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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26890512 No.26890512 [Reply] [Original]

can we talk about Mikeneko suing Cover without shitposting?

>> No.26890547

No, because that in itself is a shitpost, intentional or not.

>> No.26890592


>> No.26890616

No because her suing Cover isn't a thing

>> No.26890623

So who does she hate, if not gen 3?

>> No.26890641

Let's talk about the guy who samefagged 3 entire threads instead

>> No.26890646

Learn how to read

>> No.26890815

sure let's cover the facts quickly
>cover fires rushia for breaking NDA, does not mention anything about the type of information leaked
>mike cannot deal with having rumors because she's a menhera
>michael herself admits she broke NDA in her recent post and admits to pressuring cover into changing their statement
>cover refuses because they never said anything in the first place except she broke NDA which she herself admits

open and shut case, no room for defamatory, only delusions which luckily michael cat and her schizo fan base are good at.

>> No.26890863


>> No.26890887

Cover should counter sue Michael and put her on bankruptcy.

>> No.26891005


>> No.26891039

Seeing Menheracat getting utterly BTFO is going to be kino.

>> No.26891079


>> No.26891142

Mike's fans should just puill a kyoani fire and be done with it.

>> No.26891293

"i spoke to a lawyer regarding making a statement" is not the same as suing someone, retard

>> No.26891294
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How is she gonna prove she didn't break an NDA when she actually did and everyone knows it?

>> No.26891494


>> No.26891700

I don't understand the Cover statement? Are they just saying they deemed what Rushia did was information leakage while she says it wasn't?

>> No.26891735

Everything she does is either paywalled or deleted. There is nothing to discuss about her.

>> No.26891767


>> No.26891885

Kek, can you imagine being the lawyer who must work with this stupid menhera for possibly months?

>> No.26891956


>> No.26892036

basically she said that is was smaller then they are saying. (In her PoV) and other news sources talking about it were saying it was a mistake so cover had to clarify no mistakes. Friendly terms is all that matters. As long as she doesn't message another rant on it the entire situation should be done. I feel like her statement was just closure anyways since she never got to say her piece without being driven by stress.

>> No.26892141

>the entire situation should be done
I hope not, this was the most fun I had since this board was created. Maybe one day she will proper doxx the few holomem she really hates and that would be glorious.

>> No.26892282

in nipland you can be sued for slander even if everything you said is 100% factual and provably so. All that matters is if one of the parties public image was harmed.

>> No.26892510

slander to fucking who? cover literally owns the rushia identity

>> No.26892663

All talks of lawsuits is nijinigger shitposting, she never said she was suing anyone

>> No.26893097

>cover fired her for NDA breach
>mknk says she was fired for NDA breach, tries to get cover to change their statement
am i the only one who feels like theres something missing here?

>mknk previously spread rumors about an apex loving senior who bullied her
>mknk now says she doesnt want to harm her former coworkers
bitch cant keep her own narrative straight

jap court also ruled recently that slander against a pseudo identity counts as slander against the person behind the identity

>> No.26893130

Gotta keep slandering her as per company orders.

>> No.26893815

Rent free brony chama.

>> No.26894460

>jap court also ruled recently that slander against a pseudo identity counts as slander against the person behind the identity
Not yet. Roa is trying to prove that, and that's why she went on hiatus.

>> No.26894616
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What did she actually say and what information did she actually release?
Do we know any of this shit or is it just the company saying she did shit?

>> No.26894711


>> No.26894784


>> No.26894843


>> No.26894885

Don't make fun of the underages who think the only reason to get into contact with a lawyer is to sue.

>> No.26894963

sadly it seems unlikely there will be any case. rushia is in a pretty comfy situation with a million fans and a million dollars in the bank, she just can't deal with the mental side of things. she would have to really be crazy to proceed just for a defamation case in this situation.

>> No.26895202

If a lawyer helped her to write her statement the lawyer was not very helpful.

>> No.26895603

/vt/ is incapable of talking about ANYTHING without shitposting.

>> No.26895693

Disagree, lawyers can help their clients write statements so that their clients DON'T GET SUED for saying shit that they're not supposed to. She is smart to hire a lawyer for advice on this, given the fact that she has a history of saying stupid shit that got her into huge trouble in the first place.

>> No.26895753

cover is a sinking ship

>> No.26895799

She isn't denying the NDA branch, she's denying the implication in Cover's statement that she had multiple severe breaches which created all the rrats that she had leaked sensitive data about members as revenge, as opposed to sharing a mundane LINE chat with her manager to Japanese Keemstar.
It's a minor difference, but if this thread is an indication, there are in fact a fuckton of people who still believe that she wants to take Cover down.

>> No.26895822

There is nothing to talk about. Cover is fucked. They have around 1 month left and then the trial will start. During trial they will fail to prove that Mike indeed broke NDA and will lose. Then they will be forced to pay a fuck ton of money to Mike and will smear their reputation and lose most of fanbase.

>> No.26895886

This can't be a real post
Did you get your legal knowledge from Phoenix Wright?

>> No.26896058


>> No.26896173

is yagoo your employer?

>> No.26896755

Anyone who is looking at anons in /here/ for analysis of japanese law is a retard. Don't come here looking for anything aside shitty translations. There are no japanese lawyers in this board.

t. japanese lawyer

>> No.26896967
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Why can't holofags read?

>> No.26897008

Her statement:
1. She said that she wants all of these people to be unhappy but this was not about other members
2. Cover's statement regarding the determination was framed in harmful way and they admitted there were some mistakes in it
3. She did breach the NDA but only a little bit by leaking a chat with her manager

Regarding the first point she did not specify who she wants to be unhappy. If she did not mean other members, we can only assume she meant the staff. But also she claimed she was harassed by other members so this point is hard to believe. Since she did not specify it, only further speculations will arise.
The second point was already denied by cover. If her claims are true she needs cover to actually admit there were mistakes.
Her third point is the worst because she admits the NDA breach in one case. But we know she talked to Korekore about being harassed at the office and other members overlapping with their streams on purpose, so we can assume she made more work related issues public than she admits here.

She is only trying to gaslight people into believing she is a good girl by rewriting what she did.
Also I don't think the Japanese used for her statement was revised by a lawyer.

>> No.26897173

Fancucks and nijiniggers still try to bring this up and praying for her to win, she would probably end prostituting herself for real now when she ends losing the case, or maybe she will marry mafu or something

>> No.26898257

>sucide bait
one strike
>leaked info
two strike
>called into some dramanigger live stream as rushia
three strike

who knows what else cover has on her when they sniffed out her discord/twitter logs.

>> No.26898473

Jap Keemstar literally showed her chat logs on stream, I don't get what she's even trying to do here.

>> No.26898550

don't forget all the personal Videos she sent to whales to keep them on her side. Something that is against Covers rules and could also be considered an NDA break maybe

>> No.26898853

She's not saying that she's killing herself, so it's really helpful.
