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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 79 KB, 850x601, 1646809355622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27197170 No.27197170 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.

>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Current Aggie
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>Danbooru & Art / Fan Content Mega

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>(You) got a fren in me!

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

Mug Competition Template has been released! See the post below for more details.

>Recent Stream Highlights
sick uooooh: https://files.catbox.moe/jyb50w.mp4
never give up!: https://files.catbox.moe/aw39kk.webm
close!: https://files.catbox.moe/poeewl.webm
poGOD: https://files.catbox.moe/69460u.mp4
Karma: https://files.catbox.moe/qy287a.mp4
I can't see!: https://files.catbox.moe/nsuppl.mp4
She forgor: https://files.catbox.moe/v5aduu.mp4
Hey: https://files.catbox.moe/ksqz4u.mp4

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Kiki Daki



/pyon/ Game Recommendations:

/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Last thread

>> No.27197198
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>> No.27197231
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Mug Competition Template has been released! Read the community post for more info:

>> No.27197320
File: 2.96 MB, 720x1280, oXhPwvfKUgaVliHJ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki love!

>> No.27197369
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>> No.27197379
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>> No.27197446
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>> No.27197479

5 cents? Ha, my wife kisses me for free

>> No.27197588
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>> No.27197655

Kiki Love!

>> No.27197799

i haven't drawn in pencil in a while and i'm still a baby artfag, so i'm very unhappy with how this is turning out. but a little more fanart, even if it's low quality, can't be a bad thing, right...?

>> No.27197845
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1649665952953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not, we welcome all levels of fanart

>> No.27197859

Of course, just be humble and think of it as practice for the next one. One day you will look back at it and see how far you've come.

>> No.27198231

quite a few drawfrens doing their reps, months from now if people keep at it there will be a /pyon/ fanart renaissance

>> No.27198250
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Mind status: Unchanged

>> No.27198309

We should do an aggie night this weekend

>> No.27198490 [SPOILER] 
File: 293 KB, 658x448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check previous thread

>> No.27198494

what are kiki's favorite things/games/etc??

if i draw more fanart, i'd like to incorporate the lore..

>> No.27198551

I suggest you do vod reps and then get inspired to draw something related to that vod.

>> No.27198568

watch some VODs and you'll learn a lot about her, she's pretty open

>> No.27198616

thank you friends

>> No.27198650 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 693x644, toad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rove Kiki's toad voice

>> No.27198675

I agree with what you wrote but I want to strangle you for that pic

>> No.27198691

Nice anon

>> No.27198700

i agree with what you wrote and i love that you posted that pic

>> No.27198715


>> No.27199035

did Kiki say what she's doing today? haven't made it to the end of the VOD yet, still battling the buffering

>> No.27199088

Nope she didn't say. I would assume continuing Mario 64 or maybe switching to Sunshine but that's just a guess.

>> No.27199119

whatever it is, I bet it will be rabbity

>> No.27199285

I thought she replayed Sunshine again recently, but maybe misremembering
definitely rabbity, one thing is always certain

>> No.27199600

Some more Castlevania would be comfy. I'd like to see her pick FEAR and Hollow Knight back up at some point too, and Zelda.

>> No.27199773

Think the current list is:

Space Marine
Dawn of War
Hollow Knight
Blue Shift
Mario 64
Kirby's Dreamland
Crash Team Racing
Banjo Kazooie

>> No.27199799

comfy games were nice since they mostly ended up being zatsus with some gameplay, like Stardew and Muse Dash, but she hasn't played them in a while and I guess isn't likely to

>> No.27199975

Two points:
She said she wants to play comfy games.
Mixing games makes her lose form and then want to restart the game.
In conclusion, its fine to remind her of the available options but let her choose.

>> No.27200041

Oh don't misunderstand, I wasn't telling her what she needs to play or anything, more just saying what I personally would love to see. Mario 64 has been really comfy. Somebody suggested Yoshi's Island too, which I think would be another fun nostalgia trip of cuteness.

