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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26960037 No.26960037 [Reply] [Original]

So anons, any word about any punishment towards Mori? Any word from Gura? Or was it all a nothingburger afterall?

>> No.26960142

I'd beat the shit out of you and shit in your mouth, you orange cunt.

>> No.26960161

If they punish her that would confirm all the rrats, its not gonna happen.

>> No.26960184

I want that cunt out, MORI RAUS!

>> No.26960232

I hope her sister trashed the place and that the owner gets damages in the millions.

>> No.26960243

You'd think that at the very least we could get some fan art of Reine giving Calli the bastinado for attending haram American parties.

>> No.26960259

It's always a nothingburger. /vt/ just likes drama.

>> No.26960398

>Any word from Gura?
Gura's fucking dead.
This is fact until proven wrong.

>> No.26960437

Mori and Gura are reading all the threads and laughing their asses off.

>> No.26960473
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>it's afraid

>> No.26960754

I just found that comment section about Gura being a poor introvert who felt bad. Meanwhile in reality she was probably the first one to start sucking dicks for free.

>> No.26960853

Yep. And I got first dibs.

>> No.26960934

Of course not. Why would there be?
It's just a bunch of autists that lack any grasp as to how the actual world works and are hyper afraid of drugged up ugly bastard niggers. I mean everyone is scared of those but they're REALLY scared.

>> No.26960981

I literally learned that word yesterday, and now it is being used on vt. Talk about coincidence

>> No.26961049

Yeah, mine

>> No.26961159
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>> No.26961165
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Hololive won't do anything to Mori. She's more valuable than any other member thanks to her Universal deal. They're just going to pretend they dontto speaku da engurishi at any retarded shit she does.

>> No.26961253

No because Omega is still there and he is nijinig paid by Anycolor to destroy hololive from inside. That's why he picked Mori. And that's Mori never got any reprimand for her actions.

>> No.26961320
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I'm expecting something to happen even if we're not told about it. Never mind idol purity or whatever, she literally exposed her co-worker to phyisical contact with a bunch of intoxicated people and very likely doxxed her to them (unless you want to believe that the people in this party don't know what Mori does for a living and/or didn't know that this friend she brought is a co-worker) and left her vulnerable to being doxxed by people who weren't even there but can track the event to its location. This has to have crossed a line, come on Yagoo.

>> No.26961349

Take your meds

>> No.26961370

they won't do shit, it's the EN branch

>> No.26961380
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They can't really punish Mori just for being a terrible friend and rapper.

>> No.26961548
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She is gonna get away with it again and nothing will happen

>> No.26961601

At most, if acknowledged whatsoever, Mori would maybe have a 2 minute convo about watching who her relatives bring over. With 0 aggressive tone or dialect. Most likely absolutely nothing since Gura isn't going to say anything and will forget about it in a day.
That is all.

>> No.26961731

But anon she'd actually love it. She's german they are into that stuff.

>> No.26961740

>Is that Mori!?
>Ayo long time no see, wachu doin in america?
>u sayin THE Gura is inside this room???
>Don't mind if we do!

>> No.26961824

Nothing will happen. Mori would have,to shoot up Yagoo's house before she gets into any kind of trouble

>> No.26961876

>doxxed her to them
OH no!

>> No.26961879

Towa: Gets a 2 week suspension for a male voice appearing on stream for a second and saying nothing of importance
Mori: Doxes her coworkers location and puts her in an unwanted and potentially dangerous situation and gets no punishment.
Mori is definitely fucking yagoo if she doesn't get punished

>> No.26961895

Actually I'm hoping this will be just, you know, another nothingburger. I kinda like Gura

>> No.26961898

Mori can break the law in broad daylight, in public, and nothing will happen to her. This is the superstar culture we live in. This is why she did everything to be at the top. She's untouchable now. Best you can do if you hate her is avoid her and the ones that associate with her.

>> No.26961946

Yagoo would understand that she's american and that's just how they do things back there.

>> No.26962022 [DELETED] 

>Best you can do if you hate her
no, you can call for her to be fired whenever she's mentioned and hound her daily

>> No.26962106
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>> No.26962202
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Seeing as they're on a road trip as we speak and chilling, I think we have our answer.
Gonna be funny when they're streaming together and having a good time while this place goes fucking nuclear again though.

>> No.26962221

Gura isn't the type to stoke the drama flames. At best, you can hope in the the TTRPG stream she'll make a sly jab to show she's annoyed during an in character monologue, but that will be the last of it
>Ame will let out a loud laugh
>Kiara will overexplain the joke and then eventually talk about it during a chat when she's back in Austria
>Ina will smile quietly at the camera unsure how to react
>Mori will grumble, stumble over a non-response and move along

>> No.26962407

Chumbuds seem to think Gura is some sort of hyper downie who needs to be coddled through life. The sentiment isn't all bad but she is an adult and it is pretty patronizing desu

>> No.26962441

they can for implying her co-worker was getting Railed in the next room

>> No.26962459

I'm going to overdose myself with hopium.
>No doxx happened, accidental or not
>Gura was able to get some sleep peacefully and no one bothered her
>She honestly doesn't mind this whole surprise party ordeal
>Calli realised the possibility of danger, and learn from this
>they're currently having fun and even already forget about last night

>> No.26962544

You're more likely to be right than the bullshit being made up here.

>> No.26962648

we won't know if it's a nothingburger or not unless we get an official statement by management but from cover's track record on dealing with EN i'm hinging more on the nothingburger side

>> No.26962676

You tell me Gura wasn't actually gangbanged?
Wow i didn't know this

>> No.26962690

That isn't hopium that's being able to ignore your autism for long enough to think like a rational human being.

>> No.26962693

>Calli learnt from this
A bit too unrealistic.

>> No.26962706

It was always a nothingburger

>> No.26962716

This sounds reasonable but it shrivels up my cuck dick.

>> No.26962742

>this hopium is just rational human thought, albeit just mildly optimistic about Gura getting some good rest
Says a lot as the entire board has devolved to legitimate High School gossip levels of seething hatred.

