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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27070893 No.27070893 [Reply] [Original]

>speaks a word of English
>immediately hated by literally every single nip
her decline is proof that there is no such thing as a westaboo
the "east asians like white people" meme is massive cope because reality is the exact opposite lmao
Imagine being a filthy caucasian after this, what a fucking embarrassment KEK

>> No.27071082

literally who?

>> No.27071085
File: 224 KB, 404x412, 1624854717426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day I wake up and give thanks to Allah that I was born a Holochad

>> No.27071375

Exactly, just like every single white person, she doesn't matter

>> No.27071419

Back to literal who, debi

>> No.27071595

is this a jungle asian cope thread?

>> No.27071664 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 1600x1066, 1644281648194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27071713

Or, hear me out
>They stopped paying the farms

>> No.27071982

East Asians in recent years have lost affinity with whites and have gained affinity with Latino Americans and Africans (from Africa not America).

>> No.27072704

Her doing character roleplaying and not talking to males were her attempts to copy Hololive. Pandering to EN crowd sealed the deal. People just went back to watching the originals.

>> No.27073162

Exactly, literally everybody around the world hates wh*toids now lmao

>> No.27074126
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>> No.27074207

View botting is never a long term deal.

>> No.27074508 [DELETED] 

>whitoid alcoholic frat onahole
>has 4 million subs
>but all of them are white meaning they have 0 value
the absolute state of cuckausians
imagine having 4 million white people subbed to you I'd be mortified lmao

>> No.27074706


>> No.27075433

literally who?
At least provide some info! OP is dumb cunt!

>> No.27075784

The vtuber who is better than your vtuber and broke records

>> No.27075930

Holobronie cope thread

>> No.27076824

Deluded whitoid it doesn't matter whether it's Holo or Niji, the point is that whites and the vtubers watched by whites are proven failures

>> No.27077586

imagine having black hair

>> No.27077962


>> No.27078146

thank you petra

>> No.27078696
File: 134 KB, 458x444, 1634786196150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what transjaps actually believe
They stopped paying for the bots because there's no point now that the IPO happened. Nobody fucking gives a shit about speaking English. Also you will never be Japanese.

>> No.27081156

>You now remember dragoons are all holobronies
“bots”, nice cope holofagoon

>> No.27081444

Japs still bitter they lost their glorious Imperial heritage?

>> No.27083882

Ohhh noooo desuwaaa

>> No.27084144
File: 7 KB, 183x275, 1634470316658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27084478

Anon, no man likes a man going after their women. Her fans are men. This isn't hard to comprehend.

>> No.27087351

no clue what you mean whitoid

>> No.27090959

good indochads

>> No.27091013

I'm not white and you're still retarded.

>> No.27091042

Stop making excuses for your bots whore nijinigger

>> No.27091051

hello indon

>> No.27091108

Don't care touch grass OP and everyone ITT

>> No.27095326

Seethe and cope, mutant