>> No.27200089

Not misunderstanding, just adding.

>> No.27200486

Yoshi Island sounds like a comfy game and someone said its only 3h long.

>> No.27200791
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I hope she's well enough for walkies again soon

>> No.27200927

comfy cartoon watchalongs

>> No.27201010

is she still sick? she sounded much better the last few streams

>> No.27201077

I think we have 3 or 4 eps left of angels of death
and then we could watch astartes short
I really wanna see her reaction to it

>> No.27201102

she still has a slight residual cough, but she's definietly gotten a lot better IMO

>> No.27201127


>> No.27201150

berry good

>> No.27201181

There a few short 40K miniseries we could checkout if she's feeling up to it, Hammer and Bolter was a good one that I still have downloaded. There was a Tau one that seemed pretty good too.

>> No.27201183

looks like shit

>> No.27201184

good job, this reminds me I really need to get a sketchbook

>> No.27201200

wtf anon, that's great

>> No.27201253

Very nice, keep it up

>> No.27201325

Unironically really good for a beginner actually, keep practicing

>> No.27201341

LMAO this is why i love 4chan


thanks friends, let's keep practicing for kiki.

>> No.27201389

that's very reddit of you

>> No.27201402

I can decide between using every inch of Kikis body for my own selfish pleasure or cuddling her lovingly in a snugly big blanket.

>> No.27201406

I skipped sketching and went straight to a tablet when I started drawing

>> No.27201450

better than some people I know who've been doing it for a year

>> No.27201453

there's merit to building muscle memory by drawing 'traditionally', since every tablet and pen will end up feeling different

>> No.27201464

those things don't have to be mutally exclusive

>> No.27201468


>> No.27201480


>> No.27201488

I've been drawing for a year and he's better than me

>> No.27201514
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>> No.27201579

I like how the recoil does fuck all to her wrist but instead shakes her entire body

>> No.27202132

Long weekend for me, gonna try to knock out my mug and /pyon/ sign's vocaroo

>> No.27202567
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Better not be any funny business going on ITT

>> No.27202684

waiting patiently for the rab while procrastinating my draw reps

>> No.27202752

seething this much over shit tier art

>> No.27202838

NTA, but let's see your art anon

>> No.27203061

I agree with what you wrote and wonder how you got my personal selfies

>> No.27203124

im not the one posting my art here

>> No.27203272

Just don't respond to rudeniggers. Its simple really. You see a rude post, just ignore it and move on. But a couple of you are physically incapable of such feats, why?

>> No.27203322

because /vt/ is a reddit board or you have not realized this yet friend

>> No.27203363

I want to rudely enter Kiki's room and wake her up for a violent session of sexo

>> No.27203465

Oh no, I understand that thoroughly. Just figured the kind of viewers that are drawn to Kiki aren't redditors and have been around 4chins long enough to know better. I'm sure that describes the the vast majority of champas. Barring samefaggotry, there's just a couple that don't know how to STFU. And to those couple I say to you, son i am disappoint.

>> No.27203564
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I am no son of yours, I answer only to the God Emperor or All Mankind

>> No.27203665

sorry about that

>> No.27203807
File: 45 KB, 540x552, kwaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to put on some panties on kiki just so i can make my kwaf like this

>> No.27204282

I love coming home from cagie to be greeted with a big fat long VOD to sate my hunger for RAB. I love you so much Kiki.

>> No.27204606

I'm slowly watching it, but still buffeing TuT

>> No.27204811

Why does this buffering crap happen? I assume it's some kind of stupid youtube optimisation thing where lower traffic videos/streams aren't prioritised.

