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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 703 KB, 601x575, coco_tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26972506 No.26972506 [Reply] [Original]

>They are adults, they can handle themselves they can make their own decision. they know what are they doing! you fucking incels!

>> No.26972565

I hate normies

>> No.26972717

>being an adult means you can handle every situation you are thrown in. You can never feel uncomfortable or be in danger
It has to be kids using this stupid argument, right?

>> No.26972787

people who believe this are unironically more neckbearded than other vtuber watchers.
imagine not knowing how social anxiety works, imagine not knowing how parties work, imagine not knowing how drunks work.

>> No.26972814

No just people who are legitimately autistic.

>> No.26972831

It’s cause people always confuse
> they’re an adult
> they’re fully immune from any issues whatsoever and never have any worries or complaints if they don’t say it out loud

There’s a huge difference between “Leaving Gura alone means she’ll be raped/curl into a little ball from anxiety,” and “Given Gura’s personality, she might not like it, and if she doesn’t, she probably wouldn’t say so out loud. Mori’s being inconsiderate.” It’s asking way too much for /vt/ users to know the difference either though

>> No.26972840
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>Whatever insane story I came up with in my head is DEFINITELY what happened

>> No.26972893

gura is a meek mouse irl and one of cali's drug dealer buddies could get her to suck his dick while recording it

>> No.26972921

This normie shit is how the entire vtuber industry will collapse into dust.

>> No.26972931

But especially autists should know better than that from their own experience.

>> No.26972937


>> No.26973001

But you're in dangerous parasocial territory when you start making assumptions about those worries or complaints without any basis from the person themselves.

>> No.26973013

Everything you said is true though.

>> No.26973034

what nothingburger are you people spazzing about now

>> No.26973153

It's just a party. You react as if she took Gura to Smolensk.

>> No.26973156

Just watch the first 10 minutes of Calli's last stream if you're curious. That's all it is.

>> No.26973192

gura is going through a 177013 crisis and its fueled by moris

>> No.26973325

my bad, hadn't caught up to it yet.
Petite Gura was for sure forced to drink a bunch and was groped and then gangraped by Calli's hillbilly family

>> No.26973416
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One drink is all it takes.

>> No.26973495

Someone needs to post that 3-images story on Twitter

>> No.26973595
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>> No.26973642

I would say that the amount you’re allowed to speculate should be proportional to the circumstantial evidence and the boldness of your claims. I say “circumstantial” because if it was stronger than that it wouldn’t be “speculation”
I agree with your (implied) statement that most of the rrats here are parasocial ramblings. That said, I know enough about Mori to know that she’s been dense af about social norms in other cases.
In this case, the actual quotes from Gura according to Mori, especially the “going to bed” part, sound like the words that someone would use to politely hint they’re not feeling great and want to be alone. Like, the stereotypical stock phrase an autistic person would learn if they wanted to train themselves to be less blunt to strangers.
Since it’s a speculation, I only ever say “might”. But using Gura not saying anything as evidence in itself doesnt really work (because of course she can’t say anything publicly). So at that point, the tipping point is whether you believe Mori’s account.

Personally, I don’t. Not because I think she’s a liar, because I’m not one of those anons. I just think she’s too autistic to tell when someone’s words should be taken at face value and when they shouldn’t, so I don’t believe her saying Gura said it was cool counts for much since she could easily be wrong

>> No.26973879

third pic now

>> No.26974145

These fucking people need the reality check just as much as Mori does. Being an adult means that you don't let your sister throw a party at the airbnb that you're supposed to be using for the off-collab with the rest of Myth. Being an adult means kicking them out before they start possibly leaking pics of the venue with the location included in the posts. Being an adult means that you do NOT subject your coworker that you are hosting to a situation full of unknown variables: unknown people, unknown substances, and unknown (to Mori) privacy and security risks.
>It's her sister dude she trusts her
Yeah I'd trust my sister that brought her "tripping balls" friends to my airbnb unannounced too.
>Gura is a grown adult lmao
Gura and Calli are corporate workers and this type of shit is completely unacceptable, especially considering this risks everyone in Myth if they don't find a new place.
>they're rich they'll get a new airbnb
They wouldn't FUCKING HAVE TO if Mori was a fucking adult and not an alcoholic child.

