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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27349997 No.27349997 [Reply] [Original]

Sacrificing HoloCN, Billions of Investments, Muse Dash and many game permissions to protect 1 member

Yet she just quit and joined another company

>> No.27350071 [DELETED] 


>> No.27350081

>Muse Dash
kill yourself chumkek, come back when your whore actually streams and doesn't leech off of other myth members

>> No.27350135

Still thriving though.

>> No.27350243

they're trying to work themselves back with tiktoks and getting friendly with other china panderer companies

>> No.27350246

>Doing better than ever
>Syill absolutely crushing every other vtubing company
Yagoo has the golden touch. In thos case it was Kson being a retard and throwing away her relevance to slut it up with Melody. Terrible decision but shes a woman so what can you do.

>> No.27350317

They could've obtained THE Kamitsubaki tech

>> No.27350337

They were forced to choose either China or the west. China would not have been appeased unless she was fired, and firing her would've damaged them irreparably in the wesi.

>> No.27350397

Lost bilibili memes and we got a flood of clickbait clippers like otakmori

>> No.27350440 [DELETED] 

The west, lmao, they forgot the Ukraine-Russia war in 2 weeks

>> No.27350462

Can't they go full anti Kson now?

>> No.27350499

>to protect 1 member
you got it wrong, they sacrificed the member and cut their losses after it became evident that they were never going to get the chinese audience ever again anyway

>> No.27350595

China is next Russia. Cover was lucky to get out.

>> No.27350598

The only true lost was Yogurt and Spadey

>> No.27350626

chinese money is the devil
it seems good at first
too good in fact
and then you're their bitch forever

>> No.27350684

It would have fallen apart eventually anyway. China is China.

>> No.27350923

The funny thing is
They sacrificed so much for Coco and they regretted it
So the next yab with Rushia, they just straight up fired her
2 polar treatments and the result is the same, both ended up in Vshojo
This is just wwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.27350999

imagine thinking china is supposed to be respected. they would have had to pull out of china at some point with or without her. China wants obedience and submission so they would have had the JP girls bow down and be owned by china and be subject to their whims or pull out and leave holocn to china the same way virtuareal is to niji.
Sorry but having talents raped by communist party plants in bilibili isn't conducive to good business outside of china.

>> No.27351245

VWP is doing fine

>> No.27351291

China's getting ready to go full hermit-state again so they'd still lose the money. Also not dealing with chinks is better than dealing with chinks. Kson is a whore though and deserves to be saddled with the futile effort of tard wrangling Rushia while a bunch of westies bitch about her behind her back.

>> No.27351343

>Muse Dash
Only relevant literally because of Hololive. Who cares

>> No.27352303

The bugmen meme is real. You have no idea how shit it is there, losing HoloCN was a good move.

>> No.27352314

As much as I hate China shit, its not like a JP company being involved in China would be any different than companies in the west who bow down to China. Newfags won't know that the CN audience was a huge reason why Hololive got an early boost, not to mention the game collabs and other cool stuff that just doesn't happen anymore. Cover literally gave up the Chinese market to keep Coco and to further their western market, yet she has repeatedly spat on Cover's decision to side with her and give up an entire market.

What exactly does the EN side even get? Going to fucking troon degenerate anime cons and getting Funko pops and shit, wow so cool. If Coco was going to leave "on her own volition", then she should've fuckin left during the peak of the controversy so Cover could have at least retained the CN market and audience that was more of a cornerstone to Hololive than the EN market ever was.

>> No.27352359

the funny thing is
you're a faggot
that doesn't understand context

>> No.27352465

Wish they choose China rather than the filthy west

>> No.27352476

EN has gotten collabs/sponsors from some games like Valkyrie connect/Blue Archive/etc. But not only did EN drop those games immediately, they are also shit games in the west due to the usual western localization BS. No Arknights collab or anything that would have actually been cool like the Azure Lane one was.

>> No.27352798

It's not that it was a tough or risky choice - the Chinese took away their options to try to strike some kind of balance. At first, Cover did generally the max of what they normally would/could - suspend the talents, make Coco apologize (people seem to forget she did that immediately and it "wasn't good enough" for them), then wait out the spam for a bit to see if they lose interest. Nope. Nothing worked, Chinese antis are truly mental because they turned her into a symbol of themselves vs Japan/the West (because she's American). So the only remaining strategies were:

a.) blatantly fire Coco to appease them which would piss off not just the West as people were saying, but Japan itself, their primary audience
b.) pull out their team of barely-existent Chinese tubers from a market that was already sending them death threats and turned on its heels against Hololive

Only an idiot would have thrown away both of their existing proven audiences for the sake of a theoretical one that hadn't actually taken off and just gotten spoiled by a bunch of antis who just will never ever like Cover fundamentally, because it's Japanese and has Western talents in the ranks. You would have to dump all JPs/ENs to please the jingoist brainwashed crowd that are the ones who attacked Coco and still attack Holos to this day and that is obviously not gonna happen.

