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27170833 No.27170833 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you actually care about what language a chuuba speaks?
Is it common too not speak english in indonesia? (Among Vtuber target demographics)
Dont most of you not speak Indonesian as a first language anyway?

>> No.27171165

Fucking waste of a branch. Literally turned the vtuber fandom into a schizophrenic shitflinging mess.

>> No.27171865

not the question retard.

>> No.27172514

i dont mind with indo or english speaking chubbas, talking about the commons, i think its balanced, some chubbas use indo to stream and other dont, its back again, depends on your demographics. indo anon usually have their indo tribe as their first language, then indonesian as their second one, as you use kobo image, she has that batak accent, kind of

>> No.27173043

Anon, Indonesian who can understand full English streams are the middle to upper class urban people. If you see any Indonesian talking like most Indonesian understand English you can say that they're one of those people, insensitive about what is happening throughout the whole country. Privileged enough in their own bubble thinking that people who can't speak English are stupid and lazy, while it's way more complicated than that.

For those urban people, of course the language is not a problem, they prefer English so overseas people could understand too. But there are hundreds of million people living in the poorer part of the city, smaller cities, and villages who can't understand English. For the latter, language is a big deal.
Not to mention that Indonesian language is supposed to be the lingua franca of the archipelago, not English (>80% Indonesian speaks Bahasa Indonesia as second language).

>> No.27173333

I'm bored rn, so

>How much do you actually care about what language a chuuba speaks?
Assuming you're spesifically refering to ID chuba, I generally prefer them to speak ID because i like local jokes and it's just more relatable to me. I don't mind if they speak English as long as they consume enough EN media and understands EN cultures. I watch a lot of EN chubas and fleshtubers but i usually dislike if ID chubas speaks EN. Idk, it just felt unnatural to me (there are a couple exeption of course like Zeta and Reine for me).

I really enjoy ID chuba because i can enjoy their free talk too, and it's just more natural to me if they told it in their native tounge.

>Is it common to not speak english in indonesia? (Among Vtuber target demographics)
Depend on what you mean by "vtuber target demographics". I think it's fair to assume that general weebs is the target demographic (altho it's not really right since a lot of nonweebs fleshtubers watchers also watch chubas). In that case, yes, there are a lot of them that doesn't speak English.

But i think what people often forgets is just because someone can speak English, doesnt mean that they're comfortable to watch English content. A lot of my friends have decent English, enough to understand chubas, but they almost never watch English speaking youtubers.

>Dont most of you not speak Indonesian as a first language anyway
Not really. Most young people in Jakarta probably learns Indonesia as first language. Even in other city a lot of young people probably already learns Indonesia since young age and already good enough.

This is why Ollie's rant is unfair. She's a Jakartan, of course it's easier for her to learns English since it's just her 2nd language. Meanwhile for a lot of us we already needs to learn Indonesian first, and then English while using our native language in home and with school friends. English is our 3rd language, so she should compare it to her Japanese (which AFAIK, at that time was not that great yet either). The rant is justified because the spam was dumb, but she her wording was bad and just typical capital city ignorance.

>> No.27173423

Her accent is a mix of Betawi + Jaksel + Sumatra (mostly Batak + Melayu). She just absorbs a lot of accent from environment and what she watch (like her Batak accent from her teacher).

>> No.27173478
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>> No.27173566

Idk if I remember right, did Ollie do some kind of rant over people telling her to speak more indonesian or was it something else? Either way seems kinda rude on her part, I cant really stand watching her with how much male shilling she does

>> No.27173626

i've said this and i'll say it again: it's not merely about the language. it's also about the culture each language carries, i.e. the discourse as linguists would be inclined to call it.

risu speaks american english. kobo speaks a hodgepodge of indo accents. they cannot be translated into one another at ease, if possible at all.

> kipli, eskipli, terkipli-kipli
this is from kobo PvZ. you can't just run it on google translate and expect a meaningful thought bubble. there's gonna be a lot of TL notes if a clipper wants to capture the whole thing, and that would be impractical. the jokes would just die in the process.

in short: you asked the wrong questions.

>> No.27173729

So the language situation there is like in china? As in, you have the official language mandated by the govt, and then you have what the people actually speak to each other on the street, which changes from town to town

>> No.27173782

>insensitive about what is happening throughout the whole country
This. For Jakartans they probably think going overseas or working in multinational company as their "big goal", but for a lot of us we just want to go to big city (including Jakarta) to get good job.

Jakartans is basically the equivalent of Americans. Not really their fault of course that they dont know the outside world, but sometimes they're so ignorant and privilaged it makes you mad kek.

>thinking that people who can't speak English are stupid and lazy, while it's way more complicated than that

Of course there are lazy people who refuses to learn English, but Jakartans often ignore the fact that for a lot of us English is our 3RD language, not 2nd like them.

That's why i appreciate Cici Surabaya much more than Jaksel girls. Both mix languages like a crazy person, but Cici Surabaya still knows some tribe language kek.