>> No.26974169 [DELETED] 
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>> No.26974268

A house party!!??
She's lucky to be alive. Just how irresponsible is Calli?
Was Gura doing phentanyl, spitting on the Bible or performing abortions?

>> No.26974433

this but unironically

>> No.26974526

i'm in this picture

>> No.26974582

>reposting this again
didn't work well the first time huh?

>> No.26974855

I mean, you could just not make any assumptions and keep enjoying streams. And the girls will deal with their own lives behind the scenes. Like normal people do.

>> No.26975025

uuuhh.. chumbeats?

>> No.26975449

>they can make their own decision
can they be held responsible for those decisions?

>> No.26975451
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>> No.26975502

You only need the most basic social knowledge to know that when you drag a friend to a party and partway into the night they say they're tired and want to go somewhere else that they don't want to be there. Think for literally 1 second about other people you fucking sociopath

>> No.26975577

>please just don't criticize the retarded wigger cunt
Go fuck yourself cuckbeat

>> No.26975817

Yeah I feel really bad for Gura. Absolutely awkward and frustrating situation to be in.
You just want to show up and do your job, but now you're dealing with an unprecedented and sensitive issue that can affect not just the individual talents' perceptions but also the entire branch.

>> No.26975929

>show up to the offcollab a week late
>immediate yab on first day

>> No.26976439
File: 283 KB, 457x452, 1641543344581[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyk5xt8.webm].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever insane story I came up with in my head is DEFINITELY what happened

>> No.26976541

She probably wishes she stayed with the rest of the girls

>> No.26976615

shouldn't you be sending cali's bf his monthly condom fund super chat?

>> No.26976739
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if gura voluntarily chose to stay with mori that's her own woman moment, teflon skeleton wins again

>> No.26976954

First of all, she didn't "drag her friend to a party". That's a mischaracterization of events. And, sure, I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that neither of them wanted that party to be happening. But people have been making plenty of assumptions beyond that.
Calm down and take your meds.

>> No.26977243

lmao we all watched the stream.

>> No.26977493

Bold of you to assume I'd break my month streak of not hearing mori's voice speak more than a sentence

>> No.26977780

>tfw just listen to karaokes and asmrs
>literally have never witnessed a vtuber stream
>dont give a fuck about any potential drama
You parasocial retards need to chill the fuck out.

>> No.26977940

you don't have a dog in this horse race so why don't you make like a tree and split?

>> No.26978096

I know right? If those fuckers ever actually watched any of their streams, maybe they'd know that those dorks are barely competent and didn't accidently killed themselves only by some cosmic miracle.

>> No.26978116

Right, so you know that Mori had no idea that there was going to be a party.

>> No.26978925

And you neither have friends nor have you ever been to a party
How would you know how people react?

>> No.26979013

When you host someone you are responsible for what happens. She could have easily told her sister to fuck off and she didn't. During the stream she didn't even express any remorse or even acknowledge that she did anything wrong by forcing Gura to go hide in a room because she didn't care. This cunt doesn't fucking care about anything

>> No.26979167

Mori and her sister got their air bnb location doxed. Anyone losing their shit about a party being held and gangrape shit is deadbeat falseflaggers trying to poison the well

>> No.26979308

Not speaking for her, but if I was in Gura's position I would be super super super stressed out.
Maybe its all exaggerated and misrepresented to some degree, but Its hard for some not to relate/ see how someone could not be okay in a situation like this

>> No.26979441

>When you host someone you are responsible for what happens. She could have easily told her sister to fuck off and she didn't. During the stream she didn't even express any remorse or even acknowledge that she did anything wrong by forcing Gura to go hide in a room because she didn't care. This cunt doesn't fucking care about anything
How to hint you don't have family members you get along with without actually saying it, by anon-kun

>> No.26979619

There's no reason for her to express remorse to you anon. She didn't wrong you in any way.

