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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26015377 No.26015377 [Reply] [Original]

i explained how detrimental idol culture is to the girls mental health, and how it affects their personal lives leading to long breaks and graduation.
My biggest example was how artificial their behaviour are, showing they follow a really strict code of conduct, leading to depression and self-objectification, like Marine and Nenechi.
They eventually agreed with me

>> No.26015399
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>> No.26015407

Who gives a shit, if it serves to entertain me I'm all for it

>> No.26015451

This aint your blog

>> No.26015484

The girls are already know what they are signing up for.

>> No.26015669

Nenechi is depressed too? Why are generations 3-5 so prone to depression while the earlier gens are more resilient?

>> No.26015704
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I had a nasty discussion with my friend about who tops in Chronoir
I explained how top Kanae is the usual route, my biggest example being the difference in content for knkz vs kzkn, then floated the idea of top Kuzuha being guided into topping by Kanae
They eventually agreed with me

>> No.26015713

>idol culture
Argument discarded

>> No.26015727

>That woman is not acting like a cum guzzling whore lol she's fake, artificial, that's not how real woman behave!
Back to twitter, cuck.

>> No.26015807


>> No.26015842

You have no friends.

>> No.26015888


>> No.26015907

Meds now

>> No.26015933


>> No.26015972

fuck off schizo

>> No.26015987

More like imaginary friends faggot kys

>> No.26016037

>i explained how detrimental idol culture is-
99% of the people in your life won't give 2 shits about "idol culture"

>> No.26016049

Not an argument

>> No.26016073

more experience under their belt
they already mostly went through their depression arcs/low points

>> No.26016084

Will never ever be an argument

>> No.26016091

what if holos are
>cum guzzling whores
and can't act like them, which leads to personality disorder and depression down the line?
can you tell? all you can see on screen is the mandated behavior bounded by the contract and guidelines made by Cover.

>> No.26016113

Not a rebuttal

>> No.26016152

How is it any different than any other entertainment career? Most celebrities end up depressed drug addicts. Its just the price you pay to become rich and famous

>> No.26016188

Is this what autism looks like?

>> No.26016215
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Idol culture is build on clear give and take rules, if you as an idol aren't happy about what you get you should cut the crap and quit, but you won't because the money are simply too good for you to do that, so who's to blame for this? It's simple, you and your greed. The problem isn't with idol culture but women wanting to have the cake and eat it too, but the world doesn't work like this.

>> No.26016403

>leads to graduation
why are you arguing about things you don't understand
literally the whole point of idols is to set goals, complete them as fast as possible, burn-out and then graduate

>> No.26016459

I agree Nijibro. All vtubers should be like our whores, free and loose.

>> No.26016474

Fucking retard, just kys.

>> No.26016519

kys now

>> No.26016584

Retardchaama moment

>> No.26016592

Cool story bro. You should make a thesis about it or something

>> No.26016647

>I'm a whore
>so are my friends
don't care shut up whore

>> No.26016739

Kill yourself. If you have a friend they probably agreed because you are a whiny faggot who wouldn't shut the fuck up and simply saying "Sure whatever" served to end the conversation in the quickest possible manner knowing that deep down faggot EOP like you have zero baring on actual chuubas outside of the western market which is comprised of nothing but failed flesh e-thots and cringe political obessesed whores. No one that matters cares about your edgy hot take for (you)s once again kill yourself.

>> No.26016789
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>> No.26016825

Unlike normal wages they can quit at any time and never work a day in their lives again. But for some strange reason they rarely do that. Almost as if they enjoy being famous and loved.

>> No.26016864

How many idols you saved nagging your friends?

>> No.26017060

>If you have a friend
I remember when I gave OP the benefit of the doubt
That was the first day I used this site
Listen to the wisdom of our ancestors, OP is always a faggot

>> No.26017065

>muh artificial muh fake
t. seething woman who couldn't cut it as an idol

>> No.26017076
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nice thread bro

>> No.26017786
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>> No.26017827

> ITT incels seething

>> No.26017898
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>> No.26017930

And then everyone clapped

>> No.26018087
File: 16 KB, 256x256, 744F0885-43A3-4AB3-ABB7-B49338F5BE2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuckmori thumbnail
>schizo c*ncernfag argument
>obvious normalfaggotry
You are the worst fucking schizo I've ever seen on this board since it's inception

>> No.26018321
File: 383 KB, 640x783, polka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.26018392

Holy based

>> No.26018482


>> No.26018792

>Niggermori style thumbnail
>thread of "Le idol culture bad" for the millionth time.
Why do nijikeks no longer make an effort to make decent bait? This is just sad.

>> No.26019427


>> No.26019549

why would we give a shit about your friends

>> No.26019789

not really, if anything. the newer is way healthier in the psychology way than some of the old

>> No.26019869

Actually, women are made to be pure and chaste, the cum guzzling whore is a disorientation of the mind

>> No.26019990
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shit thread

>> No.26019999

You might be surprised but acting like a cum guzzling whore is not appreciated in most workplaces. If tons of people can control themselves 8 hours a day, 5 days a week then vtubers can control themselves a few hours every couple of days.

>> No.26020035
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>> No.26021340

Idol culture is based and the saving grace of Hololive though. The reason why people choose hololive over any other vtuber group is because they don't discuss relationships, or politics.
If you want a regular old female streamer who talks about those things, then you can go elsewhere.

>> No.26021478

There's no correlation between Idol culture and depression, is just that hololive has been public about their talents health problems most of the times, so in like any organization or work place there's someone with depression, or she is just lying to work less.

>> No.26021499
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>> No.26021567

>My biggest example was how artificial their behaviour are, showing they follow a really strict code of conduct, leading to depression and self-objectification, like Marine and Nenechi.

This wasn't what happened with Nene at all. She isn't even depressed anymore. That fucking otakmori clip came out like 7 months ago. Go fuck yourself OP. You're probably a nijinigger.

>> No.26021655

> if we say nothing and keep nodding he'll eventually shut up and let us go.
t. Your friends

>> No.26021911

Idk about Nene but Marine has made it very clear that the only reason she's depressed is because she can't stream as much as she wants to. You're making up bullshit and projecting your own depression upon others. Please, take your meds.

>> No.26022006
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>> No.26022569

Or maybe it's because all that money isn't enough for them.

>> No.26023398

Because women are retarded and is not capable of thinking rationally.

>> No.26023444

Then there would be more Ayames.

>> No.26023484

idol culture has become a boogeyman

>> No.26023808

>You want to be on top?
Suck it up or gtfo

>> No.26025287

honestly who gives a shit about healthy anymore?
just let them rot away in loneliness and sadness knowing that their only purpose is to LARP as a retarded anime girl

>> No.26025317

nice blog post faggot
you don't have friends

>> No.26025706

Delusional. People attention whore for free.

>> No.26026215

Even if you think idolfaggotry is bad, the alternative, as nijien has shown, is worse

>> No.26026418

Who would quit as soon as they are able to and live a modest life, when they could get fuck you amounts of money just by continuing a couple more years?

>> No.26026488

cool story bro

>> No.26027252

Yeah sure who gives a fuck, ordinary jobs are more depressing than fucking idol culture get a life bro

>> No.26028214

People that really hate their jobs.

>> No.26028524

Ina wouldn't say this doe

>> No.26029107

>like Marine and Nenechi.
how do you know they are depression is related to their job in hololive? sauce?
