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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27478013 No.27478013 [Reply] [Original]

>send a person $250 to "teach them a lesson"
>they make fun of you and send it to the one person you're complaining about
Actually a pretty cringe move.

>> No.27478035

Sending a woman any amount of money via superchat is cringe. You're literally just paying some ethot to read your name aloud, it's the antithesis of based.

>> No.27478078

Nah it was hella based

>> No.27478082

The month of following entertainment surrounding her bait biting was more than worth it

>> No.27478238

Hopefully it was a stolen credit card or chargeback.

>> No.27478263

Shut up Mori.

FInd me people who get their names read in stream and don't pay for it.

>> No.27478382

These shitposters always claim that but isn't it pain in the ass to do it?

>> No.27478427

Nah. It was based. How badly this superchat mindbroke Mori is still just as funny today as it was back then too.

>> No.27478434

Holy fucking timeloop, Calli. Go and make some music.

>> No.27478442

I think he made it for lolz, or he is a retardchama.

>> No.27478489

Not on paypal, but but Youtube makes it almost impossible.

>> No.27478497

Their goal was to bother Mori and it definitely worked. Mission accomplished.

>> No.27478522

Nah, it’s pretty based. Even funnier than Mori took the money from it and delivered it to him herself, actually making it condom money for Conner. The best part is that, due to Cover/YouTube cuts and taxes, she was actually taking money that other people superchatted and gave it to him as well. Deadcucks are fucking hilarious.

>> No.27478527

It was beyond based and funny as hell.
Mori, you really should stop coming here and making these obvious posts.

>> No.27478547

Anon, that wasn't the initial SC.

>> No.27478581

It’s literally as simple as calling your bank and telling them your card was stolen/used fraudulently.
>b-but you’ll get banned
Burner account.
>b-b-but that’s fraud
Who cares?

>> No.27478657

Even for your average shitposter that is too much to do.

>> No.27478716 [DELETED] 

>g-go back mori
Why the fuck would you think I'm Mori? This is why y'all don't get any bitches and spend your time watching hololive.

>> No.27478770

>Find me people who get their names read in stream and don't pay for it.
Witty and lucky people in 3view and the occasional 4view chat, most people in 2view and 1view chats.
And even then, if getting your name read is that important to you that's already pathetic.

>> No.27478788

$250 for a full night of entertainment and a year's worth of memes vs $250 and someone says "thanks for the superchat" and reads your name.

>> No.27478800
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>> No.27478813

Who cares about getting your name read aloud by a streamer? You should care more about getting some bitches on your dick instead my dude.

>> No.27478849


>> No.27478853

For $250, I’d make the minor effort. Like I’d let some bitch just have my money for a joke.

>> No.27478888

That SC is still rent free I see

>> No.27478908
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No, it was based. It made people realize how fucking retarded Mori is.

>> No.27478929

That is you though. Most of them don't do think like that.

>> No.27478980

illegal in the US, what are my options?

>> No.27479008

Lmao. Get rekt Oppainaut.

>> No.27479034

why did you put Mori's face on some random whore's body?

>> No.27479071

But I thought that was known long before that?

>> No.27479104

It's because people who learned about it after don't believe Calli wigged out as much as she did. They probably think "ah yeah, and then Calli dunked on them" not realizing it was a full day of Calli legit chimping out and embarassing herself over it. So it wasn''t a based act by itself, it was only based because it worked

>> No.27479515

He paid 250$ and managed to elicit a bigger reaction from her than all her other paypigs combined.

>> No.27479554

is this real or photoshop? that's funny

>> No.27480613
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This is either the funniest or the saddest thing today.

>> No.27480710

Someone tried something similar on Kiara and she just ignored it.
Schizos really need to stop trying to create a yab.

>> No.27480793
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KEK, nice try rewriting history cuckbeat. The meltdown the ensued was worth every fucking cent. If I knew just 250 measly bucks could cause so much lulz I'd do it too without hesitating.

>> No.27480926

Also Vtubers need to stop reading bait SC's
and trying to own the haters

>> No.27480929

It clearly affected her for like a month. That with the twitter reply caused her to not stream for like a week and then when she came back it was only collabs with no SC readings.

>> No.27480948

still rent free in her head till this day LMAO

>> No.27480961

didn't the perdon who made the superchat actually come forward and express regret in posting it since it turned into a huge thing? he just wanted to poke fun at her, not ruin her career. why are you even falseflagging as someone who gave $250 to mori?

>> No.27480963

The idea behind it is to say that you both have so much money that you don't care about the 250.

It's also meant to shit on the intended purpose of a superchat, which is give someone money and tell them how great they are.

It's a large amount of money because that can't be ignored. You can't just ignore 250 dollars, it's pretty memorable. It's too much to just forget about right afterwards, and there's no way for you to reject it and tell the guy to fuck off. What are you going to do, burn $250 after the stream? It won't be the same.

It's the perfect way to fuck with an autist like Mori

>> No.27481026

I don't think so, i don't even think he was a fan of her but someone was pissed at TT for dissing his mecha anime.

>> No.27481047

Gura said my name in a recent stream and I wasn't membered at the time. Irys read off my shitpost advice during her one block challenge and I am not membered to her and Kiara in this very stream read me telling her that Sana ability made her invincible.

>> No.27481050
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>deadbeats celebrating album release + UMG deal + sololive
>retards celebrating getting a reaction
in the end, everyone is happy

>> No.27481092

i think that was a different guy.

>> No.27481107

>ruin her career
in what universe?

>> No.27481155

You know, I got the whole autist lecture, i.e. people who kept telling me to ignore it because that's what they're looking for.