>> No.26979623

Can you be held responsible for being a schizo? Like 90% of this board that shits itself the moment they see a vtuber has left her building?

>> No.26979651

Gwar "I have to return some videotapes" Gura

>> No.26980025

>Thanks for making my coworker uncomfortable, sis, you're great
Having fun with her sister is fine, dragging someone who doesn't want to be in that kind of shit into the mix when they have nowhere else to go is shitty

She wronged Gura and she should feel bad about it and she has shown no indication that she even realizes she did anything wrong

>> No.26980212

Nothingburger but it was still shitty of Calli to do, she rented the airbnb for fucking streaming so there is no chance her sister didnt ask about having a party. And the music was clearly loud if Calli had to stream from a closet,

>> No.26980285

It's not your place to get angry on Gura's behalf. Especially since you only know a portion of what happened.. They can handle the situation themselves.

>> No.26980368

I'm out of the EN loop. Why are you guys saying it's Gura nad not literally anyone else D*ce knows?

>> No.26980447

>They can handle the situation themselves.
HOPEFULLY they can. From what knowledge we have about Gura in social situations, she didn't have fucking fun to say the least.

Mori's social oafishness is fucking astonishing. She's still a sub 90IQ 14y.o. boy in a 25+ y.o. woman's body. Really hoping this is a nothingburger and we can all take our meds once this blows over.

>> No.26980477

So what? If you get home (or to the place you rented and are therefore responsible for) and there's a party you didn't authorize, you tell them to fucking leave. Specially if you have a guest.

>> No.26980519

I'm not defending Gura, I'm calling Mori a fucking cunt because that's what she is. Inconsiderate cunts like her deserve to have bad things happen to them

>> No.26980592

The point was just that she didn't "drag her friend to a party". If you want you point of view to be taken seriously, get your facts straight first.

>> No.26980740

It's good that you dropped the pretense of actually having empathy for anyone.

>> No.26980759

"I didn't know" isn't an excuse when it's your rental. She could have ended it and she didn't, how is that any better than just knowingly dragging her to a party?

>> No.26980826

Mori showed zero empathy here, why should I show any?

>> No.26980849

The ‘dragging your friend to a party’ situation is more relatable to the 90% of people who actually go outside, anon. They use that as an example because it gets the point across easily.
This situation Mori put Gura in is worse because it’s their fucking hotel room where Gura was going to be spending the night.

>> No.26980860

Women should learn to be responsible if not they can die in a ditch, simple as

>> No.26980885

What difference is your point supposed to make? She effectively did the same thing as dragging her by not stopping the party when it was her responsibility to do so.

>> No.26980889

Sometimes it feels like normalfags have zero empathy. It's a bit unsettling.

>> No.26980940

I don't think it's as bad, but that's besides the point. She factually did not "drag her to the party" and if you go around lying, you're just going to sound like an anti spreading rumors. Even if you think the situation is morally equivalent to the way you're describing it.

>> No.26980953

100% this

If they can't make it and die then it's just natural selection at work and they won't be missed

>> No.26981041

Kevin Nash, Pekora and now Gura. When will Yagoo step in?

>> No.26981126

The intent is different.

>> No.26981199

At this point the "loop" is just people driving each other into hyperbolic rage. It's the biggest circus I have seen with people outdoing each other in hyping up the drama.

Meanwhile the girls are out shopping and having fun. What a sad juxtaposition. It's like all those idle celeb gossipers who follow BTS or Kardashians' every move. Nerds have turned into celeb gossipers.

>> No.26981372

Mori coincidentally dragged her coworker into a house where a party just so happened to be taking place. Does that satisfy your autism?

>> No.26981472


>> No.26981581

Yes, actually. Although I'm not sure why you're so attached to the word "dragged",

>> No.26981671

If you're describing the situation in a way to make her intent sound worse than it actually was, then you're being an anti.