>> No.27204866

Good job anon

>> No.27205477

because Susan is a stingy kike and won't invest in her own infrastructure

>> No.27205913
File: 219 KB, 294x359, 1647516980284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get to see my rabba head head soon

>> No.27206018

you made me check for a waiting room
it's pretty early in the morning for her still, maybe she'll go for a walk if she's feeling up to it

>> No.27206193

How long have you been drawing? Or is this your first? Because it's really good, especially the eyes i can figure out how to draw them good.

>> No.27206584

kiki sounds fat

>> No.27206667


>> No.27207406

kiki sounds cute

>> No.27208098

Kiki doko

>> No.27208212

Seems she had a rough evening, give her tme

>> No.27208388

I hope she's ogey

>> No.27208494

She's a resiliant rabbit and she has a lot of people that love and support her, she will make do

>> No.27208767

She's always going to be okay

>> No.27209407

>rough evening
many such cases

>> No.27209473

do you think that kiki will ever get the chance to play knuckles' chaotix?

>> No.27209546

i wish she’d stop being negative randomly

>> No.27209595
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>> No.27209636

I don't remember if Kiki played any Sonic series games so far, I think she tried one a really long time ago?

>> No.27209735

She tried sonic rush but dropped it because she couldn't get past the first level

>> No.27209767

she did, but laptop-kun could not run it, it was running at like 5fps

>> No.27209815

maybe that was it, she did a stream where she attempted to marathon a bunch of similar games, but had technical difficulties

>> No.27209856

the great kikis power allows me to feel

>> No.27209878

Yeah it was because she moved on to the donkey kong one straight after if i remember correctly.

>> No.27210065

maybe that was it, I think she played Kirby also, I vaguely remember the soulful thumbnail

>> No.27210125

it's kinda sad that the rapper who rapped this song turned out to be an awful person

>> No.27210171

I know rab is resilient but I am still worried

>> No.27210199

Would anybody be interested in watching LoGH on CyTube while we wait?

>> No.27210284

it's still early in the morning, probably just having a lie in

>> No.27210563

isn't LoGH over 100 episodes long? pretty rough watchalong for people that weren't there from the beginning

>> No.27210640

Yeah, it's a long one. There's like 5 people at most that have been watching it, and I think a few of them already watched it so it wasn't too bad.

>> No.27210781

did that rebellion arc end yet, I wanna see the reaction of 1st time watchers
I would stay up for that

>> No.27210839

I think it's coming to a close soon

>> No.27210940

I usually just queue random videos on CyTube, think it's easier for people to hop in and out of

>> No.27211256

I don't mind watching whole anime's, but LoGH has kinda filtered me since I didn't watch from the start and I don't feel like catching up.

>> No.27211470

this is around her regular stream start time? she was up later than usual though judging by when the last stream started, maybe best to try and get some sleep

>> No.27211955
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this is now a Kiki thread

>> No.27212166
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5 cute facts about Kiki:
Uhhhhh rabbit

>> No.27212254

I've trained my Susan to recommend me only Kiki vods on my frontpage and this Q&A stream came up. A question I really like was asked and I especially liked her answer, I wonder if she still feels this way today:


>> No.27212255
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It's always a kiki thread

>> No.27212690
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Kiki thread? ogey

>> No.27212946
File: 2.12 MB, 3000x4000, 1648076870351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagining having a ugly cry in eachother's arms as we let the world dissapear around us along with all of our troubles....

>> No.27213275

1,000 strem when? It's gotta be any day now

>> No.27213390

Probably best to hold off on it for now, didn't she say she was having something made for it?

>> No.27213450


>> No.27213470

You guys like manga? You reading anything good these days?

>> No.27213716
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>> No.27213738

So excited to get off work and do more reps so I can do good art for kiki while listening/watching the stream

>> No.27213776

I'm drawing my mug now while watching VODs

>> No.27213836

We must post fliers all over /vt/ in search of our rabba head!

