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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27551752 No.27551752 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.27551799

Mori Deflection thread

>> No.27551830

Kek she's so predictable

>> No.27551844


>> No.27551956

Leave her alone she hasn't done anything to warrant this much hate

>> No.27552092

How's your day so far, Jermy

>> No.27552161

She got Gura laid. She can never be forgiven

>> No.27552240
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>People can literally predict her actions because of how predictable her dipshit behavior has become

>> No.27552242

No I'm pretty sure this is very forgivable.
If Cleopatra were to publicly crush month-old babies with giant stone wheels on the side walk, her simps would forgive her.

>> No.27552277

fucking kek

>> No.27552322

It's not even a real birthday.
Stop thriving on artificial scandal you literal faggots.

>> No.27552325
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>> No.27552352
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kek she did this on purpose.
She's probably reading your schizo posts now.

>> No.27552374

What did gura do for Kiara's birbdy so far?

>> No.27552384

but chris croker was right

>> No.27552468

>Mori is gonna shave her head soon

>> No.27552719 [DELETED] 

Nice deflection cuckbrap! Almost as predictable as your whore oshi with the scripted cope responses.

>> No.27552752

I'm not into mori music but this shit kinda fire.

>> No.27552885

You are right, she hasn't done anything and that's exactly the issue.

>> No.27552906

Hmm, doesn't this work out better for Kiara though? Since It brings in more attention to Kiara's b'day concert for tomorrow. If Calli called in along with everyone else then her call would have just been background noise along with the rest of the calls. But doing it on Twitter and as a form of apology gives it a more dramatic like feeling that directs more attention towards Kiara.

>> No.27552954

1. my oshi is Ame
2. do you admit then Gura is worse

>> No.27552964

ogey mori

>> No.27553009

>>27552906 me
Even more assuming Gura feels sheitty for being the only one not doing anything in myth and does something similar like Calli did for twitter then it works out 100x better for Kiara in terms of exposure

>> No.27553012

Yeah, especially since her rep doesn't matter much. She'll be joining vshojo soon.

>> No.27553025

holy shit, is mori the new MEMEME?

>> No.27553027

they're both just as bad

>> No.27553034

It's about showing that you care, not "MUH MATERIAL GAIN", fucking retard.
Cuckbeats have such fucking brainrot.

>> No.27553080 [DELETED] 

>cuckbeat already reached the point where he flat out lies
Lol pathological liar just like his whore oshi

>> No.27553086 [DELETED] 
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>all those fucking posts saying she'll call in or she'll make a video
>not even a voice message

>> No.27553127

>passed out drunk next to gura
>misses birthday call-in
>asks gura for the blunt
>gura writes an apology tweet for her

>> No.27553140

t. deadbeat

>> No.27553148

Anon, I don't know if you noticed, but judging by the amount of fatherless faggotry, it seems like at least 40% of the board are women
I am absolutely sure that there's a shitton of shills, falseflaggers for either of the big two, and malding vbabashoujo members and simps

>> No.27553182
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I could fking care less If Calli shows that she cares or not, she's not my oshi, and I want Kiara to have a successful bday concert tomorrow, so once again, this works out better in terms of exposure for Kiara.

>> No.27553190
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a reminder deadbeats are literally mentally ill

>> No.27553241

I wish it was that way but Callis fucked and Gura might be fucked by the masses unless she truly gives no shits based G style.

>> No.27553311

The masses message calli or some shit? Fuck this. Falling into the trap of pleasing the viewers over acting normal.

>> No.27553434

Isn't this like the 3rd or 4th time she's made this mistake? At which point does it stop being a mistake?

>> No.27553435

calli could have shut her haters down by not giving into demands, not calling kiara, and letting the ship die. at least that's respectable
instead she flip-flopped and caved into the twitter crowd, sent kiara a shit tier rap made up on the spot, and begged for forgiveness
yeah, i'm done with her. absolutely no conviction. she needs to go or holo en is doomed

>> No.27553475

call in
>omg she fucking doesn't care
doesn't call in
>omg what a bitch
posts congratulations on twitter
>she just wants all the attention for herself

looks like she can't win no matter what she does

>> No.27553523

You think she did this on purpose?