>> No.26962782

management's lack of doing anything, means nothing since they are retards who won't take responsibility

>> No.26962810

What I also think, everything is just normal except some normal concerned yt commentors. It's 4chan's hatred to Mori is just something else that they think it is that big of an issue

>> No.26962847
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>Calli realized the possibility of danger, and learn from this
See you next yab in 2 to 4 months.

>> No.26962853

This, she is retarded, not in a joke way or malicious, literally stupid and needs someone constantly with her.
Cover should have her 24/7 under observation

>> No.26962887

95% of the shit posted on this board are nothingburgers anon, it's not because a couple schizos are freaking out that things are going to be happening

>> No.26962924

Yagoo must worship this white woman at this point. Imagine anyone in jp pulling this shit.

>> No.26963093

Rushia literally got fired for less

>> No.26963119

I ask for an executive summary of the incident, please

>> No.26963165

Rushia got fired because she breached her NDA

>> No.26963167

EOPs don't care if their idols get gangbanged while high out of their minds so Cover doesn't either.

>> No.26963183

he doesn't worship her anon, he treats all holoENs equally meaning he doesn't even give a fuck about them

>> No.26963216

Except this "Yab" happened in USA not JPN where the majority of their viewers are. Schizos going to skitz

>> No.26963254


>> No.26963273

They fucking love Mori internally for some reason. The other girls, the staff, the company fawns over her. They must be seeing something we don't.

>> No.26963281

Even if no one was hurt by the situation, it doesn't change the fact Mori put Gura in danger

>> No.26963328

She shares her breastmilk

>> No.26963377

It's not a nothing burger faggot but I also expect cover won't do shit to mori for placing gur in danger because they're pussies when it comes to discipline on the EN side of things.

>> No.26963459

> shit in your mouth
You're back! I thought you'd left and moved on, but here you are. It's good to know you're still trying to achieve your goals anon.

>> No.26963497 [DELETED] 

Let me get this straight.
>flying to maldives on a private jet with her friend
>airbnb rave
My sides are escaping the known universe.

>> No.26963510

It was a nothingburger all the time, nothing really bad happened, Gura probably had the good night of sleep she wanted and I don't think she will mind about this whole situation. If it was a nuisance, Calli probably did something to fix the situation and Gura forgot about it. It was just a night, they're on the road to the meeting and having fun together. And besides they're EN, they are basically untouchable unless they commit a big yabe that involve serious stuff.

>> No.26963527

That isn't hopium, that's rational thinking. You're probably more correct than anyone here.

Except for:
>Calli realised the possibility of danger, and learn from this
That may be a bit too much to hope for.

>> No.26963562


>> No.26963568

mmmm nothingborgar, delishos

>> No.26963591

This, Yagoo really couldn't care less about what they do, it's only when they break contract that he ever does anything

>> No.26963616

It's definitely a nothingburger.

>> No.26963641

Yeah, Gura probably had the good night of Shenanigan's

>> No.26963681

Shitty Coco filling the void.

>> No.26963934
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She WILL get away with it.
Her co-workers WILL say カリちゃんかっこいい
You WILL continue to helplessly seethe about it

>> No.26964023

There's millions of deadbeats who love Calli. It's you who is in the minority.

>> No.26964071

This, but with me instead of Mori.

>> No.26964112
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>cover either fired or alienated their top 2 talents over inconsequential bullshit
>but no this time it's different because they speak English

>> No.26964157

After all this time Calli has learned nothing and now you're saying all of a sudden she has learned something? I'm not buying.
Learning is one thing Calli will not do.

>> No.26964208
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I just woke up, what's going on?

>> No.26964217

Towa was lying to cover it up, Mori said way too much by her own volition. Also Cover's become more lenient after the EOP audience sided with Towa

>> No.26964260

I'm laughing about it
I won't be the one posting Mori images in response to all bait the next time something happens

>> No.26964358


>> No.26964479

I'm not a Gura fan and couldn't even fucking sleep. Just sit there for second after second, minute after minute fearing the worst with the only semblance of relief being my air conditioner in the dark, waiting for the result of taking an introverted secretly massively popular autist and suddenly leaving trapped in an out of control drugged up degenerate (I never even use this word and that's the difference between her finding someone on her own instead of peer pressure at this kind of shit under influence) strangers' noise violating rave without anyone fucking watching over her rather than cracking up about having no idea.

>> No.26964592

What Mori did "wrong" was letting her fans know a little bit more of the truth about Gura.

She's supposed to disguise the truth about Gura so nobody knows and everyone pretend Gura is a pure innocent virgin girl

>> No.26964624

take your meds.

>> No.26964625

She's learning without the hard r

>> No.26964644

Mori held an EDM rave at her house with drugs and alochol, and Gura passed out in the room nearby. Mori implied Gura was doing something in the other room, probably getting fucked

>> No.26964678

>at her house
you wish

>> No.26964688

this isn't not the rrat, be honest.

>> No.26964704

This makes my peepee the big peepee.

>> No.26964725

So I just got to the thread and I'm assuming this is a nothingburger but I want to hear the rrats
What happened and how do we know?

>> No.26964791

>Calli realised the possibility of danger, and learn from this
>learn from this

>> No.26964822

She's Australian tho

>> No.26964834

It's not a nothingburger at all. Mods went into full "shut it down" mode because of the deluge of threads. Hololive shills are now trying to pretend it never happened, just like they do whenever there's a massive scandal (there have been many)

>> No.26964841

Oh. That's really sad.

>> No.26964853

>Calli realised the possibility of danger, and learn from this
Calli could run gura over with a truck and she would not realize that she's harming her co-worker. Besides that yea you're right.

>> No.26964891

i've been banned more today talking about this than a year on the board kek

>> No.26964894

This isn't a massive scandal. Mostly people outside of here don't even know it's happening.

>> No.26964900

All mainland European white women have some type of anal fixation

>> No.26964902

It is a nothingburger, the only difference this time is that mori's actually getting some heat from her fans outside of here. She'll likely ignore it and make a 10th diss track about her haters.

