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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25813201 No.25813201 [Reply] [Original]

>Me not wanting my reflection to show is one trillion percent for you guys. I need -- I need you guys to know that. It is a hundred percent for you. Okay? And I work very hard to make sure it doesn't... If it happens? I don't care. I -- maybe there was a time where I did, a long time ago. I don't care anymore. That time has completely, one hundred percent passed away. [Reading chat] "Don't want to die from seeing the true shinigami", of course, exactly! That's the thing.
>It is one trillion percent for you guys. I need to be completely honest with you. So, if it happens, I don't want you guys to freak out about it, it will be cut from the VOD for your sake, that's just how it goes. But if it gets shared around the inter -- [mocking voice] "baawooouhh I godda pigcha of Calli's fe--", I don't care, I don't care about it, I do not give a shit, I'm tired, I've been doing this for too long, I don't give a shit anymore guys, I don't care anymore.
Why is this allowed?

>> No.25813261


>> No.25813304

Just filter her so you stop seeing any video with her in it even appearing in your recs. You'll be much happier, it was the best thing I ever did.

>> No.25813429


>> No.25813514

I've never seen someone who is so resistant against integrating into a new culture. I mean it makes sense because she's been in Japan so long and still doesn't know how to speak conversational Japanese, but still.

Back when Mori started and knew nothing about what she was getting into I was happy for her overnight success because it seemed like someone who was working very hard for years got her big break and that she'd definitely make the most of it. My impression was that she'd spend her time leaning about vtubing and Hololive in particular and doing what she could to fit in and be part of this new group that is booming and help push them to even higher heights.

What a disappointment when she's done nothing but complain about how Hololive "restricts" her from doing stupid shit and hasn't bothered learning anything about how vtubing works and STILL says dumbshit like this on stream to this very day (Cuckbeats spouting "are you still in 2021" style copes need not apply)

>> No.25813631 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.25813736

So, will she actually call-in for Sana's birthday since she can't possibly go any lower than voice mail for Ina's birthday.

>> No.25813767


I'm sure Calli really appreciates the clicks and engagement on a 6 month old stream.

>> No.25813845

That'd work great if she'd only stop showing up in collabs with the girls I actually like

>> No.25813846

Tell me how. I already click not interested if I see her face.

>> No.25813858

>she'd spend her time leaning
She surely did it tho

>> No.25813876

Will be funnier if she actually calls

>> No.25813932
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>> No.25813996

I fucking hope it wasn't on purpose. It would be so funny as an accidental typo. I'm drunk and I laughed my ass off at thus word in this context

>> No.25814037

>too scared to make the thread during the actual collab stream
Good to see you're only retarded, but cowardly as well

>> No.25814045

The original with the actual soldier is way funnier

>> No.25814080

I dislike Mori but I 100% agree with her on this
fuck your stupid 'yab' culture

>> No.25814185
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>dredging up material to timeloop about from 7 months ago
Jesus christ

>> No.25814222

I have never seen someone who lives for rent free in the head of 4chan than Calliope Mori. I swear to God I am so fucking tired of every third thread being some whiny virgin complaining that she hiccupped on stream. Please shut the fuck up, Anon. We *know* you don't like her. We get it dude. Just stop watching her so much if you don't like her. I don't know if she fucked your mom or if the fact that she likes rap and basketball is that upsetting to you but I honestly think you need to speak to a professional as to why you get so worked up over one online streamer out of hundreds of thousands. I'm a Game Grumps hater, so I know that hating creators can be fun. But this isn't fun. You just typed out two paragraphs of some lady who doesn't know you existed saying something innocuous. Stop it. Get some help. Or at least rope yourself so I can look for Kronii lewds without being subject to your mental illness

>> No.25814282

>Writes an entire essay defending a woman who will never know you exist
Calm down simp.

>> No.25814333

I did not defend her at all. I do not care about Mori or if people don't like her. It's just that the anti-Mori posts are getting to the point of being spam

>> No.25814351

>I don't like her! So I'm going to watch her old vods to prove that I don't like her!