>> No.26981877
File: 57 KB, 598x503, Screenshot 2022-06-27 at 15-24-47 paracosm on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should assume that Gura is an adult that can handle anything, but we can't tell Mori about her irresponsible and childish behavior. You sound like twitter virtue signaling retards.

>> No.26982013

That guy posting about "rrats" and "cucbkbeats" on twitter is sounding pretty retarded in his own way, too.

>> No.26982189

Let's be real, no one that's not retarded wants to be in a room with Wigger Prime for an extended amount of time

>> No.26982366

You're a lawyer arguing that your client's crime was a result of gross negligence rather than premeditated, but she's still at fault. Nobody's gonna care much for the difference.

>> No.26982607

>Nobody's gonna care much for the difference.
They do that's why we have different sentences for it don't we?

>> No.26982634

We're talking about a person being uncomfortable. Not manslaughter.

>> No.26982788

lmao nothing criminal happened. Ah noys Gura felt a little awkward at a party that is such a divine sin that Mori clearly needs to graduate tomorrow to make up for this. Bitch have you heard stories surrounding Aqua and the other hologirls? Its like this lmao

>> No.26982893

We're talking about a complete social retard being surprise dropped into a booze/drug fueled frat party. We may never know what happened exactly, but I fucking doubt Gura the "I couldn't tell the McDonalds clerk he fucked my order up" autist had fun.

>> No.26982979

Which is definitely not manslaughter.

>> No.26983011

See >>26981877

Now cope and seethe, simps

>> No.26983068


>> No.26983100

No, It's not. But social anxiety, panic attacks, doxx, drugrape don't sound too fun to me. Hopefully nothing happened and this is just a stupid misunderstanding. Hopefully Mori is not that stupid/malicious.

>> No.26983164

The fuck you want retarded? Mori should also be responsible for herself

>> No.26983211

>Meanwhile Gura getting fucking wasted, drinking an entire keg all by herself

>> No.26983255

Based. Simps absolutely malding

>> No.26983762

Sounds like Mori's sister has zero respect for her to me.i mean if you had any respect for the person you are visiting in a RENTED place you would ask before inviting a bunch of people over for a party right?

>> No.26983958

well chances are shes a drugged up slut with the IQ of a potato like her sister and i assume every female in the family

>> No.26984074



>> No.26984075

>posting your own twitter arguments
Good lord, please consider suicide you waste of fucking air

>> No.26984304

It means when you fuck up and die it's your fault and you knew the consequences. See what game is being played here?

>> No.26984362

Very cool, Ina, but what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.26984460
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>> No.26984679

Right, so Mori should face the consequences of her actions and graduate. Glad we agree.

>> No.26985760
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>> No.26985894
File: 565 KB, 640x480, special needs cannon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot fucking imagine how the parents of the person who drew this must feel about their son.
This board and everyone in it is truly beyond redemption.

>> No.26986011


>> No.26986124

Brilliant insight, anon. Make sure to update your journal on piss oceans and how you might improve them.

>> No.26986186

Kill yourself Redditor

>> No.26986427

Look at this literal faggot.
Just because you’re terrified of talking to people without a keyboard and were emasculated from a young age doesn’t mean the rest of us are afraid of being alive.

>> No.26986585

am i wrong?

>> No.26986658

"i think people are shitty based on incomplete information and assumption so therefore i get to be just as bad as them"
terminally retarded.

>> No.26986758

What are you even talking about you stupid nigger? He's talking about Gura, not himself.

>> No.26986889

hes projecting his own insecurities based on his incomplete assumptions over a fake personality on the internet, and pointing out that he's socially retarded enough to not understand that a party with drinks on its own isnt enough to be a red flag. its a prerequisite, but this terminal schizo board is easily filling in the other 95% with their imagination.

>> No.26987004

> He's talking about Gura, not himself.
No, he’s 100% talking about himself. He projects his own failures as a man onto the sexually-active 20-something woman who deliberately made him think she’s “just like he is.”

>> No.26987116

>the sexually-active 20-something woman
Got proof on this? I’ve got no qualms in your conversation, but I’d like proof there.

