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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 219 KB, 1448x2048, 1649403380061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26032780 No.26032780 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>25996392

Schoolgirl Miu edition.

Today's streams

Mireille collab w/ Ito playing Genshin (ongoing)
Ito POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAeT8bxwYxQ
Mireille POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EuGipIFlyQ

Misora colla w/ Poliglota doing Q&A

Upcoming streams

Himea next streams:
Playing Lullaby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr4UKLibciA
Q&A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x27ECRgpyGo
Playing GTA San Andreas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEy22y2zkk4
Free chat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Msg-oYMsUzY

Ito next streams:
Collab w/ Miu and friends playing Valorant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TJZ3c060VE
Playing Resident Evil 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heZX4z0UOXY

Miu collab w/ Ito and friends playing Valorant

Luna karaoke


Miu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_z0-X89fg
Lia: She's a free neko, schedules are for pussies.
Suzu: Impending graduation.
Sopa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8y6V-Dn5eg
Pal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW5a0Ggd_4I
Luña: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUJUEGEuaGE
Himari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaPHHAF1K1M
Yue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ8NdW1-0A8
Ito: Mostly Apex, free chat & karaoke (in the same stream)
Himea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJMCT4arC0w
Mireille: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLb-qZckVBA
Mimi: Coming soon!

More info about Wactor:

>> No.26032907
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>> No.26033096
File: 61 KB, 1440x789, pixelcanvas.io (1330,9925) 2022-06-13T08_16_38-05_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing with pixels


Lia pixel Reference

Lia Grid

Lia Original res

>> No.26034154

Ito deleted the Resident Evil stream, I guess she doesn't have permission.


>> No.26034258


>> No.26034750

Ito voice is so cute when she speaks chinese, cute alcohilic office-lady.

>> No.26035146

Babu+ito Pixelart Tweeted


>> No.26035404

shit, I just noticed the URL coords are wrong, should I delete it?

>> No.26035556

Can't you edit the post?, If not it's ok, all they have to do is zoom out a bit.

>> No.26035685

No, you can't edit tweets, only delete them and repost them.

>> No.26036120

Why pixel anon are drawing a nico ? Is the NTR thing real ?

>> No.26036617

I retweeted it anyway, pls show some love to the new post

I noticed Twitter really doesn't like external URLs and since I put the art tags below the link the tweet was being shadowbanned on the art tags

>> No.26036853
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x2048, 1651585266778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He was the beginning and she will be the end.

>> No.26037178

Ngl, I've read his name a lot in here, but I don't even know who Nico is. I usually don't pay attention to anything that is not the girls.

>> No.26038085

Nico is a Wactor mod, that's all I know

>> No.26039269

Nico brought peace and vanished MTF and the mini schizos when /WACTOR/ was on the verge of being purged. He deserves to be recognized.

Also he's not a nasty groomer and was there to support the girls since the beginning. Fuck the haters.

>> No.26039479

Akira, you fucking faggot. Get the fucking permission.

>> No.26039582

this is not discord, there are no discordfags moderating here

>> No.26039982

Plis anon he never did that he isnt a jannie and is as creepy as any other groomer , he hangs out in this kind of places and then thinks is better than us but spread out unverified rrats

>> No.26041250


>> No.26041332

fag nico did nuffin, I didn't spent countless hours killing MTF rrats and sending him to forced vacations with multiple IPs for (You) to give credit to a fucking discord mod.

>> No.26042587
File: 918 KB, 3241x4096, 1642295798338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26042992

that ass is very good drawn, and good proportions

>> No.26043247

Akira sold his soul for this

>> No.26043419

Wouldn't you?

>> No.26043648

Can this faggot stop being a cheap ass and just pay for one game

>> No.26044234

When will Akira pay his debt with the Chinese?

>> No.26044506
File: 22 KB, 422x305, 1628547303982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor guy but this comment made me kek


>> No.26044656

I'm sorry I was wrong. (You)'re the real hero, anon.

>> No.26044713

Any day

>> No.26045094
File: 6 KB, 307x215, ehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debe ser nuevo

>> No.26045215

Damn.., i want to be el delicioso and doing el delicioso with her so hard...

>> No.26045505

Sopita is a real qt, so many guys have fallen for her

>> No.26045716

Children can be cruel to those who look different, which is why Sopa was bullied. But now that she is a young woman she must really stand out among her peers, a slightly tanned skin and wide latina hips, she is certainly an unique item.

>> No.26045788

haahhaahha not even in her wildest dreams

>> No.26045938

She don't need to be prettier, just looking different is enought, like goticas culonas.

