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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26144545 No.26144545 [Reply] [Original]

How much money does gura have?
Is she already a millionaire?

>> No.26144574 [DELETED] 

no but i assume a lot since she used to sell colored horse plushies and do voiceovers back when she was active in that group

>> No.26144687

Her family and brother wealthy tho Gura herself is between the middle class and upper class.

>> No.26144746

Her merch sold like hotcakes. Including that nendroid. She probably made at least a million.
Although in this day and age and considering she can probably only do this job for another decade tops, it doesn't mean much unless she lives frugal.

>> No.26144813

Based on the known numbers, she's made more than a million (after susan and cover cuts) just from memberships

>> No.26144841

Depends on what her lifestyle is. She doesn't reveal what she spends her money on at all. Her biggest expense is probably buying a house. Either she hoards her cash and she's pretty well off or buys or does plenty of things in the background that people aren't aware of.

>> No.26144896

She's always eating mango too which tells me she buys the samethings everytime.

>> No.26144955

>she lives frugal.
I doubt Gura spends much except for her new house

>> No.26145020

Lol Null is malding yet again. How long until he gets outed as a pedo? He projects WAY to hard to be anything else.

>> No.26145038 [DELETED] 

I remember her horse persona selling like $30k worth of plushies in just a week when the show was at its peak back then

>> No.26145061

>spends a ton on chunkfood and uber eats ever day
>when she goes out drinking with friends ends up buying rounds for everybody through the entire night
>endulges herself on trips to disneyland and spends a fortune there
>probably buys and pays for her parents' mcmansion and fancy car
>monthly first class flights to the EU

>> No.26145088 [DELETED] 

>endulges herself on trips to disneyland and spends a fortune there
disneyland is cheap though?

>> No.26145218

The food, drinks and merch are the most expensive things there.

>> No.26145251 [DELETED] 

For other people i guess but for me those are cheap

>> No.26145259

Bullshit. There is no way you were aware of her back then, no one was. Stop lying

>> No.26145415 [DELETED] 

>There is no way you were aware of her back then, no one was
>he doesnt know she sometimes tripped in bread and ponychan back in the days
>he doesnt know about how her shitposting indirectly resulted in the birth of lee
and if you do know you would know her trip was a certain herb back in the day

>> No.26145456

$4.87 or more

>> No.26145522 [DELETED] 

>certain herb back in the day
That was her? I dont believe you but if that was here then wouldnt that make her friends with ogatamon who hid her tracks and reincarnated as a vtuber?

>> No.26146307


>> No.26146656

>tripped in bread
i'm going to believe this simply because it means there's a chance i have bullied her at some point

>> No.26147138 [DELETED] 

id tell you to ask the oldfags who jumped from /b/ and /co/ to the general to spoonfeed you but i remembered that all of them are dead

>> No.26147181

Vod views: $400k/year
>Youtube pays $4 per 1k views
>300k views per day
>$1200 per day

Members: $2 million/year
>youtube phone glitch shows views on membership streams
>gura has estimated 30,000 members
>$5 a month per membership

Sponsored streams: $1 million/year
>range between $10k to $100k per hour, depending on the streamer popularity
>gura gets over $100k each
>10 sponsored streams per year

Superchat: $500k/year
>$610,000 in 2021

Merchandise: $5 million+
>worth more than all other income combined

total without merchandise:
$4 million
Total with merchandise:
$10 million+

Even assuming she only gets 30% of that, that's still well over #1 million per year

>> No.26147297

If she is really worth that much, it really makes me wonder how rich the likes of Rushia and Coco are.

>> No.26147390

Some are still around, I don't care enough to contact them about this though.

>> No.26147406
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Considering she spent nearly all of it on mafu. I don't think she like most Japanese people are good with finances.

>> No.26147492

Rushia could've been rich. But this the chick who loves prada and Louis V. Bags and is a huge spender in overall. Only millionaire men that can keep up with her expensive lifestyle are the only that have a chance at someone like her. Coco is wise with her money so if anything i think coco is loaded compare to rushia.

>> No.26147591 [DELETED] 

>Coco is wise with her money
wasnt there a rrat that said kson invested in in e-coins and lost a ton during the recent crash?

