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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26471408 No.26471408 [Reply] [Original]

>Act like actual friends

>apparent fake friendship

How did Gura and Ame do it?

>> No.26471518

Gurame is just as fake bro.

>> No.26471542

>Better at acting like actual friends than Takamori
>Actual friends

>> No.26471626
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>Both pale in comparison to Takotori, the only Myth friendship with no gay baiting and 0% awkward pauses or silences

>> No.26471666

Both whores

>> No.26471687

InaSanity is watching the 2 outcasts desperately pretending one of them wasn't a terrible choice

>> No.26471702

My whores

>> No.26471754

gura x same

>> No.26471763

By not involving Kiara

>> No.26471793

Easy, it doesn't involve Mori.

>> No.26471917

what about bonebros?

>> No.26471940

kiss you faggots

>> No.26472273

Damn Gura set the offcollab kino so high
No pressure here Kiara, you can have your Ametori collab next week

>> No.26474756
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>nigga ran to the catalog after getting bullied outta global

>> No.26474800

By actually liking each other, unlike everyone else in Myth.

>> No.26474815

Begone Santa

>> No.26474864

Amesame are the same, Takamori are different.

>> No.26475278

By actually being best friends.

>> No.26475343
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>> No.26475436

>Cover has a new pv that promotes amesame even though they haven't been in collabs for along time
>/u/niggers suddenly assume their off collab was all natural
Behead yourself

>> No.26475655

>How did Gura and Ame do it?
Wasn't enforced by management like takamori was
Mori also thinks she's above the yuribaiting cringe despite being a vtuber which is already cringe in and of itself

>> No.26475820

EN Cover fucked up when they said Takamori and Amesame are canon.
Now both parties can't keep up with the retarded yuribait but they have to force it otherwise their fans will get sad.

>> No.26475905

Bonebros got [Q] and KING, soon the big concert
Sapbuds got maid cafe asmr and the "real" teetee such as https://youtu.be/5QPIaKu7hjo?t=10058
GuraShionfags got two kino covers, some yt short, and fucking love confession
IRyS will probably do Tricolore Airline cover with Gura and Mumei
Kronii always gets the most attetion from Gura
SNOT always mock Gurame in terms of chemistry

This karaoke? i didn't feel anything special about it and will forget it soon. Ame is such a bland person that will only drag Gura down - fact

>> No.26475957

Perfect description

>> No.26476075

Gurame started off as a cute friendship and stayed one. When fans tried to pressure them, they opened a little gap and said they don't have to constantly be together. Their stream interactions didn't change.
Takamori started off with an act neither could convincingly do, and it suffered on stream because of it. Then both girls had some fans who wanted everything to be connected to the pair. After some time, they decided to just say they are friends. Which is what it should have been from the start. It's been refreshing seeing them reconnect and I hope it continues.

>> No.26476160

Thank you for speaking the truth.
Even though it probably hurts.

>> No.26476337

must be hard having your oshi always get left behind alone, right anon

>> No.26477022

By having intensive sex

>> No.26479979