>> No.27213865

I am logging off for tonight champs
I hope raba is good when she wakes up

>> No.27213923

See ya champ

>> No.27213925
File: 334 KB, 418x558, 1654003317775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki never forget how much I love you
you mean the world to me

>> No.27213946

I need to do the same soon, goodnight fren

>> No.27213991
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>> No.27214233
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I'm positive she knows, but it's good to remind her often

>> No.27214377
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>> No.27214424
File: 445 KB, 1280x1253, 1637052018083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you so much Kiki, I really mean it. I wish I could hold you in my arms all day until all your sorrows went away.

>> No.27214425

My weekend starts now, I'm ready to devote it to Kiki, I won't miss a single moment

>> No.27214680

just finished watching the last hours of the mario 64 vod and i loved it

>> No.27214722

that eel deserves to be rolled into sushi

>> No.27214902


>> No.27215092

Watching VOD:

I deeply regret that I missed comfy cudly kissy Kiki live last night TuT

>> No.27215598

I'm catching up with Mario 64 right now. Lost my shit when she chucked the baby penguin into the void in front of it's mother.

>> No.27215663
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>> No.27215732

What does your rabbit knows smell?

>> No.27216009
File: 2.81 MB, 500x500, 1632977082316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was an accident

>> No.27216033

I feel it in me bones, Kiki will strem soon

>> No.27216205
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1645949997892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning.

>> No.27216267
File: 15 KB, 259x224, 1626109379711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning sewer boy

>> No.27216300

haha sewer boy

>> No.27216356

It took me a second to realize it happened during the stream, mario really doesn't like penguins kek

>> No.27216402

good morning friend

>> No.27216407
File: 1.11 MB, 1402x785, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a sewer boy

>> No.27216442
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>> No.27216459

classic sewer boy

>> No.27216600

I'm watching the last couple of hours of the last VOD on CyTube if anybody else needed to catch-up

>> No.27216941
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1645716057175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feather cunt

>> No.27217099

I can't sleep
I miss her too much

>> No.27217172
File: 376 KB, 600x333, kiki[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fadawks.flac].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27217174
File: 675 KB, 1280x529, 1651568120460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can summon Kiki to this plain of existance with our gosling energy

>> No.27217183
File: 1010 KB, 1263x709, 1640959064797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're doing ogey Kiki. I know I've been saying it less and not being as creative about it as I did but I truly and deeply love you. You're still the first and last thing I think about every day, and a solid majority in between. I still want to hug you and kiss you all over and I still want to do anything I can to make you happy and being with you makes me happy.

>> No.27217253

shes just sleeping probably, but I'm sure the nice words will make her morning when she wakes up

>> No.27217455

I wanna have sweaty sex with Kiki, if you get my drift.

>> No.27217571

really puzzled by what this anon meant with this

>> No.27217587

I like owls they're pretty cool little creatures

>> No.27217629

I think he wants a bath

>> No.27217665

I'm not following. Could you describe in greater detail?

>> No.27217875
File: 54 KB, 400x400, 1643874556501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait Kiki is a.... rabbit head?

>> No.27218186

Kiki is the kindest rabbit in the world and deserves ALL the love.

>> No.27218327

Lets show her lots of love when she gets back, she needs it for sure

>> No.27218483

I agree with you guys

>> No.27218821

Always do

>> No.27219005

I want to bing bing Kiki's wahoo, if you know what I mean.

>> No.27219088

what's with all these cryptic posts lately, can someone decipher this

>> No.27219171
File: 241 KB, 1000x1000, 1655047725150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a philosopher please makr your pists more simple so I van understand!

>> No.27219684

how are your bones feeling, anon

>> No.27219750

might've gone to visit sispyon

>> No.27219798

That was a false alarm, but my Kiki senses are tingling now like you wouldn't believe, annnnnnyyy minute now

>> No.27219938

I do hope sispyon is doing well. She's really lucky to have a sister like Kiki and the entire pyon family.

>> No.27220160

I want to tickle her feet then suck on her toes when she gets mad.

