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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27213770 No.27213770 [Reply] [Original]

>Be him
>Supacha thousand dollar to chuuba
>chuuba happy
>chargeback all supacha
>chuuba cry i debt
>doesn't elaborate

>> No.27213905

Don't use PayPal.
People who had merchant accounts for years know PayPal is bullshit.

>> No.27213953

that was me

>> No.27214060

Dont who these chuubas are.

Did they do something bad for this to happen?

>> No.27214101


>> No.27214155

That was my first thought - I didn't see any based takes on her twitter.

>> No.27214171

For the lulz

>> No.27214230

This is why holos and nijis prefer to only use YouTube superchats despite the 30% cut. Way harder to do a Chargeback and get away with it.

>> No.27214243

He's sticking to his character. Kayfabe for viewers, the vtuber industry is still finding itself.

>> No.27214259

Paypal literally steals thousands of dollars from people all the time even without scams, you're a retard if you use it and get what you deserve.

>> No.27214393

Also, I've heard Youtube still pays the original amount the stream earned and eats the loss.
Granted, these chargebacks are very rare for monetized channels, so they make an overall profit with that 30% over time.

>> No.27214810

you can't charge back superchats. this is probably streamlabs.

>> No.27215123

how do they just authorize chargebacks like that?
"hey sorry guys I decided to donate x amount of money over the course of months/years and it was all a mistake. please get me my money back"

>> No.27215242

where you heard that?

>> No.27215496

>call up the bank
>"hey this charge on my card from 6 months ago? yeah wasn't me can I have my money back?"
>"No problem bro we fucking got you, we don't require any form of proof from you, enjoy your money bro."
Because its a "donation" its hard to contest, basically add no refunds to anything you sell even if you would do one because fuck people. This applies outside of streaming.

>> No.27215518

I'm pretty sure chargebacks don't work in the first place, this VTuber is going to panic for a while but in the end the guy who tried to chargeback 11 thousand dollars is going to be in deep shit.

>> No.27215673

You just tell your card provider "she had a bf" and they'll initiate the charge backs without further questions.

>> No.27215694
File: 274 KB, 608x608, peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck how do you avoid chargebacks? I thought about taking art commissions but now I'm kinda worried of getting scammed.
Any alternative or something to know on how to avoid this?

>> No.27215718

Time to figure out who you are and charge you back teehee

>> No.27215799

You can't avoid them, but you can simply fight back against them.

>> No.27215809

You can charge back any credit or debit card charge, anon, you just have to call your bank. It will result in you permanently banned from whatever service you're trying that shit on though, and potentially in trouble with your bank and legally if you do it a lot or don't have a good excuse though.

>> No.27215824

Art commissions are much easier to contest fraud on chargebacks than donations to a vtubers. Just get yourself a way to print a receipt for the art you sell and you're gucci

>> No.27215871

Simply by avoid paypal like plague

>> No.27215985

Just say
>I paid x and didn't get provided the service I paid for
It's that simple
I used to do it to fuck with lolcows like Wings and DSP all the time

>> No.27215987

this, the chargebacks will go through
the vtubers are going to get double fucked too since paypal will charge them $20 for each chargeback
seen this happen before with other streamers, and theyre sol

if you want 100% security, wire transfer or unironically crypto
but you will need to deal with paypal shenanigans because people use paypal the most
have a terms of service saying "no refunds after the work is finished"
accept payment by doing an invoice to the buyer's paypal with the terms of service info in it
goods and services only, no friends and family payments

>> No.27216247

got your IP anon, should have used a VPN. See you soon.

>> No.27216476 [DELETED] 

Do you niggers not speak English.

>> No.27216605

fuck of racist

>> No.27216623

by going old school, only accept payment by cash

>> No.27216709

>goods and services only, no friends and family payments
This is very important. They usually deny all acountability right off the bat if you charge it with F&F anyone that tries to push you to use this is probably trying to scam you in the first place.

>> No.27216748

It's easier and more reasonable to contest with invoices.

>> No.27216845

People that do this use stolen credit cards and live in places like China and Russia where the authorities don't give a fuck that they used stolen western cards.

>> No.27217266

What exactly happens when you are in the negatives on paypal

>> No.27217352

Dare I say... based?

>> No.27217466

Paypal agents hunt you down. Threaten your family and breaks your kneecap if you are unable to pay.

>> No.27217504

They're english speakers so I see nothing wrong here, based even if muttmerican.

>> No.27217687

She must has betrayed him or something lol

>> No.27217818

They're women.
They deserve it just for existing.

>> No.27217865
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>> No.27217878

Might seem like favoritism, but accept requests from long time commissioners. Those kinds of people have accounts with years of commissions, and they're going to be the last people who want a blemish like doing a fake chargeback on an artist.

>> No.27218625

>Use Paypal
>Money stolen
>This has been happening for 15 years

>> No.27218710

Artists should be poor, it adds depth to the art

>> No.27219044

Does she not have the money she got in the first place anymore to be able to pay it back?

