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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 531 KB, 518x518, 1629620262799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25729001 No.25729001 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>25664813

Beautiful archer edition.

Today's streams

Mireille will play Portal

Luna will review fanarts

Ito karaoke non stop until she reaches 17k

Miu will play Pedro adventures

Upcoming streams

Mireille plays:
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
And a collab with Nova Aokami

Lunita free chat


Miu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_z0-X89fg
Lia: She's a free neko, schedules are for pussies.
Suzu: Impending graduation.
Sopa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8y6V-Dn5eg
Pal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW5a0Ggd_4I
Luña: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUJUEGEuaGE
Himari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaPHHAF1K1M
Yue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ8NdW1-0A8
Ito: Mostly Apex, free chat & karaoke (in the same stream)
Himea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJMCT4arC0w
Mireille: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLb-qZckVBA
Mimi: Coming soon!

More info about Wactor:

>> No.25729095 [DELETED] 

Aside from Ito's face, I believe all the lineart is finished, so now it is mostly just Filling it up with singular colors.



With Grid

Original res

>> No.25729151
File: 82 KB, 1440x789, pixelcanvas.io (1130,9925) 2022-06-08T07_04_56-05_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from Ito's face, I believe all the lineart is finished, so now it is mostly just Filling it up with singular colors.



With Grid

Original res

>> No.25729468
File: 10 KB, 1098x1233, Lia Pixel3 x9 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here a new try.
I like Lia's first model but the change that her second model represents is so big that it almost feels wrong to use her original model for the pixelart.

So I made a new try with Lia Black hair, this time the design is simpler, it contains a meme of her that represents Lia currently, and the best part, the original art was drawn by Lia herself.

>> No.25729564
File: 35 KB, 371x377, FMMGzcvVcAISd1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the original picture, it is one of her Youtube Icons, I was not able to find it without the sample text

>> No.25731485

Really nice!

>> No.25732071

Good morning anons
>Akira hate
>Villa-cuck hate
>Netto hate
>Loyalcucktomo hate
>Sere hate
>hispacucks hate
>(you) hate

>> No.25732262

So are we doing this? >>25686642

>> No.25732421

Nice, i like it

>> No.25732570

Nah, too much work and fewer people helping with each new art, and I like the train too.

>> No.25732894

Miu gordita

>> No.25732942

Chubby japanese girls

>> No.25732970

>Miu shitting on Susan

>> No.25733252

Me before knowing Pal and Himari
me after:

>> No.25733575


>> No.25734187

Himari is now a chinks exclusive

>> No.25735331

the wactor dick is getting longer and longer. Who will be end up being the head? himea? mimi?

>> No.25735376

Lunita la mas bonita! She is the best wactor vtuber!!!!

>> No.25735436

Akira is alright.

>> No.25735535

You guys watching Natamo today?

>> No.25735584

Didn't this company dox talent it was firing? How much Chink money is keeping it afloat?

>> No.25735638

The dox situation was overblown.

>> No.25735709

Natamo is the Morbius of the spanish vtuber world.

>> No.25735766


>> No.25735769

Natamo is more dead than Wactor and this Thread

>> No.25735957

That's the charm!

>> No.25736008

Sigues mirando estos lugares? chica mala...
Please take care of your mental health, there's nothing good in this place.

>> No.25736068

That or marshmallows

>> No.25736112

Fucking China Miseria stop writing in takataka

>> No.25736171

nah, underages these past few threads targeted other girls

>> No.25736231

Btw, reminder that hispafags used to throw shit on wactor as a whole on their dead place.
Make your own conclusions.

>> No.25736402

I doubt they're here, they were unable to speak english after all hhahaah.

>> No.25736517

Hina can't into english too.

>> No.25736535

>Hispacucks hate

>> No.25736591

rent free

>> No.25736700
File: 372 KB, 1200x567, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25736898

Perhaps reacting to that screenshot last night? If that post was true, then it can easily make rrats about her dating her mod with almost solid evidence so is reasonable she had to post that, Lia style, as indirect reply.

>> No.25736904


>> No.25737073

I still don't understand why you want Himea to get a school grade. I mean is cool you support her, but what do you win with it?

>> No.25737288

She graduates from being a choripanera, which is a net win for Argentina

>> No.25737299

Fuck off piece of shit

>> No.25737335

It could also be what they said before, that she has other accounts n discord servers or reads facebook groups that repost some of the things they see here

>> No.25737370

Putiglota at today 121K, she is just 10K ahead Lia. It's over anons...