>> No.27220214

I want her to beat the shit out of me

>> No.27220236

hey champys,since i'm very new, are there any particular VODs that i should watch

>> No.27220300

I want her to poop in my mouth

>> No.27220355

I generally suggest watching chronologically so you can best understand how the lore develops, but if you hit a snag with some vod or see another you really like then skip forward.

>> No.27220425

Some have said the hat in time streams are good spots to start, me personally i say watch from the beginning and work your way up but mainly find one that catches your eye.

>> No.27220434

I love this kirby vod! one of my favorites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ly2pE7GTyI
you can never go wrong with hat in time this is a good one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UG5Cpeio4Q

>> No.27220437

You should watch all of them, but that'll take awhile. I highly recommend the Animal Charity streams, and the educational streams features on her channel, she's very proud of those ones.

Fan favourites tend to be Hat in Time, any of the Mario ones, and Yakuza: Zero. I think the Crash streams are also very fun.

>> No.27220589

personally, in no particular order, for games id say:
yakuza 0
mario sunshine
castlevania symphony

for miscellaneous id say:
png stories

of course from the beginning is always encouraged

>> No.27220651

Sometimes I wish I could be a newfren just so I could re-experience Kiki with a fresh set of eyes and have a virtually endless supply of VODs to do reps on when she's not streaming

>> No.27220791

I wish Kiki was my wife. Oh wait, she is. Nice.

>> No.27220806

We can try and give you amnesia anon

>> No.27220871

i haven't been drawing for very long. to draw anime eyes, copy eyes you like and try to copy them exactly. do it over and over for many reps until you get better

>> No.27220877
File: 335 KB, 640x432, 1647561684039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congradulations Champa

>> No.27220998

I want Kiki I want Kiki I want Kiki

>> No.27221003

Ooh yeah check out the educational streams those are some of my favorite ones

>> No.27221025

What does Kiki want?

>> No.27221030

Are you guys excited at the prospect of more Yakuza streams and Japanese learning streams?

>> No.27221053

I am excited for anything Kiki

>> No.27221066

Oh that actually makes sense...why have I not thought about that? Well I'll have to look at different art now.

>> No.27221073
File: 892 KB, 1000x1000, 1633634119501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll have the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.27221108

I want kiki to kiki the kiki and mix it with kiki to create some kiki's kiki

>> No.27221140

I am easy to please, if Kiki is happy and having fun then I couldn't be more entertained

>> No.27221159

after watching her archive, i rewatched a few from the beginning and i felt like i had a better understanding of the little things that make her tick, figuratively speaking. for instance, just the one thing i can rember off the top of my head, in a vod not long after her original debut someone mentioned they were watching along with their gf and on my second time watching it i could hear in her voice how uncomfortable that made her. granted something like that should be obvious but i didn't notice it the first time since i wasn't familiar with her when i first watched it. so i guess im saying theres value in re-experiencing kiki with a seasoned set of eyes

>> No.27221166

Just pick a random VOD. She unlists the streams she doesn't like and her standards are really high, so every single VOD in the channel is top tier.

>> No.27221189

I... I'm not really interested in learning Japanese more like seeing her teach it. I love her educational streams in general and all that entails. Very very excited for more Yakuza too.

>> No.27221249

Even the unlisted ones are all very high quality in my opinion some of my all-time favourite zatsus are unlisted, I saved them to my personal playlist

>> No.27221365

Let me be fucking frank (inb4 hey frank) I'm looking forward to tongue tracking.

>> No.27221402

I am, but also I'm kinda disappointed there's a undub patch for Y1 so she won't get to experience the awful english dub

>> No.27221407

hey Frank

>> No.27221425

Me too, but don't namefag Frank

>> No.27221436

Is it kino?

>> No.27221486

if you want poorly english dubbed kino then Kiki should play shenmue

>> No.27221536


>> No.27221543


>> No.27221557


>> No.27221575

it's extremely kino, the video has spoilers though

>> No.27221578


>> No.27221595


>> No.27221611

does anyone have the link to the next stream?

