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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27522814 No.27522814 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27522856

So nijisanji couldn't get his account back after all huh?

>> No.27522882
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, he looks just like Mashiro from Nijisanji and as far as I know Mashiro was banned from Youtube for streaming pixelated porn! This person must be impersonating him, thanks for the heads up anon, I've already reported him for impersonation.

>> No.27522909

>ban evading youtube
Lmao wait until the trolls report this channel to youtube

>> No.27522948 [DELETED] 

ban evading is reportable offense btw. i still remember from back then, it's what prevented leafy from just making a new channel after he got perma banned.

>> No.27522954

finana on suicide watch

>> No.27523081 [DELETED] 

Fucker should have known better than to stream stuff that could get him banned. How fucking new is this fool to the internet where that isn't common knowledge already? Reporting for ban evasion and impersonation. It's not like niji cares about their "talents" anyway, losing just one more won't hurt them

>> No.27523095

Mabye youtube give them permission to start a new channel? There is no way management isn't retarded enough to know that ban evading with a new channel is not allowed.

>> No.27523126
File: 88 KB, 850x850, FF081CD5-F1DB-448E-92E8-1F9FE4E64972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who would hate traps that much

>> No.27523173

Just report him if you want to. No need to invent excuses or act like a good samaritan for mass reporting his channel.

>> No.27523177 [DELETED] 

How to report this Ban Evading Liver:
1. Go to "About"
2. Report the user
3. Select "Impersonation"
4. Select "This channel is impersonating someone else"
5.Drop the old channel link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfki3lMEF6SGBFiFfo9kvUA
6. Comment that it ban evading.
7. Submit the report.

>> No.27523193

As long as you didn't make the channel yourself YouTube doesn't consider it ban evasion, Keemstar has gotten away with it for years

>> No.27523197

sounds like the usual holobrony behavior

>> No.27523219

There's nothing against the rules in making a channel for someone else and having them post videos on it. If you get banned and then make a channel for yourself again then that's against the rules.

>> No.27523241

wow what a faggot

>> No.27523281

Mashiro is not a trap. He doesn't even dress like a girl and his voice is androgynous enough to know he is not a female.

>> No.27523309

>nuked for showing gore
How bad was it? Salome showed her intestines and she's still safe

>> No.27523324

That's a VERY cute girl

>> No.27523342

Holotroon behaviour

>> No.27523391
File: 93 KB, 927x449, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the barnacles?

>> No.27523394

Oh shit she's cute

>> No.27523416

and that's a shit loophole

>> No.27523446

What more do you expect from jewtube?

>> No.27523468

>Ban evading
>Thinking youtube actually gives a shit
>People still going out of their way to report him
Can we stop being a pathetic board for one day?

>> No.27523558

Sorry bro, this is /vt/. Don't expect anything good except shitposts and memes.

>> No.27523670

They sure cared about it when it came to specific channels. This selective enforcement of the rules in any industry only fucks it up for everyone who's not a higher up

>> No.27523968

>doesn't even dress like a girl and his voice is androgynous enough to know he is not a female.
that's most trap is.

>> No.27524252

This is the Hololive board, faggot.

>> No.27524341

>Implying that a group of Hololive fans together are pathetic
You do you, man.

>> No.27524462

Mashiro was one of the rare NijiJp I'm subscribed too. It sucks to see him lose his channel but at least he's back

>> No.27524539 [DELETED] 


>> No.27524556

People are saying he isn't a guy, he's a girl?

>> No.27524580

It's not gore, it's a Loli game. YouTube is nuking accounts without warning for it

>> No.27524604

Yes he's female (male).

>> No.27524667

>androgynous enough to know he is not a female.
Half the actual women in Niji have deeper voices. Yugo has a deeper voice. Enna, Gundou, and 90% of ID girls are deeper. Most would think he's a reverse trap.

>> No.27524668

>stream pedo shit
>people defend him here
For real?

>> No.27524677

No you don't understand. Nijisanji has done something in the past the Holobros didn't like so it is OK for them to do the exact same thing they cry about.

>> No.27524706

He's a guy, both the character and the RM. He doesn't pretend to be a girl, either.

>> No.27524721

What game, friend? Is it that one where you bring the kid home and the perspective is you looking at the kid on your bed each day?

>> No.27524787

Yeah かわいい壊す
Mito deleted her archives immediately after mashiro was banned

>> No.27524824

shit, he's done for.

>> No.27524913

Obvious false flag, Finana

>> No.27524944

/vt/ defending lolis? Say it isn't so!