>> No.27219183

>Artist in debt
>Art has depth

>> No.27219445

have a TOS, both in commissions tab that people have to agree to to even commission + TOS in invoice. In most non shithole countries, that is considered a receipt. Also in most non shithole countries, in civil proceedings the losing side is liable for all legal fees.

>> No.27220372

I've been involved in digital art communities for almost two decades now and chargeback scams are pretty rare, almost unheard of. I think you're overthinking it

>> No.27220761

Can confirm. I’ve lost 4K USD from it before.

>> No.27221011

>spends every last cent the second it comes into her possession
She deserved it.

>> No.27221117

Is this by a single dude? If so then based.

>> No.27221182

Time to get free art :3

>> No.27221229

Haha cant chargeback your money if I use it right away!

>> No.27221780

Use what then?

>> No.27224222

Something around 2/3 of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Let that illustrate how bad/fucked people are with money.

>> No.27224316

Going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she probably transferred it to her bank account.

>> No.27224591

strongly worded letter.

>> No.27225332

google pay

>> No.27226497

How much can you contest if they live in some other county, does anyone accept international small claims cases?

>> No.27226665
File: 214 KB, 592x540, C692A16F-C30D-41D0-9608-CAEAD52783B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up vod
>male voice
This chargeback is poetic justice

>> No.27227059

way too many baba trannies now on tw*tch

>> No.27227278

should had use superchat

>> No.27227335

as much as they deserved it for using paypal anyone who intentionally fuck with someone by chargeback is literal human trash

>> No.27227720

reversing credit card transactions is the easiest thing in the world you literally just have to tell them you didnt authorise the payment

>> No.27227821

the only 100% sure fire way is w crypto basically, or physical cash

theres a difference between being *credited* an amount by a payment processor and that payment actually *settling* in your bank account. while your paypal account may show a balance it takes days or weeks for payments to settle, but all of it is abstracted away so you dont have to think of it, until ofc someone reverses a payment.

>> No.27227866

>Art fag here
I've been doing commissions for years and it never happened to me.
The only time I got scammed was when I was a newby and I naively accepted a commission from a third worlder that refused to pay me after the job was done.
Make sure to advertise yourself on reputable sites and you'll be fine.

>> No.27227944

I thought Jewgle had made it so that supas can't be charged back easily

>> No.27227956

Why the fuck are chargebacks so successful against streamers, anyway?
There's literal video proof that they paid X amount of money, their notification shows up on video, sometimes a message attached, and they get a thank you. They got what they paid for. How can they just go 'oops lol that was a mistake, hahah all those $50 donations were just a slip of the finger, yes the custom messages too, all just a misunderstanding' and have paypal rule on their side.

>> No.27227979

What? You wanna see pencil on recycled cardboard all day?

>> No.27228031

seems like a good way to take bitchy vtubers down a peg

>> No.27228066

>simp money considered donation, not buying service or product
>the simp feels betrayed
Read the damn thread faggot

>> No.27228101

It doesn't even matter. What matters is that she's losing big money through chargeback FEES.

>> No.27228243

Yeah, sometimes you can do that when the gacha game bugged out and it make the dev lost their shit

>> No.27228335

not him and not an artist, but
I recall hearing that payment processors have a history of shutting out porn artists
is crypto going to be the only real way going forward?

>> No.27228626

>the only 100% sure fire way is w crypto
>there is a rolllback because crypto owner's friend god scammed.
What now?

>> No.27228889

Patreon, the woke paywall, kicked out multiple animu artists accusing them of cp

>> No.27229171

Did the chuuba spend the money immidiately or something? I dont get it.

>> No.27229452

Why do you think they're crashing it?

>> No.27229545

Good. If you're gonna draw pedophile art don't be surprised when nobody wants to host you. That's the free market at work. Capitalism, baby.

>> No.27229856

>free market
*corrupt government-entwined monopoly
payment processing is basically just Mastercard and two other people
>pedophile art
there are definitely some of those, but I'm going to guess that others got caught in the crossfire

>> No.27231610

Is this some weird joke?

>> No.27234221

just faggots being faggots.

>> No.27234368

no the actual jailbait patreon account with real underage girls still fine

>> No.27235017

Yes. Look at her replies.

>> No.27237347

Issue invoice.

>> No.27239889
File: 723 KB, 750x1624, 4382F6BC-88C8-43C1-AD69-E80EDB7A33F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at these twitch whores scramble like rats over the chargeback is absolutely beautiful
You reap what you sow you talentless stupid whores
>inb4 phoneposting

>> No.27240322

Always use invoices. Even outside of chargebacks accepting paypal payments bear the risk that the sender writes a comment that makes it obvious it's porn and paypal will close your account and steal your money. With an invoice you control everything that's written and the customer will only be able to send the money and nothing else.

>> No.27240411

Accept only Monero, the only true private cryptocurrency. You know you have it, but the government does not unlike that trap bitcoin and the rest.

>> No.27240477


>> No.27240482

>have a TOS, both in commissions tab that people have to agree to to even commission + TOS in invoice. In most non shithole countries, that is considered a receipt.
Unfortunately PayPal doesn't give a single shit. Having a "TOS" doesn't matter to them at all and they will always side with the one demanding a chargeback by default.