>> No.26987208

Wtf does any of that have to do with schizophrenia? At least gaslight mental illness correctly you sound like a fucking retard otherwise. (See like that)

>> No.26987378

>everything is fake if it fits my narrative
Alright, there's no point in arguing with you intellectually dishonest freaks. It doesn't take much to see that Gura isn't faking her whole personality. Just watch some streams.
Also, at that party were drugs too, not just drinks.

>> No.26987424

What if it's an adult scored high for autism, but hasn't been officially diagnosed?

>> No.26987794


>> No.26987912

God Ina, you're such an attention whore.

>> No.26988530
File: 129 KB, 1920x1080, 361588247eb62205e6448893708ce639ffbf500d8dc2b918bc02fba59b542a0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol women are so fucking retarded nowadays no wonder men would rather stick to anime or be alone altogether and then they're jealous of drawings of older women or little girls based king gigachad
>you think bringing an out of control drug party full of anyone to an actual living socially awkward doormat sperg and leaving her alone to stream is irresponsible have sex touch grass incel


>> No.26988555

>If you don't have a sworn statement from Gura you cannot assume that the inconsiderate alcoholic put a socially anxious short person in a situation they didn't like and ignored them
Everything I've said is based on Mori's own statements, why would she suggest she is a worse person than she actually is?

>> No.26988807

Nobody but retarded degenerates like that kind of shit, Piccolobro.

>> No.26988943

> intellectually dishonest freaks
Jesus Christ, anon. Women like to have sex and go to parties.
You don’t have to have a meltdown over this.

>> No.26989014

Kill yourself, retarded normalfaggot.

>> No.26989088

>Dude, everyone is the same, bro
Kill yourself, sociopath

>> No.26989123

>every woman is a slutty party animal
Now who's projecting? Bro, that's just your mom.

>> No.26989122

fair enough desu

>> No.26989304

>/vt/ is one person
Cringe. If gura got raped or whatever other shit then that's just natural selection at work and just proves likes always that women are weak in every way especially if they can't avoid getting raped

>> No.26989798

Sure she’s not “faking her whole personality” but she’s exaggerating it. Anyone who isn’t autistic knows to expect that out of someone who makes entertainment their whole career. Even the small amount of awkwardness she shows on stream doesn’t mean she can’t willingly go to parties, though. Your social anxiety may be so crippling that just thinking about other humans gives you a panic attack but plenty of others can balance both their anxiety and actually leaving their house on occasion.
Also, every large party with drinks also has drugs. Some just have more or have people who are more open about it. If you’d ever been to one you’d know this.

>> No.26989876

The real problem is that it's just a bit awkward to let all this happen while you're friend is over. I doubt anything bad is gonna happen to Gura, it's just a bit rude.

>> No.26990031

What's wrong with a little dick sucking, gura is an adult.

>> No.26990179

Well? Keep going

>> No.26990256

yeah just a bit rude to facilitate events that lead to the general public finding the location of you and other hololive talents

>> No.26990318

Cuckbud just can't comprehend it.
After millions of threads calling Gura is a child and you're a pedo for liking her, she's now suddenly an adult.
Imagine the confusion!

>> No.26990346

>you're friend is over

>> No.26990394

your oshi got roofied and raped by niggers and no one cares

>> No.26990396

She went to hide in a room the second Mori said she was leaving, dunbfuck. She clearly wasn't having a good time. Who would actually even have a good time with the stupid rich twats that Mori's sister hangs out with

>> No.26990410


>> No.26990477

I get the feeling deadbeats have no problem with dick sucking.

>> No.26990539

>cuckpedos in shambles
You losers are really having a meltdown over this, holy shit.
Normal people fuck, drink, and experiment with others. Gura included. Learn to accept that you are the defect.

>> No.26990861

Shut up I know I'm retarded

>> No.26990964

Okay but I’m still waiting on that proof, anon.

>> No.26991001

Ah yes, Mori, a respected information source who has been known to never lie. I’m sure everything she says is 100% true and without error. There’s absolutely no way that Gura could’ve possibly told Mori to cover for her to avoid pissing her fans off and risk damaging her image.

