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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 561 KB, 540x960, 8CC78FF3-59D7-4908-96B0-9A70EC77A2FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
269717 No.269717 [Reply] [Original]

why has not holo live not made a korean branch not yet, it’s popular with chinese

>> No.269807 [DELETED] 

Who cares about what's popular with chinkoid zhang bugmen.

>> No.269942
File: 377 KB, 1385x824, kr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers just aren't that popular with korean markets
Take NijisanjiKR for example, their top dog has less than 100k subs

>> No.271139

you say that but then it took most of hololive 1st gen a year or more to get to 100k subs.

>> No.271650

>muh island that is clearly a nation
>muh nanking
I wonder what muh involving allegedly incarcerated peoples will arise.

>> No.271696

Please take your meds, none what you said was even remotely coherent

>> No.271926
File: 68 KB, 512x512, 1598760108655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.272025

Choose your destiny:
>Hololive KR
>Hololive RU
>Hololive ES
>Hololive BR
>Hololive IN

>> No.272034

Mori's voice is retarded

>> No.272267

They're testing the waters with Ina
ES might be the biggest market out of those, or merge ES and BR for Holo LatAm

>> No.272336


>> No.273871

>Hololive RU
>Hololive ES
These two will happen in like 5-6 months im fucking certain of it.

>> No.273908

>Asks about holoKR
>Used mori instead of the only Korean hololiver for the op image

>> No.273917
File: 355 KB, 756x739, 1600568686363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't Ina speak korean?

>> No.274001

Hololive AF

>> No.274033

why does nijisanji hire so many fucking talents

>> No.274045

did you see NIJINIGGERS KR? Their most popular one only got 100 viewers average

>> No.274068


>> No.274147

Hololive Saudi Arabia

>> No.274178

Include Quebec for the frenchfags and HoloLatAm is the hugest weeb market in the globe.

>> No.274210

With Holo EN's success, I don't think Cover will bother setting up their branch country by country anymore. They might add Spanish and Russian speakers in EN Gen 2 to test water.

>> No.274252

Korea's culture probably isn't great for vtubers, plus popular Korean games would be pretty cancer to watch anyway.

Also total yab potential

>> No.274300

Hololive FR; anime girl with French accent ASMR will hit SC numbers beyond what even Lamy could achieve.

>> No.274372

That's sort of self-limiting. Instead of trying to hit on 5 sueprstar streamers or at least giving yourself the best chance to get hits from among the, you instead force yourself to pick some mediocre prospect who happens to speak Russian or Spanish in addition to being fluent in English from among a small pool of those who quality. I think it's better to take an ID2 approach, and hire the very best streamers you can from a given region, provided they can speak English fluently, and then have them stream mostly in English anyway with a few catering streams for their native language.

>> No.274377


Cover has been looking for a Korean company that will handle their talents since last year.

Japanese companies can't just go into Korea and set up businesses there because of the whole deal with WW2

>> No.274407

Korea is pretty closed with how talents are produced, introduced and marketed. Everything follows the boy band model.

>> No.274431

>Holo Latam
It's HoloID and not HoloSEA for a good reason

>> No.274457

KR-maybe, I've heard Vtubers aren't popular there, supposedly they have staff there though. Would think they would try to have Ina do at least a few Korean streams to see if there's any market for it at all.
RU-50/50 this would happen
ES-this will happen
BR-Give it the same chances as Russia
IN-so many poor people, not much interest in anime, a lot of people already speak "English", Niji already shit the bed when they tried here, doubtful

>> No.274544

HoloES, I hope some drama for the lulz

>> No.274620

because gooks are cockroaches that regularly burn the japanese flag and demand repatations for "comfort women"
no-one with their head on straight would want to deal with such a country

>> No.274964

Except NijiKR has never done any of that? The girls are pretty cute.

>> No.275017

yeah and nobody watches them because the average korean wants japan to sink into the ocean

>> No.275085
File: 277 KB, 1694x2048, Etbavf5VcAAZTEd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch them

>> No.276294

Come on bro you're letting memes affect how you perceive the world.
What some people do in a political rally somewhere doesn't reflect a whole nation of millions.

>> No.276319

What you forget to mention is that the two nijis in nijiKR who have more than 20k subs are the ones who switched to streaming almost entirely in Japanese,and thus those 100k subs come almost entirely from Japan. Korea just does not give a shit about vtubers.