>> No.25738261

Zzzzzzz 4 days to get 1k she is declining

>> No.25738487

I don't care what you think I like and I will fuck Netto every day of my life hehe

>> No.25738494

All wactor girls only could dream of getting 1K in only 4 days nowdays

>> No.25738508

At least Himali is keeping up with her dance lessons.

>> No.25738592


>> No.25738899

is it time reiner?

>> No.25738936

>>Luna will confirm that she hates us.

>> No.25738967


>> No.25739499

Sopa con luna rakun y hana en L4D

>> No.25739521


>> No.25739702

good streams today

>> No.25739791

This is gonna be huge but fuck Putiglota and racum
Fuck off nijinigger

>> No.25739812

The Pixel anon's work doesn't show up anymore in the hashtags by the way. Are anons okay with this?

>> No.25740175

bruh, fanart streams are only for discord art section, so no twitter.

>> No.25740193

Finally a good game. The bad side to this is that none of them knows shit about L4D2 so I don't think we'll see that game again soon since the really fun part of the game is the versus mode but for that you need at least 6 people.

>> No.25740387


>> No.25740440

Could himea's PC run L4D2?, you know, is a pretty old game at this point, they can also invite her, and just complete with Reimundo

>> No.25740517

I 50% agree with you just because putiglota and raccum

>> No.25740525

Just tag luna directly already.

>> No.25740690

she can if she doesnt stream

>> No.25740815

If only she twitted just 1 or 2 lines instead of wall texts... They get what they want.

>> No.25740994

Could they a do some shit with Babu's lore where she grow up thanks to the power of love of all anons /here/ and redebut her with a more mature model?, It's sad to seeing her with those low numbers...

>> No.25741093

Babu streaming during morning and getting over 100 viewers feels kinda weird
Im a little sad but babu babu cant stay small forever

>> No.25741211

>pixel anons so retarded they think they'll show up on a discord stream without posting it on discord
You had your chance yet decided not to take it

>> No.25741310

Sometimes art by Twitter is reposted by the mods at Discord, but never directly from the bird site.

>> No.25741479

I'm pretty sure she could. It's the perfect game for a big wactor collab.

>> No.25741568

unless somebody post it right now it's not gonna be seen. What a shame.

>> No.25741653

that place was a real dump literally no wonder they are twitch exclusive viewers but from the slum

>> No.25741828

And the putiglota will miss those advances

>> No.25742085

Putiglota It's practically from Owosu

>> No.25742167

What do you mean?

>> No.25742225

Owosu is more dead than wactor, natamos amai and this thread

>> No.25742536

Owuzo is stronger than wactor. I don’t care about them btw

>> No.25742578


>> No.25742705

wactor has two active platforms. Owosu has 1, that agency is not expanding. YouTube does not count because it does not usually stream there, very, very rarely that happens.

>> No.25742727

Luna talking about pixelart
Pixel bros this hurt

>> No.25742784

Yet they decided not to upload it when luna could've reacted to it on stream

>> No.25742885

Pixelbros were retarded this time

>> No.25742909

Channels close a few hours before a stream begins so it's already too late. Someone could post it on the thread for the 100k celebration tho, that's a good place

>> No.25742973

Babu is probably in Taiwan because it doesn't make sense for her to be with such a small audience on youtube when she could have a good amount of pedos on bilibili.

>> No.25743021

She already confirmed being singaporean

>> No.25743044

Luna saw hers and the other girls, she only wants to humiliate us

>> No.25743098

That weird she should stream in bilibili then, her mornings streams are depressing.

>> No.25743199

This. And we should make something else with some hidden message just in case.

>> No.25743239

She's not confident in her chinese. Maybe she doesn't want to? She was already scared of spics in the beginning.

