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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25933344 No.25933344 [Reply] [Original]

RRAT: She is making a german-only channel, to build her name and brand in Austria and Germany markets.

Once she's built a reputation and owns the market, she can qualify for Eurovision 2023, which is her endgame.
She's talked about it for a year now, and now she's serious after Austria didn't even qualify this year:

>> No.25933514

Based if true

>> No.25933617

I don’t watch Eurovision, but wouldn’t she need to be able to sing to win it?

>> No.25933721

You sadly have to perform live for Eurovision, they won't accept holograms and a Kiara kigurumi would be terrifying.

>> No.25933774

It's actually the first step to a third holocaust.
First they came for the jews. Then they came for the VODs. But who will they go for next?
She can sing.
When she drops the chicken voice.
It's ridiculous how much she fucks herself over through sheer stubbornness.

>> No.25933824

>need to be able to sing to win it
Yeah, you certainly don't watch Eurovision.

>> No.25933945

So does she resent Switzerland for being multilingual or...

>> No.25933971

She's attempting to get popular in the German speaking world so she can run for election and enact the second Anschluss.
Kiara will successfully bring about the fourth reich.

>> No.25934072

lol no you just need have a great show and woke

>> No.25934101

2008 Ireland entry was a turkey puppet
and last year, Montaigne (Australia) couldn't travel to Rotterdam because of pandemic and Dadi and his band (Iceland) and Duncan Laurence (Netherlands, aka. last year's host) were in quarantine, so they pre-recorded their performance

like Kiara says, Eurovision isn't so crazy an idea, because eurovision itself is wacky.

>> No.25934145

You've never watched eurovision have you? All that matter is either having the most woke or the most ridiculous act. One of the other wins every year.

>> No.25934214

good rrat

>> No.25934281

No, she only needs an overproduced show and/or some clearly-not-political song. A sob story also helps.

>> No.25934347

Step 1 German channel
Step 2 Eurovision
Step 3 Germany chancellor
Step 4 1488
Trust the plan.

>> No.25934386

Kiara for Eurovision would be a major step up after all the trash we've sent in recent years.

>> No.25934606

The tradition of 0 points/last place must continue

>> No.25934646

Alright, I kneel to you, Eurovision otaku.

>> No.25934668

She's prepering for HoloDE

>> No.25934841

I'd rather have HoloEU

>> No.25934866

I'm not sure Kiara's interested in the '14' part.

>> No.25934924

i hope this is true

>> No.25935031

Why a German channel? Why not mix German and English in her streams like Pikamee does with Japanese and English?

>> No.25935181

Either she hasn't learned from her own and ID failures that bilingualism is a debuff or she's trying to convince Cover to hire more Europeans by showing them that such a market exists. Which is a fools errand because western Europeans don't like Vtubers, they prefer brain-dead soccer.

I hope she doesn't take it too personally when she inevitably fails, the market just doesn't exist.

>> No.25935515

> Eurovision
> Australia
> ‘Eurovision is wacky’
You don’t say. I already know about Australia being in Eurovision, but if anyone else had lingering doubts they just make shit up as they go, there’s your evidence.

>> No.25935661

Japanese is cute, German is intimidating

>> No.25935697

i cant wait for the era of the gop

>> No.25935743 [DELETED] 

jesus, i confused two very similar sounding countries, calm your titties

>> No.25935844

Eurovision doesn't stand for Europe but for the European Broadcasting Union. As long as you're associated with them, you can get invitated. It means the US or Japan could get into Eurovision, but that would be highly unlikely.

>> No.25935850

She's actually Hitler's secret daughter, and she plants to instate the Fifth Reich through the power of vtubind.

>> No.25935851

shes not. she's creating numbers and a presence so that come audition time, enough austrians recognise her to vote her to represent Austria.

>> No.25935957

That would require her to pierce the normie barrier of people that don;t understand vtubers, a fairly tall task.

>> No.25935975

I think if she wants to build towards an Austrian entry, she should do watchalongs of Ito get the Austrian broadcasters attention.
And also do karaokes for Rise Like a Phoenix

>> No.25936005

true; but if she creates something german-marketed, and it gets enough numbers, it'll make news in austria and germany

a german-vtuber pop star.

>> No.25936047

But Australia is in Eurovision, Anon

>> No.25936087

>I don’t watch Eurovision
>You've never watched eurovision have you?
very observant, anon!

>> No.25936113

yeah i though you misunderstood me by thinking I wrote austria

>> No.25936222

Is that really a good idea? Doesn't anyone remember when she did that german fairy tale early on in her career? Cleary that didnt' do well since it is sitting at 122k after over a year.

>> No.25936225
File: 2.28 MB, 226x400, birb hips.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future Eurovision Winner everybody

>> No.25936397

yo...imagine if this happened. fuck.../vt/ could never talk shit on her again. representing a fuckin country on the world stage - ultimate idol.

winning would be genuine history.

