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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.26493931

Dead thread for a fallen vtuber. Can she be saved?

>> No.26494057

still hopeful

>> No.26494172

>Hana Macchia Thread #2
where is the first one?

>> No.26494225

>hoena macchoeia

>> No.26494236

it was days ago

>> No.26494300

>has had everything laid out before her to become the first big EN chuuba
>"dunno i don't really wanna"
fair enough

>> No.26494468

I love Hana Macchia!

>> No.26494860

>be a garage band
>passionate and skilled, but no money or connections
>play in bars and clubs
>start gathering a cult following
>suddenly get scouted by a big record label
>this is once-in-a-lifetime chance
>"nah I like my garage lifestyle"
>decline the record label and spend a few more years playing in clubs till people get bored and the band disbands

>> No.26494937

Hana was right!

>> No.26496193

Hana was wrong!

>> No.26496315

Literally nothing wrong with that.
People saying that every vtuber needs to shoot for the top of Holo/Niji are numberfags that don't understand how passions and hobbies work.

>> No.26500917


>> No.26505684


>> No.26505717

stop bumping this thread, retard

>> No.26506895
File: 108 KB, 850x510, __amano_pikamee_and_hana_macchia_nijisanji_and_2_more_drawn_by_hanya_hanya_yashiki__sample-e4fe07519f803fbede9892d3d6cb533d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26511409

>hanmak drank a shitload of coffee and had to go to the ER with chest pain

>> No.26515618

Ah yes the classic nijicope ,"i-its just a hobby!"

>> No.26521839

i'll bump every chuuba from ID with no exception. don't even watch her, just a nationalistfag. simple as.

>> No.26523730

She's not even indonesian, she's a mutt and japs halfbreed who happens to attend college in indo for some reason.

>> No.26527641
File: 39 KB, 656x362, risupp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GDI, they put ID in there. should've done my reps.
fuck it then, i'll only bump ID chuubas that have id card like me.

>> No.26528123
File: 311 KB, 1782x2048, hana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife Hana is so cute bros...

>> No.26529978

it literally is

>> No.26536539

Dead thread

>> No.26541167

no, she is a fucking normie, even her dad is better than her in any way.

>> No.26542321

which one of you going to participate 4chan football tournament again?

>> No.26547651

Remember when Derem used to get around 20-30 ccv? Whenever I see her live she's always got over 100 now. So happy for her. Removing the toilet paper really worked its wonder.

>> No.26548482

No one cares about nijisepi id lol

>> No.26548748

I am watching ZEA and I am enjoying it!

>> No.26550535


>> No.26552325

That and also she seemed to be more comfortable as well

>> No.26554288
File: 426 KB, 901x500, gambar_2022-06-21_154735441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salam senja, Coffeechiwa!

I'm the caretaker for /nijiID/ in vtl2 with our team wiki below
and I'm considering to retake that role for vtl3 to be held just around NijiID 3rd anniv in September! I'm planning to update models, adjust players and to make this team our gift as /vt/ NijiID fans for NijiID 3rd anniv, but first I gotta ask are you guys ok with /nijiID/ joining vtl3?

Please reply if you want to or not so that we can talk about our roster before signing up in August!

>> No.26556272

it's not you fucktard

>> No.26557122

>pemuda pancasila
aight leech

>> No.26557200

I don't really understand vtl, but the VODs amused me so yeah I don't see why not. Go for it caretaker anon.
Wait, this is stealth /nijiID/?

>> No.26558551

Go for it anon. Seems like you have a passion in this vtl league thing so i don't think other anon would mind.

>> No.26558871
File: 1.96 MB, 2086x3205, 82361799_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want seggs Hana please do more lewd members streams

>> No.26562553

>inb4 it's actually stealth /warkop/

>> No.26563206

I want her to hypnotize me!

>> No.26563623

Any particular tag for this pose? 'Lying with hands above the head' doesn't help

>> No.26563979

daki pose or arms_up lying on the boorus

>> No.26564178

hana if you read this, for hundreds times please consider to graduate and join ID4

>> No.26566048

Thanks anon

>> No.26566990 [SPOILER] 

what is id4?

>> No.26567384

this but without the joining part

>> No.26571450
File: 3.16 MB, 3840x2160, gambar_2022-06-21_220537263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping big on your help since I'd need more anons here to make this real, since if we got signed up, I planned to ask the 3d maker from picrel to help with player models since I know for a fact that he watched vtl2

>> No.26575362

Hana if you read this please cut down on the coffee intake. Also I love you, but not romantically

>> No.26575417

I love her so much, I hope she is feeling better

>> No.26576753

>goes to school
>has a part time job
>streams in her free time, with an emphasis on doing what she wants
>tells people that they don't have to worry about donating because she's financially stable
it literally is for her, you retard

>> No.26578691


>> No.26581477
File: 1.35 MB, 2894x4093, 1607411728882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanmak cute, wish I was still able to buy membership

>> No.26581509
File: 45 KB, 1200x1000, 1640568459222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanna add more models to the roster then DM along with the proof that you are the caretaker/joining the tourney

>> No.26585724


>> No.26586309

Hanmak is the coolest