>> No.26046609

It's not like that. Japanese society is ruled by a ton of unspoken social rules in which Hina doesn't fit in at all. That's why the groomers thing and Misora looking for male attention in this side of the spectrum is not weird at all.
Misora wasn't made to live in a place like Japan. She's so lucky to have meet Akira and by versa.

>> No.26046691

Those rules are being torn apart as we speak, Japanese youngsters are bending to western culture.

>> No.26046759

Japanese youngsters are dying because they do not have identity just like mizorra.

>> No.26046824

>Sopa was bullied
Do we still believe this?
I mean she literally lied about be afraid of men and the reality was that people liked talk to her.
Could be a lied to fit with misopitas.

>> No.26047031

Evil prima bullied her, I don't know about school. She never said so afaik.

>> No.26047037

Nothing has changed, in the past Japanese young people worked themselves to death to buy a house and raise a family, now they do the same, except that now they spend their money on a "western" hobby that consumes 90 percent of their free time. Their mentality is the same, only now they are more incapable of social relationships.

>> No.26047143

Things are not black and white in life, do you even have a childhood traumatic enough to be here anon?

>> No.26047722

Their way to torn apart those rules is becoming a Hikikomori and not having a offspring by not reproducing

>> No.26048082

Meant to>>>26046691

>> No.26048146

That's for men, woman on the other hand...

>> No.26048262
File: 382 KB, 2140x2140, FUnhpMxWYAARkbS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I learned about WACTOR over the years is that offline they're absolute opposites of what they pretend to be online and I'm not even talking about their characters. This does not apply to everyone but generally speaking the most horny/sexy ones are not getting action, seiso/shy ones are constantly getting dicks, those that claim to be shut-ins are often out doing sports or going [places] and introverted ones spend the most time not streaming actually socializing with other people due to work or personal reasons. Never trust women.

>> No.26048415

by that rule lunita is the maximum dick sucker

>> No.26048498

>Japanese youngsters
All 3 of them?

>> No.26048561

It was Hana Tsukito and Rose before they left, now it's a tie between Mireille and Sopita

>> No.26048604

>Introverted woman
No such a thing.

>> No.26048647

Hispacels again...

>> No.26048685

Well you need to be specific there. I will agree with your argument in any other country but Japanese social rules are present even in their language.
Even in history Japan have been known to be very conservative in their manners and only changing when its extremely needed.
Thats why the new weak generations who can stand to this way of life choose to just not being part taking of this by isolation from society.
And statistically, woman have almost half on proportion for Hikikomoris In Japan so...

>> No.26048719

but Sopa already acts extrovert and forward pushing on stream, would she also be the total opposite in reality?

>> No.26048746

You surely don't interact that much with women, I see, I see

>> No.26048818

Only the ugly ones

>> No.26048836
File: 197 KB, 497x373, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I interacted with her then she wouldn't be introverted, dumbass.

>> No.26048925

hahahahah buenarda

>> No.26048932

No, is clear she is an extrovert but one that will only truly fit in a youngster kind of environment.

>> No.26048951

>generally speaking
But Sopita just pretends to be extroverted, while playing an introvert in streams. That's the kayfabe, it just has an extra layer to fool the sopacucks.

>> No.26048967 [DELETED] 

And how did you reach that conclusion, my schizobro? Don't tell me you found Lunita in a kinesiologas page

>> No.26049008

Well she shaked her ass in front of akira without feelling akward.

>> No.26049027

and your evidence is?

>> No.26049036

don change the rules now, you were the one saying all women act the opposite offline, if sopa acts extrovert on stream that only means she is an introvert offline, that's not my logic, it is yours

>> No.26049076

>But Sopita just pretends to be extroverted, while playing an introvert in streams

Wtf do you mean by this?

>> No.26049090

Oh no, she DOES play an introvert character online, she is just a shit actor lol.

>> No.26049093

what are you talking about anon was stiffer than a rock

>> No.26049142

Read it again until you understand.

>> No.26049188

That because she can not shake her ass not because she was akward

>> No.26049254


>> No.26049292


agh anon this isn't even funny at least watch the stream, you just hate for nothing

>> No.26049364

you say you learned something about wactor but don't explain how you got there sooo rrat

>> No.26049393

Nah, she used to play kind of the introvert in the beginning but now she doesn't care at all, and she is too lazy and incapable to even play a character.
She is just being her usual self showing the heights and the lows. Something that in Japanese standards and beliefs would be inconceivable and a prove of mental instability.

>> No.26049476

Shit I thought analyzing the total opposite of what the girls act on stream was a fun topic, but these anons are already using it just to shit on certain girls by saying and accepting only what is convenient to them
por eso no podemos tener cosas bonitas.