>> No.25814377
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>creates anti thread
>gives timestamp for whole context for what she means and it is nothing bad
What do you wanted to do? I'm confused

>> No.25814606

>Only watch a few of the streamers
>still want to shitpost on /vt/ because the place is fishing bait central
>Mori inevitably does something stupid but not terrible or evil
>Make shitpost about it exaggerating how much you care about how bad this was and how vile mori was
>200 replies, gaslight any deadbeats that show up for fun

This worked for quite awhile but I think deadbeats are finally tired of getting baited so now we'll have to wait for the next yab meta target.

>> No.25814719

just think of what mori's doing now in terms of content and how riled up it gets everyone here. this place is going to be hell come late july

>> No.25814866

I Love mori

>> No.25815028
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Fucking yikes

>> No.25815112

What? That doesn't read at all as apathy towards hololive, but as apathy towards worrying about being doxxed. She flat out says any effort she puts into concealing her identity is because she DOES care about maintaining the image for her viewers. She's clearly just saying that on a personal level she doesn't care if it happens and that she doesn't want her viewers to panic on her behalf if it does happen. Which is completely reasonable even if she did care about it since a bunch of fans concernposting about seeing her face only brings more attention. It's ridiculous how disingenuous you faggots are about her sometimes.

>> No.25815297

>I've never seen someone who is so resistant against integrating into a new culture.
It's the same with all American expats, and probably European ones as well. They don't go to another country for something different or to experience new things, they go so they can bitch about how things aren't like home and then either try to forcibly change their surroundings to be like the country they just left OR they never branch out of their little circle of fellow English-speaking (and ONLY English-speaking) expats who also hate the country they're in (of their own free will) and then wonder why they constantly feel isolated.

>> No.25815378

I use the youtube blocker extension and filter out key words and channels. I had to literally filter Calli's name out in multiple ways due to clipper kikes trying to bypass filters with their retarded workarounds. So I don't see any videos that contain words in the title like Calli, Calliope, Calli, C𝗮lli, etc. on top of blocking her channel entirely and some of her faggot clippers and all of her faggot e-celeb friends. When people I like collab with her, I don't even see it, it just looks like they took a break.

>> No.25815465
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"Calliope Mori does not care about hololive."

>> No.25815594

She wants people to see her face since she funnels them all to her roommate. What makes her callous is the reason Holo fans have that culture is for a lot of her co-workers it is a very sensitive thing and they actually don't want to be seen so by shitting on the very concept of it, she's just emphasizing how disconnected she is from the other Holos. Even Kiara who also wants everyone to worship her roommate instead of Kiara takes not getting seen very seriously and stresses out about it so completely brushing off the concern as stupid like Calli does with this and everything else shows a lack of understanding of who the worried parties are. It's the same as when sluts like Ollie complain that all the Holos can't be spitroasted on stream as if it's the fault of the audience when multiple Holomems don't want to interact with males and are uncomfortable enough already with people generally.

>> No.25815665

>s because it seemed like someone who was working very hard for years got her big break and that she'd definitely make the most of it. My impression was that she'd spend her time leaning about vtubing and Hololive in particular and doing what she could to fit in and be part of this new group that is booming and help push them to even higher heights.
Trips have revealed the truth. I too tire of the /vt/rannies mental illness.

>> No.25815691


>> No.25815693

I love Mori so much that I analize every single frame of every single stream, looking for new things to post about her on /vt/.
Mori is on my mind 24/7; I don't want to think about anything else.

>> No.25815778

>Ollie wants to get spitroasted on stream.

Anon I live under a rock, what the fuck is this about?

>> No.25815866

okay Mori

>> No.25816181

>he looks at the catalog

>> No.25816282
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IRyS shit lasted less than a day eh?
Its funny how Mori not streaming that much makes these people so angry.

>> No.25816394
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>mori cares

>> No.25816426

Did you just miss the context of the conversation OP? Or did I just fall for bait again?

>> No.25816687
File: 104 KB, 1142x1080, [YuiSubs] Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! - 17 (NVENC H.265 1080p).mkv_snapshot_12.00_[2021.11.27_18.19.00]_proc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how fragile her ego is, you'd think a streamer and rapper would be less thin skinned but she keeps being a fat lolcow
can't wait for the next yab desu

>> No.25816748

Ooga booga Male holo collabs. Literally that's it.

