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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26870133 No.26870133 [Reply] [Original]

>Mori ruined the offcollab
>How dare Mori not join the offcollab
Are you all crazy? Do you want Mori to be part of offcollabs or not? You can't have it both ways.

>> No.26870372

pink women love

>> No.26870382

>You can't have it both ways
But women can. All the time.

>> No.26870492

>How dare Mori not join the offcollab
Has never been said. No one wants Mori to join any offcollabs

>> No.26870531

How dare Mori skip the myth offcollab to hang out with others has been a common refrain this week.

>> No.26870591

>>How dare Mori not join the offcollab

>> No.26870615

Hate Mori. Simple as

>> No.26870640

i thought the consensus was mori wasn't there because everybody hates her

>> No.26870800

Well that doesn't explain that they are meeting at Mori's place next week.

>> No.26871367

/vt/ likes to ignore facts like that.

>> No.26871439

>How dare Mori not join the offcollab
Nigga, my greatest wish is for her to NEVER join the offcollab. The offcollabs we had were Kino and if she had been involved it would have devolved into "WATCH ME DOWN A BOTTLE OF WHISKEY WITH THESE POPTARS" and "THEY NEED TO ADD SHREK TO SMASH".

>> No.26871503

>f she had been involved it would have devolved into "WATCH ME DOWN A BOTTLE OF WHISKEY WITH THESE POPTARS" and "THEY NEED TO ADD SHREK TO SMASH"
You know as a person who has watched all of her off collabs she has never been like that in any of them. Her usual autism goes away when ever she can actually see a person in front of her for some reason.

>> No.26871558

>How dare Mori not join the offcollab
Everyone was celebrating that faggot

>> No.26871616
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Most people would probably be happy to see IRyS and Mori swap spots.

>> No.26871648
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Schizos aren't known to follow logic or making rational decisions anon
Why is this surprising?

>> No.26871671

You mean Mori would be Vsinger? Knowing how restricting it is I doubt Mori wants to be one.

>> No.26871731

Irystonigs begging for their goblin to be relevant will always be hilarious

>> No.26871798

I actually really appreciate Mori streaming every day this week when most of EN have been absent.

And while I'm happy the girls finally met, it's not like the Myth off collabs were good so far. Kiara talking about poptarts? 20 minutes of Merch shilling followed by 40 minutes of Smash without the characters unlocked?

>> No.26871828

Mori has been acting more kayfabe lately and seems to be enjoying being in hololive more than ever before. The fact that she's still collabing with mentally ill freaks like vshojo proves she isn't a proper human being yet, but maybe it helped some people warm up to her.
They're not wrong though. I'd take her over mori any day of the week.

>> No.26871924

>I actually really appreciate Mori streaming every day this week when most of EN have been absent.
Yeah I would say this week was really good for Mori. VA-11 Hall-A has been great and so was the Quarry. Over all I am glad that ER arc is mostly over.

>> No.26871973
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>They're not wrong though
They are though, reality smacks them in the face every day that Mori is in Myth and the vitiligo nephilim is stuck in Vsinger alone and forgotten while they seethe constantly. What would you take is subjective, your mother would have taken another son if she could but she is still stuck with you, the poor woman.

>> No.26872112

Two different groups. One are Mori antis/former deadbeats who actively hate her because she hurt them. They complain about her not joining the off-collab because their primary interest is pointing out her failings.
The second are just normal Holo enjoyers who think Mori ruins collabs in general. They're happy that Mori isn't there and doesn't really talk about Mori unless she screws things up for other members.
I'm in the second group.

>> No.26872195

You sound strangely mad over someone preferring Irys over a subhuman wigger. You're not a deadbeat... are you?

>> No.26872237

>because she hurt them
u people are freaks. she is a video game streamer lmao

>> No.26872314

I want Mori to die, simple as.

>> No.26872333

Why do antis like you even come here? Why come here if you don't like or watch vtubers?

>> No.26872392

i love vtubers. the idea of being Hurt by one because they streamed video games wrong is hysterical

>> No.26872395


>> No.26872398

I just feel like Mori will behave herself for a bit and then remind us that she just kind of wants to rub shoulders with celebrities and looks down on us.