>> No.26964933

ok mori, whatever you need to tell yourself

>> No.26964945

don't worry it will change

>> No.26964949

Kill yourself.

>> No.26965091

I can look at the youtube comments right now and see that you are lying.

>> No.26965108

Those are here namefags.

>> No.26965146
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>> No.26965167

Just watch the beginning of Calli's last stream. Everything we actually know about what happened is there. Anything else is rrats.
And yeah, it's nothing.

>> No.26965256

>I'm not a Gura fan and couldn't even fucking sleep. Just sit there for second after second, minute after minute fearing the worst with the only semblance of relief being my air conditioner in the dark
Can't be threatening when you write shit like this lmao
Fucking chuunibyou

>> No.26965335

All that's been confirmed by Mori is
>She arrived to the air bnb and loud music was playing
>She'd given the key to her family who were coming over thinking they can get settled while she arrives but actually threw a party
>She got them to turn the music down a bit but the party kept going
>Gura arrived and took herself to bed
That's it. Everything else including Gura's feelings on this are rrats. Though she was definitely retarded to invite her family to an online friend meet up even if they weren't going to throw a party.

>> No.26965491

I mean it's true.

>> No.26965707

Boss, relax. Nobody's gonna rape Gura, she's too precious.

>> No.26965712

>saying to remove yourself and make the world a better place is making a threat
>bad shit taking forever waiting to be over and enjoying air conditioning at night is chunni
Kill yourself.

>> No.26965732

>her family threw a party
it's her sister who invited a bunch of unknown people, and also shared the house on instagram
>but the party kept going
she didn't kick them out, also nice of you to not mention the drugs
>gura arrived and took herself to bed
but mori isn't sure and said gura might be up to some other shenanigans at the drug and alcohol fueled party full of strangers

>> No.26965763

expecting calli to learn something isn't a reasonable thought

>> No.26965791

Mori got Gura raped

>> No.26965806

You forgot to mention the part where Mori talked to a guy who was "tripping balls". At the EDM "rager". Ragers aren't small house parties.

>> No.26965877

Do you even know what the word means?

>> No.26965910

If something happened the other girls or at least Gura will interact less with Mori. If Mori really is that bad and the other girls still interact with her happily then you should judge the other girls too

>> No.26965943

>too precious
That's exactly why subhumans would. There is no such thing as too precious, the very idea of defiling or destroying something is appealing enough to filth I'm supposed to call my fellow man. The timeline is absolute fucking shit and there's no reason why the worst wouldn't have happened to make you break even more after finding someone fun and quirky who loves loli and DMC.

>> No.26966024

Simply Mori is a Retard,

>> No.26966033
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>it's her sister who invited a bunch of unknown people, and also shared the house on instagram
>also nice of you to not mention the drugs

>> No.26966085
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>Calli realised the possibility of danger, and learn from this

>> No.26966130

Source Mori herself & and her sister

>> No.26966187

Calli mentioned the drugs herself. There seemingly isn’t any proof of the insta post though.

Either way, drugs and alcohol can be calli’s image but it’s fucked up to even jokingly make allusions to Gura participating even if she was. That’s not calli’s rrat to rrat.

>> No.26966190

>bad shit
Are you a woman? Is shitposting actually hurting your psyche or are you being an emotional little fag?


>> No.26966200

Nothing will happen until Gura is confirmed pregnant, and won't get an abortion because she's lazy.

>> No.26966210

there was a Doxx doubt anything happened though, was just a picture of the House and Location taggedf on Instagram

>> No.26966249

I will arrive at the place in 1.5h and camp in my car outside

>> No.26966262

i'm sure people "tripping balls" at the party just meant that they were learning to juggle, you're right anon, after all it's from the rapper who didn't know what lean is

>> No.26966339

Too precious at a party, especially a rave, just translates to easy to take advantage of. Also, drugs at a rave, what drugs do you think they took? They took a bunch of molly and ecstasy, under that influence the people are so horny that Gura could be an aggressive bull dyke and they'd still try to fuck her. All it takes is someone that came mixing coke and ecstasy and it would be over for Gura the moment they spot her.

>> No.26966371

Mori didn't learn shit and probably will end up inviting rando's to Ame's house.

>> No.26966405

Stop using that as an excuse it doesn't change her shitty actions.

>> No.26966411

>too precious.
That's just makes her prime rape victim.

>> No.26966546

never said it did, She definitely had to have broken some type of contract rules with the stupid shit she did. plus she is a Retard

>> No.26966555

Ah so you're just retarded, the first time you think you understand a word's meaning it stays that way forever because you never bother to look it up.

>> No.26966614

>Someone breaks Ame's terrariums

>> No.26966653

Whether or not anything will come out of this, the funniest thing is that everyone (not just /vt/) COMPLETELY skipped over the fact that a new song/mv came out from Mori and we know the last three songs on the UMG album. Given we’ve now heard 3/6 of the songs, what do you guys think of the album so far? I personally thing mera mera and holy shitto are dogshit and capsule is just okay so my expectations for this album are low per usual for mori’s songs.

>> No.26966673

Or some fucking fentanyl and then we'd never hear from them again.

>> No.26966791 [DELETED] 

Mori should not be told the location of any house, imagine how she could use that information if she ever thought one of the girls was mad at her.

>> No.26966842

you can't trick me into listing to brap

>> No.26966910

The exact quotes
>there are people outside and on the curb chillin with them alcohols
>there was a rager going on, like full on EDM like blasting out the windows
>I was like yo... we're gonna kicked out... it was bad
>(quoting someone there)"anyways I'm tripping balls right now", and I'm like "alright that's great"
>I think she's fine right now, she's in a room close to me, away from where the speakers do be bumpin
>So I think she's fine, she's just like, "nononono that's cool, I'm just gonna sleep", so she's sleepin
>but i dunno, she could be up to some other... shenanigans, who could say?
>I dunno I broke away so I could do this

>> No.26966936

>thinking Mori's marketing tricks will work here, a 130 IQ board

>> No.26966951

the only vtuber japrap to look forward to right now is KMNZ's third album, why would anyone care about the hololwigger's songs?