>> No.26991007

>completely ignoring all the other, more significant issues with the yab
stop believing cuckbeat deflection

>> No.26991159

>completely ignoring all the other, more significant issues with the yab
Describe them to me.
And keep in mind I don’t care about the safety or privacy of any of these wet holes. Because I’m not a fag.

>> No.26991263

If Mori was covering for her she wouldn't have said anything

>> No.26991399

>Mori lied to protect Gura! It’s real in my head!
A simple total omission doesn’t exist, I guess.

>> No.26991473

Gura just posted a member's update. she seems perfectly fine and will be doing a stream tonight.
Its true that while being an adult doesnt make you immune from bad things happening, they're both smart enough to recognize if the vibes are bad (yes even Calli if you've paid attention for 5 minutes to how her rommmate is) at a party hosted by her sister, or if they had a serious reasonable doubt something could go bad, they would have just dipped and rented a hotel. parties existing is not enough to signal danger.
the worst thing that happened here is the BNB she probably isnt returning to and that'll expire the next day anyway got doxxed. just a quick optics scare that's already passed, or for /vt/, the biggest fucking event on earth for the next 2 weeks or until the TMZ cycle picks something else.

>> No.26991558

you not caring about it doesn't make it a non-issue.

>> No.26991561
File: 425 KB, 840x859, 154648798794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're both smart enough

>> No.26991562

a majority of normal people aren't nightclub animals, and you sure as fuck aren't either.

>> No.26991604

Yes. That's basically the gist of the situation.
Are you trying to imply that green texting it makes it not true?

>> No.26991628

Gura sucked someone off for drugs? is there a video

>> No.26991633

Actually, it does.
Would you look at that.
Gonna elaborate now, pearl clutcher?

>> No.26991673

Yes. those near-cartoonishly naive personalities you see with the PNGs are for the most part an act or highly played up. sorry you break it to you.

>> No.26991699

>only “nightclub animals” have sex and drink
Stop, anon. I’m getting embarrassed for you.

>> No.26991720

*to break

>> No.26991748

Someone already did it. It's on #gawrt and Calli hashtag as well.

>> No.26991822

>dude just trust me I know them personally

>> No.26991863

this but ironically
both sides are cringe
the only takeaway from this whole yab is that mori is a doormat irl despite talking big and acting cool in front of her audience.

>> No.26991902

>"even nuns have had alcohol before therefore are literally exactly the same as chronically wasted people who snort coke and fuck at the drop of a hat"
the only embarrassment you're feeling is for your own hyper-reductive retardation.

>> No.26992026

dont tell me you're this devoid of social intelligence

>> No.26992073

She certainly didn't since Mori said she was up to shenanigans.

>> No.26992089

She’d already mentioned they’d met up on Twitter, and chat was asking about Gura before Mori mentioned she was at the AirBnB. Ignoring the question would’ve been even more suspicious at that point.

>> No.26992270

Yes, anon, you cracked the code. Anyone who doesn’t sit at home, drink milk, and masturbate to Chinese children’s cartoons is driving a school bus while getting their dick sucked and high on meth.

>> No.26992327

>Guys, Gura wasn't raped! That means that Mori didn't actually do anything wrong
Cuckbeat cope is at untold levels now

>> No.26992469

I too only ever have one drink a day and fuck exclusively in the missionary position solely for procreation. It's nice to see such refined tastes around this dung heap fellow civilized man.

>> No.26992506

"She's probably hanging out with my sister" would have been the lie if that was the case. Since everything about Mori is a lie, I would have to think that she knows enough to be vague and not concoct a whole story

>> No.26992904


>> No.26994360

>There’s absolutely no way that Gura could’ve possibly told Mori to cover for her
>Gura: Say that I'm here!
>Mori: OK!
>Mori: Gura is raping a bunch of drugged sleeping people with my family in next room!
I guess Mori idea of covering is strange.

>> No.26994387

I hate mori. I'm just glad that MilkyQueen has a gun.