>> No.27240629


this is the correct answer, you have to have a hook to prove the agreement between the two parties. Invoices are legally acceptable, discord chats are not.

>> No.27240845

I don't know these chuubas, but seeing how they're EN I'm going to assume they are somehow responsible for this

>> No.27240931

people that do this are scumbags of the highest order

>> No.27241860

Babis aren't trannies or even pretending to be. Envtubers are retarded.

>> No.27241956

anyway this is why people choose to go with youtube SCs instead of relying on third party services even though you have to give up 30%. Chargeback protection.

>> No.27241988

some people just want to see the world burn

>> No.27241991

Use invoices, always.

>> No.27242050

>you have to have a hook to prove the agreement between the two parties. Invoices are legally acceptable
Unfortunately PayPal doesn't care, the customer can just claim they didn't get what they were promised or that they weren't satisfied and PayPal will side with them.

>> No.27242419


>> No.27242433

- cold hard cash
- payment in products
- avoid credit cards
- require proof of product delivery so you can sue them for not paying

>> No.27242443

oh nooo now they cant use paypal anymore. who cares? nothing will happen

>> No.27242507

No, I'll work, but this basically burns their card for that particular service, and if they doing it often enough they might get suspicious looks from their bank.
the reason why Vtubers are particularly susceptible to this is because alot of them use streamlabs which outputs to their paypal, and those two sites will basically automatically side with the buyer unless the seller provides solid proof that they are trying to pull a fast one, and since it's a superchat there's basically nothing the vtuber can do to contest it

>> No.27242649

i honestly say that they should be allowed to go to court over this. Donations should be illegal to refund, because it's not a purchase, it's a fucking donation.

>> No.27242689

the problem is using paypal

>> No.27242777

As it's been said, chargebacks are very rare. But if you're really really paranoid about it, if you ever receive a big payment, let it sit there for a couple months without spending it.

>> No.27242868

Or use crypto.

>> No.27243014

you can do it, but first you need to figure out where the fuck he's even from, and also pay for legal fees, figure out if their courts even allow for it, etc etc
For most people it's really more trouble than it's worth

>> No.27243082


>> No.27243081

that's why it should be illegal to refund donations, so they could just report the chargeback and it automatically chargebackbacked to them.

>> No.27243122

yeah good luck trying to push that through the legal team when most of the people writing laws barely even understand what a credit card is

>> No.27243214

What the fuck is a chargeback?

>> No.27243419

Seconding the question. Few years ago I opened a PayPal account with few dollars as a test and it got closed because of fees. I low-key fear if they got me in negative with fees and now pile up intetest.

>> No.27244360

Getting the bank to reverse a trasaction you made to some and return the money. It can also happen automatically if you make a mistake in the reciever´s payment info , and tha usally happens after a day or two.

>> No.27244584

that's the aussie who does ASMR, right?
poor girl, literally

>> No.27246241

Stop spending more money than you have. As a streamer you have no recurrent revenue. Never spend a dollar of what you received before a few months, know how much you had before each stream then absolutely never go back to it.
Or after you have established a ''basic'' revenue, keep a good cushion that can absorb a charge back ( assuming you a stupid enough to immediately send 10K the day you receive it)

>> No.27246340

Cope, seethe, and dilate faggot/roastie
Whore mongering should not be profitable

>> No.27246433

Is this why fanbox loli artist make thousands a month?

>> No.27247692

It sucks. The best solution would probably be to keep any donation in reserve until chargeback period is over.

>> No.27250058

selen's got your back, bud :) https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1542709717226557440

>> No.27250150

so you can scam donation money as much as you want? No

>> No.27250306

>I won a huge chargeback case of $600 and this is how I did it
Selen... my beloved....

>> No.27250363

it was back in 2019 when she was a 2view indie

>> No.27251333

I know, but I'm slowly mutating into a giga-gosling for her and it stings knowing she had such a rough going of it before.

>> No.27251368

Have you read the twitlonger?

>> No.27252138

Yes. I think she made up with her parents after but god I want to save her still.

>> No.27252182

>making up with narcissists
falling back under their evil is not a good thing

>> No.27252364

Fuck crypto. Yet another example of libertarianism being a failure of an ideology.

>> No.27253143

What? It's the opposite. So assholes can't scam people with donations then refund.

>> No.27253532
File: 7 KB, 180x180, 78364683478642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thinks she is smarter then paying cut to Twitch or YT
> instead of losing 30% on cut to platform loses 100% to charge-back on top of PayPal fees and currency conversion

>> No.27254649

Ugly reaction face.

>> No.27254764

now thats how you punish a chuuba for being a whore

>> No.27255893

That´s because IRyS´s eyes and mouth were never meant to go together with Pekora´s face.

>> No.27257655

lock any stream donations to forcing the person to have to login into their account
If the person is active in chat, keep logs of their activity
call persistently on paypal and get a person involved
Fight chargebacks and fuck them over