>> No.27173822


>> No.27173847

I don't understand any Indo, but i love watching her outlast + PVZ stream
As long as chuuba play my fav game, i watch it even i don't understand shit
Same as JP before HoloEN exist, i watch em without understanding any shit

>> No.27174015

I have to admit that i havent watch chubas yet at that time, so i might get some info wrong. But AFAIK some people are spamming some dumb meme about "can't speak English" out of place. I think she doesn't know that it was a meme, so she took it seriously.

Her point is valid, just bad wording. You can tell from her other drama that she can't handle drama well.

>> No.27174057

> there are a couple exeption of course like Zeta and Reine for me
agree with you, anon. risu's english worries me. moona's english is painful to hear. but reine's YABE series was comfy. zeta mommy stream is sovl. anything english with mika is fun.

but if reine, zeta, mika and kobo stream a zatsu at the same time, it's kobo all the way.

>> No.27174218
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I don't care if she speaks 100% bahasa indonesia, 100% english, or 100% japanese for the whole stream just not fucking chinese please god

>> No.27174258

1. i don't really care about lingo shit. what i care is the chuuba i watch does their best and entertaining enough.
2. yes and no. depending on where do you live.
3. yes, this is true. but that doesn't mean i cannot enjoy myself watching a squirrel vtuber with high pitched laugh speaking 3 language at the same time while playing with her dog and cat toy figures.

>> No.27174666

I know a lot of EOP often mock bad English, saying ESL etc, but it's still so much easier for them to understand bad English kek. As a non native speaker, it's PAINFUL hearing bad English kek. I already struggle sometimes listening to good American English, and now you expect me listen to English with heavy accent and bad grammar?! Nope, i prefer watching some British chubas instead or even Aussie.

>> No.27175288

fun fact : point a random place on indonesian map, wherever it is, providing that you know the local language, you can live there without speaking indonesian for the rest of your life just exclusively using local language even in professional context like jobs etc.

>> No.27175553

as long as it's not hebrew

>> No.27176756

Believe it or not but for most indo, indonesian language are not their first language

>> No.27177095

Ah, so that's why I learned English quicker than my peers. I lived in a region where the daily language is basically Indonesian that change a few words to dutch. Hint: City with good looking chicks in Sulawesi.

Anyway, I learned English as a second language I guess. That in turn makes me struggle to speak in my parents tribe language. (They are not from that region).

Basically a trade off between learning english easily or tribe language kek.

>> No.27177361

I never heard it, but no way it's more disgusting than chinese right?

>> No.27177562

>Cici Surabaya
kek, they're the ultimate breed. mixing javanese, mandarin, indonesian, and english like it's nothing.

>> No.27179927

Am native dutch speaker, I also cringe hard when I hear people talk with a thick dutch accent. Probably wouldnt like a streamer that did so all the time either kek.

Urban youth do the same thing here but with Dutch, English, Arabic, and Surinamese creole kek.

>> No.27180503

>How much do you actually care about what language a chuuba speaks?
I don't have any problems about what language of Vtuber using as I already taught being multilingual ( i can speak Indo, English, Chinese and Japanese) so language barrier isn't my problem.

>Is it common too not speak english in indonesia? (Among Vtuber target demographics)
Depends, but for comparison, most of ID indie chuuba speak bahasa like miti because Her target audience is ID. Holo used to not pandering to ID only speaker untill Ollie arrival. Niji ID had very mixed audience since the start but mostly speak bahasa untill they need to collab with JP or EN member.

>Dont most of you not speak Indonesian as a first language anyway?
Depends, most of the population can't speak English especially older population (my parents can't even pass school level English vocabulary), in contrast, some of people who live in big cities especially Jakarta use English as first language because of their work requirements (most of my clients are foreigners). But outside work, we prefer to speak bahasa because English sounds too 'formal' for circle/Tongkrongan.

That's my personal experience

>> No.27180565

>But i think what people often forgets is just because someone can speak English, doesnt mean that they're comfortable to watch English content.
I'm not Indonesian, I am mexican, but I think your comment is rubbish. If you understand English, you want to hone your listening skills whenever you can.

I, for one, consume English media exclusively.

Furthermore, Spanish YouTubers, podcasters, forums, etc. Are much inferior to English ones and I cringe whenever I am exposed to them.

>> No.27180634


>> No.27180704

>This is why Ollie's rant is unfair. She's a Jakartan, of course it's easier for her to learns English since it's just her 2nd language
Ollie also speaks Japanese though.

>> No.27181400

I'm not talking about myself anon, your comprehension reps please. I clearly said that i watch a lot of EN content creators. I agree that it is a bad mindset, but just because that's a rubish mindset doesn't mean it's not true. I'm just talking about the condition for general Indonesians because i'm answering OP's question.

>> No.27181449

Yes and?
Read the entire thing anon...

>> No.27181583

kys jaksellians

>> No.27185658

But-but anon, Malaysia is wayyyyyyyy different than Indonesia

>> No.27189393

Anon, Bahasa Melyu is more refined than Indo. Can do better stop being cringe and accept. And most Melayus know enough to shit talk.

>> No.27192191

I'm not talking about lingo tho, my point is that Malaysian society is more segregated than Indo, it didn't help that when Malaysians looked at BM they refer it as a tribal language for Malays, not as an unity language for all Malaysians