>> No.25936426

Are you guys serious? I don't think Kiara cares about Eurovision. Plus, if she gets in, her privacy and the separation between Kiara and the roommate will get completely destroyed.

>> No.25936579
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Wrong. Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-daSJIP9qT8

she genuinely believes it is possible.

and why would it have to be privacy-ruining?
A virtual character is not that difficult to imagine. Real live performers at promo and touring need costumes, stage setup and makeup artists etc. We're just replacing all that with a set of motion capture equipment and some technicians.

Hololive, if she can actually qualify for Austria, would bend over backwards to help her, because it means 180M viewers will tune in to see their talent.

>> No.25936875

Imagine Austrian newspapers/newscast running a segment on the Austrian participant.
What is a vtuber? Vtubers are such and such...
Kiara's real name is such and such .. she lives here and she was formerly a such and such.
It would take like 5 minutes to doxx her completely, and they will do it because the news are run by boomers without tact.
>Hololive, if she can actually qualify for Austria, would bend over backwards to
Yes. But management is completely retarded, it should be obvious by now.

Still, if that's what Kiara wants(doubt it) I wish her success.

>> No.25937034

yeah its definitely a logistical challenge.

But Kiara definitely wants it, she was totally serious about her tweet of auditioning for 2023.

Really, Kiara is tough as hell and if anyone will commit to this massive goal in hololive and see it through, its her.

>> No.25937261

Tweet? Link me up.

>> No.25937324


>> No.25937443

>Kiara's real name is such and such .. she lives here and she was formerly a such and such.
Unfortunately I can see this happening.
>Aber wer steckt eigentlich hinter der Figur "Kiara Takanashi"? Geboren am xx. xxx xxxx in xxx, einem kleinen Dorf nahe xxx, ...

>> No.25937563

how long until Kiaras sub channel passes Sana

>> No.25937628
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my kaiserin...i kneel.

>> No.25937664

based if true, also fullhouse checked

>> No.25937741
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Kiara is making a German-only channel?

>> No.25937754

Not a fan of her, but I think this was fucking amazing.

>> No.25937823

Friendly reminder that she is an anti-white SJW who abandoned her country.
Dumb whore.

>> No.25937869

then why is she the most nationalistic person I have ever witnessed?
all she does is shill Austria.

>> No.25937941 [DELETED] 

No, she only supported the subversion of America, not her own country

>> No.25937993
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Nice tits.

>> No.25938025

Because she can profit from it.

>> No.25938069

Wir müssen die Einhörner ausrotten!

>> No.25938308

Why the fuck Kiara took THIS LONG to focus on the European audience.

>> No.25938361

Europoors deserve nothing.

>> No.25938372

She thought she could be the bridge between HoloEN and HoloJP at first

>> No.25938389

Related note: I adore the fact that Kiara is European yet still calls soccer "soccer". My big American imperialist boner cannot be contained each time she says it.

>> No.25938447

The German youtuber scene is a bit of an untapped market. There are a few successful twitch idols, but any German speaking personality that uses youtube primarily I don't think I've seen. There were a few like Tanya Rex, but as far as I can tell they all retired or moved to twitch.

Something that characterizes German speaking idols from the eng/jp ones(I'm saying that as non native German speaker) is that many of them don't seem interested in playing a character and just using the avatar as a tool for anonymization. There are exceptions, naturally, but in general I get the feeling that they don't take the idol culture serious, nor do their fans obsess over things like the girls having male friends over irl.

That being said, there are way better options than Kiara if you want to watch fun German vtubers as long as its not on youtube. Selphy is pretty no holds barred, as well as Nayami, or that one red skinned demon loli who I forgot the name of. Kiara, or any hololive girl, are much too clean and corporate to be able to compete with those girls I feel, but maybe on youtube she'll be able to consolidamagr8te a small german speaking audience that doesn't bother with twitch.

>> No.25938559

because if she said "football" she'd always have to clarify that she doesn't mean the braindamage any% sport.

>> No.25938582

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.25938763

fuck. my cock always gets hard when she says the american word for things, but I never realised it til now.

its like shes intentionally submissive to us.

>> No.25938768

Eurovision Is really fucking expensive and the winner need to host the next year, so most countries don't even try to win

>> No.25938815

I think there's generally a shift, since American Football has become more popular in Europe in recent years.

>> No.25938855

Why the fuck would a german speaker call soccer football?
If speaking german she'd just say fußball, while football is only ever used to refer to american football.
Only brits seethe about this shit.

>> No.25938878

We do like Vtubers. We just don't like traitors like Kiara.

The japs call it soccer and she has been in Japan for some time.

>> No.25939025

No, it's not lmao.
That would post this on /sp/ for free (you) because it's really funny.

>> No.25939227

Anon... Check where you tap before typing the captcha...

>> No.25939398

>while football is only ever used to refer to american football.
Unbearably mistaken. American football is just rugby.
>b-but they're different
They're similar enough, USAmericans just like to bastardise everything they get their nigger-dominated hands upon.
t. Eurochad

>> No.25939445

Why does austria speak german and not austrian?