>> No.26147593

you have no idea what her youtube contract deal is you fucking ape, I despise when retarded niggers like you go around speaking on youtube network contracts like you have any idea what her revenue split and cpm is, the only thing you could even be close on is members and superchats bc its boilerplate accross the board, everything else you have no fucking clue on but i do appreciate your ability to sound like you have any idea about what you are talking about.

>> No.26147637

Well that and a nine thousand dollar bed and a big ole' gunpla collection

>> No.26147828
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a lot, but it's ok
she's been grinding for years, she's earned it

>> No.26147928

Streamers have earned nothing. Certainly not the amount they earn these days. The same is especially true for vtubers.

>> No.26148007

That sounds like a wage cage complaint.

>> No.26148013

Did she?

>> No.26148098 [DELETED] 

>the general
Useless since she ditched this place once horsechan came to be and would only come from time to time
Shuma and Pantomime knew her online and irl though and I wonder if they still talk from time to time

>> No.26148267
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>youtube network

>> No.26148372

least schizo vt poster

>> No.26148396

OK wagie.
Money is literally brownie points for contributing to society and people are free to exchange them as they please, that's capitalism baby!
If tons of people find what you do entertaining they are free to donate to you.
Now cope rentoid.

>> No.26148609

Probably, not. Likely has made over a million, but I doubt she has that in cash and assets.

>> No.26148630

Do they make that much of merch? No wonder they shill the plastic crap so hard.

>> No.26148698

Not even those, because we don't know their contract with Cover

>> No.26148750

Has she? I thought she barely streamed in her past life.
Ame is the one that has been grinding for years

>> No.26148772

You don't think this place is infested with bronies?

>> No.26148776

Yes, merch in general is a SIGNIFICANTLY larger income generator than anything else by a mile for content creators.
Its why you see any content creator who has merch shill it so much, it prints millions easily. $5m could be a large underestimate even for her.

>> No.26148885

I didn't think she was a prominent brony. I mean, I used to watch the show and even visitied/mlp/ a couple of times, but l couldn't name you any trip, because I am not a faggot who pays attention to them. What was she like?

>> No.26148927

I wish I could buy the Kronii mousepad, but there is no way I am receiving it at home, where my mother may see it.
Did it sell well?

>> No.26149003

Boo hoo life isn't fair. Why don't you go cry about mega millionaires that actually impact your day to day life with the fuck ton of money they suck from
average joes like you

>> No.26149506

She has a long story on the internet.
Believe me she has been grinding for years.

>> No.26149544 [DELETED] 

nta she wasnt famous like tiara or tombstone she was low-midtier contributor but she would play in the tf2 server from time to time and do pony voices in chat forgot if it was the mlp one or the ponychan one though since it was long ago

>> No.26149711

weird larp

>> No.26149753 [DELETED] 

she was never a brony you retards

>> No.26149802

Its pretty funny watching people learn small bits of truth and just run with it making up new schizo headcannons on the fly to fill in the gaps

>> No.26149837

she wasn't a brony, but she was a tradition mlp-toy fanatic

>> No.26149878 [DELETED] 

thats literal schizo headcanon since she was never affiliated with mlp or its fanbase

>> No.26149929 [DELETED] 

>learn small bits of truth
Thats the problem if you weren't "in" back in the day youll only know little bits of truth since youre on the outside

>> No.26149958

She all but admitted being a brony on stream.
Her chumjar is a brony reference.
And didn't she talk about cutie marks?

>> No.26150048

Your delusional fantasy doesn't count as being "in"

>> No.26150108 [DELETED] 


>> No.26150151 [DELETED] 

Ok anon whatever you say

>> No.26150206

Weak! Salome does that numbers on her first week!

>> No.26150348

>>gura has estimated 30,000 members
You really don't know how much members she has. Not all of them use the keyboard. And the estimaed is already above 100k or even more.

>> No.26150491

>Even assuming she only gets 30% of that, that's still well over #1 million per year
she get on SC is 30%-35% and on merch, VODS, and membership is 50%-60%

>> No.26150564

I doubt it. Her is streams get 20k viewers, most of them greynames. No way she has 5 times that many members.

>> No.26150770

The average stream viewer only stays for 10-15min. She gets like 300k+ unique viewers each stream

>> No.26150918

Fair point. But I don't think members stay only minutes.

