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262163 No.262163 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate Kiara?

>> No.262191

She gives me crazy cunt vibes.

>> No.262196

>Yet another thinly veiled anti thread

>> No.262206

she doesn't do enough yuri

>> No.262221

I don't hate Kiara.

>> No.262390


>> No.262471

I don't, why do you?

>> No.262525
File: 487 KB, 2700x2000, Kiara by legzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't i love kiara and appreciate her

>> No.262550
File: 1.01 MB, 4096x4096, ElUe3RiWoAE4bKz.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love. Let me tell you how much I've come to love Kiara since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'love' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the love I feel for Kiara at this micro-instant. For her. Love. Love.

>> No.262624

I am starting to actually believe the peko poster who said there is a secret anti Kiara conspiracy. And I don't even like Kiara

>> No.262821

I love this intelligent and beautiful chikmin!

>> No.263564
File: 168 KB, 969x1205, basically kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually hate her, it just sometimes fills me with some horrible pleasure to bully her. She's tried so long and hard to be an idol that the failure and longing is deeply ingrained in her and everything you does, even her design, and you can feel it. You can feel the desperation and fear in her to keep clawing her way up and to not lose what she has now, and sometimes it feels a little scary. But it makes the bullying fun. In reality I think she's fine, and I kind of feel bad for her. But I'm also happy she's come this far and is finally living her dream in a way.

>> No.263656

Anon please, you're scaring away the hoes

>> No.263683

>She's tried so long and hard to be an idol that the failure and longing is deeply ingrained in her and everything you does, even her design
>tries to be an idol
>ends up at a fast-food chain
I'm starting to see what you're saying about the appeal of schadenfreude...

>> No.263706


>> No.263756

The only EN I truly hate is Mori though

>> No.263854

Shes definitely one of the least if not the least likeable holo but she does get a a disproportional amount of hate.

>> No.263855

She hasn’t fully embraced the 14 words

>> No.263870

Get rid of the dumb chef hat please

>> No.263892

>she does get a a disproportional amount of hate
What would the "proper" proportion be, then?

>> No.263957

None, because she hasn't done anything bad.

>> No.264062

She has but she but she is tainted by modernity like you and I

>> No.264109

>tainted by modernity
Are you a sandnigger or something? go back

>> No.264162
File: 226 KB, 1088x1080, 1612477910650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a sandnigger
No why do you ask?

>> No.264461

I don't hate her, I love her

>> No.264913

Kiara is one of the most bully-able holos. I personally think Aqua is slightly better, but Kiara is close.

>> No.265080

I want Kiara to hate me for stealing the last bite of her burger!

>> No.265254

I want her to reupload Hinotori with my head being crushed between her fighs in one of the panning shots!

>> No.265785

What 14 words, anon?

>> No.265837

“We must secure the existence of our franchise and a future for KFP employees”

>> No.265887

that could realistically slip in as a supa

>> No.266992

ITT: /idg/ - INDOG General

>> No.267888

I honestly think she's underrated

Her streams are so entertaining for me, she's got a lot of energy and it keeps me invested in them

>> No.268352

thanks for not saging retard

>> No.270778
File: 403 KB, 515x513, chickenwitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*casts a spell that makes Indonesians seethe*

>> No.270834

Why do they hate her, I thought only pork was haram?

>> No.270862

>fan thread
>fan thread 2
>anti thread
>mori and friends thread
>hololive global thread
>hololive thread
How many threads do you need to talk about this bitch?

>> No.271445

OP just wants someone to post dox but can't use a computer properly.

>> No.271687

I'll say it, she tries too hard. It's not difficult to hate someone when you know they're being ingenuine, which all holo girls are, but at least fromo the EN branch she is the one that tries the most to be likeable and it shows.

>> No.272168

she sounds fake and ingenuine when i first saw her, tho anons say she's been improving so good for her

>> No.272220 [DELETED] 

a seanigger perhaps?

>> No.272433 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 370x470, 1612270136082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she dares wear the colors of the king

>> No.272492

All of these Kiara threads are started by Kiara because she's bored and trying not to molest Mori in her sleep

>> No.273203

Didn't you hear Kana left them for greener pastures

>> No.277719

That's being generous and you know it anon

>> No.277928

I'm a seanigger and I also don't get what the fuck the other guy was saying.