>> No.26966972

>One of the girls makes a joke that Mori takes too seriously
>Mori gets mad
>Gets drunk
>Tells her sister
>A legion of fratboys show up to the girls location

>> No.26966984
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>"calli did a very bad bad thing...we are investigating. Punishment soon! OMAE!"

>> No.26966987

>good ending
i hope so, is started watching vtubers to get away from being saturated with whores being whores. I need my maidens to be cheeky, but pure.

>> No.26967031

Not even just horniness, you'd be able to see the beauty of that bulldyke because of the ecstasy.
I was outside thinking that the faces on the houses were good looking.

>> No.26967187

I have read one youtube comment and one post on reddit about this.

But please continue to gossip like the little bitches you are.

>> No.26967212

Mori finally threw gura, but she threw her under the bus

>> No.26967256

Gura is an adult woman who gives a shit if she took 20 dicks in a night? If anything chumbuds should be happy; everyone has a chance

>> No.26967292


>> No.26967321

Well not one to pass an opportunity, do enlighten me anon since you know more than me.

>> No.26967350

This is copium. Hopium would be that Gura appreciates that Mori threw her a surprise party and enjoyed getting dicked by a drunk stranger. The morning after they all joke about what happened and not a single schizo learns about their place of stay.

>> No.26967452 [DELETED] 

Insta post is real, it has brap's face doxx in it so I'm not posting it but you can find it on the farms. God her sister is so fucking stupid though, it's not even subtle since it has a picture of calli and calli irl on it.

>> No.26967458

North Korea/South Korea
Basically no difference.

>> No.26967543

god I hate her so much it's unreal

>> No.26967698

She supposed to be an idoru! She doesn't have sex! She's a pure virgin that I have chance with if I donate enough and buy all her merch!

>> No.26967731

Probably a good idea to save that stream in case it gets privated has sections deleted.

>> No.26967746

>The other girls, the staff, the company fawns over her. They must be seeing something we don't.
It's called "language barrier".

>> No.26967775

It's obviously preferable if she behaved modestly but it's not really about what Gura got up to.

>> No.26967964

Oh no no no dead beats.

>> No.26967972

It would probably have been privated already if Mori gave a fuck.

>> No.26968043

It means second year in middle school syndrome.

>> No.26968150

Gura is the poster child of Hololive, she didn't get a 1:1 statue for nothing. A coworker saying on stream that they're at a drugfest and that gura might be up to shenanigans is not really smart.
Is it that hard for mori to shut her mouth or just at least leave the most egregious parts out?

>> No.26968190

You forgor

>> No.26968267

I think Mori exaggerated how big the part was lol. Probably like a dozen friends chilling drinking listening to some lo fi beats

>> No.26968293

lmao you can actually tell which ones are actual fans of the girls and which ones are shit stirrers from here

>> No.26968352 [DELETED] 

Doesp eople actually think Senzawa was some sort of party hard girl? Did people fall for the meme?

>> No.26968424

>rapper exaggerates about a party to make it sound cooler
Now this is a rrat I believe

>> No.26968600

Mori better be fired for this. She does this shit over and over and now it's actually dangerous.

>> No.26968924

I don’t give a shit about the rrats of her getting blacked. It just seems like a dick move, and one that’s uncomfortable enough for most people to not make a fuss about it publicly but start privately asking themselves wtf their friend was thinking.

If I were Gura, I’d probably make up some excuse and lock myself in a room too without saying anything, mostly to think about whether Mori was being a shitty or just an idiot.

>> No.26969108
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Nice mob mentality, one person says it, gets upvoted by /vt/ drama baiters, other people think they should show concern too since they'd look like "uncaring fans" and parrot what everyone else said. But hey, whatever makes everyone here feel united amiright

>> No.26969123

>aCtUaLlY dAnGeRoUs
Mori’s antis have reached levels of insufferability hitherto thought impossible

>> No.26969159

I mean, she probably thought Mori was just an idiot at first, but after seeing what Mori said on stream?

>> No.26969173

if there was even a party to begin with, the entire story may have just been fucking with people

this whole drama is fucking hilarious though, people calling for mori to be fired over the word "shenanigans". if it is all fake she's managed to get triggering people down to an art by this point

>> No.26969287

The doxx literally happened

>> No.26969455

Kiara was sexually assaulted by nip herbivores, is not unreasonable to think an even more delicate flower would have wide appeal.

>> No.26969516

>"there are people outside and on the curb chillin with them alcohols"
>"there was a rager going on, like full on edm like blasting out the windows"
>"I was like yo... we're gonna kicked out... it was bad"
>"[repeating friend's words]'anyways I'm tripping balls right now', and I'm like alright that's great"
>"I think she's fine right now, she's in a room close to me, away from where the speakers do be bumpin"
>"So I think she's fine, she's just like, 'nononono that's cool, I'm just gonna sleep', so she's sleepin"
>"but i dunno, she could be up to some other... shenanigans, who could say?"
>"I dunno I broke away so I could do this"

So Mori left her asleep alone at an out-of-control rager and has no idea what happened to her

>> No.26969530

I actually don’t think Mori fucked up AS bad as everyone here is suggesting, but I do think she had yet another bullshit autistic Mori moment. Like, why say shit like “or shenanigans” on purpose? Even though irl me can’t stand her, I imagine at worst that Gura is only mildly annoyed and having doubts about Mori’s judgment

>> No.26969567

it's so interesting to see half the people calmly concerned that Gura might have had anxiety issues and the other half clearly malding over Calli saying Gura might be enjoying the party in some way

>> No.26969601 [DELETED] 

It's in the archives, got posted a couple times, but the cuckbeat janny deleted it

>> No.26969680

gawr "don't talk about my socks or my hairstyle" gura, not more than mildly annoyed about the situation mori put her in and throwing her whole opsec in jeoparty?