>> No.27553530

Is Mori back in Nippon? If so it's like 4am there.

>> No.27553537

are you retarded? If she called in or sent a video, the antis would shut the fuck up.

>> No.27553644

>posted 5 minutes after mori's twitter post
>perception of time being skewed is a symptom of schizophrenia

>> No.27553771

you already had people predicting she'd send in some "half assed rap" before anything even happened

>> No.27553773
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Lol no, either they would have just called her call in crap if she did a rap like the one on Twitter, called created rrats on why she only called Kiara and not the other myth members, or just boasted about it saying that if she did call in, it was because she's /here/ and didn't want people calling her out anymore. It's the joy or Calli being a meme in this board.

>> No.27553804

??!?!! what?!!

>> No.27553815

>is predictable at being garbage
>act surprised when people call out the garbage behavior

>> No.27553945

Are you seriously gaslighting something that people can EASILY CHECK?
The first post predates her rap tweet by 30 fucking minutes you retard.

>> No.27553958

>call everything she does garbage no matter what it is
wow nice prediction

>> No.27553983 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27554007
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>I made you a rap, kiwawa. I know KFP love my raps

>> No.27554030
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>> No.27554062

get the fuck off /vt/ pippa

>> No.27554084

Now explain this post

>> No.27554159

Cannot make this shit up
Also, she might be /here/ and took those advices

>> No.27554189

Do you think the Rap WASN'T garbage?

>> No.27554222

It's just not the first time she's missed or was late to a birthday and wrote a shitty rap in a hurry as a "gift"

>> No.27554255

she raps for everyone's birthday. here let me try and predict the next birthday totsu; "hey we should play a game some time" "lets sing a song together!!"

>> No.27554328

>she raps for everyone's birthday.
No she doesn't. It's really sad to watch gaslightbeats be unable to defend anything without flat-out lying.

>> No.27554374

>No she doesn't.
thank fucking god

>> No.27554428

Every birthday call-in is some variation of
>"we should do a collab"
>"I love you so much, person I never interact with"
>"I made you a drawing of a cake, keep it on your hard drive forever"
I don't know how you could find this shit novel unless you're a 4-year-old who watches Barney.

>> No.27554591
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Where is Bae and IRyS's birthday rap?
Iirc she called in

>> No.27554624

And yet here you are on a random thread, on a board dedicated to people enjoying this stuff because...?

>> No.27554626

History repeats itself.

>> No.27554696

If that's all the calls your oshi gets then maybe reconsider why she's your oshi in the first place, cuckbeat.

>> No.27554712
File: 21 KB, 385x385, 964d6a8e581a2d35ef2f01c243c727970e223f96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Kiara is a natural german speaker, let me rap in german to destroy this cunt in return.

Du hast dich so verhurt, du bist feucht wie mein Furz. So feucht du hast Möwen auf der Schulter. Du brauchst 365 Tage Always Ultra. Du musst einen Aidstest machen wenn du aus den Fahrstuhl geht. Es stapeln sich nackte Jungs im Zimmer, es sieht aus wie Abu Ghraib. Ich hocke auf dir und kacke herab, du nennst mich den Rosinenbomber und lächelst nach oben als wärst du Stevie Wonder.

>> No.27554725

Go back

>> No.27554778

I don't watch your trigger woman, fag, but tell me who your oshi is so I can make fun of you and break down how shitty her last birthday call-in video was.

>> No.27554815


>> No.27554847

Is it not one of their manager's duty to remind talents of upcoming events? Shouldn't they have some kind of person to keep a calendar or something?

>> No.27554856

>people enjoying this stuff
Woah woah woah, there are people on this board that actually enjoy vtubers?

>> No.27554914

Jenma stopped caring after it all went to shit the one day she took a day off.