>> No.25743293

At least she doesn't stream in busy hours in the same time like everyone else

>> No.25743455

Because fucking midget Akira hired babu as a replacement for Laila even knowing wactor doesnt have a chance with english audiences

>> No.25743633

She should stream at night (our night) in the spot where Himari used to stream (around 9~10 here in mexico). Sure, those hours are also Miu or Lia, but thats better than morning or afternoon where Sopa, Luna and Putiglota are

>> No.25743748

Her late streams are shorter because she wakes up like 5 am in her time, streams for one or two hours then have breakfast and go to classes or job

>> No.25743751

she speaks only english, she should stream during the gringos schedule

>> No.25743852


>> No.25743855

Putiglota's content gets lamer and lamer every stream. The real sad part are her simps tho

>> No.25743898

Babu is doomed, please fucking midget, do something to save her

>> No.25743977

Still more effort than lazy Sopa's charla libre

>> No.25744004


>> No.25744140 [DELETED] 

So lunas new nickname is la hormiga española
Im happy to see luna accepting that she will never be japanese and thats ok

>> No.25744154

Arriba Españita

>> No.25744191

Luna just said UNA GRANDE LIBRE

>> No.25744286

Bros, how can I learn to draw appealing cute anime girls?, doesn't have to be too complex, I just want to draw something for this girls, but I can only draw stickmans...

>> No.25744300


>> No.25744413

What does that mean?

>> No.25744459

There's tones of tutorials on YT.

>> No.25744461

>Te voy a empalar como nunca nadie te ha empalado, voy a ser tu primera vez
I still don't understand why lomitos believes Luna when she fakes as she doesn't know anything about sex, they really believe she is virgin or what

>> No.25744533

She always says she's not a nun and that she clearly knows, but she finds ecchi as a genre as cringe.

>> No.25744544

unity but in real life

>> No.25744587

Shut up shut up

>> No.25744664

Luna is a workaholic who never takes days off
Every time she takes a day off from streaming is because she is getting dicked, or putting something en el ano of someone

>> No.25744708 [DELETED] 

>>27yo spainiard

>> No.25744743

Holy shit luna, she's your friend!

>> No.25744754

Don't say this to lomitos or they will burn you at the stake for heresy

>> No.25744774
File: 160 KB, 840x704, KIZmOW4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25744800

She is jealous of Hina even inside her dreams

>> No.25744830

stop using my clip for your shitpost hispacuck.

>> No.25744897

>My clip
kek this anon

>> No.25744923

Luna haters are Luna closeted fans, right? They just can't accept that they love her :3

>> No.25744963 [DELETED] 


>> No.25744990

That guy carete kek

>> No.25745021

>all begins in le epic 4chin site

>> No.25745092

practice anatomy, at least start with the face and hands

>> No.25745129

Luna just admitted that she was being fake in the beginning

>> No.25745162


>> No.25745176

so which backgrounds colors are we gonna use for the remaining girls that were not used yet?
lia= darkbrown
himea = purple
mimi= dark gray?

>> No.25745188

She got unironically angry at the superchat

>> No.25745193

she already said a lot of times that she was being on seiso mode on the first month

>> No.25745199

And she is still fake now but pretending to be authentic as she used to pretend to be authentic at the beginning

>> No.25745208

Luna will ban (You) if you keep breaking containment anon.

>> No.25745214

Luna getting angry in the Oouhh crying face from a SC KEK

>> No.25745271

what did he say this time? I saw a lot of people replying his name but I am on my cell phone and I could not read his message.

>> No.25745292

God please, I need a /WACTOR/ wiki or at least more content like this, I hate being a newfag

>> No.25745320

he superchatted loli cunny uohhhh cute and funy

>> No.25745340

MTF MTF hate

>> No.25745351

Luna hating >us gets me horny.

>> No.25745386


>> No.25745392

Kek, ofed muted me for replying with an innuendo, but this guy carete is on another level, jjust like his recent message about luna spreading her legs.

>> No.25745414

some retard is singing lmao

>> No.25745448

I'm dying...

>> No.25745470

Do you send money to Luna?
Carete sends money regularly so he is immune to bans

>> No.25745509

Something like "Lunita *Crying facex3* kani *crabx3*

>> No.25745514

Not only carete but goki making jokes about luna spreading her legs and nothing happened to her either

>> No.25745546

Why are you guys shitting on a guy perving on Luna when you do it all the time?

>> No.25745558

Is Luna crying because the song?

>> No.25745565

these guys have no dignity?

>> No.25745634

Too much cringe to the point she breaking her fake persona, wanting to make fun of this guy but forcing herself to keep acting all lovely and caring
She will be laugh for some seconds only two say that she doesnt know what to say then thank him

>> No.25745648

To me was very cringy for those last words no bad intended. No idea if it was the same case for Luna

>> No.25745671

Anon, they really believe they can make a vtuber fall in love with them if they do these things, what do you expect?