>> No.26969806

Because she wants to cause a big drama and convince Gura to ignore her fans and collab with TT.

>> No.26969812


>> No.26969819

mega cope

>> No.26969861

>enjoying the party in some way
what way is that anon?

>> No.26969980


>> No.26970037
File: 214 KB, 325x497, BA103103-9AAD-41EA-9B50-7EBC5CEE5180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh...

>> No.26970040

Anti this anti that eat shit nigger the situation was dangerous and it was incredibly uncool and irresponsible of mori to put gura in this situation regardless of if people like mori or not.

>> No.26970129

listening to music? getting wasted? hanging out?
there are a lot of "shenanigans"
you just want to be mad at Mori and decided the best way to work yourself up was to decide that she was implying that everyone at the party was running a train on Gura

>> No.26970164


>> No.26970176

It just contained the city they were in yesterday. Not even in the same city now.

>> No.26970247

I’m an autist too. Like, official diagnosis and everything. So when I see Mori going full-retard like me, I always ask myself if I could imagine fucking up like this. The answer is usually “Yes, but only if I was real tired and completely lost my filter at that moment.”

My rrat is that either Mori had a brain shart and briefly forgot how bad “shenanigans” sounds in that context, or she was trying to troll /here/ but the fact that that would drag Gura into it totally flew over her head until everybody called her out and made her double down in autistic defensive rage.

It is possible to be this dumb without meaning to. You just need to either be in a combination of situations that just wears down your ability to keep up a filter and enter full dgaf mode, or you need to be in denial about what parts of your autism are based and what parts annoy the shit out of everybody else.

Guess which one applies to Mori

>> No.26970275

Seethe about it, these things happens no matter how much you want to put Gura in a basement for her "own protection" anon, its just how life works.

>> No.26970346

Yea, they totally doxxed... someones air bnb?

>> No.26970383

not even the right one

>> No.26970380

Gura can choose to go to houseparties or whatever in her own time but she shouldn't be subjected to it when the expectation was something completely different

>> No.26970409
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But nooo, not our precious Mori!

>> No.26970435 [DELETED] 

God just imagine the train that was run on Gura. Sobbing and begging Mori to help her as she lies there and her little body twitching with each powerful thrust from Chad after Chad. Mori hollering like a chimp and shouting, "HELL YEAH GRUMBUS TAKE THAT CHAD DICK," as the EDM blares loudly and drowns out the tragedy occurring. Gura hoarse from crying as she feels another load being pumped into her. Her dead eyes staring at the ceiling as things slowly begin to fade to black.

>> No.26970503 [DELETED] 

OGEY faggot nigger good on you faggot nigger we know you don't care faggot nigger

>> No.26970587

ah yes, she was quietly listening to music in her room, those 'shenanigans' crisis averted

>> No.26970601

If you fucking psychos were right about the dox there would be pictures of Gura's roommate all over social media right now. Find another rrat already.

>> No.26970647
File: 52 KB, 839x842, 1614122964199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women are whores, aren't they?
I wish they weren't, but they really are

>> No.26970729

I get Mori wanted to get drunk or whatever but why did she imply that Gura was doing drugs/getting fucked?

>> No.26970738

How specific? Unlike the anons here, I don’t intend to commit crimes. I’m just curious as to if it’s a certain big, famous city everyone recognizes or just its suburb, some of which are big enough to also be famous.

If the only information that got leaked out was that they were in Dallas or something, then that’s some weak shit. Of course, maybe her sister goes to college or something. In that case, something like “Waco” might be more yab

>> No.26970765

>he doesn't know

>> No.26970816

you sound like a fucking slack-jawed doormat kind of person
>see some douche slip unknown pills into your friends glass
>guess I just sit and watch lol thats just how life works!

>> No.26971033

"hollywood" man. A million people.

>> No.26971054

I dont really care what happens desu. What makes this interesting is that she is basically a confirmed junky. She literally went on her vtuber channel and said she's tripping her balls off. I doubt the japs are gonna approve lmao.

>> No.26971122

This is peek copium my man Jesus I don't hate the brapper rapper but have a sense off responsibility and accountability.

>> No.26971251

Dunno about slack-jawed but definitely doormat person, concidering I've felt the pressure of joining college parties I had no interest in or Family gathering that I'd prefer to avoid, mostly because skipping out on that stuff makes people see you as the odd one out. Regardless of how Gura felt I don't blame her on just shrugging and bearing with it since nobody wants to be that one person that ruins everyone else's fun just because It makes you feel "uncomfortable"

>> No.26971256

If Bonebros goes the way of PekoMiko then we will know Gura actually feels upset about whatever you guys think happened.

If not, then I guess Gura is at least comfortable to keep working with Mori.

Who cares either way?

>> No.26971416

>nooo dont seggs the hecking innocent sharkerino

nigger do your reps, she's has taken miles of cock and streamed with her fuckbuddies, done sex jokes and collabbed with fucking Belle Delphine.
Precious Goomba my ass

>> No.26971448 [DELETED] 

West Hollywood with fucking picture of the house.

>> No.26971551

Hopium cut with realism:
>No doxx happened, accidental or not
>Gura was able to get some sleep but not very well, and no one bothered her
>She honestly only minded this whole surprise party ordeal a little bit and is already over it
>Calli realised nothing
>they're currently having fun and even already forget about last night

>> No.26971669

>currently having fun
You sure bro?

>> No.26971675 [DELETED] 

Hope she kills herself

>> No.26971682

>>Gura was able to get some sleep but not very well, and no one bothered her
>>She honestly only minded this whole surprise party ordeal a little bit and is already over it
>>Calli realised nothin
this seems likely but Mori should still be tardwrangled by cover

>> No.26971733

it wasn't a nothingburger but nothing will happen because en management is utterly incompetent

>> No.26972081

this, hope she graduates soon after this offcollab

>> No.26972223

Post the archives desu.

>> No.26972310

>by cover
She needs a professional tardwrangler with her every time she has to say anything.

