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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 46 KB, 424x600, Uruha.Rushia.600.2880474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26767078 No.26767078 [Reply] [Original]

>didn't have a boyfriend
>didn't leak important information
>didn't leak anything about other holomems
>didn't lie
>is holding back from suing the beejezus out of the pathetic black company for slander out of pity for her genmates

At this point we can expect any sort of depravity from management. I wouldn't be suprised if they molest and groom their talent.

That's probably the reason management hated Rushia; she refused to let the geezers run a train on her.

>> No.26767095

fuck off

>> No.26767113

This hag is over 30, why does she keep acting "cutesy"?

>> No.26767143

Criticism detected
Screaming about Nijisanji now

>> No.26767271

Rangeban SEA

>> No.26767345

can you back up your claims?

>> No.26767372

>>didn't have a boyfriend
this is the only part never confirmed

>> No.26768281

i like this bait, it's old af at this point but people still chirp on

>> No.26768341

The IRDF has already deployed I see.

>> No.26768407

>>didn't have a boyfriend
the only thing that mattered

>> No.26768481

Now we wait as Cover shills spam the thread for hours damage controlling kek
Read the statement, newfag. She's more or less suing Cover right now.

>> No.26768520

Pink cat bad

>> No.26769085

a new statement came out today, moron.

>> No.26769160

She more or less destroyed Cover Corporation's integrity today in her most recent statement but continue to be ignorant about it, shill.

>> No.26769221

> I wouldn't be suprised if they molest and groom their talent.
Already happened with Mel and various others.

>> No.26769261

Drama is old, this is boring, get new material

>> No.26769332

It's less than 12 hours old newfag. This is groundbreaking shit.

>> No.26769378

I'll still call her a green whore no matter what.

>> No.26769404

Same boring rushia situation, who cares

>> No.26769438


>> No.26769452

One that just got sent to court. A corporatuber first.

>> No.26769454

That whore could have posted the exact same statement like three days after her termination but nah she had to wait 3 months for that.

>> No.26769464

>She's more or less suing Cover right now.
how about you read the statement, she literally says she and Cover are not in bad terms

>> No.26769543

No she coudln't. The new statement has been aproved by Cover's lawyers.

>> No.26769575

>slander slander slander
>cold feet when you have to actualy go against them in court
Yep, typical women moment

>> No.26769608

I don't care what Rushia actually did. The point is, she made unishits suffer, probably even kill themselves, which is undeniably good. Cover is in the wrong because they prevented her from potentially causing unishits more pain.

>> No.26769656

Post a link to the statement already.

>> No.26769661

How do you "more or less" sue someone, exactly?

>> No.26769718


>> No.26769733

never hear of Amber heard ?

>> No.26769747

Wake me up when they are actually in court zzz

>> No.26769778

Yeah anon, holofans are in shambles, everybody don't believe Cover's integrity anymore, imagine how much do they believe her that I haven't seen any single comment about her for the last 3 months. She's completely forgotten, even normiefags know that she's a fucking menhera and nobody cares about her

>> No.26769807

Yeah like fucking Amber. She just took the fucking bait.

>> No.26769853

I do

>> No.26769935

Not with the latest developments. All of those who once wronged her are now on her side and want revenge on Cover.

>> No.26769989

>The lier said she didn't lie
Holy shit. It has to be true !!!

>> No.26769990

>all in my head

>> No.26770014

I love how we're still hating on mike and the corp even after she explicitly said in the letter that the worst things in the whole situation were schizo dramaniggers like (You)

>> No.26770025

>stated to the members that I wanted to make all these people unhappy.[...] most importantly, "all" does not refer to the members
She neither denies sending the message claiming to want others to suffer, nor clarifies who "all" is beyond "not members".
>The company's public statement, at least the part about "false declarations to all parties concerned," is clearly erroneous.[...]
Does not refute the part about "leaking to third parties without permission information that violated confidentiality obtained by the company and SNS communications"

So she admits she sent some information, but claims it wasn't a "false declaration", and admits she sent messages a while back about wanting people to suffer just that it wasn't "members". In short, she still broke her NDA, and still went to kore about wanting people to pay, but she wants to make sure everyone knows she wasn't lying or being spiteful to holomem. Sounds like she just wants to save face.

>> No.26770046
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Call me an anti but I'm not believing anything that comes from the same woman that pretended to commit suicide multiple times for pitty and suppas.

For all I care, she's still lying.

>> No.26770071

lmao, holobronnies literally care more about the corporation and Yagoo than about the girls.

Cover could throw their "Oshi" into a ditch and they would spit on her.

>> No.26770073


>> No.26770080

Thats not "more or less" suing. That was a blackmail attempt

>> No.26770134

She still wants revenge on Cover for unlawfully terminating her though. You can tell in the language of her tweets.
Cover must have hired Korekore to get her fired anyways in the end. Management wanted her gone and they pulled multiple strings for it to happen. That's why she's still upset over this all.

>> No.26770159

to be fair if they were she would simply be sued into the ground. Its clear they aren't just from the fact that she doesn't have lawsuits against her ongoing, both criminal and civil.

>> No.26770173

No shit. They truly are a pathetic golem like creature.

>> No.26770218

>Had a deadman switch with JP Keemstar with inside info in case she an hero.

menhera are going to menhera.

>> No.26770254

She "leaked" messages about the managers or executives that were bullying her.
Yeah she broke the NDA, but she is morally in the right.