>> No.276336


>> No.276471

>ES might be the biggest market out of those, or merge ES and BR for Holo LatAm
Problem with latam, coming direct from the mouths of hues and other spics is that they won't donate, member or support monetarily in any way and only shit up the chatboxes.
I've seen more rubles being gifted than any south american currency, though I can't confirm the toxic chat phenomenon ES anon's have referred to before.

>> No.276567

All the huge latina streamers have onlyfans pages, because that's the only way people will give them any money. The vtuber model won't work there.

>> No.276625

you want to watch vtubers grind the kr ladder in lol?

>> No.276627

Didn't they donate a fuck ton when nene did her es learning stream a couple days back?

>> No.276648

The Russian world is fucking starved for anything anime that panders to them. There's still GuP conventions there, so that's a guarantee. ES would also be an easy market since I've never met any Latino under the age of 40 who wasn't a huge weeb.

The others? Not so much. Brazil does have a strong JP connection, but most of it is restricted to the JP expat community and there isn't much crossover there, so no dice. The Korean market has been curbstomped by the slave machine that is K-Pop, also not really a big market to begin with. Nijisanji also attempted to do NijiIN and it's barely alive, most poos aren't familiar with anime either.

>> No.276738

korea is just a big a timebomb with plenty of bullshit you have to kneel too. just different eggshells

>> No.276764

Literally China 2.0

>> No.276867

>Hololive Español
The only way for this to work is to feed them only a trickle of Spanish and hope they step up to the plate like >>276627 mentioned. There is no sense of net etiquette in all of LatAm, so if you want an audience that isn't a cesspool, you need to take the carrot and stick approach.

>> No.276893

I believe the idea is rather than scouting really hard for good talent you can just hire 20 people and hope that at least 5 of them are able to carve out their own niche and become popular

>> No.276912

people deal with cash mostly, and electronic payments are still very rare for a vast majority of the population. Not a strong middle class to support zoomers stealing their parents credit cards to send a superchat. HoloLATAM probably wont happen for those reasons. What is more possible is them getting a US mutt who speaks spanish and english and see if there's traction on the spanish side.

>> No.276934
File: 10 KB, 301x215, 60398468374863846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The holos dont even a branch there yet they are still bigger lmao
fuck latam. Most big spic streamers are from Spain anyway.

>> No.276944

Most millenial-zoomer koreans either like or don't mind japan, it's more that most of them just consume english content or japanese if they are weeb enough

>> No.278444

I don't like the french but I do like hearing women speak french. This would be nice.

>> No.278492

Korea won't happen. India won't happen. They've both been massive failures in the past going by other attempts. Koreans care about real visuals and India is poor.
Spanish is most likely, followed by Russian.
OF important note - all the current anime videos have Spanish subs alongside the current branches where they used to have subs from countless places like Germany before. This is why I am 90% certain Cover will be launching a Spanish branch either this year (near the end) or starting next.
They will likely be watching over vtubers currently pandering to Spanish markets to see if it goes anywhere.

>> No.283893

With those numbers they might as well go independent

>> No.283979

I noticed quite a few JP indies who failed with EN pandering shifting to ES pandering recently.

>> No.288544

It's your fault, because you need to send some superchats asking them to say words in Korean and then you make a video and then post it on korean websites.

>> No.290822

Every Eastern Vtuber I've seen making content for the Spanish speakers barely gets any memberships or SC donations.
Is Holo ES even profitable?

>> No.290895

>Hololive RU
Im not ready for this

>> No.297784


>> No.298384

Cali is French for that matter...

>> No.301495

My god, fuck you with you tribalism retarded.

>> No.312602

You'd be more likely to get Quebec in HololiveFR.

>> No.313011

Hololive Nord. I want holos speaking in elvish.

>> No.313639

My penis demands HololiveFR
My soul demands HololiveRU

>> No.313749

She does her best to not speak it when streaming but she's probably only conversational. I don't think she wants to be associated with Koreans as Ina.

I see only ARS in SCs for ENs.

>> No.313761

Hololive Eastern Europe.

>> No.313771

because unlike the japs, koreans are actually attractive and can just be real idols

>> No.313808


I'd love a sexy onee-san Polack vtuber.