>> No.25745722

The one who composed something similar for Sopa was worse.

>> No.25745783

Poor singer lomicuck...

>> No.25745789

I'm starting to believe when some of you say that Luna is a fake beetch.

>> No.25745884

she is a woman, of course she's a fake

>> No.25745909

What if they are 5Heads sacrificing their dignity to start an ego war of whales superchating?

>> No.25745917

>Dime que es el cangrejo coño
This is going to be funny

>> No.25745926

and cute

>> No.25745943

Luna asking for the crab kek

>> No.25745953

>la booba
please just say tetas

>> No.25746073

I can dig that, in Luna's eyes, Sopa has achieved everything with hardly any effort.

>> No.25746104

Lol, Luna streaming as usual when after a short silence she suddenly says
>Oh, me tendre que ir pronto
It seems the new bf is still bothering her

>> No.25746142

sorry bro but im horny

>> No.25746169


>> No.25746221

You misspelled "brother never mentioned before"

>> No.25746222


>> No.25746335

do the pixelcanvas tweets reference the original art? to avoid problems just in case.
luna did screech about those doing picrew claiming to be original

>> No.25746358


>> No.25746389

I thought it was bc of the collab she'll be doing after

>> No.25746397

it's the oposite, In her membership streams she has said that she has impostor syndrome, she doesn't believe that she deserves her spot at wactor nor her views and it makes her sad when she sees someone trying hard and not getting any attention since she knows what being a 2 views feels like and her brain can't process that she's in the "winning team" now since she got in by luck

>> No.25746519

Luna's hands showcase in the future confirmed

>> No.25746605

Yet she still gets irrationally annoyed with the slightest bit of cruticism. The impostor syndrome shit is a buzzword that narcissist zoomers use to seem humble.

>> No.25746682

Anons trying to compare luna's hands with the girls show on this >>25744963 , i see it

>> No.25746697

That video of Luna dancing tho kek

>> No.25746731

Yeah, I saw that stream, too bad those parts were cut from the vod.
Nothing new for us to see.

>> No.25746856

If you are tired of being cucked by Luna, you can come to see la Draculuna awaited return


>inb4 zZZZzZZZZZZZzzz

>> No.25746868


>> No.25746912

I recently cancel several subscriptions. This is not the first time that i saw someone sending a song to a vtuber. It's not cringe, it's sad. I could do the same, but also i understand that giving more and more attention decreases the interest of any woman. They can smell your desperation. Even improving yourself as person it is not a guarantee that you find the right woman.

>> No.25747063

>vt sisters the stream

>> No.25747161

No offense, i'm just curious, to which girls were you suscribed?

>> No.25747346

Did you recently got red pill? What you say it's true btw that's why you should focus on yourself rather that any woman. Time and money spend on you could be rarely be wasted

>> No.25747429

And go to get cuck by Himea? At least Luna try to play the idol roll. Not as good as Himari or Miu but she is intelligent enough to know there's a market there

>> No.25748027

Yes and ?
These girls are needed for love and acceptance and I have a chance, You're just jealous that I'm braver than you and I will fuck your oshi

>> No.25748461

Sopa has already Netto's love, she only need your money

>> No.25748732

This, if Netto did it why not me? I promise I will fuck Himea and then Miu and Babu

>> No.25748838

>>Having Himea as an Oshi.
I feel you bro, but don't lose hope yet, you'll find your IRL Idol soon.
Go watch any of these small indie panderers, you have a better chance there and your support (be financial or moral) actually makes a difference.

>> No.25748928

Faggots, it would be deleted and the poster banned in seconds. Remember the mods lurk this place, they aleady know who is behind the pixelart.

>> No.25748947
File: 3.72 MB, 2000x3000, uooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my poor Lunita... you were extra faggots today.

>> No.25748959

Fuck off
I want a Wactor's pussy

>> No.25749054

That's pretty much the same as mexican time, you know that, right?

>> No.25749248

Hi mods, KyS please

>> No.25749272

It is, we are just shitposting here

>> No.25749293

Confirmed that Himenito is Luna hater

>> No.25749362

You can go ahead and read the archives right fucking now.