>> No.26770293


>> No.26770298
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>> No.26770309

Cover is unironically covering up a lot. Seems like this scandal goes deeper than what is known.

>> No.26770348

I really don't give a shit. If she gets hired back, I'd welcome her. If she continues as an indie and actually starts streaming on youtube again, I'd watch her. But nonstop dramafagging and members only unarchive twitcasting is just not very interesting to me. Not interested in rooting for one millionaire over the other, don't care who's right or wrong, I just want to watch some chuubas.

>> No.26770352

The """liar""" confirmed with the lawyers and representative of the opposing party that this statement she released today is the factual truth and can be published as such. Which also renders all her supposed lies as actual truth. Retarded dramafaggots like you were completely in the wrong at all times and should kill yourselves asap.

>> No.26770442

Disregard the "and various others"
Mel’s manager was stalking her, cover took forever to respond but ended up firing him and gave her another manager.

>> No.26770475

Got proof? No? Oh well, nice rrat though

>> No.26770490

She was most likely told no by Cover but did this anyways. Now Cover will have to respond back or their reputation is cooked for good. She broke her NDA again, but at least we know her violation terms were morally justified.

>> No.26770537

My rrat is that both Mafumafu and Korekore were hired by Cover to set up Rushia's wrongful termination and that's exactly why Rushia was overreacting the whole time. Either way, this situation is wayyyyyyyy worse than the Mel incident 2 years ago.

>> No.26770702

If you think that she still wants revenge on Cover after explicitly saying in a legal statement that her relationship with them hasn't soured, you're retarded. If you're thinking that based off "the language" and some "read between the lines" BS rather than anything she's actually said, you're schizophrenic. I understand that YOU hate Cover, but you know she's worked at this company for nearly 2 years and understands that Cover isn't a singular entity but a chain of many different people, many of which she's known or worked with for a long period of time, and that her perspective on the matter might be a little different to yours. She's not going to be this anti-Cover crusader you want her to be, you're going to have to find someone else.

>> No.26770735

She can fucking claim whatever she wants. Till she won't REALLY make the case and WIN it. I don't care what comes from that lier bitch mouth. It's irrelevent unless she proves it

>> No.26770787

Never underestimate what's behind closed doors, my bluepilled friend. When Cover's no longer around in 2023 after Mikeneko has won the lawsuit you'll be thanking me later.

>> No.26770840

The proof's already on her side. Cucks like>>26770702 don't know how legal proceedings work regarding wrongful termination and defamation at all. Now Cover is the defendant in both cases, which means they could be guilty on two counts, not just one.

>> No.26770932

I don't want a backstabbing whore near my oshi, she leaks convos when she feels bad, no trust in her

>> No.26770950

Who are you guys trying to convince? LMFAO is this some sort of operatoin to sway public opinion.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.26770974

Convos that she had every moral right to leak where she was abused and manipulated by management? That's a heroine in my book. I hope she fucking wins her lawsuit.

>> No.26770977

>Cover must have hired Korekore to get her fired anyways in the end.
This is beyond cope.. It's just sad

>> No.26770989

>Totally organic posts supporting the NDA breaker

>> No.26771005

qrd on Aloe btw.

>> No.26771017

It's a fucking possibility dude. Ever heard of what hitmen do? Well in Japan, the Yakuza runs the entertainment industry so with these connections, it's more likely than you think.

>> No.26771046
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>> No.26771053

>totally organic posts supporting the universally known black company outside r/Hololive and Global

>> No.26771058

>Yeah she broke the NDA
So yes, she did the thing she got fired for. Glad that's cleared up.
>but she is morally in the right.
Maybe, maybe not. No one has enough information to make that claim yet.

>> No.26771071
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Was wondering where all these new baitfags came from, then I remembered some /v/ fags came here to "warn us to stop going to /v/ or else" rofl. Now it all makes sense.
Nice raid you have here /v/ermin, you're still the laughingstock of 4chinpo though

>> No.26771074

I'm a cuck for believing Mikeneko's statement? Whose side are you on, you weirdo?

>> No.26771095

Are we talking about the same girl?
The one with diagnosed bipolarity disorder, that threatened suicide several times?

>> No.26771098

Abused and manipulated by management. Said it in a now private Twitcast back in April.

>> No.26771124

My fucking sides.

>> No.26771145

I still believe that over a UNIVERSALLY KNOWN BLACK COMPANY and will morally and justifiedly call them out for their shady shit. You're lost bub, back to r/Hololive with you.

>> No.26771149

>Didn't leak important information
To her, maybe. Dispute with a senpai and disagreements against management are all important information
>Always told the truth
Her statement was already self-contradicting, anon. She claimed that she didn't spread any falsehood, nor did what she said was damaging to the company - those are mutually exclusive in this case. Either she was lying (or being a menhera and imagined in her head) about being bullied by a senpai / the management, or it was true in which case it'd be damaging fo the company.
So yeah, I don't see any reason to apologize to MichealCat. Convince me. In fact, the only thing she said that might have made her looking a bit better was that she didn't include any member in her "I want them all to suffer" line, but that's about it (and no one can prove if she isn't just backtracking anyway)

>> No.26771184

Cope. Japan is not the sunshine and roses you claim it is. The Yakuza runs the entertainment industry and this includes your precious VTubers. Don't come crying to me when you've continued to keep losing your precious VTubers.

>> No.26771186

Nijiniggers harassed her irl.

>> No.26771204

Outdated image

>> No.26771220

>still saying it was Nijiniggers
Stop coping already Holofag. It was from your own. We just minded our business with Koshien in those times.