>> No.27352866

Naynners artist has kek

>> No.27352986

You tried twice with no replies so here's your (you), now go suck off Piedpiper in /vsingers/, kamikek. Bugmen will find something to be upset with sooner or later. They always do. Everybody thinks they are immune until they aren't

>> No.27353002

You think any of the current holofags knew about this? Lmao
China was literally carrying Hololive on its bug back before the VTuber boom.
>Azur Lane Collab
>Wu Flu
Because of the Wu Flu, Hololive popularity exploded.
China literally killed themselves to help Hololive.

>> No.27353069

CN also went full retard. Good riddance.

>> No.27353086

Gacha mobile has zero audience in western side. The biggest gacha steamers are irrelevant due to how predatory the system is. People want to watch games being played and streamer interactions with the game.
No one gives a shit about watching another roll the gacha hundreds of time for an hour snd then 10 minutes of auto combat farming.
None of the anime gacha games are interesting for gameplay.

>> No.27353158

Have you been anywhere near Fubuki's channel this past year anon?

>> No.27353159

The specific reasons were that chinese money wasn't as substantial as it had been in the past as chinese people stopped giving them money and that bilibili was trying to navigate to get a controlling stake in cover itself and make it a tail that wags the dog so Yagoo, since he probably has ties to the JSDF, cut ties entirely.

>> No.27353302

You're more or less correct, but you're downplaying the presence they had in China at the time severely. Not just the Chinese branch, but HoloJP was huge in China, probably moreso than in the west. Heck, this is when Fubuki was pretty much the face of the company, and her bili account + Chinese fanbase was almost on par with her JP+Western fanbase. Same for Aqua and other big hitters. It wasn't a theoretical audience; if anything the western audience was the more theoretical of the two at the time.
But you're right that continuing in the Chinese market would have required way too many sacrifices, and the potential of the Western - or rather, entire-rest-of-the-world market, was way more important in the end.

>> No.27353344

Watch streams bro, some of the most popular streams are gatcha streams whether it be actual gambling or people rolling for characters

>> No.27354356

The absolute state of holokeks even grasping at the chinese of all people for validity

>> No.27354989
File: 1.06 MB, 1400x5552, Never Learn Mandarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulling out of China is a chad move in the long term, the place is a debt trap full of backstabbers, and in the end the Supreme Overlord Cartoon bear is going to close off the country anyway.

>> No.27355074

Fuck those shitbags for constantly taking down Pekora Quest reuploads.

>> No.27355210

No, they threw coco under the bus and when the chinkmen wanted her out they just said fuck you to HoloCN because they never earn as much as coco together, had HoloCN made at least a bit of an impact on chinkland Coco would hae been gone for good.

>> No.27355292

Chinks made it. Why you mad?

>> No.27355382

>bugmen bad
>bugmen good
Why are holobronies like this? You lick the imperialist American cunt, you'd better like the flavor.

>> No.27356113

Gacha streams is pretty big even matsuri got lots of views

>> No.27356170

Cope and sneed, the Chinese controversy directly led to Myth's extreme success and thus Cover's overall incline, any gains from the rat filled mainland are more then made up by the tawainese die hards alone in combination with a stronger western presence then almost any Japanese company has culturally atm outside of the old game stalwarts.

>> No.27356209

This IQ of faggots like these must be like 80 or something. What's the reasoning? They cut losses with Rushia so it's worse that they let her go? Another company got shitty rejects? I don't get it

>> No.27356241
File: 111 KB, 1200x1200, EBC36050-FCF4-4D59-98AA-7BFF1F7E76EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managers are chinks

>> No.27356295

Try Genshin impact. It's the biggest thing from china hololive missed, not muse dash.

>> No.27357313

Nah, people love watching gambling streams in the west. Just look at Trainwrencks and other streamers on Twitch. The problem is that, why would you watch 10 hours of gacha gambling when you can watch 10 hours of a dude doing slots with a price of $1k per pull and going for jackpots that go into the millions. Gacha just can't compete on money degeneracy with pure gambling.

>> No.27358129

Stop making so much sense, we're supposed to all be dramasisters here.

>> No.27358368

Thank you anon for reminding me the main reason why pulling out of China is good.

>> No.27358457

Who needs Genshin when they can still reel in thousands of views with a fanmade game

>> No.27358666

China is absolutely worthless now to foreign companies and you still pine on about YAGOO stopping a corporate takeover by the CCP.
Everyone is bailing from China because they see war with Taiwan and a dead economy by the end of the decade but SEAnigs and burger children talk about a non-existent vtuber marker that's been regulated to death and full of people who inherently hate you.

