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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25724564 No.25724564 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when they were supposed to be goddesses of the universe fighting off an extra-dimensional invader?

>> No.25724605

omega is gone anon

>> No.25724607

The lore part is so fuckng gay
It reminds me of kids turning their youtubers into marvel heroes


>> No.25724614
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me neither

>> No.25724617

still better than floprys in my books

>> No.25724622

The extradimensional invader got killed off.

>> No.25724628


What happened to her? She hasn't posted an actual tweet in months.

>> No.25724651


>> No.25724685

>Ina hasn't stream in over 2 weeks
And they did a good job

>> No.25724721
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I doubt this is a popular opinion, but I kinda wish they went all-in on the lore stuff, or maybe hired people more willing to do the lore stuff, just to see where the story went.

>> No.25724773

Note: Omega died on the way back to his home planet

>> No.25724801

I don't mind lore, but they probably should've gone a more "Ah My Goddess!" direction with this.

>> No.25724889
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I guess the gods...

...didn't live up to the myths.


>> No.25725038
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>> No.25725133

But really Council should have just been Myth 2. Keep the brand name and there's plenty of places to go with it.

>> No.25725148

Remember when this board used to be better than jp and treated their general as the anti one?
Stuff change, don't live in the past.

>> No.25725164

They fought him off

>> No.25725770

I miss council collabs.

>> No.25725875

green lamy is the ntr goddess

>> No.25725970

>stop it, Fauna... why are you smiling at me like that?

>> No.25726047

Kek remember the fucking cube

>> No.25726174


>Council has heavy lore and the chuubas try sticking to it for a while. Members like Sana still sticking to their character.
>So fucking gay and cringe. Why can't they just be themselves? Omega is a tranny faggot that needs to go with his lore bs.

>Salome sticks to character

>> No.25726188


>> No.25726206


>> No.25726228

Who are you quoting?

>> No.25726260

When will you learn that /vt/ doesnt run on logic it runs off lonely virgins who have no social outlet other than this board and anime girls

>> No.25726281

Anon they are whores the only thing they fight is dick.

>> No.25726282

The difference is that Salome is doing it well, whereas Council had Omega's trash lore forced upon them and awkwardly have a few references to it here and there. It's not like they are in character all stream like Salome.

>> No.25726309

On this episode of "anon learns the antis were nijifags all along"

>> No.25726334

Lore is the most unnecessary shit ever when it comes to vtubers. They all forget that it even exists after a month or two tops and only sometimes jokingly mention it.

>> No.25726436

the voices in his head

>> No.25726592

>doesn't know the difference between cringey chuunibyou lore about time and space vs. the smaller scale, grounded character quirk of a normal girl who wants to be a lady

>> No.25726600

vtubers need to go back to being characters like kizuna ai. I don't give a fuck about their personal life, I watch them to be entertained.

>> No.25727224

>unattainable lore of: God of Time, God of Space, God of nature, God of literal Chaos (how would you even act that?) etc.
>Literally just an ojousama
One of these is actually something someone can naturally act like with very little effort, the other is completely batshit to expect someone to consistently and convincingly act like for entire multihour streams. The chuni ignored the purpose of the lore in favor of his autism.

>> No.25727417

Fair points but that's background stuff to the character. They can create theme-based content whereas Salome can't really. Sana, Mumei and Fauna all wanted to create streams based around their character but all of their creative ideas were turned down for retarded reasons out of their control. Then they gave up and just became normal gamer streamers with little growth.

People want themed kino content where the women can go autistic with their interests and skills that align with their character's lore. The demand is still there.

>> No.25728071
File: 246 KB, 1200x776, ana_de_armas_and_daniel_craig_in_knives_out-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gosh darn it, dem nijis are at it again !

>> No.25728184

They just retconned their own lore to
>im space!
>im nature!
etc and whatever it works fine.
Omega was a fucking tardo with his shitty chuuba fanfic that filtered a ton of the audience.

>> No.25728313

Blame it all on omega for going this chuuni route. They could have salvaged it if they had their lore more developed with short stories or something like that but it seems the girls themselves didn't exactly like it so they just left it there. I'm sure if they debuted as student council they would have been way more interested in the idea but oh well.
On a side note, I'm 80% sure omega is gonna be in HomoEN. He already tried injecting himself to be someone like A-Chan but probably was blocked from it. His recent disappearance seems to coincide too well with StarsEN auditions.

>> No.25728320

>coping over salome in other threads
now thats someone who got btfo