>> No.26771227

>Fall into the trust me and those lawyer bro
stop embarrassing yourself mikenekuck

>> No.26771229

>Buzzword buzzword coping and seething
So you are just a baseless anti who trusts the mentally ill "roommate" over the other 20 "roommates" word, gotcha.

>> No.26771231

They are not a universally known black company, Except for in your head ofc.

>> No.26771234

>She more or less destroyed Cover Corporation's integrity today
Look at Twitter, faggot. Majority of Nips aren't siding with her still. Nothing has changed, so I'm not sure how you got that "she more or less destroyed Cover Corporation's integrity today". Most of them are telling her to either (wo)man up and sue Cover if she was telling the truth, or stfu and move on otherwise. What do you think she is going to do?

>> No.26771278
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>> No.26771285

>Most of them are telling her to either (wo)man up and sue Cover if she was telling the truth
That's support. Americans truly lack reading the room lol

>> No.26771299

So are the Yaks also manipulating nips so that they don't side with her on social media as well? Seeing that most of them aren't yet even after this statement

>> No.26771309


>> No.26771312

Outdated image

>> No.26771333

Yes they are. How they handled Mel, Coco, Haachama, Aloe, and Rushia is enough to suffice it. They're Jews with shipping merch. They're Jews with their fucking live shows and all of that shit is both prerecorded and done with paid dancers. They and the talents lie to you habitually and pathologically on the day. The more you know about Cover Corporation's lies the better off you'll be.

>> No.26771338

>Or stfu and move on otherwise
Funny idea of support you have there...

>> No.26771342

Never did, retard. They dont "run the industry". They are doing alot of bad things in it though.

>> No.26771346

An employee tried to sue a company I worked in because the managers were not all lovey dovey, he lost his case btw.

>> No.26771353

>anti cover
>anti japan
>loves mike
>blames it on the yakuza of all things
Stop biting the bait. This is the laziest attempt of falseflagging this board has had in a long time

>> No.26771365


>> No.26771366

>Don't come crying to me when you've continued to keep losing your precious VTubers.

>> No.26771374

I was a membered Fandead for 2.5 years. Fuck off, shill.
Yes. Japan is a vassal state of America. Old news.

>> No.26771378
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u-uh ohh... take this one

>> No.26771383
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also source, proof, the intern does it for free

>> No.26771397

In my ass ofc

>> No.26771411

He must have not had evidence like Mikeneko currently has.
With Cover, they're knee deep into their shit.

>> No.26771436

>I was a membered Fandead for 2.5 years. Fuck off, shill.
what the fuck does it have to do with anything? That you are as mentally sick as her? Really can you explain what it has to do with what I said retard? It only proves you will side with her without thinking beyond your dick, whiteknight faggot

>> No.26771455

Today i learned cover pay dancer to learn the dance, instead of the menhera they have at home with already paid salary

>> No.26771457
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>You can tell in the language of her tweets

>> No.26771474

That not Fandead, that just reatrded Hololive anti

>> No.26771502

Yes, I can read the room better than your autistic ass ever could. Astute observation, shill. I'm amazed Cover has neurodiversity training.

>> No.26771505

Okay? And the proof is her word?

>> No.26771519

True, they fucked up
Literally axed CN branch for her
Nothing happened, if you mean the taiwan shit then same as above, except chink didn't attack her
Gave her support, gave her an opportunity to leave her abusive dad, she still ended up leaving by her own accord
Defended her during mafu2 "yab", she still panicked and broke NDA, literally the only thing that could get her fired

>> No.26771540

>broke NDA

>> No.26771546

she said it herself

>> No.26771549

She is a member of the golden generation and the one who earns the most money. Who dares to bully her?

>> No.26771573

>I can read the room better
You can't read shit Schizo
you're welcome

>> No.26771580

omfg youre so fucking dumb. Mel is the only real incident that would prove your point which might have been incompetence instead of being a black company. Try to look at what real black companies do.

>> No.26771584

Probably to save her own face but deep down she knows she's wrongfully terminated. Just fucking read her latest tweets.

>> No.26771594

She fired, anon

>> No.26771621

no black company would let their talents take weeks off from streaming. they would work them into the ground then spit on the corpse

>> No.26771622

Mikeneko said she doesn't talk to men so it's true

>> No.26771634

One incident is enough to make a black company a black company. THE DUDE IS NOW WORKING IN ANOTHER DEPARTMENT OF COVER CORPORATION, HOW IS THAT SHIT NOT FUCKING SHADY? Now begone, Covershill.

>> No.26771644

You do have some sources for that, right? I would actually love to see it.

>> No.26771673

you're typing words, but you have no idea what they mean

>> No.26771678

Rushia WANTED to stream but Cover silenced her for NO FUCKING REASON

>> No.26771708
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Hired hitman schizo is a treasure. This thread is gold.

>> No.26771710

Fandead are hololive antis though

>> No.26771714

no you dumb fuck. she lost her mind on twitter and then got fired for breaching her contract

>> No.26771715

When they go public just sit back relax and enjoy the shitshow. It'll be the CCP, the Jews, or the Yakuza. No corporation is clean in Japan. Get some!

>> No.26771731

Only good post itt

>> No.26771745

all they wanted is, to leave her time to broke and maybe fuck like wild animal before coming back

>> No.26771748

Take your fucking meds retardo-kun, also say cheese someone is screencapping this rn as we speak

>> No.26771756

You'll be surprised with how many people actually think this is a plausible story.
Because she was being abused and manipulated by management. She was set the fuck up.