>> No.27358700

genshin is so 2020
zenless zone zero and honkai star rail is the new hotness and coverkeks are scrambling to mend the rift before they come out

>> No.27358870

All chink gacha is going to get banned like genshin was in Europe recently
It's finally starting with tiktok

>> No.27359003

>Stupid zhangs can't wrap their heads around the fact that not every decision is made to make money
I'm so glad I'm not a bug

>> No.27359073
File: 756 KB, 1280x720, 1626237437025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are unironically defending China now because of VshojoJP

When the fuck are the mods adding "Schizophrenia" as a report option and rangebanning SEA?

>> No.27359150

China just banned Vshojo a couple of hours ago

>> No.27359203

My original and fp is gone because "ironic shitposting" I'm not shitposting. I really hate Xi and you cockroaches. Get lost already. No one loves you.

>> No.27359206

yogiri literally did nothing wrong

>> No.27359258

same but vtuber tourists from hololive

>> No.27359377 [DELETED] 

It was fun the first 3 times, now it's annoying.
Stop spamming and killing good threads. Fag

>> No.27359492
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>> No.27359548

China always sucked with holomen even before taiwan yab.
Don't try to wash your asses of what they did with current events.

>> No.27359682

Damn, they're like an unholy mix of blacks and jews while being asian. Fuck that nonsense.

>> No.27359684

Come back to china hololive, we still love you. We were too stupid to bite baits and didn't defend you like how the china one piece community btfo the nationalist schizos.

You can proceed to bugspray me if you want.

>> No.27359739

>china one piece community btfo the nationalist schizos
No one fucks with one piece fans ANYWHERE. lol

>> No.27359760

Not just that, the stars were popular in CN too. One of the things that completely shafted and stalled them harder for the last year and some was being forced out of china.

>> No.27359782

Meds, all of you

>> No.27359825

wait what happened with one piece?

>> No.27360350

Old incident, taiwan on one of the manga survey questionaire. The fan community got raided by nationalists but the one piece fan were strong enough to ignore and defend themselves and drove them away.

>> No.27360636

Let me Henry Wu’d your genetics, brave CN anon.
And then you shall rape as many nationalists as possible and drive them to extinction.

>> No.27360642


>> No.27360870

Why would you even want to invest in china though? The moment vtubers get big there china will just ban them. There is no way those old fucks in the CCP will look at an anime girl streamers influencing the minds of their children as a good thing. I doubt it will last even a few more years at the most.

>> No.27361522
File: 36 KB, 536x523, 1653215643879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that the staff that leaked Gokisei's Ochame (they didn't even debut yet) was a chang.

>> No.27361809

Ojou my beloved.

>> No.27361974

I mean Kson being a backstabbing whore is not a shock.

>> No.27362051


>> No.27362116

I mean, it's not like they helped Coco with all the harassment and even made things worse by making one of said antis a mod by accident who ended up banning a ton of people.

>> No.27362228

>Coco list up all antis in chat
>give that to Cover to deal
>Cover give all antis mods

Tell me what cover did for her again OP ?

>> No.27362272

I'm sure you give a shit about the chinks

>> No.27362338


>> No.27362524

Her artist doesn't like Kson for the chink stuff and disapproves of her joining. I think she quit too
that last part is my own memory being fumbled

>> No.27362679

>We still love you
>Mentions Taiwan
>Mentions Tibet

>> No.27362718

fuck that must be expensive

>> No.27363200

They will probably stream on twitch which has way better mod tools

>> No.27363554
File: 90 KB, 1080x520, 1656816897354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already reaping all those benefits kek
Now all she'll do is react to #FatPride tiktoks people send her over twitter

>> No.27363636

This but with reddit tourists telling vt holofags to go outside this board once in a while.

>> No.27364744

thanks kson to focus all china schizo hatred to yourself again you sacrifice won't be forgotten
fbk finally will be free

>> No.27365191

The real ojou

>> No.27365330

Because China is a country full of dramaniggers from top to bottom. If a company is shitty to work for and is called a Black Company, then China as a nation is a Black Company, it's shitty to work there, it's shitty to live there, it's shitty to eat, sleep, and drink there.

>> No.27365538

I legit fucking hate her now. Especially after she said she'd never join another agency. Then she goes join the whores of the vtuber world. Fuck her, fuck everything she was. Hope she dies soon

>> No.27367050

It's not an agency! It's a group of FRIENDS with CREATIVE FREEDOM!

>> No.27367091

the Vshojo effect

>> No.27367788

>Kson is a whore though and deserves to be saddled with the futile effort of tard wrangling Rushia while a bunch of westies bitch about her behind her back.
This. As a kson anti this outcome is the best I could have hoped for.

>> No.27367908

chink has better clippers than nowadays clippers