>> No.27524946

I thought that one would get them in trouble. Definitely some EOP caught wind of it and reported the stream.

>> No.27525064

I did not care about him before but now I care and will defend him. He's based.

>> No.27525411

This is a pro loli industry.

>> No.27525639


>> No.27525682

no, just pedos in denial

>> No.27525801

>nooooo you can't do that, what about the hecking rules!!!!

>> No.27525827

Nijisanji management is fucking incompetent. What's the use of their revenue split if they couldn't even protect their talent's channel from getting unjustly banned? Also isn't this technically ban evasion? Even Narukami wasn't this sleazy.

>> No.27525879
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>> No.27525916

Wasn't this the same guy they harassed for winning that Mario Kart tournament over crowd favorites like Kuzuha?
I hope their fans wouldn't report his new channel.

>> No.27525969

>muh pedo
try reddit with your moral panic shit

>> No.27525995

But togabito's stream of it is still up

>> No.27526018

The nijinig shakes in fear now that he's on the receiving end of his own medicine.

>> No.27526049

So the rrats were actually correct about Nijisanji cracking down on LGBT supporters.
They already bullied Melissa, Finana, Mayuyu, and then this guy.
Who do you guys think will be next victim?

>> No.27526052

What? You're thinking of Naruse and you got the story wrong, they showed his ugly old model and he got offended, and then it seemed like they were making fun of him for his forced ugly model. The only 'bad' thing Mashiro has ever done in his run of Niji was maybe drag on a rust stream a bit too long, and also tell Melissa to go whine on her own account when she whined about management on his radio show

>> No.27526125

what rrat I made a shitpost thread and everyone took it seriously

>> No.27526135


>> No.27526448


>> No.27526568

I think he's not gonna stay for long. Melissa already left, I think it's better for him to start over at a different company.

>> No.27526877

Might as well go indie. No way he will choose to be in holostar and vshojo. His content is very different than the average vtubers and his brand isn't compatible with either corps.

>> No.27527491

I've been noticing the troons and NB have been leaving Niji. Sounds like Chinese investors don't want them fagging up the place. CCP doesn't support homo culture.

>> No.27527515

would vshojo even be an option for a male VTuber? Well maybe if he changes his setting, to be more similar to his roommate?

>> No.27527755

meds now

>> No.27529770


>> No.27530851

According to their audition criteria, yes.

>> No.27530968

>pathetic board
>This is the Hololive board
we know

>> No.27531078

I don't see why he'd really leave. He always stuck to himself and doesn't have huge ambitions. For the last year his streams have been incredibly lazy. He even says he streams to collect paychecks so he can sit around at his favorite family restaurant and do nothing. Any long time Mashiro watcher can at least agree with me that his video watching streams and viewer submission streams have been circling the drain for the last 10 months or so.

>> No.27533551


>> No.27537465


>> No.27541142

Just the default way shit happens with new channels now. It's fucking annoying.
I straight up skipped basically every debut of vtubers for the past... year I think it has been around now. I basically never view things on Youtube unless I need to. Absolute AIDS website made by retards with double digit IQs.

>> No.27541585

How newfag can you be? The guy wears heels and it was a whole thing back when he debuted becauae everybody assumed it would be a female liver before they heard his voice.

>> No.27543433

>ban evading YouTube
YT doesn't care about ban evasion. Long as he doesn't break any TOS again he'll be Gucci

>> No.27549638

Why not Twitch?

>> No.27551380

This is the same board that botted Millie's stream and reported Uki's karaoke stream instead of letting Content ID do its thing. Nijisanji's existence makes anons here seethe so hard.

>> No.27552308
File: 84 KB, 1279x718, 1627053306954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mashiro is not a trap

>> No.27552689

I want Mashiro to debut his cock in my ass.

>> No.27553457

>YT doesn't care about ban evasion.
The fact that their staff are incompetent diversity hires doesn't mean that their TOS doesn't state black on white that you can't ban evade. If this guy was a right wing political pundit staff would probably ban him again minutes after he makes a new channel. He's just flying under the radar because he's Japanese.

>> No.27553479

Reminder that this is ban evasion...

>> No.27555045
File: 626 KB, 2797x4096, FABJ718VUA06_bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im honestly happy hes back, hes one of the few Nijisanji guys I actually enjoy watching

>> No.27555094

Okay homo

>> No.27555823
File: 175 KB, 960x1230, E0tefiyVoAcZh-C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not a homo
I just like cute guys

>> No.27559178