>> No.26972421

3 minutes of stream delay and a team of censors ready to pull the plug

>> No.26972426

Too big a job for one person

>> No.26972452

>the people at the party don't know Mori is Mori
She literally said she tells people she's a vtuber, well she doesn't say vtuber she says she does youtube stuff.

>> No.26972471

All I know is that J-Chad either doesn't get paid enough or should be fired.

>> No.26972473

I haven't been keeping up lately and all I've heard was mori met gura and I immediately thought I bet there's some fucking drama about this on /vt/. I'm not disappointed.

>> No.26972485

Yeah, kind of my take. Mori isn’t some toxic evil Satan-like figure who’ll ruin ENVtubing forever. She just needs a handler to keep her from going around unsupervised and causing yabs

Maybe one of those harnesses with leash some cringey parents have for their toddlers. Something like that

>> No.26972568

It's always a nothingburger with EN.

>> No.26972571

JP fans don't mess with EN talents just like EN fans don't mess with JP talents from what I saw. Both sides have done/said things that would make twitter go on a crusade but translators tend to skip out on that on purpose.

>> No.26972592
File: 686 KB, 928x910, 1655033670079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all kiara posts are sugoi desu

>> No.26972594

A leash or some other wrangling tool sure

>> No.26972626

The second one because J-Chad doesn't do anything. Might as well not even exist.

>> No.26972628

Try tard wrangling Mori yourself.

>> No.26972671

Aw man, at least you'd maybe have a song written about you

>> No.26972886


>> No.26973497

Why is it always Mori that fucks up?

>> No.26973509

At least half of the yab is Mori just blabbing this shit to literally everyone. Even if everyone was ok with everything you absolutely need to keep one of your idol types being a house party with alcohol and drugs on the DL. Just don't fucking blab it to everyone. It's not even hard.

>> No.26973536

ok now add the part where a druggie comes in and rapes her

>> No.26973599

At this point... Should be fired. Clearly doesn't do her job at all.

>> No.26973803

>Mods went into full "shut it down" mode
I can understand why they wouldn't want there to be 40 threads about the exact same thing and decided that 20 are enough.
This thread is also still up for some mystical reason, dishonest anon.

>> No.26973811
File: 474 KB, 613x639, 1621638433780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijifag here, someone spoonfeed me the drama.

>> No.26973830

Oh shit im on the screenshot lmao

>> No.26973857

>Mori's sister actually just showed up at the airbnb with her mom to give her a huge cake with "congratulations" mispelled on it
>Gura laughed so hard at it like the brat she is that Mori got embarrassed and made up the whole party shit

>> No.26973863
File: 190 KB, 692x1100, 1623038257367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if nothing happened and everything the deadbeats are saying is true Calli is still retarded

>> No.26974061

Reminder that if you were instabanned after they deleted your post, it's not just a janny. It's an ACTUAL MOD so chances are they're fags who hang out in 4chan's irc

Spread this post for awareness

>> No.26974084

Even 1 year+ members are in the youtube comments.
Reddit too. Not deleted by mods and with positive upvotes.
This isn’t a /here/ drama. It’s a real drama.

>> No.26974092 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 777x777, 83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pomu CP nude leak
>nothing happens
>Mori has a party and invites Gura
>complete holobrony metldown

>> No.26974100

Literally nothing happened. Everyone who is upset are just making up situations in their head. At least wait until there's actual drama.

>> No.26974173

>threads discussing it get deleted
That's how I know it's looking bad

>> No.26974210

I am literally a Calli anti but I think this board is overblowing things. However I doubt Gura was happily sleeping if the speakers were "bumpin". She needed to stay in a closet to avoid background noise for fucks sake

>> No.26974218

>he says while posting in a thread that isn't deleted

>> No.26974306

>Gura not streaming for month
>Retirement announce by staff instead by herself
How big the meltdown would be

>> No.26974345

She has like half of the top ten spots for most-streamed hololive music. The royalties she generates must be absolutely insane (hence her fucked up tax situation).

>> No.26974408

I probably deserved that, because it sounds like I just said the exact same thing but reworded.

Except for me, I’m not 100% sure if I mean it literally or metaphorically. I want to be in the room where Mori and a manager have a conversation in which the manager goes, “Calli, do you truthfully, honestly, unironically, from the bottom of your heart believe that you do not cause yabs?”. Personally I’d break out the leash the second she says no, she thinks she doesn’t.

>> No.26974536

I've worked with autistic and similar special needs kids before. You have to physically stop them sometimes because they will legitimately not comprehend the consequences of their actions, even after thinking it through. ESPECIALLY with any interactions that require understanding of social cause and effect.
Mori doesn't need a manager. She needs a physically-present personal handler and a dedicated cleaning staff. In some places this is called "babysitting a mafia princess".

>> No.26974547 [DELETED] 

It's called having standards.

>> No.26974658
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 1635043826672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you're saying we should cancel all of HoloEN because.... you don't like Calli?

>> No.26974678 [DELETED] 

This us Holochads have standards
He better have been black or I'm gonna be so mad at Gura

>> No.26974720 [DELETED] 

Pomu CP Nude leak:
>Doesn't give any new information
>Might not even be Pomu
>Doesn't implicate anybody but Pomu
>Can only damage Pomu
>Also it was over a decade ago

Mori at a party with Gura:
>Puts Mori and Gura's roommates at a location that people can track.
>Definitely them because Mori herself confirmed enough details on stream to cross-reference.
>Mori's incompetence implicates both her and Gura
>Could potentially damage all of Myth (+ Fauna, since she's been visiting Myth as well)
>Happened less than 24 hours ago

I'll take "False Equivalence" for $800, Alex.

>> No.26974751

What does Kiara have to do with anything.

>> No.26974859 [DELETED] 

She's an absurdly wealthy woman, anon, and older and wiser than like 90% of the SEA zoomers who infest this board.

She's smart enough to know when a party is bad news and capable of affording alternative lodging if she needs to.

Unfortunately, my cuck fantasy of Gura blasted out of her mind on molly getting pumped full of cum by chuds simply isn't likely and I'll need something else to jerk off to.