>> No.25749412

We do it where she doesn't see us. It's not the same as saying that shit to her face in front of all her viewers.

>> No.25749416

Luna always cut the best parts out of the vods
Ans since she activated gifted membership she hasnt had any menhera episode in her membership streams, so sad

>> No.25749440

Wtf? The cringy guy that sing that song for Luna is here?? The absolute state of KEK

>> No.25749478

>Nothing new for us to see
Think about poor merol who didnt see any of the things we saw

>> No.25749519

it was fucking obvious

>> No.25749606

Just as confirmed as (You) being a cuck

>> No.25749667

Merol used to be suscribed to her rm channel kek.

>> No.25749684 [DELETED] 

Anon, it's been confirmed that video is legit. Remember she privated her rm tiktok a couple seconds after it was posted.

>> No.25749698

>Luna is intelligent enough to know there's a market there
I'm still waiting for Luna's mafumafu incident to happen

>> No.25749708

fuck back to hispa maricon i know you posted there, oops it's right tehehe

>> No.25749712


>> No.25749738

I don't like when vtubers mock my religion. Unfollowed.

>> No.25749744

Still, that mafaka is fucking Based. He alone and some other dudes make Luna to give us this weird moments where she breaks character for a few seconds.
I kinda like Luna when she got angry, that's the real Luna for sure.

>> No.25749750

Fuck off, Babu is mine

>> No.25749779

Lunita la mas bonita

>> No.25749811

Nobody has Himea as their oshi, get real.

>> No.25749855

It's most likely that to happen to dumb Misora. But yeah, both would be great tho

>> No.25749866

>I have a chance

>> No.25749871

that literally happened to Himari, on one of Himari karaokes a chink Line message leaked, it was a dude, and no one gave a fliying fuck.

>> No.25749896

>She doesnt see us
This poor summer child

>> No.25749938

If you guys listened to me months ago about cooperating to rent a server to auto archive all streams we could have our own VODs.

>> No.25749995

Bc there's no fucking evidence of that to happen dumb ass. Rrats here at least have some credibility of some source

>> No.25750063

Holy mother of KEK

>> No.25750116

Waht religion did she mock and what did she said??

>> No.25750117

I'm still waiting for the dreadful Himari chrome screenshot.

>> No.25750119

The real Luna is the one who make comments like, you guys are pous, you are round, you cant do anything by yourselves and you are brown

>> No.25750228

It's so sad she is lesbian. I wonder if a man hurt her so much or if she always liked pussy
But her reactions during the unpacking stream tells me that it's the first option

>> No.25750234

She is dressing as a catholic nun while being on her "le pervert whore" character.

>> No.25750315

>He thinks the girls actually lurk here
Hahaha the most we have are their groomers browsing here, they are the ones who pass the rrats or leaks to them.

>> No.25750379

>It's so sad she is lesbian

>> No.25750380

>while being on her "le pervert whore" character
anon please

>> No.25750400
File: 15 KB, 181x181, 1632766473594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me hacen acabar con un gran sentimiento

>> No.25750411

>Momazos /wactor/ love

Seriosly, I miss him....

>> No.25750440

>once again this hispacucks using the thread as a fucking lolcow
fuck off.

>> No.25750468

I wonder why he closed his account right after me.

>> No.25750478

>Me llenan mucho y me hacen acabar
This confirms it was the boyfriend?

>> No.25750524

C'mon, do you really think she is a lesbian? I highly doubt it. The fall is gonna hurt more if you keep deceiving yourself like that

>> No.25750555


>> No.25750610
File: 16 KB, 363x205, 1639032320107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas wildin

>> No.25750613

I got bored
when you upload the video that I gave you Sticky

>> No.25750642

Bro, this is fucking gold! Why nobody has post this on discord for her to see it? kek

>> No.25750668


>> No.25750672

>Not worth PEN 20.00

>> No.25750692

>Niggas really typing this out
Come on have some self respect.

>> No.25750754

Based bebito fiu fiu bro.

>> No.25750803

don't, it's just a quick edit that i made.

>> No.25750850

Miu ecchi

>> No.25750929

So somebody else did the art and you edit it?

>> No.25751029
File: 2.50 MB, 2000x3000, FTj2yGHX0Acvwbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah there the original

>> No.25751032

Himea saying anything in takataka sounds just as cringe as an average otaku

>> No.25751153

That's her charm

>> No.25751321

>no rrats
>no vieja de la vereda speaking
Why was this stream called that again

>> No.25751499

Her reaction to the depression and suicide topics was pretty menhera tho.