>> No.26872432

>You're not a deadbeat... are you?
Of course not. Deadbeats love that she is hated here.

>> No.26872509

And you sound strangely mad someone would prefer the subhuman wigger to discount michael jackson. You aren't a irystonig....are you?

>> No.26872691

I don't care about her failings or ruining off collabs. I'm not a fan of her trashy free-roaming party girl attitude, but it's fine for her to have that personality as long as she's respectful toward the introverted girls.

>> No.26872712

She's too boring in my opinion. You still haven't explained why you'd be mad over someone preferring her over mori. It's not like being better than mori is a hard thing to accomplish.

>> No.26872854

I want her to join offcollab and not fuck it up or at least show signs of improvement, is that too much to ask?

>> No.26872909

Well you are in luck because she is gonna be there next week.

>> No.26872952

We are talking about Mori, of course that is too much to ask

>> No.26873036

Evidently, yes, it is always too much to ask of her.

>> No.26873052

>You still haven't explained why you'd be mad over someone preferring her over mori
There is nothing to explain because that's an assumption you made. I simply said they are wrong that people would prefer IRyS to Mori.

>> No.26873108

She always finds a way to ruin collabs in ways I didn't even imagine were possible. I'm sure she'll impress me again this time.

>> No.26873228

But isn't her off collabs pretty clean? You are thinking of normal collabs.

>> No.26873405

>he doesn't remember the fucking trip with Kiara which is when the entire "Mori ruins collabs" saga started

>> No.26873688

You mean the Q&A stream? That was after they had already gone back to both of their homes.
>the entire "Mori ruins collabs" saga started
No, that was one of the earliest among us collabs.

>> No.26873800

Mori still making niggers in 4chan seethe.

If mori was the wicked witch of the west you faggots make her out to be all the girls would be doing their best to distance themselves from her or she'd be fired by cover by now. Fuck all of you schizos pieces of shit. You fucking gossiping pussies.

>> No.26873806

I can't think of a single Mori off collab that was bad or that she "ruined". I think she has this weird autism where she's a lot less nervous and awkward when collabing with someone face to face compared to online

>> No.26873826

She should just commit to her rm already since she cares more about her connections there. Take her insufferable cuck fans with her

>> No.26873884

You should stop watching vtubbers if you're going be this fucking retarded.

>> No.26873918

>Take her insufferable cuck fans with her
Speaking of that, I think this board has made deadbeats much worse in their heads than they actually are.

>> No.26873985

t. Mori

>> No.26874012

Reminder that she signed up with Universal as "Mori Calliope" and she'll be in Hololive for at least another 3-5 years due to her contract. I hope you won't spend those years seething, for the sake of your own health.

>> No.26874168

You know she's too attached to the wealth and relevancy to do that. Nobody she collab with outside of hololive like vshojo or tt would give a shit about her if she wasn't a member.

>> No.26874885

Im not mori you fucking retarded piece of shit. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.26874935

t. Mori

>> No.26874955

Another instant classic from you, Mori. Keep it up.

>> No.26874987

Mori made this thread, stop giving her (You)s

>> No.26875209

All these faggots need to seriously point a gun at their heads and pull the trigger. Imagine having mori living rent free in your mind so much to the point you probably mention her name in the middle of your sleep via sleep talking lmao holyshit keep doing what you're doing mori go to every other shubbas channel and spread shrek and adam sandlers jokes since it obviously make retarded fat fucks in 4chan seethe.

>> No.26875338

Oh mori you crack me up sometimes.
Any more brapping streams planned in future? I couldn't care less and anything else you do

>> No.26875363

Towa sama save me and kill Caliopi Mopi!

>> No.26875620

Mori collabing with vshojo is the best though, it makes all you fags seethe

>> No.26875765

Who in this world would be surprised that she’d hang around the exact group of noxious faggots that harbor TT in their ranks? You’d have to braindead to think such a collab isn’t at the forefront of her intentions at all times. Just stop pushing it on everyone else in HoloEN, as I’m certain happens all the time from her to the others.