>> No.25816903

they wouldn't let me spitroast ollie on stream so we have to do it offline

>> No.25817007

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.25817117

watching entire 4 hour long vods from a year ago to find one clip i dont like to fucking pwn the streamer i hate

you got her dude. she's finished this time

>> No.25817191

if haachama is allowed to complain about the fact that she's forced to wear gloves, and the fact that she was allowed to "dox" herself while wearing a monkey mask, and the fact that she posted drawings of herself and her university on twitter drawn by her father...I don't think mori is that bad

>> No.25818986

Jesus... I feel bad for Ina.

>> No.25820022

anons you are autistic, i'm sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.25820272 [DELETED] 

TL;DR stfu cuckbeat

>> No.25821696


>> No.25821831

ok simp

>> No.25821952

Hyperbole for Ollie's lewd tendencies.

>> No.25822089 [DELETED] 

>posting a wallpaper of text to defend someone else
Redditor behavior

>> No.25822136

Your mom should have swallowed you.

>> No.25823728


>> No.25826604 [DELETED] 

Literally the nigger of HoloLive, as much as I like some of her stuff

>> No.25826688

i still remember the "I'm in Ina's chat lol" comment
sasuga mori, forgetting shes in multiple streams

>> No.25827411 [DELETED] 

It's an advanced kind of bait, it works for all
>be cuckbeat
>see OP
>immediately chimp out without even watching the video and write and essay

>be non-cuckbeat
>hmm did she really say that?
>you go watch
>wtf he's lying!
>goes point it out like a retard

>be anti
>immediately use thread to btfo cuckbeats

>> No.25827843

>I was only pretending to be retarded
You are a waste of oxygen.

>> No.25828374

>ou'd think a streamer and rapper would be less thin skinned but she keeps being a fat lolcow
rappers are literally born because of them being fragile enough to want to get back at people through music.
like coming to 4chan to tell how stupid someone was with you

>> No.25828454

I'm not OP, also I don't know why my post got deleted?
LOL Janny is a cuckbeat.

>> No.25828879


>> No.25828966


>> No.25829120

Well you just hit the nail on the head there. Her Japan life is the exact opposite of the way irys aproached it. She actually made an effort to learn the language and integrate into the culture

>> No.25829259
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Reminder that IRyS won this tree sentinel race!!!

>> No.25829283


>> No.25829368

When did kaf collab with Amelia?

>> No.25830032

This thread feels like it's filled with people who were raped in the steamy hot summer of 1992.

>> No.25830685

Unbelievably thin-skinned

>> No.25830772

anon, please. You must be more sensitive about topics like that in these kinds of threads.

>> No.25830833

The fact remains that the chama is based and Mori is fragile.

>> No.25831051

Can someone tell me how this relates to Haachama in any way?

>> No.25831145

Ollie complaining about other Holos because they aren't willing to collab with males like she does.

>> No.25831204

I get that Shrek 1 was a decent movie but I wish Mori watched more anime

>> No.25831283

Why would you timestamp right when she says the most sympathetic part of her argument ("I hate the retards in chat", which is fair, normalfags are cattle).

>> No.25831606

yeah Ollie said(100% legit btw) she wanted to get spitroasted by you and me, anon
only question is which hole do you want?

>> No.25832041

People keep using this word for her but she is far from most of actual lolcows.
Well then you should be happy because she is gonna move back to America soonish.

>> No.25832155

>moving back to America
If true thank god

>> No.25835617


>> No.25835759

No need to bump your shitty bait thread, OP.

>> No.25835875 [DELETED] 

I think it's a decent bait thread

>> No.25835955

Lol no.

>> No.25837118

>Noooooooo, how dare you watch her stream, now I cannot own you by saying you do not watch her streams, but wait I can just call you obsessed for watching streams
RUMAO, the absolute state of cuckbeats

>> No.25837408

stfu unicorn

>> No.25837559

Not that anon but why are you watching her if you don't like her?