>> No.25751583

Idc about her looks, I need to hear fantasmita's voice.

>> No.25751684

Not anymore anon.

>> No.25751760

Eh still obscure enough, they won't find out. POST IT.

>> No.25751801

When I started to like Himari I had already read about her boyfriend /here/, I didn't mind because I didn't see her as a girlfriend but as an Idol, but now she's gone....

>> No.25751872

Eva 01 just shot that sniper again and the power went out. Himea's streams ended again

>> No.25751935


>> No.25751975

Macho no has dado una

>> No.25752010

No hater but she need to gradute fr fr

>> No.25752076

I fell bad for the model, such a waste.

>> No.25752116

I don't speak paella and and evasion de impuestos en Andorra

>> No.25752137

Because mods would delete it and your account would be banned

>> No.25752196

Netto lurks /here/ tho

>> No.25752244

this is the dark fandom, there is more creativity here

>> No.25752397

You can tell most of the time who are the shitters by their english.
Its like recognizing females by how they write

>> No.25752494

I drop almost all the wactor girls only left Yue, Ito Babu, and Miu. I've never subscribed to Lia nor Himea. Both have big downsides.

Outside of Wactor the only ones i cared was Kyria and Anastasia. It's difficult to understand what Kyria really wants (well i know what she really wants and i fear that she is just like any woman with hypergamy despide her health issues) and i dropped Anastasia because i lost interest. I barely could watch 5 minutes of her streams. Still i hope she gets better from her condition.

I don't even watch the indie spic panderers because i knew about the japanese women behaviour. My yellow fever wasn't strong.

>> No.25752511

At least I hope that their time /here/ will help them improve their school shooting.

>> No.25752668

Care to elaborate about that "japanese women behaviour"? You mean they are only using us as a stepping stone?

>> No.25752778

This place now reeks of chispa so fucking much

>> No.25752814

Ya te gustaría

>> No.25752923

>married with kids
>single mother
Which do you prefer and why?

>> No.25752926

>You mean they are only using us as a stepping stone?
It's something that i've thinking quite long.

>> No.25753183


>> No.25753261

shh that's how i know who to ignore

>> No.25753289

It has always been known and most who watch them already knew. There are still some who assimilated the audience even if it was for numbers at the beginning like ameru, kaicho, miu, clarita, etc that i trust.
Not everything is as advantegous and hollow even with the tatemae thing. Japanese and western women are still women and share a lot of traits

>> No.25753409


>> No.25753420
File: 136 KB, 1024x1275, 1641529391353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's streams (Update)

Luna/Sopa collab feat. Rakkun & Poliglota playing Left 4 dead 2
Sopa POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bqw2DPWzow
Luna POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx9HRUq6cUk

Himari is back! playing Limbo

Pal is also back with free chat

Miu will play Pedro adventures

Ito cancelled her karaoke stream of today.

>> No.25753424

Even if that were the case, you should not give it so much importance. Just enjoy the time they can dedicate to us, cause economically speaking, we are the worst option for their professions (not like they could compete on the jp or cn market tho).

>> No.25753551

Overlaping streams, the wactor style is alive.

>> No.25753563


>> No.25753643

Free chat supremacy

>> No.25753670

But sleepy anon, your oshi Hana Yomeguri, will be there too!

>> No.25753752

>your oshi Hana Yomeguri
rent free and cope

>> No.25753770

Idol stuff > Free chat > Gaming, memes, watchalong...

>> No.25753810

Soup groomed into getting easily spanked!

>> No.25753864

This is so true. That's why a value the effort. Miu has been the only one who has been with us until the end and haven't drop us despite the little support lately. She is a true Idol.

>> No.25753882

I feel called out.

>> No.25753910

>Free chat > Karaoke > memes/art/other review >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ApezZZZzZzZz

>> No.25753982

They had to go somewhere.

>> No.25754030

I love you SOPA, my beloved gf

>> No.25754071
File: 2.46 MB, 1493x2048, ito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25754121

I didnt mean it in a bad way. Not like there is something wrong in padding subs a bit. But there are some who push it to the next level and actually engaged with the community (which i appreciate) even if its not active learning but interacting directly (like lia and others) or those who are learning it too (miu, and some indies)

>> No.25754123

It's pretty much confirmed considering the Kaichou reaction when called out.