>> No.26876047

You know some of them are acquaintances or even friends? Obviously you shouldnt push it onto others, though some might want to collab with friends/acquaintances even kiara is potentialy appearing on mouse's show

>> No.26876292

Jesus Mori, calm down.

>> No.26876501

Never wanted her. Go away femnigger.

>> No.26876711

The lack of information and general correlation of who has appeared on versus who has yet to make an appearance on SOTD makes me suspicious. 2/3rds of the CHAD cast have been on, and I already know there’s been attempts fo complete that circle, just based on past suggestion from Mori to IRyS, on-stream, no less. Bae is a toss up, sure, but I am still suspicious.

>> No.26876943

>The lack of information and general correlation of who has appeared on versus who has yet to make an appearance on SOTD makes me suspicious
You don't believe Kiara is gonna be on SOTD?

>> No.26877190

Whatever Mori does is wrong. Where do you think you are?

>> No.26877281

I have never wanted her in a single collab and am done with Myth after they shat on their fans to promote her.

>> No.26877280

It'd be based of Kiara if she shit all over another Vshojo member on stream again like she did with the pink cat

>> No.26877391

Friendly banter with friends
>shitting on them
Do holokeks really?

>> No.26877952

>off-collab between all myth members
>a few schizo-antis in /vt/ see it as a chance to bait
So now you are trying to convince me that they are shatting on all their fans just because it makes schizos like you mad?

>> No.26878113
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I kneel

>> No.26878290

No one in Myth like her, neither do any of their fans want to see that fat whore. They are just being nice to Mori and deadbeats because they are so new to idol culture. The day Mori leaves hololive for Vshojo, is the day everyone will celebrate. Mori already hates them and treats them like co-workers and rather prefer TTS and Vshojo-whores treating them like friends. The rest of Myth is just trying to cope with her antics and lies, they know she is destroying their brand.

>> No.26878591
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I can your bones rattling.

>> No.26878612

Holy schizophrenia! This man is not taking his meds!

>> No.26878723

>unmedicated schizo babble
So this is the power of SEA hours...

>> No.26878811

Is this like when trannies accuse anyone against them of having the hots for them? Do cuckbeats really?

>> No.26878881
File: 3 KB, 182x230, 1622377935445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been found out, deadbeat.
You can stop the role playing now.

>> No.26878907

Just take your meds already, you cute little schizo~

>> No.26878914


>> No.26880476

oooor she could join the offcollab and not fuck it up? that be nice

>> No.26880971

Stop making shit up lol. If nobody liked her they wouldn't be chilling with her off collabs you fucking retarded fuck. Im officially a mori fan now. Look at all the mentally illed faggots like you inventing rumors about her. Cope and seethe retards.

>> No.26881483
File: 366 KB, 870x1047, deadbeats are anti hololive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats coping now
Deadbeats suck it now
Deadbeats swallow now

>> No.26881533

I never said the second thing.

>> No.26881582

That’s not at all what was being suggested there.
Has already collabed with Pink Cat (bad) and it wouldn’t be surprising to see her on SOTD.

>> No.26881700
File: 4 KB, 182x230, 1642494342287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see my edit is still being used

>> No.26881784

most cucks are fans of twitch whores, go and read the messages on mori's channel or clips of mori all the time talking about vshojo and tt
they were always anti holo

>> No.26882077

I agree. Also, most of them came not from Hololive fandom before EN, but from places like the TT discord.

>> No.26882339

I do admit that there is some overlap but they are mostly greyniggers. Though I have noticed that a lot less than a year old members don't seem to know what is going with hololive outside of Mori. Though I don't know if they are part of TT fanbase or not.

>> No.26882457

This is what she always does. She'll get progressively more aggressive towards people limiting her actions until she goes off and does something she knows will piss people off, then she'll relapse and lean heavily into her keyfabe until people calm down. This cycle has happened at least 4 times now.

>> No.26882539

Habeeb it, Anon. Muh cross-cultural pollination and all that. Every time a cuckbeat sas something stupid there's an even 50/50 chance you can thanks Gigacuck, El Goblino Australo & Ironic Sheepfucker.