>> No.27221631
File: 1.00 MB, 1686x874, 1649013663147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am the fastest rab, delete your posts in shame

>> No.27221640

I'll try and find it for you, but no promises this is going to be dangerous

>> No.27221645

ye, here https://www.youtube.com/c/KikiCh-/live

>> No.27221649

I'm sorry for my part in the shitty thread. I think I was just sleep deprived. I'll try to be better. You deserve better.

>> No.27221676

I was a little grumpy earlier, personal stuff that I've been dealing with, but just seeing the waiting room made me smile. I love this rab so fucking much.

>> No.27221679


>> No.27221752

>tfw i still dont know how to delete my posts despite being here for well over a decade
thats what happens when you stand by everything you post

>> No.27221791

in the post you just type in
.Delete:[post number]

>> No.27221800

>She unlists the streams she doesn't like
this is great incentive for me to not miss streams, thanks

>> No.27221802

Hello Kiki! I hope you are doing well

>> No.27221834

You're very good at it hope to see more down the line

>> No.27221868

don't worry about it too much, you can just check the thread for links to the unlisted streams if you miss them or want to rewatch them

>> No.27221875
File: 17 KB, 342x342, 1652406251614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keegey turn that frown upside down, its time to have some fun with champa heads

>> No.27221882

or his youtube notifications

>> No.27221912

i would die for her laugh bros

>> No.27221919
File: 43 KB, 225x225, 1654928905400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27221950

lets turn that sea snake into sashimi and get that star

>> No.27221949

I really need to sleep now, I couldn't sleep until knowing if she was ogey, maybe that's silly

>> No.27221962

I've done the same at times so I can relate

>> No.27221968

literally the same
I will stay up for a while

>> No.27222023

I'm lowkey crying tears of joy... KIKI YOU GOOOOOOOOOSEEEE AAAAAAAAAAA.... I wuv you ogey?

>> No.27222043

I'm the exact same. I was gonna sleep, but I want to be here for Kiki.

>> No.27222089

I am also very happy to see her, I don't know why, but I missed her a lot today TuT

>> No.27222327

>thunderstorm with heavy rain
>music to my ears
>Kiki stream soon
this is max comfy

>> No.27222341
File: 783 KB, 1386x948, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watcha gonna do about it

>> No.27222367


>> No.27222372

like it twice

>> No.27222387

I'm jelly, thunderstorms are very comfy

>> No.27222426

but that sounds like tv static champa

>> No.27222474

havent had a good tstorm in almost a month. almost forgot what they sound like.

>> No.27222479

New here, whats the general consensus on casual watchers of Kiki who also watch other vtubers?
I don't want to cause any trouble, I'm asking this purely out of respect.

>> No.27222528

>>27222479 (me)
oh, almost forgot, is there any sort of ruleset for casual watchers to follow?

>> No.27222559

it's fine just don't larp as a husband and don't bring up other vtubers and nobody will have any problems

>> No.27222563

rule 1: dont be a fooligan

>> No.27222572

don't LARP as a husband and don't talk about other vtubers
also lurk and do your reps first before asking questions

>> No.27222587
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1636903969857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Mario

>> No.27222597

I hate you

>> No.27222621

I got the promotion I applied for, and it's aaaaall gooood, except it involves mandatory on-call weeks a few times a year, which means I could be comfy watching a kiki stream on a weekend and still get a call, forcing me to PUT ON PANTS and go work.

>> No.27222630

its fine as long as you dont mention them by name in the thread i think, just feel free to enjoy

>> No.27222642

wear shorts

>> No.27222667

Not all questions are answered in vods so it doesn't hurt asking sometimes when they are making sure

>> No.27222674
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 1654229775890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tell them you're a rabbit and you shouldn't have to wear pants

>> No.27222683

You can enjoy her and chat like the rest of us, just don't tell her that you love her or larp as husband. Do your reps before asking questions and don't be a faggot.