>> No.25837655

>Back to America
Guaranteed to fuck everything she's built up once she has unhindered access to drugs combined with her negative tolerance. It'll be a real Jekyll and Hyde moment

>> No.25837787

>she’s a feetposter
this is the only negative thing I got out of this entire statement
I really don’t give a fuck about companies but I do care she’s an oldfag and one of our kind.

>> No.25838221

I think Rushia getting axed made her realize that everything she's achieved as Calli could vanish in an instant if she fucks up. Every piece of music she released under the Hololive brand would pretty much just get memory holed.

>> No.25838536

i dont care
stop rapping keep it to your roomate channel

>> No.25838762

You wish. She isn't leaving nor getting terminated.

>> No.25841354

You're obsessed over a person you don't even like

>> No.25841443

Nigga, stop bumping this shit thread from page 10

>> No.25842142

fucking hell we really are in her mind rent free
she understands that it is a collab? what a fat karen

>> No.25842216

But she did the monkey mask thing as a joke because she slipped up for real in a stream and her face was seen and somebody used it to attack her.

>> No.25842225

Seems like it goes both ways.

>> No.25842658

..and then she told bae to ban morb from chat.

>> No.25842926

Anon that was a joke.

>> No.25842993

I tried to listen to it. Her voice is so annoying.

>> No.25843067
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>this isn’t fun
It’s fun for me cuck

>> No.25843092

She’s so thin skinned

>> No.25843155

doesn't sounds like a joke.

>> No.25843164

The land of guns, drugs and violence?

>> No.25843175

Why? What do you get from shitting up catalog with bait threads that don't even hit bump limit anymore?

>> No.25843234

Might be the best or worst timeline
When she lived in JP she stayed the “cool” coworker no matter what because nobody who lived in the America interacted with her, but combine in person collabs and unlimited access to drugs and she might finally crash for good, just hope she don't bring anyone down with her

>> No.25843283

>makes the headlines for being the world's first VTuber to die of overdose or being killed in rap wars

>> No.25843341

What the fuck is she even talking about? I don't follow rapists. I'm gonna need a quick rundown.

>> No.25843369

Chat was being annoying about reflections and spamming about them

>> No.25843395

you do realize that not only did she joke about it once it happened, but she kept the stream going for an hour and a half as this board, 5ch and jp twitter were on fire, but to add insult to injury she kept the VOD up for like 12 hours or so
why is she allowed to do this but if it's mori then it's a no no?

>> No.25843419

>nobody who lived in the America interacted with her
You mean other ENs? But she had plenty of collabs with them?

>> No.25843434

it's the infamous cuckbeat deflection anon, how new are you?

>> No.25843526

I’m curious how she starts to act once she’s back in the states and subjected to her sister’s shenanigans all the time

>> No.25843608

>I've never seen someone who is so resistant against integrating into a new culture.
It's an American thing... Which is ironic, considering the nation's history

>> No.25843621

>subjected to her sister’s shenanigans all the time
It depense on is she gonna live near her family?

>> No.25843655

She is a troll and mentally ill. Personally I don't defend her usually, but her motivations are completely different and while I don't necessarily appreciate a lot of the end results since they may as well be the same as Mori, what gets her there is not the same and it's Mori's attitude that people hate.

>> No.25843774

Christ... does she think people are gonna bully her for her face?

Wear a fucking balaclava Calli you dumb negro.

>> No.25843812

I meant in person, looking back to that comment its a fucking mess, all I wanted to say is that once she meets her coworkers in person she will lose her cool coworker status and they will be forced to handle the raw Mori experience

>> No.25843816

I’d bully her

>> No.25843875

Nah, she just got annoyed because she had prepared so nothing Yabe would get shown and still greyniggers were being annoying about it.

>> No.25843879

People do bully her for her wide ass, big chinned, man-woman face. You see it all the time on this board.

>> No.25844143

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.25844303

So basically she's your typical burgerland expat, refusing to understand the country they're residing in and deriding them for being so different from murica.

>> No.25844384

>deriding them for being so different from murica
Well not really. She hardly has complained about it or demanded them to change.