>> No.26882583

>This cycle has happened at least 4 times now
What four? I know the last years summer situation and lean arc but that is only two?

>> No.26882630

Don't tell him ame is friends with silvervale who knows what he'll do

>> No.26882641

Any day now

>> No.26882708

That post screams newfag lol.

>> No.26882856

i will never forgive mori for not getting 1 kill as imposter on the among us en collab, your suppose to be a reaper for christ sake, stay in character.

>> No.26882861

She's a content creator and opts for video game streams a lot because they are relatively easy content to provide.

>> No.26882888

The last two TT yabs (her commenting kn her getting fucked by c man and her actually enjoying playing that one game with garnt when she was disinterested with kiara) resulted in it happening too. Probably one or two other times im forgetting as well.

>> No.26882960

>her actually enjoying playing that one game with garnt when she was disinterested with kiara
You mean the shadowverse collab? That was the one last summer thing I mentioned.

>> No.26886890

They aren't, dumbass. Mori is from Texas and her scheduled concert is in LA

>> No.26886956

Neck yourself tranny

>> No.26887147

I know but according to Mori and the others they are meeting at Mori's place.

>> No.26887326

Doesn't that mean that we know the exact city where they are?

>> No.26887366


>> No.26887457

I mean, we know more about Mori than just the city. It would be trivial for a doxxfag from That city to mass doxx them.

>> No.26887482

Good luck anon. Texas is pretty big fucking place.

>> No.26887570

She should have picked a better father if she didn't want her son to suck ass.

>> No.26887589

We know the exact city and more than that. Like I said, it would be trivial. But I am in another country, with no money. If I had the money I would do it.

>> No.26887912

God, vtubing really is just wrestling, even down to the fans.

>> No.26887960

>If I had the money I would do it
Do what exactly?

>> No.26887975

There’s multiple cities in Texas

>> No.26888023
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>> No.26888192

Take stalker photos of them. I wouldn't share them though. I am sure someone will do it.
Fucking idiot. We know the name of the city, it's not hard to find it either.

>> No.26888741

Yeah she is really weird like that, its usually the opposite. Probably why she vastly prefers live shows where she can actually see the audience as well.

>> No.26889106

People who took the "t. deadbeat" seriously. They were just made the default board villains as a joke, but some people really started thinking they were behind all the shitposting when its usually people who probally don't or watch barely vtubers who just want to shit up the board. If you ever go to /morig/ you will see the worse they do is poke fun at other fan base schizos. They never talk shit out other vtubers and you are even free to talk about other ones if mori has been inactive for awhile.

>> No.26889170

t. Deadbeat. Stop deflecting, you idiots are the ones shitting up this board.

>> No.26889466

No please share them. The meltdown of the "bed-ridden make-a-wish girl :(((((" being in an open-air packed concert would cause a funny meltdown

>> No.26889569

kek yes it would

>> No.26890063
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>committing to her rm
>her rm's current music
Fuck no. She should stick to the mori stuff please no more electo swing j-rap crap she's actually decent when she sings.

>> No.26890179

Better still, without the Mori avatar she'd find out how much of her audience is there just because of the character design. Hopefully Hololive would replace her with someone better. Cue Mori redemption arc.

>> No.26890376

I think she's well aware of how much Hololive affects her other projects. She's not getting replaced anytime soon so I wouldn't waste time thinking about that. She's genuinely good when she actually sings instead of trying to do J-Rap so if I was her I'd go full-time on the Mori stuff instead of worrying about her RM sidegig.

>> No.26890557

>She's genuinely good when she actually sings

>> No.26890701

What an absolute garbage thread. jesus christ

>> No.26890923

Yes, anon. Everyone knows this is a mori thread

>> No.26890950

Yup. Anything with Mori in it will sooner or later turn into shit.

>> No.26891299

where's the vid, I wanna see her rant and laugh at it

>> No.26891851

It's ok because she's self aware you see, that means she wins and her detractors lose.

>> No.26891938

Think of how many more condoms she could have gotten if she'd given connor the condom money superchat in person rather than letting youtube take a cut.
what a fucking moron