>> No.27554919

Pick a better falseflag, cuckbeat, literally all teamates are amesame.

>> No.27554969

Did I touch a nerve, babyfag?
Do you clap and giggle like a retard when your oshi does, too?

>> No.27555001

Why are you deflecting? Answer the question.

>> No.27555058

I immerse myself in hostile environments 24/7.
It's called being a man.
Do you use the internet to "make friends," too?

>> No.27555119

Their managers are incompetent women, it has to be this way because men can't keep their dick to themselves.

>> No.27555128

you forgot to unmute

>> No.27555177

>Implying missing birthdays isn't part of Mori's lore and character

>> No.27555178

This is hilarious and cringe at the same time, I refuse to even listen to it.

>> No.27555273

you FAGGOTS make a drama of is always

SHUT UP FOR FUCKS SAKES CHIRST. I SWEAR THIS IS THE SHITTIEST HOBBY and the worst board because its like a carusel in hell that circles OVER ANS OVER AND O V E R again with the same drama same posts every goddamn day, I am this close to dumping all my memberships

>> No.27555328

I see anon had breakfast in the local pharmacy.

>> No.27555485

You know, there is above 50 chuubas in hololive at the moment, and despite trying their best, no one in that entire company has such an impressive and regular track record of just casually fucking shit up like Mori.
I find that impressive.

>> No.27555687

He took his meds and actually wasn't retarded. Maybe you should follow suit.

>> No.27555757
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no need to be angry anon, it's only image board on internet. Get some popcorn and laugh at them.

It's not like Mori has been cultivating this retarded group of haters or anything cause that's what she thrives on. Nope.

>> No.27555832

how does Kiara put up with this bitch holy shit. Does she do things like this to other genmates?

>> No.27555902

A woman lives rent free in your head because she offended you on Twitter.
There is nothing you can do or say to wash away that kind of faggotry.

>> No.27555964

Because she is your average femanon who somehow lucked out.

>> No.27556091

mori wishes, she seems to take pride in being an oldfag but everything she does reeks of tryhard tourist, she probably came to /a/ and /b/ a couple times in her life and made it her whole personality as a teen
on the other hand the average anon wishes he was 1/10th as driven to do anything with his life

>> No.27556127

If he took his meds and wasnt retarded then hes a damn druggie. Thanks for confirming it was lean talk.

>> No.27556141

I wouldn't really say that she lives rent free, but it's interesting to see this board implode every once in a while because something she did or didn't do.
And from what i can gather every time she does something it will probably never end, because she seems to keep doing the exact same thing every time like a hopeless addict.

>> No.27556369

Proving that you're this bad at reading is a better own than anything I could have done to you.

I kneel

>> No.27556472

I read that in Watame's voice. ... I really want Watame to read/rap this.

>> No.27556502

Mori please stop coming here, but before everything else please PLEASE stop being so damn cringe.

>> No.27556528

Anons are so anti-mori it makes me wonder if they would rather side with bugmen than approve anything Mori ever does.

>> No.27556706

I've seen some anons praise VShojo since Kson joined purely so they don't sound Chinese. It's definitely possible Mori could get that treatment, I just don't see it happening.

>> No.27556765
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Jeremy spoke on /vt/ today
*guitar solo*

>> No.27556828

sup jere bear, you ready to give mori a red dono tonight? she's gonna need your financial support for the condom money

>> No.27556851

Who the ever living fuck is Jeremy? Is this people jerking off about some Twitter literal who?

>> No.27556865

zoom zoom

>> No.27556891

She's literally turned her friend's birthday into a promotion for her own content.

Lads... I kneel. Mori keeps coming up with new and improved ways of being a shitty person. If she's aware of what she's doing, it's kind of amazing.

>> No.27556961

People always prefer their fargroup to their outgroup.
You see the Japs do it, too. They adore Calliope and think 4channel's grudge against her is retarded. Meanwhile, they hate Korone and Aqua.

>> No.27556999

Aren’t they still after Iroha “the shame of Japan?