>> No.26771792

Employment laws are strict in Japan. IF he actually still works in cover. No, 1 incident does not make a black company, you absolute muppet.

>> No.26771795
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>She was set the fuck up
what have you been told about taking the bait? she should know better

>> No.26771805

Laying low and wait is one of the most basic move to deal with a PR crisis anon. If only she did just that, she'd have gotten through it relatively unscathed and laughed all the way to the bank on her return stream.
Mafumafu survived that just fine. Towa survived her shit just fine. Tons of idols and politicians have pulled that moves and survived their scandals just fine. Rushia tried to go against Cover's advise, and didn't survive.

>> No.26771846

>that pretended to commit suicide
This never happened...
Anons jumping to schizo conclusions that she hero'd herself isn't the same as her actually pretending to do that.

>> No.26771848

She wanted to stream. She wanted her life just like everyone else in Hololive. Management hated her so they set her up through multiple rungs before ultimately terminating her against the Fandead's will. They even paid other talents to bootlick the fucking corporation, have you seen their damn tweets after the matter happened? Some roommates that even tweeted shit out even spoke out against the damn industry they're in. It goes so deep and smoothbrains like your ESL ass just look to the bluepilled surface and enjoy being lied to and cucked by the black company that is Cover. Thankfully many of us have woken up and smelt the coffee long ago.

>> No.26771859

So its all in your head....

>> No.26771871

stop acting like jew an trying to edit history, thank

>> No.26771873

The schizophrenia is incredible. I'm thinking some folks haven't had jobs before ?

>> No.26771880

Not really. A lot of fandeads are still enjoying COVER / Hololive and accepted what happened was, well, a unfortunate incident. Only some schizos turned into Holo antis. Mike general had to chase them off before, but I guess they are coming back with this new statement

>> No.26771883

holy ESL

>> No.26771905

Towa was fired or was on track to being fired before being reinstated 2 days later before Cover made an official statement. That's what you don't know.

>> No.26771911
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>being part of a global conspiracy
/v/ermin are fucking hilarious. Too much gaming rots the brain, but does wonders for these threads

>> No.26771928

So whose dick did she suck to get reinstated? FBK?

>> No.26771951

Cucks, the lot of them. Only good if they support her in her lawsuit though.

>> No.26771989

>still enjoying COVER / Hololive
cover ≠ hololive talents
Not even the /hlgg/ hugbox like cover. Following Mike’s statement there were plenty of "fuck cover" on youtube comments and twitter.

>> No.26771992

I hope not. Lying bitch should be investigated by the Diet for corporate malpractice as she's unfairly favored by (((Cover management))).

>> No.26772001

Hey, if the dumb bitch wants to challenge Cover in court, by all means. Try.

>> No.26772005

finally someone that knows who's the real power in cover

>> No.26772031

>Miiiii-chan... I'm coming home!

>> No.26772036

All this time looking about Rushia is boring. We already knew Cover was a black company anyway because they fired Coco for breaking NDA but didn't fire Fubuki and Haachama for doing the same thing. There's obvious favoritism involved behind the scenes for anyone who's paying attention.

>> No.26772043

Holodrones are unironically like this.

>> No.26772061
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coco had a month long graduation victory lap including an interview with fucking yagoo himself. what are you on about?

>> No.26772086

And she'll win. She has the evidence on her side.
That's why the bitch hasn't left yet. She IS management. She just lies the best but that doesn't stop me from saying she's the worst part of the damn black company.

>> No.26772119

It's hard to admit you got cucked, I know, don't let this manipulative cunt string you along any more anon. It's bad for your mental health

>> No.26772135

That was just PR. Notice how they can't talk about her anymore and Coco doesn't collab with her old friends anymore either. Isn't that suspicious if they supposedly parted on good terms?

>> No.26772156

Yes it does, depending on the incident and how they handle it.

>> No.26772159

Nah, she got banishment room treatment and that's what you don't know.

>> No.26772183

kanata, her actual roommate, talks about her without issue, even imitating her, and having props of her model in her latest music video

>> No.26772199

PR damage control from Cover themselves lmao. Now she's taboo amongst her former coworkers.

How dumb are you Holodrones?

>> No.26772202
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>> No.26772223

>They haven't spoken about Coco for 5 minutes so they CAN'T talk about her
PLEASE take your medication

>> No.26772226

They fired Coco for being trash and tarnishing their corporate image. As soon as EN destroyed her in views she knew her time was up since that was the only thing she had going for her anymore

>> No.26772236
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>> No.26772240

Doesn't say "Coco" or directly imply her presence. Stop defending this bullshit, shill.

>> No.26772253 [DELETED] 

Correct me if I am mistaken, but only Watame made a subtle reference to >>26772156
Coco's birthday.

>> No.26772275

they all need to be put down THEY TO FUCKING DIE

>> No.26772279

Well deserved treatment and she broke, you can't be controversial and weak

>> No.26772293
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Cover shills really are pathetic creatures aren't they? No wonder they're this desperate to justify firing their top earner just because management didn't like them/possibly paid others to accelerate her firing. Either way, win-win for us yab-free Chads!

>> No.26772296

>broke DMCA

Be glad that they didn't sued her, anon.

>> No.26772301

Correct me if I am mistaken, but only Watame made a subtle reference to Coco's birthday.