>> No.26049535

more than introvert she is socially inept as when her classmates don't know if she is angry or joking or her jokes are too intense.

>> No.26049554

Of course I watch the streams and that's why I say that, plus what she says doesn't erase what i see in the 3d stream. It's impossible to know when she's lying from when she's telling the truth.

>> No.26049594
File: 10 KB, 225x225, aaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental ill sopa is not a joke

>> No.26049664

What did you expect anon? Are you new here? Yeah you probably are. Just stay on topic and answer what you want to find interesting.

>> No.26049869

in my experience you can't know how a person is just by streaming, I've tried streaming in the past, and even with cero public I become a none stop talking machine, even tho I'm the biggest piece of shit introvert in reality.

>> No.26049904

Anon you didn’t that girl whom liked to approach your group and mostly hang out only with guys? That’s Sopa attitude, she’s not shy at all and tell you straight her sentiment. Now add that she’s a female and you’ll understand why is confusing to guys, they change opinion by the day. Plus drop those notions of tomboy, that’s a V illusion.

>> No.26050110

Add to that the security of hiding your face behind an avatar.

>> No.26050212

>>Reminder that Miu wants to sing a duet with the W-boys.

>> No.26050259

Now you understand why the place is so dead.
Still more alive than the discord, kek

>> No.26050345

The only soup i like is a sad soup

>> No.26050359

No wonder why you dislike her now

>> No.26050441

Most likely confirmed /here/ misopitas?
unrelated btw, there's a lot of confirmed lomitos.

>> No.26050534

is this (you)?

>> No.26050573


>> No.26050584

Sopitabros, do you agree with the normalization of collabs with Putiglota/Rakkun? Even Luna said she didn't feel comfortable in her own stream. That's the future of wactor, horni Sopa best Sopa even though she is not my Oshi.

>> No.26050647

Why does it even matter anymore with the male gen coming up

>> No.26050701

There is no certainty that the W-boys will ruin wactor, when Sopa can ruin it first, Kek.

>> No.26050716

I'm ok with putiglota but fuck racum

>> No.26050726

I do not watch the streams so i do not care but if that bring fun post to the thread i guess i want more collabs

>> No.26050772

When did she say that ? gosh Lunita

>> No.26050798
File: 730 KB, 1191x701, vn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are building a team to create a wactor based visual novel! We need artists and writers. to join just:

1.-Install Element (client for matrix)
3.-Share your username or display name here so I can add you

Let me know if you have any problem.

>> No.26050812

Poliglota is fine when you take the annoying fanbase out, an interesting charla between those two will be kino.
Rakkun on the other hand, as far as I've seen, relies mostly on double meaning to be "funny" and that got boring to me a long time ago.

>> No.26050879
File: 573 KB, 1000x1000, 1649754041076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's streams (Lil update)

Misora colla w/ Poliglota doing Q&A

Pal will play Apex

>> No.26050925

Is that Tío Makoto?

>> No.26050981


>> No.26051012

C option please.
Save yourself the disgust and never go to her Twitch.
Base uncle Makoto.

>> No.26051116

I'm curious who is doing the Nico?

>> No.26051178


>> No.26051341

you could stop deleting the chamoy nico and when you finish it you can delete it

>> No.26051404

Please help diz anon and do not ignore him

>> No.26051542

first pixel then horny

>> No.26051551

>checks the Nico chamoy

>> No.26051593

When Nico Chamoy is done, I'll help you with the girls pixel, please don't delete it.

>> No.26051602

I do not think there are artist here maybe the two luna artist but some anons can help with the scrips

>> No.26051647

Yeah, I'm thinking about doing some progress on the script and program the thing with placeholders to attract artists.

>> No.26051720
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dropped her best model
>Succumbed to generic double entendre humour
>Peruvian and older than me but abusing Mexican slang like a zoomer
>Most importantly, no tweet about today's soccer match
Rakkun... I believed in you

>> No.26051830

i unironically liked her previous model. It was actually very cute

>> No.26051933

Who told you we want Nico here?

>> No.26052006

It was not bad, it had heart and was more in tune with her personality.

>> No.26052159

you're a child ? because that ridiculous way of thinking, I'm doing that apart from your pixelar and you come and damage what I'm doing.

>> No.26052379

who are you speaking to anon? But I advise you to make nico somewhere else, the canvas is quite large and no one will erase it

>> No.26052611

Well, it doesn't matter, I see, that the pixelar boys are toxic, a pity.

