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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27424466 No.27424466 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being such a huge and successfull force in the industry that a 'rival' company celebrates hiring your retired talents.
Hololive, I kneel.

>> No.27424558

Giga Kek

>> No.27424599

Suddenly remembering the thousands of times holofags have done exactly this with Luna moving from Nijisanji to Hololive.

>> No.27424680

>Suddenly remembering the thousands of times holofags have done exactly this with Luna moving from Nijisanji to Hololive.
and then you woke up

>> No.27424753

I don't know what you mean its literally been brought up thousands of times by holofags that Luna moving to Hololive proves its the better company of the two.

>> No.27424913

No it wasnt' No one celebrated luna joining hololive the way they celebrate kson joining
you are retarded and insecure to even try and draw such comparison/

>> No.27424988
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because it does
Hololive is just better suited for Luna, same can be said about Polka

>> No.27425007

the irony
no one cares about this other than holobronies with sour grapes

>> No.27425162

Luna was basically the failure of her wave in Nijisanji and you guys make a huge deal out of her moving and use it as a stick to beat Nijifags with all the time that proves Hololive is somehow better. Meanwhile two of the best earning vtubers you guys have ever had Coco and Rushia move to VShojo so I guess that definitely proves they are the better company than Hololive seeing as they were a big success there.

>> No.27425206

why are you seething so much then?

>> No.27425378

>suddenly remembering
thats pretty sad that your mind immediately goes there when no one brought luna up. shows how inecure you are

>> No.27425386

what are you on about

>> No.27425448

The OP literally asks you to "Imagine being such a huge and successfull force in the industry that a 'rival' company celebrates hiring your retired talents." so I imagined being Nijisanji and found holofags did exactly that.

>> No.27425506

It's similar to when white pornstars start doing films with black men when they have nowhere else to go anymore.

>> No.27425533

niji wasnt even involved in the whole ordeal but holofags brought it up anyway
whats wrong with you

>> No.27425608

None of them retired retard.

>> No.27425661

Glad you haven't forgotten about the Graduation and Welcome parties

>> No.27425719

That strawman is strong.

>> No.27426041

>Pekora in the pic
>context of current events
and you imagined nijisanji...
anon you are retarded and insecure as fuck.

>> No.27426112


>> No.27426201

you forgot hololive namedrop in the post too

>> No.27426258

5ch status?

>> No.27426324

fukin ur mom

>> No.27426444

>acting like they left specifically to join vshojo when one streamed as an indie for an entire year and the other was fucking fired

>> No.27426455
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point out where exactly do you see astrawman i will wait
protip: you can't
keep seething

>> No.27426667

First of all
>Meanwhile two of the best earning vtubers you guys have ever had Coco and Rushia
That's literally wrong. Superchats are less than 10% of their total earnings. Merch sales and sponsorships are way more important and those are dominated by other talents like qua, Pekora, Marine.
Secondly, as this >>27426444 anon pointed out, Rushia was fucking fired, and Coco had an entire hate campaign directed at he by chinks. Are we gonna just ignore those facts?

>> No.27429155

>you guys make a huge deal out of her moving
They're just baiting because no one here was watching vtubers mid 2019 for her reskin to be relevant.

>> No.27429253

>I-it's a good thing we lost our company's 2 best earners! Here's why

>> No.27429362
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Irys is a niji reject
Marine is a niji reject
Pekora is a niji reject

>> No.27429582

>and other things I tell myself

>> No.27429598

It's been a day, you guys gonna move on.

>> No.27429720

The implication they're hiring retired talents and boasting.

>> No.27429897

>not best earners
>one was fired the other was harrassed by chinks to leave
yes it shows how strong hololive is, anything else is pure cope on your part

>> No.27429995

proof next thread?
>The implication they're hiring retired talents and boasting.
yes? and where is the strawman in that? literal facts. keep coping like a little loser.

>> No.27430023

fauna was a vshojo reject

>> No.27430143
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>> No.27430185

Maaaan, there's a lot of samefags in this thread.

>> No.27430829

t. seething holonigger

>> No.27431161

Only like 50% of holos stream these days, they are non-ironically reclining. Where the fuck is Gura?

>> No.27431204

Ummmm saplingbros?

>> No.27434735

The moment Kson blew up, Hololive became an illustrious chuuba college.

>> No.27434793

Hololive is Dysney

>> No.27435188

Why when you think of Hololive your mind goes to EN? Not that the main branch is doing greatly better, but Gura literally does not matter for when speaking generally of Hololive

>> No.27435271

Even worse, she was fired.