>> No.26772323


>> No.26772324

calling her friend "C" is a joke you retard

>> No.26772349


>> No.26772380

Retard. Why the rest of Hololive unpersoned her then?

>> No.26772388

want to put them down?

>> No.26772389

1 mistake, black forever!

>> No.26772404


>> No.26772420

Oh god, he's finally lost it

>> No.26772454

Slave mentality. It's almost as if Cover is literally Jewish whereas Roa is mentioned all the time in Ars streams.

>> No.26772464

Watame said coco not too long ago. Someone else did too while doing some shit in minecraft.

>> No.26772478

Yes you fucking idiot. Until they make amends or fire the people responsible.

>> No.26772552


>> No.26772586

Is this sarcasm or is OP really that dumb

>> No.26772605


That was Towa, 4 days ago btw.

>> No.26772608

He's right.

>> No.26772628

>But what about Niji!!!???
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.26772631

D-D-D-D-Doesn't count

>> No.26772641

just for you anon, i'll give you this, so you know how retarded you are https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jg31bbhyLg&t=1h3m14s

>> No.26772653

And they did, fucking retard.

>> No.26772660

Also means "here" in Japanese, my EOP friend.

>> No.26772695

No mentions of Coco. Watched this double leech shit already. Also "koko" means here in Japanese. Now please stop being an EOP retard.

>> No.26772698

watching anime for 2 years made you an expert on japanese i see

>> No.26772703

And they did, you fucking retard

>> No.26772704

Proof is that Cover made a public announcement over it. If you dont believe Cover feel free to team up with Michael to sue Cover

>> No.26772719
File: 257 KB, 606x877, FWA164GVUAEtQ67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the 2nd paragraph, "I sent an exchange between me and my manager on LINE to one person outside the company - this is true"

>> No.26772720

Moving a sexual harraser to another department is not making amends. That's literally what the catholic church does.

>> No.26772743

legit brain damage

>> No.26772742

Alright that's pretty funny, you got me bro

>> No.26772761

They won't make one because they know they're fucked kek. The sad part is they literally have to because everywhere on Japanese sites they're all enacting revenge plans against Cover and Hololive right now.

>> No.26772767

Maybe dont use a niji pic then?

>> No.26772768

>>didn't lie

>> No.26772777

Yeah, damn "here" army is attacking her!

>> No.26772814

I just got attacked by Coco.

Army of Cocos.




>> No.26772816


>> No.26772838

Do link some proof that he is still in the company.

>> No.26772860


>> No.26772873

Sending a screencap does not mean you broke a NDA. You're allowed to talk to people outside your company, aren't you? Don't tell me Hololive is like a prison and they restrict your communications?

>> No.26772879

''I am still in discussion with the company, and our relation has by no means soured.''

Well well, look who made the same mistake again hahaha. Say bye-bye with Cover's cooperation with your dumbass.

>> No.26772884

>There are people biting this bait

>> No.26772892

you will never not be retarded.

>> No.26772910

They already made one when they fired her you retard, it literally says in the PSA that Rushia was let go because she leaked business related information.

>> No.26772914

Not NDA breaking. Fuck off. Call it what it is. A wrongful termination.

>> No.26772943

lmao wtf is this thread
put me in the video desertorium

>> No.26772949

just keeping the schizos occupied so they don't go shit all over actual threads

>> No.26772960

Cant tell if bait or actual dumbfuck...

>> No.26772962

Its called breaking NDA

>> No.26772967

But Rushia herself said that was wrong which means Cover lied to you on top of their thousands of other lies. Why should Cover be trusted now? They need to make a statement or go down when they lose all of their money in the impending lawsuit. They're already on damage control anyways.

>> No.26772971

Yeah sending a screenshot with her manager's name on it and conversation specifically related to the issue going on isn't breaking NDA. yes yes

>> No.26772991

Anytime someone is caught in a scandal and the company doesn't publicly announce that they have been fired, it's a safe bet that they were just shuffled around to another position or branch to hide them. See literally hundreds of examples. Catholic priests, boy scout leaders, sexual harrassers in American news companies, etc.

>> No.26772994

/v/ermin invasion, have fun

>> No.26773009

That's not breaking a fucking NDA if she herself said she never violated any fucking NDA. It's a wrongful termination. She's going to sue and win her case. The evidence is right there in her statement.

>> No.26773011

>lose all of their money in the impending lawsuit
this isn't the US

>> No.26773012

They can couner sue her for NDA breachment. Furthermore, the corrupt Japanese justice system will heavily favour the corporation.

Anyway, she basically called Cover a lying black company to its face and they won't do anything about it, because it is true.

>> No.26773060

In a few months from now when this is actually a lawsuit and all evidence is still on Mikeneko's side, what's the next Covercuck cope going to be? Or will they keep licking YAGOO's ass harder? Either way, this shit is hilarious.

>> No.26773077

Just because Rushia doesnt think its sensitive info doesnt mean it is, again if you think Cover is lying bring them to court. Im sure Michael would be more than happy to get in contact with you to resolve her legal issues.

>> No.26773093
File: 585 KB, 850x1193, sample_5d8d79448d01e388a2f68a30d55aeff9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is hilarious
op is having an autistic knee-jerk reaction to any reply that doesnt agree with him while also doing a madman's rambling about STATEMENTS, SABOTAGE, BLACK COMPANY, HITMEN
lmao seek psychological help

>> No.26773114

And that gives them a black eye, meaning, less people will take them seriously and find alternatives when they're tired of Hololive's consistent bullshit of lies.