>> No.26975564

Theres no way people dont know about Mori being a vtuber, she doesnt care about hiding that or her identity at all
Quite probably wouldnt care if she got graduated either, it's always felt like she's using hololive to get more followers for her own music stuff in the first place

>> No.26975570 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's right. At the end of the day, Cover will only do something if they break NDA or do something very controversial that could tarnish the company's image. If it's something small like that, they won't care.

She didn't complained about it, so she like it. Everyone is happy.

>> No.26975743

Depends on the way she gets graduated, she's delusional if she thinks a controversial exit won't hurt her career.

>> No.26975797 [DELETED] 

>my cuck fantasy of Gura blasted out of her mind on molly getting pumped full of cum by chuds simply isn't likely and I'll need something else to jerk off to.
Fuck you, I'll fap to atahuta's porn of Gura and have this scenario in my mind and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

>> No.26976055 [DELETED] 

Gura is notoriously paranoid about her identity. Regardless of whether or not some schizo would do something in the event she is doxxed, Mori should have the common sense to respect her friend's privacy. Mori at one point cared about her own privacy as DD but it went out the window when she got slightly famous, she should respect that her supposed friends have a different opinion than her.

>> No.26976392

>her supposed friends
I thought everyone knew who Trash Taste is?

>> No.26976423

Towa got in trouble for lying and implicating Cover, saying they were the voice. Just like Rushia got in trouble for violating the privacy of Cover employees. Cover doesn't give a fuck what you do, getting your fellow Holomems raped is not their problem. But if you drag Cover's direct employees into your shit, then there's a problem. But in the case of Mori specifically, her Cover handler actively encourages her bad behavior and thinks it's cool.

>> No.26976472

>But if you drag Cover's direct employees into your shit, then there's a problem.
This is 100% true, so long as it doesn't implicate Cover, they don't give a fuck.

>> No.26976903 [DELETED] 

It's funny, by your American standards if Gura gets raped at a party because she's Gura, as long as the information is not posted online that's not a problem. I realize EN's don't even understand the concept of privacy but for people who do value that, simply being exposed as the famous e-celeb friend of the other e-celeb when she's trying to stay anonymous is a violation of their privacy. Contrary to popular belief, paparazzi are not good people and they are violating the standards of civilized countries. So if Gura did care about that shit, she didn't even have to be an autist, she literally could have gone and stayed in that room alone to avoid people realizing who she was because her very being there carries a context she doesn't want known. She doesn't have to hold a grudge about it but if she values her privacy then she had no choice but to be a recluse in this situation.

>> No.26976930

Yeah, that's right. At the end of the day, Cover will only do something if they break NDA or do something very controversial that could tarnish the company's image. If it's something that apparently didn't go anywhere, they won't care.

She didn't complained about it, so she liked it. Everyone is happy.

>> No.26976940 [DELETED] 

5 year from now mori pulls an Azalea, single mom to a black kid.

>> No.26976957

Well guess what, their direct employees are going to be in trouble because of this.

>> No.26976994

>So anons, any word about any punishment towards Mori
It'll be the same punishment Kiara got for dropping the N word during a stream.

>> No.26977004

Something will only happen depending completely on gura.

If she brings it up personally to staff and says mori is a cunt for putting her in that position, mori is axed.
If a manager or someone questions gura and gura thought it was dangerous in any way, mori is axed
If a manager or someone questions gura and gura was sort of upset or showed a little reluctance, mori gets suspended.
If a manager or someone questions gura and gura showed no reluctance or enjoyed it, nothing will happen.

Outside of that I really don't see any other options. At least with the all the known information.

>> No.26977023

She could have also taken an uber, she had ever opportunity to leave but CHOSE not to. Everything about her not being able to decide for herself or she's some wallflower is copium at this point.

>> No.26977053

Could it be that the shit stirrers were SEA niggers all along?

>> No.26977089
File: 357 KB, 1280x1117, 1280px-Tokyo_Stabbing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for a chumbud recreate this iconic photo at Mori's performance at AX haha.

>> No.26977097

Mori's sister just privated her IG kek

>> No.26977142

They don't have the guts, that's why they are called chumcucks

>> No.26977210

Here's my rrat:
>Gura is really annoyed the next day
>Calli begs Gura to turn it into a nothingburger by saying that it was nothing
>Calli says she'll do anything
>Calli now answers to Gura's 18 inch Futa cock

>> No.26977392

>Cover will only do something if they break NDA or do something very controversial that could tarnish the company's image
implying their top talent is up to "shenanigans" at a party with self admitted drug use is present sure as shit counts as tarnishing the company's image

>> No.26977738

I don't think she is a victim or values her privacy, but if she did, then this would be an offense. So I think it should be clear this isn't an acceptable thing to do your friend who actually does care but in Gura's case, I don't think she does. I care about the shit people pretend she does and I would never do plenty of the things she has no problem with for precisely that reason.

>> No.26977796

Nope, they don't care what the talents do. The talents aren't their employees. There's intentionally a barrier between them so that Cover doesn't have to get involved in most drama.

>> No.26977849

Gura would downplay it no matter what, even if it was terrible. The only way she could have proven it was nothing was to comment on it in the actual moment which she would not have felt comfortable doing for the same reasons she would downplay it later.

>> No.26977955

punishment? lol, she will be backed up by the girls and it will all turn into another green text added to the Mori list everyone uses to shit on her, or what Icall a nothingburger

>> No.26978221

Exactly, people who think Mori will ever face repercussions are absolute retards. They don't understand that this is a group of Western women, attacking one of them is an attack on all of them which is why they get defensive and say terrible things to their chats all the time on behalf of protecting one of the others from valid criticism.

>> No.26978418

Even if the photo in the instagram post isn’t enough to actually dox the location this is still a problem because now an unknown number of random people know that address. Considering Mori has an active side account with a decent fan base where she streams under her real name/ face it’s not inconceivable someone at that party could put those details together.

