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26510336 No.26510336 [Reply] [Original]

This bitch cant even funnel her fucking normies to the rest of her Niji senpais and let alone Niji EN who badly needed the boosts. Hololive shilled each others when they blew up and everyone had a steady flow of growth when they did it albeit slowly. All desuwa has to do is promote the EN a little and it can be a landslide like Hololive. I'm so fucking mad they're missing this opportunity

>> No.26510404

Hello, fellow Nijimem watchers

>> No.26510414

It's simple, she doesn't owe Nijisanji En shit.

>> No.26510533

Fucking kill yourself numbernigger

>> No.26510614

So did the rest of Hololive EN to their JP, but they fuckin shill them anyways (vice versa). Fuck the EN livers. Imagine if she can get a collab with one of the girls like Selen, it will be kino

>> No.26510656

EN DUDE* livers

>> No.26510788

Well who cares. She is a part of Nijisanji and not Hololive and she doesn't need to shill anyone. En fags begging for the Collab is something I find irritating. You want en chubbas to grow, then watch them and shill then by yourself or ask the management

>> No.26511068

you don't seem to get it. Everyone in EN right now is at the same stale state before Gawr debuted. After they blew up, everyone just kept growing and getting their 1 Million subs. Salome is the Gawr of Hololivers. She needs to fucking step up and not waste this chance to lift the company. It'll benefit her too

>> No.26511132

ah yes, the gawr

>> No.26511195

Sweet, another number nigger thread.

>> No.26511310


>> No.26511418

Well i don't give a shit about Nijisanji or Hololive. I just like watching her. So keep that tribalism to yourself. I don't want your en whores near her

>> No.26511475

They don't deserve her bots until they stop acting like whores.

>> No.26511498
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sex with Lain

>> No.26511598

fuck you, I'm not a tribalnigger, I'm happy for the hololivers. I just want Selen to get what she deserves for her hard work

>> No.26511601

Collab with Pomu and Nina now you purple desuwa bitch

>> No.26511684
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>NijiEN needs boosts

>> No.26511786

Okay settle down, I said it'll be good to collab with some EN girls but let's not get her in trouble by collabing with Pomu. We're trying to improve their image, not ruin her with the EN

>> No.26512005
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>Antis seethe by saying Salami has bots
>Begs Salami to boost EN
You can't make this shit up

>> No.26512146
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>Nijis are such numberfags they even turn on their own on a whim to make their ENWhores look better

>> No.26512159

She literally worked with Petra for her english stream.

>> No.26512186
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>Well i don't give a shit about Nijisanji or Hololive. I just like watching her.

>> No.26512396

If you don't know

>Nijisanji have collab fee.

>> No.26512476

Japs are extremely positive about Pomu right now. 5ch and s-k love how much of a weeb she is IRL.

>> No.26512486


>> No.26512507
File: 91 KB, 348x298, Anya - The Stand [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6vo9f0.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let them stand for themselves.

>> No.26512515

She frequently mentions Nijisanji and advertises upcoming streams and events. As she did with the Nijisanji APEX tournament even though she does not play APEX.
Why would she advertise EN streams when her audience is almost completely Japanese? Also she does not even speak English herself so she would advertise something she cannot understand herself...
She had a recording from Petra on her English exame stream and made her subs grow a little bit (by 2k after the stream ended).
OP is a salty EOP who does not even watch Salome. Hopefully it's just falseflagging.

>> No.26512591

>She needs to fucking step up and not waste this chance to lift the company
Ah, yes... The japanese's samurai mindset. How about you go find a job and do it yourself? JP loves people who are willing to literally DIE for the company

>> No.26512706

what? shes part of nijikanji?

>> No.26512749

>No sauce provided
Ogey I trust you bro

>> No.26513117

>let alone Niji EN who badly needed the boosts
You're like 6 months in the past. NijiEN is the last part of Nijisanji that needs a boost.

>> No.26513554


>> No.26515862

What the fuck? I thought you people criticize holo cuz they didn't collab with her. Now you are just doing the same as them. Is this what they called hypocrite?

>> No.26516041

This is the thing being boosted by bugmen bots because they want to hurt the "Monkey Tower" right?

>> No.26516192

>Niji EN who badly needed the boosts
Yea don't mind NijiKR and NijiID that had to be absorbed because their streamers couldn't pull in "i don't need real work" money
The worst performing EN is still clearing 2-3k a month, something most US peasants scarcely can compare to