>> No.26052645

poor Himea

>> No.26053146

Putiglota taking revenge for the delay of the last collab. A real Stacy.whx82

>> No.26053353

I don't think you understand where you are Anon /here/ is a place that stays away from the mods and their rules, what makes you think any of us want the image of a mod near our project?

>> No.26053405

There's no head /here/ sorry Nico. Anons do whatever they want, same happened with Stinky.

>> No.26053495

But then we forgave him and helped him with Nateyo's pixel...

>> No.26053545

If that would be the case Miu would love dicks and I don't think is the case. But I would give you my guess of what I think they truly are off stream.

Miu: A bit of a degenerate but a very caring and loving person. Very responsible and accountable most of the time. She loves entertaining people and boobs.

Hana: Broken girl and the perfect example of a girl Hikikomori (better off than its male counterpart) A lot of mental problems but still hanging in there.

Lia: A Menhera in real life. She use her body to gain her means. She got a couple of talents but she is aware of her limitations on those said talents and that's the reason she doesn't try to to push further.
Very stereotypical free woman in Japan but she still have regrets for that and is currently trying to get in rail.

Hina: The cool girl you met back at middle school but in the body of a grown up. She is the kind of extrovert that doesn't fit in in normal social circles.
Gets along well with males and Latinos like "la profesora". Not very intelligent and very dependent on others. She's very horny.

Suzu: I verily watch anything of her.

Luna: Very Spaniard like. Very bad spoken with a dirty mind like most people but very verbal about this like any spaniard (There's several times we have seen this) Typical girl, socially capable and intelligent enough.
Not very different from stream but way less toned down. Hard to say how is she in relationships but I don't think she's a whore, she seems to hold some values.

Himali: Have watch a lot of her but she plays her character perfectly in my perspective. Hard guess. She seems pretty normal but with an out going personality.

Pal: Idk

Yue: The most Japanese like person in Wactor probably.

Itto: Pretty much how she is on stream, that is when she is not in a work environment. But she seems capable to be serious when its needed.

Himea: Kind of an awkward Argie. Easy to get along with and easy to speak with. She'll talk most of the time.
Not particularly smart but she knows the ways of the street. Watches a lot of memes. The kind of woman you'll have a high chance to get in bed with depending in certain circumstances.
She's currently looking for a men to take care of her.

Babu: Other people will have a better guess for her

>> No.26053720

And the thing about Hana Tsukito, her illness and her seiso can be fake as shit. I always saw her mysterious.

>> No.26053724

Delete the fucking Nico first and then continue with the girls I don't want him to take some credit if we let him stay until the end

>> No.26053754

Nateyo....is so..humble..

>> No.26053786

I can't help but agree with this, no one knows each other here, and no one here needs to put his personal mark to make a nice pixel art for the girls, even Stinky's Nateyo doesn't have his name anywhere.

>> No.26053798

holy shit you're right, fuck that

>> No.26053800

conehana is not seiso but she is a girl with problems

>> No.26053826

Do you think Himari is very different in her real life? if we take into account that she talks and acts the same in her other channel.

>> No.26053830


We ? as the other anon said theres no head And it's pretty obvious that a lot of people who don't write /here/ are placing pixels, they just don't say it out loud.

>> No.26053864

Why do fucked up girls with problems make me hard?

>> No.26053893

Cause you are a saviourfag like many of us.

>> No.26054184

I'm not going to debate too much because it's your perspective but I think Hina's is a bit of a mistake.

>> No.26054224 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 1049x1508, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very quick sketch, would you think my lovely Lunita would like it if i actually decide to finish it? also i think it look a bit to adult here... i need to fix it... i fucking hate my laziness and lack of skill on digital art...

>> No.26054367

Where is Peru-chan?

>> No.26054426

She'll say "pero como te atreves?" and then proceed to save it in her "culos" folder.

>> No.26054462

Thank you, now I have your ip.

>> No.26054556
File: 392 KB, 1080x1588, 1655147715183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talent freedom
it´s your time Lia

>> No.26054655


>> No.26054678



>> No.26054779

Hmm you're right. She sounds very similar when on stream. I haven't watched that ch until now. I always thought she forced her voice to play Himali but I think that voice come out more natural than what I thought.

>> No.26054795

looks good and not too adult for me, show us the final result if you continue .

>> No.26054828

>Telent freedom

Translation: Is okay to be a whore in your 30s

>> No.26054885

still active on twitter but i dont know if she is still streaming

>> No.26054890

I'm interested. What you think is bit of a mistake?

>> No.26054909

I find it kinda funny that Lunita actually tells her artists to draw her underage looking. Lunita la mas pedofilita!

>> No.26054953

Yesterday an anon /here/ told her to make an english only stream. I love you Nat! Thanks for listening to the anons!!!