>> No.25844451

Neither of you have seen Mexicans in the US. Or muslims in the UK, or anywhere really. Lots of shitheads move places for gibs without any intention of ever assimilating.

>> No.25844649

>I'm not that worried about my silhouette being reflected in a spoon because I already am fully face doxed
>this somehow means that she doesn't care about Hololive
Why can't you retards just say that you dislike her shitty monkey music and be done with it instead of making up all those schizo bullshit?

>> No.25844666

Were you doxxed when you put it out there yourself?

>> No.25844730

Unironically 50% of the deranged Mori hate comes from teamates that are still seething their tiktok e-girl never surpassed her like they all screamed she would for the first few months. Honestly, the only thing worse than a deadbeat is a teamate.

>> No.25844799

I’ll hold you down and empty my balls in your ass you absolute cuckbeat

>> No.25844889

But I'm boivulating right now!

>> No.25844905

>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>> No.25844955

>She hardly has complained about it or demanded them to change.
She demands Hololive change to let her be a pseudo vshojo every single day. Mori fundamentally is a normie retard who doesn't understand why Hololive is popular and thinks vshojo is the gold standard she should be emulating, thanks to Connor of course.

>> No.25844961

This is embarrassing

>> No.25845113

I though you were talking about her living in Japan.

>> No.25845152


>> No.25845216

If you don't give a fuck about the dumb bitch why keep talking about her? Is this the only place you can get faggots to agree with you with? She's trash you don't see the rest of us who actually don't care about her making threads. She must really be living rent free in your head.

>> No.25845279

that's a nice argument anon, why don't you back it up with a source?

>> No.25845283

That image just makes me angry, her attitude the entire collab justifies all the hate she gets

>> No.25845293

Reddit might be more of your speed. You can even abuse the downvote button for maximum censorship.

>> No.25845304

Watch streams

>> No.25845373

Wow, heckin owned!

>> No.25845428

All logic be damned. You faggots just love being miserable. You faggots love acting like schizo retards then be offended when treated as such. Here's a rope hang yourself.

>> No.25845465
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>> No.25845538

Well it is more about that people keep spamming these threads and bumping them even if they are dead on page 10.

>> No.25845843

>make claim he cannot back up
>called out on it
>"w-watch streams"
every time, this is getting embarrassing

>> No.25846702

see mori, u better accept those cute faces. u ended up becoming menhera, cuz u not accepting those cuteness

>> No.25849202

cool story bro

>> No.25849351


>> No.25849369


>> No.25849472

One person can collaborate with someone because they are unironically retarded and another can do it because they want to stir up shit. The effect is the same but the motivations are entirely different.

>> No.25849563

>another can do it because they want to stir up shit
Are you saying Mori has done that before?

>> No.25849685

The problem with the ripper cunt is that she has become to fucking serious about her job and mostly about herself. Just be silly as fuck, your ADHD is actualy a bonus in this job.

>> No.25849819

You were told the truth and calling him a simp is your only rebuttal against his point. Proving him right.

If you don't like the bitch watch something else or yet complain about her to cover. You fucking sweaty incel greasy fuck.

>> No.25850093

>Mori's Apathy Towards Hololive
Pulling stuff out of thin air
How the hell "I don't care that people see me irl" equals to "Apathy Towards Hololive"?
JP holomes have side irl channels

>> No.25850137

>and another can do it because they want to stir up shit
so mori wants to do it on purpose? and the effect is definitely not the same

>> No.25850365

Yet she puts it on 14 day sub chat here n there, what a sensitive little bitch

>> No.25850434

That was for the recent spam comments.

>> No.25850911
File: 16 KB, 256x256, 01ca305f725b61eb047f37bcb6b2dc8d49d13efa30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i were yagoo i would have blackmailed her into graduating a year ago

>> No.25851030

Blackmailed with what?

>> No.25851760

I really don't get why continuing the lore that seeing her reflection kills people instantly is proof she hates hololive. It's just a joke.

I guess antis are mad that their "Calli hates Kiara" rrat didn't pan out. Plus, they performed King together. What an epic way to pwn the haters.

>> No.25851883

lots of options

>> No.25851960

Like what?

>> No.25851983