Congrats anon. Just tell them your a rabbit and rabbits don't wear pants.

>> No.27222697

As with most things its not about the thing itself its how you do it. This newfriend seems respectable.

>> No.27222782

its ogey bro get your sleep reps

>> No.27222791

Mario! Yay for me!

>> No.27222805

Sounds great, thanks guys

Is there an FAQ or is lurking+vod reps the main meta?

>> No.27222826

Congratulations anon

>> No.27222831

just lurk moar

>> No.27222836

>lurking+vod reps

>> No.27222872


>> No.27222929

1) Just don't bring them up during stream or in the thread as a common courtesy unless kiki brings them up first (common rule for most vtubers anyway)
2) Don't LARP as a husband if you're not really devoted. You might be tempted to join in when you see 90%+ of chat doing it, but 90%+ of active chatters really feel that way, and it's not a game or them being cute.

I'm pretty regular but I follow those two rules and haven't gotten in much trouble yet. Sometimes I wonder if I say something that crossed a line, because I really do like kiki a lot and want to express it, but I've learned just to not worry about it and stop second guessing myself.

>> No.27222936

Mario needs to lay off the spahgetti

>> No.27222996

Dont LARP as a husband and then talk to other vtubers
someone continues even still to break this rule even after his apology. I wont dramafag but dude listen.

>> No.27223016


oh I forgot rabbits don't wear pants, ez

>> No.27223047

Thanks for the help and tips, these would be great to have in a pastebin in the OP for other newcomers.
Much respect, everyone.

>> No.27223085

I know what you're thinking Champa, but don't, now ain't the time. Pretend like you didn't see it.

>> No.27223101

No I was thinking what you're thinking

>> No.27223111

I know champa... just pisses me off but yeah
I will be humble and forgettaboutit for now

>> No.27223141


>> No.27223142


>> No.27223156

The fuck are you on about now?

>> No.27223188

I do hope she plays HL2 some day

>> No.27223189

Once again I shall remind Kiki to sit on my face

>> No.27223224

Same, it can be pretty comfy at times too

>> No.27223227


>> No.27223235

sincerely, thank you. I was so close to biting and I feel like an idiot. Champa keep me strong.


>> No.27223281
File: 720 KB, 1920x1080, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27223292
File: 117 KB, 514x485, 1653846348439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27223320


>> No.27223371

Oh now i see kek

>> No.27223421

I've thought about seeing if a list could be made to help champs that are still relatively new remember the dos and don't but every just says reps so it probably won't happen.

>> No.27223477
File: 1.12 MB, 1246x707, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27223488
File: 1.13 MB, 1400x794, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this goes into my humble compilation

>> No.27223502
File: 542 KB, 937x583, Screenshot_2022-07-01_02-21-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27223505
File: 106 KB, 992x463, smg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

champs, who smugged better?

>> No.27223508

ill get some eel sushi tomorrow as revenge

>> No.27223546

>double doubles
>screenshot at the same time

>> No.27223565
File: 348 KB, 992x744, humblemoos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammit susan why

>> No.27223568

susan you WHORE

>> No.27223599
File: 1.90 MB, 960x540, unfortunatesusanmoment.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27223602


>> No.27223619


double doubles is a good omen

>> No.27223630
File: 67 KB, 274x320, 1644030773298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27223643

ololol bye roastie

>> No.27223647

lol dumb bitch

>> No.27223692

Wonder if she knows the stream is down

>> No.27223695
File: 488 KB, 595x870, 1649651098074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what they took from you

>> No.27223723

i love when she calls us perverts

>> No.27223727

long kiki is long

>> No.27223748


>> No.27223749


>> No.27223772

You motherfucker I knew this would happen, fucking post cooldown was on 8 sec or I would've had it.