>> No.26055090

Misora is on twitter space

>> No.26055195

Thank you Nateyo, we love you!!!

>> No.26055241

This reminds me that I have to do my lesbian ship between Suzu and Lunita

>> No.26055297

la mas basada you mean, i love her so much.
also i tried to finish that other sketch of her with the bunny/wolf gir outfit ended changing her pose and making her the whip on one hand and a chain on the other like she was conquistando your ass and also a giant strapon to honor that streamable, but i didn't like how it ended looking so dropped it...

>> No.26055333


>> No.26055358

can we see ?

>> No.26055387

In that agency you have to be a whore to get in there or staying there is like an antithesis of an Idol sixo agency. Rather it would be ideal for the putiglota

>> No.26055450

>Talent Freedom
>Only use said freedom to be disgusting whores and watch meme compilations.

>> No.26055490

You can be a whore whenever you want anon don't be invidious or prudish.

There are going to be a lot of girls that are going to try to get in because English market

>> No.26055502

i deleted it , didn't like the pose at all.

>> No.26055511

You better clip that stream, anons!

>> No.26055536

thanks anon

>> No.26055546

Whos making the channel?

>> No.26055619

Another update, argie vampire in 3 hs.


>> No.26055628

didn't that agency receive 10 million in investment? Awful way to spend it.

>> No.26055649

Make your own channel

>> No.26055693

Nateyo LOVE!
I want to make her happy.

>> No.26055761

I don't know how to explain it but I feel it is very evident that she lacks the ability to socialize more and also her reaction to the zilverk video makes me believe that she could not handle the humor of a man.

>> No.26055828

Nateyo toxic relationship with /here/ is pretty cute.

>> No.26055855

wtf really ? it wasn't the girls who invested the money ? anyway i heard that after nyanners true her numbers plummeted.

>> No.26056151

We love her, and shes just tsundere but she loves us even more. We love you Nateyo

>> No.26056240

We discussed that but it was impossible to run a /here/ channel because in the end there would always be someone who would get the attention so everyone should create their own.

>> No.26056315


>> No.26056386



>> No.26056563

Those hip movements are pretty good...

>> No.26056746


>> No.26056904

Sorry Nico, those anons are right.
No one is putting their name or signatures close, because it could be read as taking credit for the work.

>> No.26057086

Hana doko?
Is the stream cancelled?

>> No.26057127
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, B3171816-42F1-426A-8155-324E76214538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am waiting

>> No.26057147

mimiendo Hina is in twitter space

>> No.26057210

Don't take her love for granted, do nice things for her.

>> No.26057212

you didnt answer is a 1060 card bad for himea ?

>> No.26057229

reina de las calles love

>> No.26057271

anon that card was released 6 years ago what do you think

>> No.26057276

Im excites for the right side girls..

>> No.26057365

did she buy a new mic?

>> No.26057456

But arent some cards still useful even if they are old? I mean what card can Luna or Misora have?

>> No.26057572

No idea anon

>> No.26057573

Stop trying to trick us to work for you for free, Nateyo! It's working!

>> No.26057593

Misora has a 3070

>> No.26057594

Nice, finally unicorns won't feel safe anymore around the Vtuber hobby and they'll have to migrate to another shithole. Nyanners was the first stepping stone to change everything!!

>> No.26057611


>> No.26057660

Numbers tanked, tho.

>> No.26057681

Happy pride month nateyo and tsukohara. We know youre married

>> No.26057752
File: 284 KB, 220x123, 1648632831634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a GPU can't do much for streaming
streaming is = data calculation, processing and sending it. So the CPU is important while the GPU needs to be good to keep the game + the 2D avatar fluid that's not counting the ram and a good mobo with great bandwidth for all the parts
like a $2000-$2500 investment is needed but if you are making money with it, it shouldn't be a problem but since Himea is from lolgentina she is fucked

>> No.26057763

Sorry anon, I'm not Nateyo.

>> No.26057853


>> No.26057857

Another Sopa space

>> No.26058010

Paru chan apex


>> No.26058095

and she looks at memes jesus

>> No.26058133


>> No.26058171
File: 1.58 MB, 610x810, rap [sound=https_3A_2F_2Ffiles.catbox.moe_2F1lg82v.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paru wants to get good at apex to get a bf...

>> No.26058188

So what is the minimum she need anon?

>> No.26058241

i don't know how fucked argies are but you can find really cheap ass second hand threadripper AMDs on aliexpress, also really cheap and decent generic ram and mobos too, the only real problem would be the GPU

>> No.26058299

Just wake up Poliglota voice sounds so mature.