>> No.26155151

You just know this bitch orders groceries via Amazon Prime

>> No.26160010


>> No.26160341

yeah i imagine shes the type that doesnt need many material luxuries other than the internet
not a penny pincher just doesnt feel the need to spend much


probably but only just barely, i think hololive takes a disgustingly large cut of what she earns

>> No.26160353

How much will she make from this alone?

>> No.26160430

Quite a lot with the ship still quite strong.

>> No.26160466

why are you autistic

>> No.26160502

you think chubba's will still pull numbers like they do in 10 years? honestly i see the novelty wearing off in the next 5.

>> No.26160513

On the lowest possible estimates she's made about 6 million each year, after both YouTube and Cover take their cute.

>> No.26160560

Man you can tell I type Gura cute a lot. It just happens naturally

>> No.26160637

shes talked about going to the grocery store multiple times i believe
cmon shes not *that* autistic

>> No.26160672

She also does gardening. Probably doing so more off stream than on stream.

>> No.26160912

You can both order groceries and go to the store. She doesn't talk about the grocery ordering just like she avoids talking about the delivery meals she gets.

>> No.26162603

take your fucking meds

>> No.26162843

She's set for life, doesn't even need effort now.

>> No.26164853

I heard about Gura mentioning her brother somewhere when she talked about Miku figures, but can’t remember which stream.

>> No.26164874

>Vod views: $400k/year
YT Premium is a whole new revenue stream on its own and Gura benefits from it the most in hololive, some youtubers even say that ad revenue is nothing compared to the real deal that's premium revenue.

>> No.26164890

You can be sure that Gura is going to get a cut of that statue auction soon. A substantially large payoff

>> No.26165297

Wasn't the money made from that statue going to a non profit organization?

>> No.26165402

I dunno really, maybe the large one will go to charity but the statue figures though will go out to her and Cover I think.

>> No.26167145

He thought that Sachiowo was a loli. I just looked at that shit thread and he was completely unironically calling people pedophiles for posting about her. He was seriously power tripping like some regular tranny janny as well. I thought he was at least better than that.

>> No.26171125

Considering she put the bare minimum effort for streaming lately, yes

>> No.26171273

but she speaks with a western twang.
that cowgirl is lower middle class at best

>> No.26171347

its very obvious where she's from if you're from the same area as her based on references she's made on streams before. and its not from the midwest, its one of the richer areas in the US

>> No.26171445

She's fucking loaded for life after 2 years like this. She also has monthly salary, bonus income for being a golden goose, bonus for events & promotional poster and Watson's deal gave all myth member a bigger cut than everyone else.

>> No.26175183

Charity money only come to people after all expenses anon

>> No.26175247

>Her biggest expense is probably buying a house
She rents. Real estate directories are doxx city.

>> No.26175295

Living the dream of all slave wagie, loaded but only do of minimum work

>> No.26175438 [DELETED] 

Life in NO wasn't too good she moved to somewhere else

>> No.26175725

It's presumptuous to assume that she made any money off her nendroid. Do we even know if they get commission for sold merch?

>> No.26176394

>minimum work
that's the headcanon from /vt/, streaming vidya a lot isn't considered a "hard" work nor required any skill anon

>> No.26176744

Pretty hard to make it to the top 1%. There're 2 views everywhere and small corpo struggle to make profit

>> No.26177715

holy fucking shit watch streams
none of you know anything about gura
lmao first stream after her """house hunting""" break she explicitly said she didn't buy a house btw. thats how i know none of you watch streams.

>> No.26178021

>holy fucking shit watch streams
The fuck are you quoting me for? I just told you she rents.

>> No.26178124

She used to work at DisneyWorld which is only in Florida so I assumed she's a Florida Woman.

>> No.26178279

because you're just making a stupid assumption lmao and actually know nothing of real estate

>> No.26178715

if she has participation in covers profit, maybe
but their contract can just say they will have a fixed salary and some bonus or not.

we cant know fuck all, for all i know they are being ripped off millions by cover

>> No.26180149

Look out guys we've got an armchair realty manager.

>> No.26180528

>know nothing about contract renewal

>> No.26182090

She bought a house in this current housing market. I think she is well off.

>> No.26188069

She has enough money.