It really is pretty shitty when you're five years old because it sounds like people are telling you it's your fault other kids are being mean to you. But you know what? I absolutely get the logic now as an adult.

Someone really should have given Mori that message. Maybe not when she was five, but definitely way fucking younger than she is right now

>> No.27481157

hi mori

>> No.27481420

she gave 250 to him, and based on how fucked her taxes were at the time, she effectively gave away 1k in deadbeat donations to him

>> No.27481445

Kek. Even the username is a shitposter name

>> No.27481455

the thing is, at the point you're as big as Holos, it doesn't matter
there'll be enough people shitting on you regardless if you respond or not, like eggs for Kiara - they'll hound you till the end of your days, cause they simply hate you deeply, for one reason or another, and reaction isn't what they look for, they just want to make your day a tiny bit more miserable
some are capable of endlessly ignoring them, some just find some valve to release some of the pressure

those that ain't capable of either just drop out of the business, like many indies that got a bit too big

>> No.27481486

Not being retarded and feeding internet trolls because that means they won was common knowledge before Mori was even born.

>> No.27481496

the /m/ chad was the one who drew the infamous cuckbeat comic.

>> No.27481529

Kiara never responded to trolls.

>> No.27481592

in the end she won, the controversy just buffed her sub growth at the time she was releasing fuck all content, gave mad exposition to her roommate channel and album release and at what cost?
people made fun of her, something that's been happening ever since she started rapping as a white girl

>> No.27481638


>> No.27481661

>Send over 250$ of condom money
>Mori seethes over it on stream and sends Conor 250$
>Despite the fact that Cover takes 100$ of that
>Despite the fact that youtube also takes 75$ of that
>Despite the fact that of the remaining 75$, you pay around 60$ in taxes
>This leaves you with 15$
>You paid over 1500% extra out of your own pocket
Sounds based af to me - imagine making her seethe this much LMAO

>> No.27481675

Oppainaut the godchad, the mental damage will never heal from that SC

>> No.27481730

In retrospect, sure, but at the time it was clear that even Mori were surprised she did not get in trouble over her reaction and the surrounding fallout she created

>> No.27481784

it's actually funny as fuck that people bring this SC up when
>it wasn't the SC that made her upset in the first place
>the dude apologized in comments, despite hardly getting a reaction from her
>when someone made an anti thread about charging it back, the same dude came in with a proof that it was not, in fact, him that created the thread and the OP was bsing

>> No.27481858

>will live forever in her mind
250 dollars if pretty cheap for an entire lifetime of rent, I think he won.

>> No.27481893

supposedly she wasn't gonna read SCs again after this one, do I even have to tell how that turned out?

>> No.27481969

>This is how the poor person's mind operates

>> No.27482069

Did she ever recover?

>> No.27482188

she was laughing her ass off like two days later playing NSO
meanwhile you're still timelooping this shit in July

I think it's kinda obvious who's living rent free

>> No.27482189

She doesn't even know this exists

>> No.27482200

The fact these tards sc'd my chicken expecting an actual reaction from her was funny. Fucking dumbasses.

>> No.27482238

It honestly wasn' based, but Mori kinda made it so with that reaction. anti superchats are pretty cringe desu.

>> No.27482546

>in the end she won
Jesus, Shut the fuck up Jeremy.

>> No.27482598

You mean the stream where the kept checking the image board over and over to try and "own the haters" and couldn't even do it in a video game?

>> No.27482602

eigo jouzu...

>> No.27482659

you mean the one she kept checking to giggle at stupid shit and make Viper references?

>> No.27482709


>> No.27482757

i only found when she was invited to the succubus bar

>> No.27482836
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I just love that vt schizo always claim that it caused a meltdown.
vt is a strange hugbox for schizo that love to shout at each other, this place is a fucking drain to be part of just like /mlp/ or /int/.
This is why the "Breaching containment" is always cringe, because you put this kind of thread for most people to see (Thread simulator kind of shit) and you can see how cringe it is.
Also Connor as waifu boogeyman was hilarious. A dude from Wales making some simp seethe behind their screen is always hilarious to me.

Taking a whole month off from vt really show how insane this board has become. Even Suipiss guy was far more entertaining than schizo threads that got more and more unhinged as time goes by.

>> No.27482848


>> No.27482863 [DELETED] 
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Fucking kill yourself by shooting yourself in the throat.

>> No.27482868


>> No.27482883

The people who do it are really cringe too, they give themselves names like 'Mori's simpy boi', like they take pride in being a simp.

>> No.27483000

Jesus, calm down.
One phrase can't get you this mad.

>> No.27483060
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>> No.27483086

There are not many of them though with that kinda name.

>> No.27483092

Nah. Still based.

>> No.27483173

He didn't intend on "teaching her a lesson", it was an innocent joke that made the entire vtubing community collectively lose their minds. It was based and funny as fuck.

>> No.27483201

oh, he cracked... eigo not very jouzu, apparently

>> No.27483273
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>> No.27483356

it's okay man, you can always watch the eikaiwa series, they go over really basic things
you'll even learn some cool slang

>> No.27483379

You know you broke motherfuckers mind when they resote to doxxposting.

>> No.27483421

not simply not red sc's but proof read them before reading them out loud

>> No.27483434

/vt/ is batshit crazy AND it caused her to meltdown. Both are true.

>> No.27483446

He probably wasn't trying to be based, just making an off-colour joke and being a cuckbeat. He probably feels intense shame and anxiety over how badly he upset his oshi.

>> No.27483460

it's probably fairly upsetting to realize that the equivalent of your yearly earnings was not enough to affect Calli's content in any notable or long-term way