>> No.25754191

I can't believe you still keep repeating that response I gave you as a shitpost until now.

>> No.25754209

I made this post btw

>> No.25754229

Boyfriend, I prefer young women, it doesn´t really matter what they do in their private life as long as they don´t bring that shit to the streams.

>> No.25754238

meh i didnt like when kaichou misinterpreted banted as gachi love, but she has been in the community for more than a year already. She accomplished her goal of having japanese futbol fans watching her streams and still never dropped her other audience.
You can tell she is still studying and that she cares even if she doesnt stream 5 times a week

>> No.25754267

I really like Lia´s content for that, I´m scared bu her menhera ways tho.

>> No.25754304

That's cause I care for you and your health, anon.

>> No.25754360

Lia is the most creative girl on WACTOR tbqh

>> No.25754381

Quality over quantity, what makes a resource valuable is its scarcity. Her pretty model and cute voice help too.

>> No.25754391

dont think about it too much, not everyone bad at english is trolling obviously

>> No.25754418

This, without a doubt.

>> No.25754427


>> No.25754437

>and still never dropped her other audience.

YET. She is dropping us slowly but surely. Now we only got 30mns a week and some weeks not even that or some video. It's a matter of time.

>> No.25754495

I have a thing for broken women.

>> No.25754511

Considering she had to ditch what she planned for her birthday just 2 days before the stream, and had to think of other things in that short amount of time yeah. She has those moments of lucidity when it comes to content for streams

>> No.25754532

Reverse abandonment fetish...

>> No.25754543

We hate Lia her, btw.

>> No.25754591

wdym? She literally recycled content from old streams KEK

>> No.25754610

she doesnt do japanese streams much more frequently than the spanish ones, she only really streams 2 or 3 times a week. She did the 30 mins of charla months ago and also ended up streaming like 1 hour

>> No.25754614

No, fuck off

>> No.25754655


>> No.25754669

She had to think of a theme for her birthday in less than 24 hours. What would have you done in her place during that timeframe?

>> No.25754672

I love all the girls, even the menheras and the stupid ones Himea. I only hate el delicioso for living the dream and ruining it.

>> No.25754694

Her birthday stream was boring even Misora's anniversary was more creative than Lia's birthday

>> No.25754703

And what about when they do the breaking part?

>> No.25754714

Hispacuck detected.

>> No.25754787

don't be a lazy whore

>> No.25754836

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opiY8FhAUMw 2:35

exactly what Lia said

>> No.25754905

Nobody noticed it because nobody watches her streams anyways lol.

>> No.25754958

Then I get a dommy mommy who will break me.

>> No.25754989

My yellow fever is uncontrollable now

>> No.25755015

Masturbation on stream.

>> No.25755056


>> No.25755348


>> No.25755426

New bread when?

>> No.25755435

Stay banned please

>> No.25755468


>> No.25755483

wait a while.

>> No.25755556


>> No.25755561

I was wondering why nobody commented bout Himea's stream, she couldn't even stream 1 hour straight lol

>> No.25755627


>> No.25755786

Himea is the best!

>> No.25755805

nah i don't want to get recognicement for other people's work, it's an ashole move, even if it would be fun to see Luna react to this.
it's the same why i will not upload it to tweeter memes, or i should if i post the original art along with the edit?...

>> No.25755816

Thanks for the non answer

>> No.25755879

We did

>> No.25755939

It's not recognizement if you post it anonymously.

>> No.25756019



>> No.25756059


>> No.25756064

>on discuck, a place that you need your phone to post there...

>> No.25756244

didnt they plan a l4d stream like a month ago

>> No.25756380

Todo a último momento, es como yo

>> No.25756438

Welcome back bro, banned banned because of akira too?

>> No.25757280

She just download it???

>> No.25758218

So that's why they moved the stream one hour... If her internet sucks why didn't she do it before?
No wonders she has plenty of antis now.

>> No.25758273


>> No.25759501

Holy fuck Hina took a big fat dump all over the collab stream

Poor girls having to stall while Hina downloaded the game

>> No.25759907


>> No.25760756

overrated chubas, better see the queen of reactions, Himari Inugodmaki

>> No.25760907

hahaha no.