>> No.25939513

Austria is the original Germany. The northern Germans are barbarians who speak the Austrian/ Bavarian language.

>> No.25939542

Nobody cares about rugby outside the uk and its vassal states

>> No.25939567

>Why do Americans speak English and not American?

>> No.25939575

Europe is nothing more than an American vassal

>> No.25939605

Why do people even started to call handegg as football? For someone that doesn't even understand the rules, it looks like a game that hardly uses the foot. At least calling divegrass as football makes sense.

>> No.25939724

>American football is just rugby.
If anything people will confuse rugby with football. Nobody cares about rugby.

>> No.25939836

We speak German, but we don't speak High German. Learn the difference.

>> No.25940128

>Aber wer steckt eigentlich hinter der Figur "Kiara Takanashi"? Geboren am xx. xxx xxxx in xxx, einem kleinen Dorf nahe xxx, ...

And then BILD will pick up rrats from here and publish them nationwide.

>> No.25940283

The problem really is that the German anime fandom is even more cringe than the English speaking one, mainly because normalfag influence is pretty dominating due to a whole generation of kids growing up with anime on TV.

>> No.25940772

That's only the case if you're after the japanese idol ideal, which if youre not only watching to pretend they're youre girlfriend can sometimes get quite dull. Female chuubas on twitch have an extremely long leash and do and say things their male compatriots or anyone on youtube would get fucking booted for instantly.

>> No.25940856

Nobody cares about American football other than Americans
Can't argue against that tbf, EU is cucked as hell

>> No.25940951

With a little work she could probably become the face of German/Austrian/Dutch otaku but her roommate would probably need her own model to keep it going after hololive

>> No.25940970

There are many NFL fans here in Mexico

>> No.25941049

No point arguing with a britbong.

>> No.25941072

Pretty much everyone in germany with an interest in sports watches at least the superbowl and often the whole season.
Not sure I've ever even heard someone mention rugby in any context.

>> No.25941110

How can you be Chad when your continent doesn't watch vtubers?

>> No.25941160

I don't watch chuubas for gfe but I still want the idol ideal. The key is creating a character that is better and less flawed than what a normal streamer offers, especially with Vtubers that is acting like a milder flavour of an anime girl.

I personally am not interested in "normal" women who act freely on any streaming platform, because that also seems to translate into giving horrible takes, thin skinned menhera moments or whorishness.

>> No.25941519

>I don’t watch Eurovision, but wouldn’t she need to be able to sing to win it?
Not really, because Eurovision has been a freakshow for a large part of more recent years (like last 20 years). If you're ridiculous enough in the right way, you will make it, not because you're good at singing. Or you have some sort of overproduced performance that is close to a feverish nightmare.

Link related was 2nd place in 2007, just to give you a reference:

How to win Eurovision:

>> No.25941674

There is not any Euro who truly dissmises their own country

>> No.25941774

Kiara's goal is a trans-continental absolute monarchy with her as Empress, not a fascist ethno-state. After she restores Prussia and annexes Bohemia, Switzerland, Flanders, and Belgium, she will recapture the German holdings in Africa and the Pacific. Then she will use the German colonization of what is now the Midwest as a casus belli for a trans-oceanic invasion of America. All will kneel.

>> No.25941812

I don't really see the quintessential idol stereotype as inherently superior in terms of entertainment. It all depends on the chuuba/idol and their character. There are exceptions in every group. I never watch ASRM, but have started to enjoy faunas a lot for some reason. Same deal with some non stereotypical idol chuubas.

>> No.25941852

She and every leftist is like that.

>> No.25941871

>Yes. But management is completely retarded, it should be obvious by now.
>fat balding JP middle managers being too parrochial and monolingual to understand what Kiara getting into eurovision might mean in terms of publicity
...crazy how this isn't completely implausible.

>> No.25941873

I remember when my country did a joke spectacle in 2008
good times

>> No.25942070
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>> No.25942093

Only once they reach a certain age. Enough kids are embarrassed of their heritage. It takes time to learn to appreciate it.

>> No.25942506

after trying and failing to send john cobra, being able to send chikilicuatre was the best

>> No.25943302
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That's why I said *Americans*, as in people from the whole continent of America, instead of *USAmericans*, which I used in >>25939398 to refer to people from the USA
Ew no, though I have lived there
Rugby is more popular worldwide compared to American football, look it up.
I'm in my continent and I watch vtubers

>> No.25943377

>Rugby is more popular worldwide compared to American football, look it up.
Great argument when we're talking about Germany.

>> No.25943461

simply put Shes a fucking Nazi

>> No.25944044

The argument I was making was for Europe in general

>> No.25944194

Never underestimate the stupidity of boomer sarariman.

>> No.25944343

>I'm in my continent and I watch vtubers
Good. Now convince the rest of Europoors to turn off the soccer and start watching vtubers.

>> No.25944344

Yeah, the jews infesting chubba world pissed her off. She's going to gases them all

>> No.25944905

Good for her.