>> No.27223774
File: 260 KB, 729x531, 1651414527064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27223783

I actually fucking hate malice now
she literally took him away and is still doing it. that heartless roastie. What a shit friend

>> No.27223813
File: 262 KB, 793x639, 1655003028863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the number 1 racist champ

>> No.27223864


>> No.27223866

Champ just shut up
not before stream.

>> No.27223903
File: 62 KB, 520x390, eelpal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an eel not a champ

>> No.27223904
File: 780 KB, 992x466, mariki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.27223911

Did you guys hear something? Must have been the wind.

>> No.27223920
File: 65 KB, 840x700, 1651296652586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you foolish fool
you couldn't help yourself

>> No.27223938

i farded, dont snoff

>> No.27223944
File: 3.90 MB, 533x300, what is love[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fb1t3zb.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27223948

Only the voices in my head champa

>> No.27223950

I feel the same but like come on dude

>> No.27223977

I forgot how much I love her little clover earrings <3

>> No.27223984

Fuck off dramafag

>> No.27223992

I didn't know we had air bender champs

>> No.27223994

Is that real?

>> No.27224000

so refined

>> No.27224016

Kiki has a nicer moustache that me... I feel inadequate as a man

>> No.27224033

looks more like she's being gagged

>> No.27224042
File: 584 KB, 968x906, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27224048

it was print screen'd directly from the stream, of course its real

>> No.27224074

if it's Kiki then I would humbly accept my fate as an inferior stache holder

>> No.27224101
File: 15 KB, 203x224, 1647628357034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry, we can still take care of kiki on your behalf champina

>> No.27224110
File: 146 KB, 398x379, 1635736549096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki wishes she had a stache as good as me

>> No.27224114

my stache hairs were getting into my nose so i shaved it all off this morning, i look a million years younger

>> No.27224145
File: 826 KB, 1047x696, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am rocking a hitler stache

>> No.27224166
File: 889 KB, 934x480, 676756776678964w5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27224185

did you like my other moo picture? why are people still reposting my moos

>> No.27224251


>> No.27224311
File: 316 KB, 512x512, 5da34ca8ca56d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like Rayman

>> No.27224333

rayman? more like gayman

>> No.27224334

lol is this an emulation bug or could you do this on an actual n64? seems weird nintendo didn't limit how far you could stretch mario

>> No.27224393

this is canon Mario

>> No.27224407
File: 543 KB, 1838x2048, nklz2x76gt3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27224421


>> No.27224460

just like my mongolian cartoons

>> No.27224567
File: 330 KB, 644x640, 1647754848866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27224634


>> No.27224644

butter up your bumubum, you'll go faster i promise

>> No.27224729

I wanna have the honors of buttering thy bumbum

>> No.27224771
File: 124 KB, 383x298, 1337795531674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can freeze parts of Mario's face with the button on the underside of the N64 controller.

>> No.27224804

Why does he look like the Dominoes Noid?

>> No.27224867
File: 126 KB, 460x345, 1650684040483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27224916

why not...

>> No.27224941

it's not a closed jar

>> No.27224983

bowser is really gay if it is that easy to get to his read and grab his tail

>> No.27225024


>> No.27225166

That reminds me of my cousin, a pan was burning and he thought the apartment was on fire so he tried to jump out of the 4th story window to save himself lmao

>> No.27225185


>> No.27225212

we stopped him before he did it of course

>> No.27225241

does your cousin have down syndrome

>> No.27225282

Why is Bowser so rude

>> No.27225284

being the fastest racist comes with a cost
all that speed had to come with a compromise... handling wasn't like it used to

>> No.27225286


>> No.27225409
File: 798 KB, 1920x1080, 1625832635613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27225437

for five minutes ive been trying to come up with a joke for falling down from a great height and down syndrome but my funny bone just isn't working today

>> No.27225453

the careful baby rabbit

>> No.27225773

I bet he gets down
