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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27522457 No.27522457 [Reply] [Original]

>Kobo's account gets banned due to sex spambox
>Account gets reinstated multiple times
>Mashiro Gets banned because the sex spambot
>Account never restored
>Forced to start all over

>> No.27522497


>> No.27522513

Nijinigger management only cares about their top earners Anon. You should know this because of how they treat the fucking NijiEN girls these days.

>> No.27522519

You want some free sex, handsome?

>> No.27522544 [DELETED] 


>> No.27522553

was it also the french discord that spammed mashiro?

>> No.27522568

>Mashiro Gets banned because the sex spambot
It wasn't spambot. He actually broke rules.

>> No.27522578

Wait, all the vods are gone then?

>> No.27522588

If that's the case, making a new account is against the rules. He's banned for life if he got banned for a legit reason.

>> No.27522592

No it wasn't. It was during the sex bot ark.

>> No.27522607

He got banned because of the pixelated videos he showed on stream he was never spammed.

>> No.27522626

he literally streamed censored porn on his YT channel.

>> No.27522659

Eat shit anycancer

>> No.27522671 [DELETED] 

don't be in nijisanji, because if you're not kuzuha, salome or vox, good luck in trying to have management do anything for you if you ever gets in trouble.

>> No.27522682

Is this why he's graduating?

>> No.27522714

At least my wife is back. I'll listen to what he has to say. Also fuck anykara management

>> No.27522731

Anon.. Mayuzumi is the one graduating

>> No.27522746 [DELETED] 

Shall I report for ban evading? Pretty sure it will be immediate effect after the Ant-Man saga

>> No.27522750

Whether or not it aligned with the spambot shit is irrelevant, that's not why he got banned. He streamed porn

>> No.27522756 [DELETED] 

>>Forced to start all over
antis can still report the dude for ban evading. you're not allowed to make a new channel when your current channel is still banned.

>> No.27522780

You expect Nijisanji to help?

>> No.27522835

Banned because of guro.

Channel could actually be reported for circumventing a ban

>> No.27522867

mashiro might as well join him and leave this useless management of the few.

>> No.27522950

Mashiro wasn't banned because of sex spambots. Mika Melatica was and she got her account back same day.

>> No.27522955

not if you dont own your account, which keemstar has been using for years.
niji probably did that same trick

>> No.27522967

>banned forever because of streaming porn
Then how come Hachama is still alive?

>> No.27523049

Nooooooo. The yugioh streams... This trap almost took my first supa

>> No.27523068 [DELETED] 

oh you're right, but i'll report him anyway just in case.

>> No.27523069

Strongest idol.

>> No.27523087

Strongest chuuba alive

>> No.27523102

I mean, he's actually ban evading

>> No.27523115 [DELETED] 

Here's How to report this Ban Evading Liver:
1. Go to "About"
2. Select "Impersonation"
3. Select "This channel is impersonating someone else"
4. Drop the old channel link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfki3lMEF6SGBFiFfo9kvUA
5. Comment that it ban evading.
6. Submit the report.

>> No.27523119

If Niji "owned" his previous account then the entire company is guilty of ban evading. Sounds like management is a bunch of incompetent clowns if they're not actively trying to resolve this or firing him (if the ban is legit, I don't know if it is).

>> No.27523122

The Management just too lazy anon
>Black company?
Black company.

>> No.27523124

Youtube is scared of Haachama

>> No.27523160


>> No.27523186

Haachama is immune to yabs. She somehow warps reality around her to keep herself safe. She may be an SCP.

>> No.27523263

it wasnt sex spambot opchama, he reviewed porn and guro live on stream

>> No.27523264

Dont bother. JunGangs are already make arrangement on 5ch

>> No.27523282

Important question, is this a boy or a girl?

>> No.27523283

What’s this? A call to raid? Not your personal army faggot

>> No.27523314

>holofags actively encouraging people to report talents from another company
They'll claim they didn't do nuffin if you bring this up in the future.

>> No.27523318

Niji is a small company pls understand they're trying their best

>> No.27523356 [DELETED] 

>holofags actively encouraging people to report talents from another company
Sounds like what Nijisanji did in the past and btw rent free

>> No.27523359

Draw a girl call it a boy.

>> No.27523370 [DELETED] 

I was about to ask how to report ban evasion because there's no option for it,we should tell @teamyoutube twitter too for a good measure

>> No.27523408 [DELETED] 

ok, done. i did my part.

>> No.27523414

wait, that is a good revenge for aloe... we should do it guys

>> No.27523413

It looks like there's 2 people responding positively to the idea of reporting him, regardless you did the holocaust so you aren't going to get any pity if this picks up.

>> No.27523426

>rent fee
>In a thread about a vtuber he doesn't watch working for a company he knows nothing about trying to get an epic victory against the bad guys for muh tribalistic revenge
You guys are hilarious.

>> No.27523447

>holofags actively encouraging people to report talents from another company

Funny you say that when nijifags like me do this just to give an fuck you to enikara management

>> No.27523465

obvious falseflagger

>> No.27523469

I would claim Nijisanji should know better and handle this shit through proper channels instead of rule breaking on the platform they rely on for their business. Not planning to report it, I just find it hilariously embarrassing.