>> No.26058345

she posted the real thing a while back

>> No.26058381

she have a trash ryzen 2400g, she bottlenecks hard

>> No.26058402

raw sex with bf mg yesterday

>> No.26058403

Putiglota sounds... weird...

>> No.26058406

i would say a 3060 and an AMD 5800x

>> No.26058411

>you can find really cheap ass second hand threadripper AMDs on aliexpress
Enjoy your fried card from mining that will completely after a couple months.

>> No.26058417

Have the possibility for it and this being okay are 2 different things. You can be whatever you want but this doesn't guarantee a positive outcome for the person in question and society as a whole.
In the case of whores is rarely the case unless the play it smart and get a beta guy to take care of them when they already squeeze their better year in whoring.

>> No.26058576

i was talking about CPUs not graphic cards anon

>> No.26058601

The socket supports a good CPU right? No need for another mb.

>> No.26058610

>Discord notification sounds in the background

Discord groomers please just let her stream in peace...

>> No.26058629

Are you ready to shill Nateyo all over the catalog?

>> No.26058689

That's poliglota

>> No.26058723

Don't, Nateyo deserves better fans.

>> No.26058751

don't know, but a 2400g on a good mobo would be stupid since these CPUs were used for budget builds...

>> No.26058755


>> No.26058796

A misora's inactive stream has more viewers than Pal.


>> No.26058825

What is this thing with Apex? Is this some kind of Tinder for Japanese People?

>> No.26058832

I don't know much about PCs but in theory it may be able to run.

>> No.26058895

but she already has a new cpu, she lacks the graphic card

>> No.26058971

drunken threesome with Ito and Paru!

>> No.26058975

yeah theorically but it would not work too good on practice, i mean those cheap B350 chipsets are obsolete shit, and on newer CPUs don't work 100% good even with the bios updaptes

>> No.26059108

Ito cute voice and hag mommy attitude is wasted on all those boring apex streams.

>> No.26059504

This? https://twitter.com/MomozoraSeina/status/1496249549161181186?t=beWBt4x1gQpADclRptS6sQ&s=19

>> No.26059778


>> No.26060339

I think Babu is sick with the vtuber stuff already. Looks like she's a normal girl who likes anime, the type of weeb that is capable of be someone useful in society I guess

>> No.26060440

>Aoi Sakuya
Some random verified chick in Hina's space

>> No.26060506
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Pal did an hour and fucked off

>> No.26060547

Yome manos gorditas de embarazada.

>> No.26060680
File: 616 KB, 626x618, 1632701007753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How close is she to following Suzu's path?

>> No.26060992

Lucky husband enjoys the results of spics getting her horny

>> No.26061029

I'm telling you, Luna is going to be the survivor of gen3.

>> No.26061126

suzu keeping wactor together with her cute hardworking hands

>> No.26061260

Welll she is getting a graduation song so you can tell pal is going to graduate when the contract is over 90 porciento confirmed

>> No.26061298

grey line between babu and suzu

>> No.26061326

Akira is a leech, the girls who are 2 views should have a maximum of their income taken not a permanent %

>> No.26061411

*Yellow hands

>> No.26061421

Lately Suzu turns me on

>> No.26061457

If you enjoy contributing to stories and have ideas, please join us! >>26050798

>> No.26061458

Are they even paid?

>> No.26061543
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i don't even know anymore

>> No.26061577

Is being a chuuba even considered as a job in japan?

>> No.26061642

No that why zorra can not move out of her grandma farm

>> No.26061699

how many people are there?

>> No.26061704

Yeah, that's why i asked, lol.

>> No.26061733

I'm starting to believe the rrat that la fantasmita is Akira doing some damage control after the real one fucked off...

>> No.26061802

Too pretty to be that fucking manlet.

>> No.26061872

Nah is defenitly a girl but akira wants her to debut when suzu's graduation is near.

>> No.26061895
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x1332, 99041497_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw Fantasmita get more fanart than Yue and Ito and Babu

>> No.26061928

That make sense, he probably want at least some of the suzu fans to be a fantasmita fan

>> No.26061933

She has the best design of gen 4

>> No.26062097

A multitude technically.

>> No.26062197


>> No.26062268

Already better that Reimu

>> No.26062324

Fantasmita design is pretty good.

>> No.26062342

A particularly reason fro saying this anon?
In any case, she just need the right motivation. Doing streams in a regular schedule and entertaining people might be a hassle for now but you just wait until the w boys come right in. Most streams are going to be just talking to the guys and ignoring chat most of the time so it wouldn't be that difficult anymore.

>> No.26062494

to bad it would be wasted on an amateur and future 100 views...