>> No.26773121

is this the part where i screencap then post it after she loses her non-existent lawsuit?

>> No.26773122

Good luck to her going against the fucking company who knows the ins and outs of their own protocols hahaha

>> No.26773152
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>> No.26773170


>> No.26773173

So black that they axed an entire branch in one of the biggest vtuber market to protect one of their employee instead of firing her immediately. Stay on the med schizo.

>> No.26773175

she used rushia account(s) for private matters & kept mixing her rm and rushia through all the korekore retardation. Not to mention the lies, backtracking, threats, doxx, etc..she is extremely stupid and keeps digging her own grave

>> No.26773206

More people agree with OP than not. The rest of you lot are tourists from Kiwifarms, Twitter, or Discord. Go back.

>> No.26773223

Ah yes ofc. He must still be in the company then. Im sure that person is that important to keep in the company, that they had no choice really

>> No.26773259

The silent majority knows Rushia was right and is morally justified.

When the lawsuit happens, it will triumph all once again.

>> No.26773279

fubuki sided with coco, so cover followed suit

>> No.26773292

Hololive it's part of their personalities at this point. They will follow it to its bitter end. They are like Trump supporters or communists. After all the crimes and failures of the USSR and Nazi Germany they still have defenders.

>> No.26773303

three people posting on cooldown doesn't make a majority

>> No.26773342

As a Fandead.
Please do not associate us with the schizo OP anon replying to itself in this thread.

We know Rushia screwed up badly.

>> No.26773347

This. How fucking retarded are you faggots?

>> No.26773375

Irrelevant either way faggot

>> No.26773446

only because she got rejected

>> No.26773500

All internal communications are confidential at every company ever, especially between an employee and their manager. If you ever held a job in your pathetic life you would know this

>> No.26773509

100% other women.
Women can turn into the most vile creatures when it comes to other women, especially when it comes to other women who are more successful than them.

>> No.26773518

Apparently not as much as you, faggot.

>> No.26773542

Korekore said she proved she didn't
>B-But I don't trust Korekore

>> No.26773680

>She was set the fuck up.
I don't know if she was bullied or not, but she wasn't fucking set up.
Her management told her multiple times to not contact japanese keemstar and let the drama die down, which would have been 100% the best thing to do at the time.
If anything they set her up for not getting terminated.

>> No.26773688

Shut up traitor.
Yeah, I know and it's cultist behavior and everyone knows they're gaslighting themselves at this point.

>> No.26773740

She never even talked to Korekore as said in her statement. This adds plausibility to the fact that he may have been hired by Cover to "expose" her. Now do you believe this rrat? I'm sure some of you lurking might.

>> No.26773780

NDA this NDA that. Some of you Need Dat Ass.

>> No.26773784

stop samefagging you delusional bastard

>> No.26773798

>Her management told her multiple times to not contact japanese keemstar
Which she never did.

>> No.26773837

Only retards would believe it. Try some better bait

>> No.26773870

>She never even talked to Korekore as said in her statement.

>> No.26773912

Read her damn statement again. Explicitly mentions she never talked to Korekore or any other third party.

>> No.26773942


>> No.26773963

>Explicitly mentions she never talked to Korekore or any other third party.
But evidence proves otherwise

>> No.26773995

So, which senpai was intentionally overlapping her streams? I am guessing Okayu.

>> No.26774031

Are you blind nigga? Just read the damn statement she put out on Twitter.

>> No.26774064

Yes, I am blind. Can you please screenshot for me or copy & paste the exact line where she explicitly mentioned that she never talked to Korekore or any other third party?

>> No.26774128

Yup she blaming the fans lol meanwhile her shit with korekore and proof of her leaking coco graduation are all over YouTube. These morons thinks she can't lie or didn't lie when in reality somebody in her situation isn't just going admit the crimes she's being accused off.

>> No.26774131

Some Holobronnies are waking up though.

>> No.26774320

are you just pretending to be retarded?
that was a convo between her and cover manager
which I'm sure should not be public
you can't leak company comms no matter how mundane the message may be
and the hololive girls have access to their roommate account so no and stop being a retard

>> No.26774365

>It is true that I sent the line communication with my manager to one person. This was sent out of necessity in order to get them to stop talking.
Who is this referring to then?

>> No.26774380
File: 28 KB, 600x79, 1626256413714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello? Can you please respond? I have attached an example of the type of screenshot I am looking for.

>> No.26774552

She, stupidly sent the screenshot to Korekore, who then proceeded to tell Cover.

>> No.26774841

She should have been reprimanded, true. But they went too far: They fired her without saying goodbye and then tried to slander her.

Either it was an excuse to get rid of someone who apparently broke her "idol purity" or some higher up had a beef against Rushia

>> No.26774871

She explicitly mentions she sent screencaps to a third party

>> No.26775162

They also hired Lamy's manager who did jack shit except make her feel terrible by telling her that she has no redeeming qualities to warrant her collabing with other holos.

>> No.26775313

>believing a woman

>> No.26775405

The fact that we could make that mistake almost says worse things about her than if it were true.

>> No.26775460

Covershills I don't feel so good...

>> No.26775517

If it was only shown on stream then reprimanding her is enough.
But she showed it to a third-party. And a dramatuber.

>> No.26775547

Ye. Now do this but with Sio.

>> No.26775556
File: 575 KB, 714x1000, 1639881115496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still love her. Always will. She torpedo'd her own career just to prove to me (yes ME) immediately that there was nothing between her and mafu.