>> No.26978504

even if the exact address can't be known from the post there's enough architectural details in it to locate it in airBNB listings.

>> No.26978511
File: 1.06 MB, 1494x1718, 1607285788639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Calliope Mori.
I will NOT take my meds.

>> No.26978517

Nooooo, you don't understand, it's only a problem after something catastrophically bad happens! At which point no one is at fault because that's victim blaming! You can't criticize the actions that would lead to that problem beforehand!

>> No.26978931

I'm no super expert, but you could easily check airbnbs around the area and depending on pictures available and number of places, easily find the place.

But who would do that? I'm not autistic enough to bother and I will extrapolate that feeling to the rest of the schizos around here.

>> No.26978970

Based ymereJ

>> No.26979005

Honestly this is nothing but toothless whining. No one will figure it out from that pic and this will be forgotten tomorrow.

>> No.26979053

I wouldn’t be shocked if it was enough, we’ve seen dox fags find other girls with less. Hopefully they are changing the location of the off collab.

>> No.26979065 [DELETED] 

How much of a whore can mori be that she just invites a group of random guys to get shitfaced while all her coworkers are still in the same place

>> No.26979108

>No one will figure it out from that pic
That house will be found today, whether someone actually dares to go or if they already moved elsewhere is the question

>> No.26979146

It's just a culture clash which is the same thing involved in every Mori drama. There's a type of person who wants as much attention from the public as possible and those who want none. A few Holos like Mori are the former and others are strongly the latter.

>> No.26979576

It will be a nothingburger because you retards let her get away with everything. There is no way a JP chuuba would have ever gotten away with doing what she did, because JP fans would not let them.

>> No.26979686


>> No.26979721

Then I guess we just have to get the entire EN branch closed down.

>> No.26979848

If only...

>> No.26979876

>since nobody wants to be that one person that ruins everyone else's fun just because It makes you feel "uncomfortable"
you are a literal waste of space, find a bridge and commit some shenanigans

>> No.26980363

You are a waste of at least 3 spaces fatso lol

>> No.26980599

Because Mori is a self-absorbed, inconsiderate bitch and this is the kind of situation that self-absorbed, inconsiderate bitches often find themselves in. I blame Gura as well. Yabs are emitted from this woman like radiation and this is the Myth member you choose to go off alone with? She's usually a lot more cautious with how she handles herself. Hope they have fun with this offcollab, because if Gura feels any kind of heat or discomfort from it you can bet it won't happen again any time soon.

>> No.26980699

Yeah, the fact that Gura initiated this forces me to either doubt all the claims about what sort of person she is because this heavily goes against that OR she's such a fucking doormat trying to please everyone that she felt pressured to do what everyone expects her to do even though she didn't want to. There's really no other option.

>> No.26980838

They've already abandoned the house. It was a one night stay there.

>> No.26981178

If Cover gave a shit about protecting the talents identities then she should get a suspension, they don't though so nothing will happen

>> No.26981379

The problem is it's way too much work for them to draw the line, they have zero problem with girls actively profiting off of making their identities known and exploiting that so from their perspective, these off-collabs are proof the girls want to be exposed and that isn't Cover's problem. Now if these girls were getting exposed while doing required work for Cover, that would be different but them choosing to doxx themselves is not Cover's problem. That's why they can't do anything when Subaru doxxes herself but they could if some manager was doxxing talents.

>> No.26981678

I'd like to believe it's the latter, but that's the whole issue really. Gura is a private person and only shares what she wants people to see so who knows what the truth is. If it's the former then it's all the more egregious that Mori would expose her like that knowing how protective Gura is of her image. It's just bad shit all around.

>> No.26982350

why aren't chumbuds carving gura's name in their arms? if all the japs did was shit their pants on imageboards rushia would still be here.

>> No.26982655

This thread is fine because the OP and is downplaying and trying to damage control Mori endangering Gura.

>> No.26983241


>> No.26985399
File: 134 KB, 1575x1075, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think it will be a nothing burger simply because of all the comments telling calli she's a shitty friend which will make her sperg out

>> No.26985818

“Hololive vtuber Mori Calliope will surely be impeached this time” says increasingly nervous schizo.

>> No.26985900

>cumpedos are devastated their oshi isn’t a sad, lonely shut-in like they are
I’m sure the behemoths of EN are devastated what some virgins think.

>> No.26986212 [DELETED] 

>Gura and Mori haven't streamed because they have spend the past night and day getting fucked nonstop

>> No.26986333

You're the virgin and if you're not it's only because you get fucked in the ass

>> No.26987555 [DELETED] 
File: 1.91 MB, 1339x1418, 2ccb4fdc7b289b58da7c4170d56f29d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.26987658

lmao mori is fat

>> No.26987715

gotta love how gura and mori dont fit eachother in that pic, like dumb and dumber movie scene

>> No.26987732

Cope and seethe, cumpedo.
You are genetic refuse and your oshi made you a fool.

>> No.26987798

My oshi is Aki I just think deadbraps are weirdos

>> No.26987830 [DELETED] 

niji intern still at it huh
ganbare intern kun, keep sending those email to cover corp

>> No.26987885

they should also email Japanese Immigration Office while they're at it

>> No.26988364


>> No.26990568

Substance abuse is a crime and we can't have criminals or their associate enter the Emperor's glorious land, can we?

>> No.26991914

Can she make one where she doesn't sound like an imitation nigger? Consider it a challenge mode. Bitches love challenge mode.

>> No.26992102

Its simple. Janny sees mess. Janny cleans for free.

>> No.26992213

It really is that simple. People assign all sorts of drama to just cleaning up doxx and off topic.

>> No.26992264

>Calli realised the possibility of danger, and learn from this
You said this for the last dozen of yabs.

>> No.26993331

>Except this "Yab" happened in USA not JPN
Cover, a japanese company, does not give a shit about anything except japan.

>> No.27000346
File: 32 KB, 241x158, 1596006478517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calliope Mori has been arrested and is being held in Guantanamo Bay, awaiting summary judgement and execution. Patriots are in control.