>> No.27557007

Some guy who told all the hand-wringers in Mori's "trapped in the closet" comments to take their meds.

>> No.27557023

No gura is the only hope for the future of vtubing.

>> No.27557171

You mean J"chad".
Jenma is the good one, sadly (or fortunately) she has nothing to do with Mori

>> No.27557210


>> No.27557248

It wouldn't have worked. This board even sperged out about her not putting enough effort into a voice message for Never Stream Sana.

>> No.27557316

wait a moment ...... J-chad?...Jeremey-Chad?

>> No.27557330

>Ich hocke auf dir und kacke herab, du nennst mich den Rosinenbomber und lächelst nach oben als wärst du Stevie Wonder.
Made me crack up IRL. Did you come up with the lyrics yourself, or is this a reference?

>> No.27557579

Wouldn't it be fucky if they actually did make the song?

>> No.27557840

I don't speak Turkish what does this say?

>> No.27557976 [DELETED] 

Why are chumpedos like this?

>> No.27558013

You're a fucking disgrace.

>> No.27558199

It's Turkish, so it can't be anything interesting.

>> No.27558624

Wait. Why would anyone hate Iroha?

>> No.27558852

They hate how she acts and think she ruins collabs.

>> No.27559024

Did Iroha ever do anything actually bad, or is she just boring? She just seems like a dead fish to me.

>> No.27559080

Just a guy that dramafags use as deflection when getting called out.

>> No.27559430

Somebody post the clip where mori talks about Kiara's KING cover

>> No.27563832

Mori deflection meme involving some rando pathetically defending Mori.

>> No.27563936

anybody have a torrent for her last members stream?

>> No.27565430

>lean is a 'nothingburger'
I mean, there's a shitton of people on both twitter and youtube that would only recognize Mori as 'that anime girl who said she was high on lean.' It was a pretty big deal on several different types of social media sites so it's not just your average vt schizofaggotry

>> No.27565643


>> No.27565721

actually twitter was more mad that the anime girl called lean "new age" than for the opioid abuse overall

>> No.27565796

aahahhahahaaaaaaa cuckbeats are so god damn funny
look im sorry your oshi is a train wreck but pretending like your goddess has never done ANYTHING wrong? where is your head at? do you not remember her snapping at people on reddit during the lean debacle? listen, you can like calli or whatever, but dont get mad because other people see her this way.

calli really just is the kanye of vtubing aint she

>> No.27566545

I think you'll get along better with the /reddit/ folks to your left

>> No.27566720

>they hate Korone
yellow people have no taste for anything in life

>> No.27566933

jchad, she namedrops him on member streams every blue moon

>> No.27567136

Do it, those whores don't need your money anyways

>> No.27567312

After the 10th time, and even then the next ones will still be "minor" mistakes

>> No.27567451

That's heroic.

>> No.27567946

blaming time zones it's genuinely pathetic, it's not that hard

>> No.27568891

>I am this close to dumping all my memberships
would advise against it. If you actually did that, people would notice and the shitshow would be much worse than you not calling your friend for her birthday.

>> No.27568984

No car phone call, no voicemail, just a tweet.

>> No.27569024

>I am this close to dumping all my memberships
Do it. Absolutely nothing will change.

>> No.27569413

She really just does not give a shit does she? She literally just doesn't have any respect at all for anyone.

>> No.27569617
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I honestly am starting to think that every Mori-hate thread is actually made by deadbeats thinking they are doing their oshi a favor by turning everything she does into a controversy. Maybe deadbeats actually want her to leave Hololive since they're probably TT/VSJ fans and they think she'll join that crowd once she leaves. Or maybe deadbeats are just insane.

>> No.27570034

She has clear priorities.
This isn't the first time she's put Connor ahead of kiara.

>> No.27570077


>> No.27570324

hey, at least she has condom money

>> No.27570460

Calli please get off 4chan. If you don't want people to hate you, maybe put in some effort

>> No.27570785

She didn't forget it for one