Rushia and I will always be together.

>> No.26775567

I don't think she's a bad person at all, but she did mess up in this situation. She acted impulsively and, even if she didn't have the intention to, things COULD have been far worse if, for example, a screenshot she sent happened to contain something which could be used in a malicious way without her realizing it was there. Cover's response seems harsh, and their exaggerated statement was definitely a faux pas on their part, possibly even a bit of impulsiveness on their end too, but at the end of the day whether she stays or goes is their decision to make and we don't have any choice but to respect that. That's how I feel Mikeneko feels about it and why she wanted to emphasize that her relation with the company hasn't soured, that they communicated together to form this statement which Cover checked before it was released, that they're still working out remaining contractual obligations together and that, importantly, she is at fault for her impulsive actions. All she wanted with this statement was to set the record completely straight about what actually happened so that she could move on from this, it's not supposed to be a "lololol fuck you Cover I'm coming for your ass" at all.
All I want is my cute cat wife streamer to be happy.

>> No.26775568

>The Yakuza runs the entertainment industry

>> No.26775601

Half of hololive are >30 hags acting "cutesy"

>> No.26775647

manipulative menhera wife...

>> No.26775648

Somebody been playing too many yakuza games

>> No.26775698

It's ok to attempt to destroy your "friends" company if you do it impulsively.

>> No.26775703

Better that than be a Cover shill.

>> No.26775763

Are "All of those" in the room with us right now?

>> No.26775892

>Believing a corporation

>> No.26775893

>Source: My Ass

>> No.26776042

And Mike is still one of the oldest at 33

>> No.26776133

And she is still one of the cutest.

>> No.26776321

Not all hires are good. She obviously isint her manager anymore

>> No.26776344

I mean...Lamy is pretty boring, there's a reason she's not that popular. He wasn't wrong. Her popularity will keep dropping as newer and newer GFE chuubas arrive. Chloe already surpassed her in less time.

>> No.26776388

No lol. One of the oldest in all hololive, sure.

>> No.26776391
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>> No.26776432

boring. when is the hearing, trial, etc? I hope they streams it like jd vs ah case.

>> No.26776467

She is whore who interacts and plays with men on your back, while playing the lonely girls who is only for her fans, that's the only concrete fact in this whole shitshow.

>> No.26777254

>Now she's taboo amongst her former coworkers.
the girls mention her like once a week at least
watch streams and stop shitposting

>> No.26777368

She was lying. Fancucks can die now for supporting a liar 100% confirmed.

>> No.26777842

>didn't leak important information
Yes, she did and she confirmed it.

>> No.26777875

of course she'd say she didn't leak anything it's to her benefit

>> No.26777951


>> No.26778082

I wonder what kind of stuff she leaked to Narukami

>> No.26778974

It is incredibly important that anyone who leaks internal communications is dealt with swiftly and harshly, to do anything else is to invite leaders into your company. A consistent message is important, if you leak anything no matter how small your career is over, there is no place for you and will never be a place for you in the company and hopefully any other companies will follow suit. The risk is far too great

>> No.26779408
File: 3 KB, 233x85, hololive subreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you expect r/Hololive to apologize on behalf of consoomption?

>> No.26779470

Neck yourself niggerfaggot holotrannie holobronie

>> No.26779476
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>> No.26779549
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>> No.26779664

settle down kim jong un

>> No.26779940


>> No.26780255

>didn’t have a boyfriend
Wrong, schizo

>> No.26780392

That's a good thing

>> No.26780470

all she needs to do is stream more often and scream a lot and all will be forgiven

>> No.26780643

>weak rrat
why the fuck did cover try to terminate her?
she's their number 1 superchat.

>> No.26780708

i see traitor photo i say whore.


>> No.26780717
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>> No.26780915


>> No.26781038
File: 53 KB, 562x549, 1653611089903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you this retarded? serious question, like how are you actually this retarded? not even trying to offend or insult you. I just want to know how it is possible.

>> No.26781238

>Stresses that she has retained communication with Cover
>says she still loves her co-workers and her time spent in Hololive
>says she simply wants them to correct the statement they put out
>her fans and/or predatory shitposters take this as her wanting to burn down Cover

>> No.26781352

Weird amount of corporate shillfags in this thread

>> No.26781405

Still a whore tho

>> No.26781550

You know anyone can just go read her tweet right?
where she says her relation with Cover is great

>> No.26781577

I'm really getting tired of this "hololive can do no wrong" mentality.

>> No.26781738

I'm glad people have woken up and I was vindicated the whole time. You should have listened to me, Coverfags.

>> No.26781865

Why would I belive a menhera?Or has cover confirmed any of this?

>> No.26781906

Why would you believe a black company?

>> No.26782073

Why would I belive a mentally ill women that tries to act like a child despite being over 30?

>> No.26782101

i blame the yagoo meme. yeah he might be alright on a personal level but its still a company at the end of the day and as such its full of bureaucratic zero tolerance nonsense which is what it seems like rushia stumbled into

>> No.26782131

He's typical corporate bootlicker npc

>> No.26782173


>> No.26782213

Surely the japanese courts will favor the innocent girl over a company after she breaks NDA. They will definitely see that she was morally correct.