>> No.27523525

It's not rule breaking as long as the same person who made the first channel doesn't make the 2nd regardless of who makes the content on it

>> No.27523550

1 Aloe does not fucking equal to 1 Mashiro.

>> No.27523594

its not about being equal, it about sending a message

>> No.27523636

I really don't get Holofags, what's with all the hate? I've been watching a Nijimale since 2018 and have never given a fuck about Holo, right now I'm following a Nijimale, some VTA talents, sometimes I watch Enna, and I still don't give a fuck about Holo.

>> No.27523669

I'm not that familiar with the youtube ToS so I'll take your word for it. Wouldn't corporate have made the first channel too though? I guess he could have made the second on his own, but then it's actually the banned content creator making it and that just makes it even funnier.

>> No.27523673

Indeed, given the number of talents nijisanji has 1 Aloe is = to 10 nijis so if anything this is being merciful

>> No.27523677

Superiority complex

>> No.27523751 [DELETED] 
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>nijinigger mods actually deleted this

>> No.27523763

anon fucking bungie couldnt do shit through proper channels without having to get lawyers involved, what makes you think anycolor can do much if youtube decided that his account should stay banned

>> No.27523780

how new?

>> No.27523809

They could have just had one intern create the first channel and another intern create the second couldn't they?. Different people did it.

>> No.27523812

Revenge is a dish best served cold

>> No.27523863

Newfags holding grudges over things they've been told they should be mad about that the evil nijifags did to them before they even started watching vtubers.

>> No.27524029

itt underage newfags LARPing that they watched vtubers before HoloEN

>> No.27524040 [DELETED] 

Reported that fag

>> No.27524068

When are the nijiyabs going to stop?

>> No.27524139

Hololive built itself by going from yab to yab in 2020. 2022 will be the year of Nijisanji.

>> No.27524213

He watched gory and sexual stuff behind a mosaic, retard. It's. A completely different situation https://youtu.be/DHiIDLdOeCw

>> No.27524285
File: 208 KB, 850x1193, 4BE23FA4-3A1A-44C2-A984-E2F1FF16CE1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fish blesses your crusade against traps

>> No.27524319

It's obviously the work of Jun's gang

>> No.27524425

>Ban evading
Welp good bye

>> No.27525126

>holoflakes still blame nijiniggers for their own company's fuck up just because of a capcom sponsorship when nijiniggers had had vods privated too for not getting perms
rumao rumao

>> No.27525683

nijisanji management, everyone

>> No.27525732

that's retarded, you can ban the account but you can't ban a person from using your site.

>> No.27525756

I had no idea those bars were meant to protect youtube from her
why would he do that?

>> No.27525770

Because youtube retarded and the whole sex bot scandal is pretty new

>> No.27525811

It's in the TOS

>> No.27525871

Porn are relative, gore are not

>> No.27525942

First the Mashiro, then the Vox.
Just a little bit more.

>> No.27526594

>Half the thread is deleted
>People are just Innocently discussing the YouTube TOS
This new Janny is a fucking clown. Fucking kill yourself. What the point of this board now? Shilling vshojo?

>> No.27526896

Google does actually try to identify you and will ban all your future accounts too.

>> No.27526977

Nah she's a dumbass that was triggered over an anime trope

>> No.27527087

>spent first membership on him
>gets banned two weeks after

>> No.27527146

Almost as if you can't support your streamers properly if you have hundreds of them. What a shocking revelation.

>> No.27527214

The grapefruit video is literally on youtube... Is it somehow WORSE to censor it then?

>> No.27529000

>yes officer, it was me, i did murder that person, but you see, i was using a different name at the time, hence you can't arrest me

>> No.27529553
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>n-no not like that!
Do Nijibronies rly?

>> No.27530164
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keep fighting the good fight holobros

>> No.27530257

They explicitly can and do, are you really this new to the Internet? If all you had to do was make a new account as an e-celeb, literally nobody would complain about being banned.

>> No.27533615
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>> No.27534488
File: 23 KB, 400x400, wtm_smug2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true, Aloe didn't actually do anything wrong while Mashiro is violating Youtube terms of service.
Of course not a single Hololive fan is going to actually report his channel, because we're better than that.
Jungang on the other hand...

>> No.27534576

Why is everything tribalism in your fucking heads? This has literally nothing to do with Hololive, his trap ass broke the rules and got banned all on his own. Go whine to Susan.

>> No.27534632

Nijisanji doesn't earn Youtube enough money to warrant having a company liaison to handle this shit.

I thought you knew that?

>> No.27534674

>his trap ass broke the rules and got banned all on his own
What even happened?

>> No.27535060

kek, should have retired with mellissa but nope he's kagami's bitch boy so whatever goes

>> No.27539276

Mashiro got banned for streaming porn, retard. Do you even watch him?

>> No.27541808

why did he think he was on haachama's level

>> No.27542089

He was watching porn and guro through a mosaic to get around the TOS.

>> No.27545955

RIP Mashiro. He lived well

>> No.27552934

he streamed gore and porn on his account

>> No.27553041

Where was the management?

>> No.27553370

>be a irrelevant 2view in nijisanji
>they dont give a fuck about you and dont even bother trying to get you unbanned

>> No.27553503

you now know why mayuzumi left nijisanji

>> No.27554233


>> No.27554283

Oh is he a fellow gore enjoyer?

>> No.27554331

Kobo's account gets views compared to this literal who.

>> No.27554385


>> No.27555357

watching the main niji chuubas, they're the ones who get the most support

>> No.27555360

Too busy shilling NijiCN to care

>> No.27555929

meant for >>27553041

>> No.27558250

