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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27453108 No.27453108 [Reply] [Original]

So is anything going to be done about the newfag janny who is deleting all the on topic posts while leaving dozens of bait threads in the catalog? Or are we just going to deal with getting randomly banned for shit that was completely fine a few days ago?

>> No.27453152

You all bitched about jeremy the cuckbeat jannie he gets replaced and you still keep bitching.

>> No.27453179

Holobronies get the board they deserve.

>> No.27453192

He still here anon, i made a mori post asking if she would join vshitshow and got deleted in 30 sef

>> No.27453231

>discuss recent chuuba news
>this is apparently wrong

>> No.27453248

I'll be damned then

>> No.27453357

Show the post, I always hear this shit then it turns out they combined it with a DD image or posted in some unrelated thread it didn't belong in

>> No.27453409
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>> No.27453542

Just barely realized that now ringo and meat are gone. What is going on?

>> No.27453571

Newfag Janny being a retard who doesn't understand board culture going on a power trip and purging the fetish threads.

>> No.27453662

Mori thread bad.
/b/omu thread good.
Good threads stay.

>> No.27453726

Funnily enough /hag/ has weathered the storm despite being a fetish thread explicitly about the age of the roommate. Janny probably doesn't realize.

>> No.27453765

Cuckbeat janny is retarded to core.
You should make Nijisanji is good/bad thread next. These don't get deleted.

>> No.27453825
File: 26 KB, 275x400, Pierce Brosnyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably highly confusing to the new janny to see threads that aren't bogged down to tribalfagging

>> No.27453838

threadly reminder to send meidos a feedback

>> No.27453842

Yes https://www.4channel.org/feedback

>> No.27453850


>> No.27453860

Architects got hit as well. I guess they're going after a particular flavor of walking-the-line, not-actually-sfw degeneracy, but then again the Lamy stuff is more text than images, and they have been leaving /uoh/ untouched, so all in all it seems pretty random.

>> No.27453962

yeah, I do feel they delete threads randomly

>> No.27453989

>Post about something going on RIGHT NOW in a Hololive stream
>Thread deleted
>"Content must relate to vtubers"
I think they hired a lobotomized dude

>> No.27454014
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>> No.27454032

The new mod is a SEAfriend
I got 3 days ban from posting SEAn- once

>> No.27454041

this one deletes stuff without rhyme or reason

>> No.27454053

I got one for calling chinks subhuman

>> No.27454059

that nigger deleted a watamelon thread too recently

>> No.27454124
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Some of the threads also got randomly moved to other boards. The "current" /ag/ was punted to /d/ and iirc the /meat/ and /ringo/ was punted to /trash/

>> No.27454139

No, you need to see the bigger picture: if they don't clamp down on the actual hololive stream discussion, you might miss the five nightly Artia threads reminding us how she died for our sins or whatever.

Okay I've got no explanation for that. That's just crossing a line. What would this board even be without Watamelon?

>> No.27454140
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>> No.27454152

Just disguise your threads with niji baits those don't get deleted anyway

>> No.27454166

How would I live without 12 threads about Rushia being in vshojo.

>> No.27454197

Exactly! Now you're getting it!

>> No.27454221

>numberfag becomes a janny and is now terraforming /vt/ to look just like /v/

>> No.27454232

>You dare to discuss vtubers on MY BOARD??
>bans you

>> No.27454259
File: 158 KB, 1100x1113, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the deadbeat janny who nukes all threads that criticize mori
>he doesn't know about when Pomu was doxxed and her nudes got leaked and someone posted Mori's RM photo in the thread and the post with Mori was removed but the thread stayed
>he doesn't know about the indog janny who collaborates with his indog discord buddies who keep making anti-ollie threads and ban everyone pointing that shit out for racism

>> No.27454261

This board just gets shittier and shittier.
