.27607200

burdens don't get to be assholes otherwise they're asking to be left behind

>> No.27607322

that is literally all burdens do.

>> No.27607343

exactly, leave her behind

>> No.27607581

Nah. That isnt what good people do. Sometimes you need to do what is right and put yourself on the line for others or you will never be happy.

>> No.27607627

why did he drop her...

>> No.27607726

burger anon here
I dropped her because she was getting too boring, whiny, and overall she's a huge slut

>> No.27607768

understandable. so who do you like now?

>> No.27607827


>> No.27607873

Fair enough. Katta is a bit too loud for me personally which is funny because I like Lily but shes only loud like 2 times a stream.

>> No.27607901

not sure why so many of you didnt realize how slutty she was right from the beginning
i dont even dislike her or that but its really shocking that you guys didnt notice it

>> No.27607939

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BELvVjr3wCY Nikki in a few minutes

>> No.27608045

>katta comes /here/
>read the comments
>kills herself
>headlines: jewish streamer killed herself because of cyberbullying on 4chan

>> No.27608057

its cumbuds falseflagging

>> No.27608099

imagine the amount of new viewers we would get.

>> No.27608224


>> No.27608239

just in time to watch cuphead

>> No.27608273

why does katta want to be called Rina now

>> No.27608278

why is everybody hating katta now, she's been the same for so long

>> No.27608346

are there any Kattafans here?
do they just not talk or post anything about her

>> No.27608382

You do know we get like as many IP's as the Ame thread and more than the Ina one right?

>> No.27608416

just look at this thread its practically a colony of /ggg/ at this point

>> No.27608422

my phone contributes to like 5 or 10 ips per thread alone

>> No.27608423

katta fantasizes about home invasions

>> No.27608437

>open Katta's stream
>complaining about real world issues

>> No.27608479

Yea I just never post lol

>> No.27608546

that is true for every thread though.

>> No.27608569

oh shit she's on the meds now

>> No.27608630

>streams the x2 times more than everyone else
>loves her fans
>consistent with her content and quality
>most creative streams and non-game streams
>cares about hebrew audience

>> No.27608634

50 ips in ame thread...

>> No.27608640

>I will just lick my fingers

>> No.27608735

All me

>> No.27608800

>I'm licking..I'm licking

>> No.27608868


>> No.27609005

Nikki? shoot

>> No.27609022

Nikki needs rest

>> No.27609071

so they are nerfing her on purpose because people love her too much

>> No.27609076

nikki is drugged up

>> No.27609146

katta should moan more

>> No.27609246

I will save Nikki

>> No.27609289

i am the last bonker

>> No.27609423

Maybe but I am a Watermelon unity chad and watch all of them when I can.

>> No.27609471

"guys if you will ever be mean to me i will trace your ip and kill you" - Burger Queen Kattarina

I love this silly mafia boss

>> No.27609513

katta you are a whore

>> No.27609530

katta makes my cock the hardest

>> No.27609801
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>> No.27609902


>> No.27609931


>> No.27610603

katta should do a chaturbate stream

>> No.27610661

nikki should do an asmr stream
or neo

>> No.27613391

Nikki in OL outfit...

>> No.27613897
File: 204 KB, 800x600, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you watch nikki playing princess maker 5? a grooming game for a groomer gamer

>> No.27614640

>nikki should do an asmr stream

>> No.27615252

if that's what she means by asmr then i'm sad

>> No.27615697

to add to the katta hate
>le eating asmr

>> No.27615776
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>> No.27615825

I literally couldnt care less.
I think its cute as long as the mouth noises arent too bad

>> No.27615878

nobody cares what you think, bucko
only my opinions matter

>> No.27615901

>it's ok when emi does it

>> No.27615936
File: 34 KB, 374x333, 1627155084955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is going on
i'm watching kiara

>> No.27615971

yes and nikki as well

>> No.27616052

same desu

>> No.27616212

am i the only /jidf/er that almost solely watches the jewbas?
you're all a bunch of whores

>> No.27616350

I almost watch only them but when they are off I have other 2views to groom

>> No.27616418

I only watch jewba streams.
Everyone else is consumed through clips.

>> No.27616489

i watch my oshi, sometimes her friends and some jewbas.
she retweeted kiara

>> No.27616641

wait i thought this was a containment thread ful of peoplle who only came for jewbas

>> No.27617010

can't expect someone who doesn't watch ASMR to know much about it beyond whispering without having done some research first
very on topic
they make up the majority of what I watch but there's still long gaps without streams because of timezones

>> No.27617041

>watching the austrian
get out of /jidf/

>> No.27617109

im watching miko

>> No.27617164

no one is watching katta

>> No.27617396

Am I the only /jidf/er that superchats consistently?
Donate more than me and than you are allowed to complain

>> No.27617517
File: 155 KB, 374x198, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id watch her get knotted

>> No.27617532

>giving money to jews

>> No.27617583

its what americans do best

>> No.27617774

you guys should restream member content

>> No.27617842

hi fellow kike

>> No.27618270

nikki incline

>> No.27619640

meanwhile youtube keeps demonetizing asmr channels

>> No.27619806

always archive

>> No.27619934

can't wait to see my team drive die with some idol-he archives

>> No.27620138

Nikki will give up within the next 10 minutes

>> No.27620197

Only ASMR targeted at children or under the guise as a child.
ASMR is for coomers and Youtube knows it.

>> No.27620270
File: 588 KB, 715x646, big_emi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why someone would pick an 'oshi' until I found Emi and now I can only watch her and her associates.

Is this the result of Jewish magic?

>> No.27620348

>under the guise as a child
msgk ASMR is the best

>> No.27621045

nikki glitched it

>> No.27621585

nikki's cheeto burps...

>> No.27621793

i voted no on 6 accounts. she better give up fast.

>> No.27621936

she didn't earn it

>> No.27621969

but this is so boring...

>> No.27622087

she has to since Emi was able to do it
it will haunt her

>> No.27623265

who's spamming the chat

>> No.27623605

next thhread doko

>> No.27623762