>> No.26062555

She just sounds like she's tired to me, since the "suspension" incident she's been off

>> No.26062669

When's Suzu graduation, anyways?

>> No.26062680
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>> No.26062720

She is not graduating, she will be a indie

>> No.26062728

Not exactly a high bar, tbqh.

>> No.26062834

Save Lunita from those prostitutes

>> No.26062846


>> No.26062878

How are those mutually exclusive, retardo?

>> No.26062901

>>Open the link
>>Mute the stream
>>Detach the screen of your favorite chuuba

>> No.26062935


>> No.26063000

I thought anons were shitposting when they said Luna got fucked while she was muted, but really the avatar moves in a suspicious way

>> No.26063050

Your newfag is showing. Graduating means fucking off from an agency, not retiring from vtubing entirely. Lurk for another 2 years.

>> No.26063085

So many whores together

>> No.26063175

Not a single hymen in there.

>> No.26063203

Who's the warspite clone?

>> No.26063296
File: 13 KB, 355x127, 1635974951842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himea any moment.


>> No.26063357

>Omg, using the word newfag invalidates any argument for me.

She's just going to make a model change, take it any way you want.

>> No.26063549

Merun love

>> No.26063568

she sounds depressed

>> No.26063580

Couldn't care less about the yuanwhore, I was just curious for the date she will fuck off from the midget grasp.

>> No.26063605

Technically speaking, that anon is right. But we get your point.

>> No.26063624


>> No.26063746

2 weeks

>> No.26063747

W need to accept the fact that Suzu, Pal, and Himalri are right in the exit door. I judt care about Himari but in the same time the new chuubas doesn't feel like they are staying long either... what a shame.

>> No.26063760

Merun is growing in me, she's very talented and femenine.
Yeah she sounds a bit forced as some anons say.
Are we a bit upset, sleepy anon? Your oshi moved her stream to tomorrow.

>> No.26063899


>> No.26063927

Those hands are cute as fuck

>> No.26063972


>> No.26064086

So, graduating from wactor.

>> No.26064088

Reminder literally the opposite of what we say happens

>> No.26064201

That hurt....

>> No.26064245

When are we seeing your hands, Nateyo?

>> No.26064389

nah fuck hands she should do a feet stream

>> No.26064483


>> No.26064515

Who's gonna be the sole survivor of Gen 4 my bet is on Himea if she gets a decent PC

>> No.26064624

Suzu is already set on stone.
Pal is weird, her numbers are quite low but maybe she just want some easy extra money and doesn't mind that. Plus maybe she has nothing better so she might even stay a while longer.
But Himari... To me she got a ton of potential and talent. She might have some other opportunities besides Wactor I can totally see her leaving unless if she achieves to capitalize in Suzu graduation and getting Suzu's fans for herlesf. That might be the reason why she is focusing more in Billi now.

>> No.26064696

Fantasmita has been dead silent on twitter for three days, was she in any space lately?

>> No.26064774

>fantasmita already left
she did a wactor speedrun any%

>> No.26064810

That won't happen so my bet if for Yue, babu doesn't need the job, all Ito does is playing Apex, and fantasmita is dead on arrival (no pun intended).

>> No.26064862

I'm happy for Himari, she deserved better numbers, it's all Akira's fault.

>> No.26065162

Pal likes talking and she doesn't have close friends, Himari's time to be in the entertainment industry is gone she is almost a hag now
>That might be the reason why she is focusing more in Billi now
she got an office job, so no more streams at 10-11AM JST :(
Also the other day she streamed for 8 hours on bilibili https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1EZ4y1q7yC

>> No.26065259

I'm happy for her but she leaving is gonna mean It's all over. Even if she goes indie, I doubt she will pander to us.

>> No.26065381

And the pal graduation song, that confirm she is going to graduate. Not even mizorra or luna has a og song. akira does that when you are his friend (miu and lia) or when you super popular suzu first og song or when you are going to graduate (rui,suzu..... pal?)

>> No.26065412

How is Yue in her streams aside from saliva posting and debut i don't know anything more from her.

>> No.26065550

Oh yes, the sweet smell of doomposting...

>> No.26065607

GFE, good reactions, comfy, good singer (mostly in chinese), a rough diamond. I'm not saying Himea or other girls don't have talent, but I think Yue has better chances.

>> No.26065673

Pretty calm today donsidering yesterday's emotional overreaction.

>> No.26065684

Now that you're talking about it, why hasn't Luna even made a small cover? I don't think akira would deny her a little cover, do you think luna doesn't want anything to do with the music industry anymore? Or maybe she doesn't have the confidence to ask akira.