>> No.26782236


>> No.26782296

If you know how fucked Japanese justice system are...
There is a reason why their suicide rate is so high

>> No.26782350

They're not her fans, literally not a single one of these shitposters has ever watched a single one of her streams

>> No.26782467

There's a reason why Japan is considered culturally backwards compared to the rest of the world on both criminal justice and workplace affairs.
You're a corporate bootlicker NPC

>> No.26782513

I hate Cover, and I hate Hololive. I don't give a fuck about any of those whores, I only ever watched Rushia. I didn't even watch collabs, because I don't care, I only care about Rushia. They can all be out on the street sucking dick for 500 yen coins for all I care. That said, there's literally nothing that can be done against Hololive, Reddit retards suck Yagoo's 3.5 inch dick no matter what, and Japanese just take whatever corpo shit they can so they can waste their money on the with Marvel DC Star Wars Monster Hunter Persona 65 Devil May Shit Avengers Taco Bell game featuring Fubuki for 0.5 seconds ($400,000 a copy) It's over, they can do whatever they want and these retards are too stupid to realize that every whore they like there is going to get thrown away with reckless abandon because they can get away with it

>> No.26782576

Never forget:
>With regards to the company, I wanted, with the name of the company, to be able to release a statement on the matter. With what the company's statement released, with regards to the "such as by publicizing falsehoods to various related parties" there was a mistake in clarity.
>It is true that I revealed my LINE messages of my manager to one person. However, this was sent to try to stop that story. Outside of that I did not leak any other information nor say any falsehoods. Furthermore, the information I sent, was not related to the company nor management nor trade secrets, and was not information related to any of the members.
>The company's official statement's read rather than what I actually did, as if I did something far greater and that instigated a lot of slander against me. For that purpose, I requested that the company revise their statement. It finally came that the company would not correct the situation with their own statement, but to the very end they continued in the discussions with me. I thank them for that.
And most importantly:
>If possible, I wanted to release a statement with both myself and the company, but since I wasn't able to receive that level of cooperation it became clear that I would release this statement myself.
Fuck Cover and Fuck Hololive.

>> No.26782622

Fuck off Holoshills. Your company is dead to me.

>> No.26782677

Fuck Cover.
Fuck Hololive.
Fuck anyone that keeps working for them.

>> No.26782704
File: 138 KB, 964x1300, 1655240292005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you didn't, post membership or stfu

>> No.26782723

>It is true that I revealed my LINE messages of my manager to one person.
This is enough to be fired. Sorry she they didn't give her a slap on the wrist.

>> No.26782743

I get that she is not completely innocent, but damn it fuck cover.

>> No.26782802

How, my bootlicking chudlet friend?

>> No.26782899

People tend to get fired when they breach their contracts.

>> No.26782939

What breach? Showing a friend where you work isn't a fucking grounds for firing.

>> No.26782980

I don‘t know my dear samefagging shizo only the voices in your head can answer that.I‘m just not going to apologize to some lying bitch just because her paypigs brigade this thread.

>> No.26783151

Apparently you aren't supposed to share that information. Right or wrong it doesn't matter. An employee fucked up and a company took action.

>> No.26783561

No, we detest corporate tyranny in all forms. This is not about Rushia, this is about the black company that has lied to you cultists.

>> No.26783610

Not in any workplace in a civilized country faggot.

>> No.26783713

Yeah, in a civilized country, they just suspend while coming up with a bullshit investigation so that none of the higher ups get punished. Then they fire you.

>> No.26783791

I want to like Fubuki, but the statement she made about how Cover can do no wrong because she'd leave if that happened is the stupidest thing she's ever said.

You can't say that then pivot to a super robotic unpersoning of your coworker then walk that back because fans realized she was full of shit.

>> No.26784817

IKR, STATEMENTS, SABOTAGE, BLACK COMPANY, HITMEN, people who don't know how company operates, who don't know anything about work culture, some guy who essentially said "She has investigated herself and found no wrongdoings" 90% is probably bait, but it's still fucking hilarious.

>> No.26785111

If she really meant that she would have left Hololive at least a year and a half ago when Coco was being attacked by her own chat mods and management did nothing about it. Oh that's just one of many instances... Where to even begin about mengens.

>> No.26785638

HoloEN and ID are alright, they ignore all of this because they're a different branch

>> No.26786689

but she is cute

>> No.26786999
File: 20 KB, 557x550, 1648214549075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

entering this thread i was expecting actual discussion, but i guess i overestimated /vt/ yet again.

>> No.26787164


>> No.26787198

>didn't have a boyfriend
I just cannot trust her anymore. There was just too many cases of her Discord being shown and there was conversations with males there. The GTAV stream message was pretty much the nail in the coffin for me.
I still enjoy watching her and all but she completely lost me with the GFE trust.

>> No.26787619

>Moron retard who never understand Coco.
> if Fubuki want to quit for Coco Coco will stop her


>> No.26787679

And Coco is gone, which makes your point moot. Next newfag please.

>> No.26787863

Why are you this retarded? Go back

>> No.26788084

>I want to like Fubuki, but the statement she made about how Cover can do no wrong because she'd leave if that happened is the stupidest thing she's ever said.
It's the smartest thing she's ever done Anon. Cover cant, mistreat her, give her any reason to leave or fire and unperson her because then people will think they are a black company, and it works considering most low functioning autists on /vt/ brings this shit up everytime a major yab happens to a Holo and sucks of Holo dick because "Fubukis still there guys so everything's all good"

>> No.26788261

>low functioning autists on /vt/
Ironic. Just because we're not Redditors who suck Holoshit's cock 24/7 doesn't mean we're low-functioning nor autistic.

>> No.26788557

Holy shit my sides
this was the most schizo thread in months