>> No.27435443

Imagine having management so far beyond incompetent that they cause the loss of two of your biggest earners. Yet EN secondaries will celebrate this because they never experienced the worst of Hololive management.

>> No.27435642

Rushia getting fired is proof of managements incompetence somehow? When Japanese twitter praised it for being able to keep in check such menhera for this long? You are retarded and speak about topics you have no knowledge of. Why? Is embarassing yourself on the internet that important to you?

>> No.27435861

Because the stuff she leaked to the dramanigger in November was likely about the manager who was internally spreading rumors about the talents being Host crazy. The one she reported to HR and despite being told this person would be fired, the next day they were still around.
Leaking this rightfully bit her ass in the end but it wouldn't have happened in the first place if Cover's management were not a complete mess.

>> No.27435971

You will never be a Cover employee.

>> No.27436033

we don't know what she leaked to the dramatubers. therefore your entire argument is pure speculation.

>> No.27436082
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Dance for me monkey.

>> No.27436148

where was polka before hololive?
i thought she was 3d

>> No.27436214

If it's not that then it's likely something even worse she couldn't even reveal publicly lest Cover sue her ass.

>> No.27436285

Here we go the Holo intern

>> No.27436404

Here we go the Vcuck

>> No.27436485

Sure. That's why Flare, Watame and Fubuki, the most inoffensive hololive talents were in good spirits after cover fired rushia.

>> No.27436710
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They were in "good spirits" because they were done performing a much anticipated live performance, you absolute moron. You forget these people are professionals first and won't intentionally bring the mood down like a rock to end an event like that. Fubuki was also "in good spirits" after Aloe quit and after the holocaust. Not that you'd know this because you're an EN secondary and don't even watch streams. You fucking prick.

>> No.27437222

Actv8. Was a black company, but I liked her past life more than her as Polka. Her past life was my oshi, but now I never watch Polka

>> No.27437738

Yet she was crying for Coco, curious how retards like you think.
Also she wasn't only in good spirits for bakatare live. Even during the annoucement they were laughing and easy going about it and you know goddamn well, as a self-proclaimed JP enjoyer that Watame would be the first to cry about it. So shut your goddamn mouth you bitchass fancuck.

>> No.27437846

Ok if Fubuki hated her so much then why did she outright say mid holofes that she wished Rushia was there?

>> No.27438139

fubuki hated her? I just know that nobody felt sorry for her, which tells me rushia done goofed up.

>> No.27438197

Oh she did a hundred percent fuck up. Doesn't erase the fact that Cover management is also a collection of fuck ups that get away with shit scot-free.

>> No.27438315

>Marine and Pekora are nobody
Why are you lying?

>> No.27438319

Disney is woke faggotry so a more accurate comparison would be whoreshojo

>> No.27440209

>implying marine and pekora felt sorry for her because the former cried during a depressive period in her life and it was just too much for her mentally and the latter was affraid rushia doxes her since she lives with her parents so she pretended to cry and even sent some DMs to rushia to make sure they are cool.

>> No.27440475

Sure you did

>> No.27443455

you are in dire need of medication

>> No.27443535

Management can do no wrong. All they had to do was stick to their LORE.

>> No.27443692

No I don't think so.

>> No.27443944

They aren't going to rehire you Omega.

>> No.27444054

This has literally never happened, stay seething Nijicuck

>> No.27444350

>no one cares about this
>literally replying in a thread celebrating it.
Brain damage

>> No.27444583

Retards like you are the reason why /#/, as much of a bunch of faggots they are, are necessary. Both HoloJP and HoloEN's overall numbers have been inclining in the last few months, faggot.
>Where the fuck is Gura?
Sipping juice at home while smiling happily at her highest monthly median since the beginning of 2022, that's where

>> No.27447533

It's kinda funny how some retards will immediately go
>she has a boyfriend
at the minor of inconveniences
who are those people and why?

>> No.27447667

luna is just the strongest vtuber
nijisanji should've closed their doors when she left, as hololive should whenever she chooses to retire

>> No.27447706
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>Hololive, I kneel.

>> No.27447768

hey do any of you guys wanna play halo 2 with me

>> No.27447792


>> No.27447829

hell yeah

>> No.27448130
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yeah me

>> No.27448189

hopcon Halo anon.
what’s your gamertag

>> No.27449326

The amount of money she gonna get from her dinogura plushie will let her live in luxury.

>> No.27450467

Thats assuming the retarded jap company Cover will make enough copies of it.

>> No.27450878

It's made-to-order, so there is nothing to worry about that.
She has already made $166k just from the limited set after all

>> No.27451455

Well shit if its a guarantee ill get one myself.