>> No.26065743

Extremely sweet and feminine, She flusters pretty easily and gets frustrated(in a cute way) quickly

>> No.26065884

She's just being lazy. Although in one of her member streams she said she would like to improve the quality of her content and bring more idol style content.

>> No.26065964

Why is Himea such a flop?, less subscribers than Yue from the same gem, and with similar ccv than Merun who is streaming in this moment too

>> No.26066005


>> No.26066097

>Why is Himea such a flop?
she had 200+ people watching her at 5am, she needs to play a horror game and do more stuff on stream

>> No.26066134

>she doesn't have close friends
What about all that buss she shown on twitter? She also has mention she is been streaming with a friend of hers.

>she is almost a hag now
How old do you think she is? If she is too old it might over for good...

>Also the other day she streamed for 8 hours on bilibili
Does this confirm the theory then? Idk what are Himari's numbers on Billy tho. I hope she is doing all right over there.

>> No.26066182

Her constant technical problems are very annoying.

>> No.26066264

Hard to tell since she's a cute tiny chink. She looks very young for me but I could say the same of almost every asian woman.

>> No.26066445

Did Rui get a new song for his graduation? I only remember those Identity V ones and the og intro song

Ask her about it with a SC. Maybe she wants to save up for a cool orison, a high quality mv or maybe she's waiting for cover permission. (Reminder that the Torero cover took a while to post according to Misora)

>> No.26066650

Rui og song

>> No.26066740

So rrat is true and pal is the next one......

>> No.26066857

Bye pal

>> No.26066904

Nah, Yue will do a Piyoko, she already got tired of spanish.

>> No.26066986
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>> No.26067004


>> No.26067428

I didn't think anyone would be sensitive about pal, I'm sorry for your loss but it all points to graduation. Now prepare your heart for the inevitable

>> No.26067792

I still believe that if those girls knew some spanish or the spics some japanese things would be very different, after all Sopa's only talent is speaking spanish.

>> No.26067896
File: 587 KB, 952x712, VpkmXbT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was opened only yesterday and we are looking for more. Will you join us, anon?

>> No.26068048

i am not angry but repeating the same thing and being vague about it makes you look like an autist that's all

>> No.26068217

The same thing happened to Babu once, and she explained that the camera detects them from far away and then tries to focus on anything.

>> No.26068756

she showed her face and privated

>> No.26068816

>share username
idk, you don't have another invite link?

>> No.26068844

Damn I was distracted by Himea

>> No.26068852

Try this

>> No.26069211

is she cute?

>> No.26069245
File: 620 KB, 565x609, himen faltamaria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26069290

With those hands? You bet.

>> No.26069377

how cozy
you again
feels like home

>> No.26069521

Be sure to join all of the rooms inside the space.

>> No.26069595

Can someone explain that ? I was absent for a week and I never understood she is still making stream no ?

>> No.26069597

Before thread dies:

>> No.26069756

she wasnt suspended.
Ito, himea and babu did some picrew trending which detailed some aspects oof their appearences. Akira told them to take down those tweets, and babu said they were almost suspended

>> No.26069808

Himea made a "vtuber vs real life" drawing, Ito and Babu followed the trend, Akira gave them a warning and they deleted the tweets. Babu mentioned that she was almost banned from doing a collab, Himea went days without doing streams so some anons believe she was suspended.

>> No.26069885

Himea is a gotica culona with blue hair, and Ito a cute office-lady with short hair, I didn't get to watch babu's.

>> No.26069892

she was sick and went back to her home with no pc to stream

>> No.26069894

I saw the ito/babu one, does anyone have Himea's?

>> No.26070215

Already shared /here/ months ago

>> No.26070246


>> No.26070330

thnx I saw the himea one but I didn't know what it meant, will Himea have Nimu's body? like nalgotica?

>> No.26070332


>> No.26070340

wrong girl

>> No.26070409
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>IRL Nagi

>> No.26070410

Fuck Himea that voice

>> No.26070443


>> No.26070471

Nateyo tender love.

>> No.26070579 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.26070637

Gn bros, dream about your oshi.

>> No.26070663


Bros, I admit I'm a newfag. I just want to say that I'm vibing so hard to the Miu song that sopa was trying to sing on her space today. How was wactor by the time Miu released this song?

>> No.26070688

Tomorrow will be a boring day

>> No.26070741

>How was wactor by the time Miu released this song?
imagine Miu in 2view hell

>> No.26070782

im guessing on the 80-200 range. Lots of asmrs too

>> No.26070850

protect pixel babu gn

>> No.26071243

Drop it nico, you are no match for our firepower autism
