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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25689396 No.25689396 [Reply] [Original]

itt: vtubers who never improved after debut

>> No.25689451
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>> No.25689524

your oshi

>> No.25689584

She improved you just never watched her

>> No.25689909

I used to like mori until she pissed me off being a drunk unprofessional jackass. Who is disruptive doesn't keep up with topics instead derails them and how she allows antis to get the better of her everytime when she should be ignoring them like Kiara does.

>> No.25689972

Has unironically gotten worse

Yeah, she's pretty much the same. Which is fine

She's improved a bit (not much of a numberfag anymore, etc), but never addressed her biggest flaw - her voice. She's even doubled down on it with her rm. Dumb bitch

She'd have to stream in order to improve

What do you mean? She's improved a lot, especially with the interactions with other holomems

>> No.25690039
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>> No.25690201



>not much of a numberfag anymore


>Disagree. I love La+ but she hasn't improved. She started strong and has stayed strong. She's opened up a little but that's the same with all of them.

>> No.25690315

kiara got soooo much better imo
and ina didn’t change she didn’t need to

>> No.25690455

doesn't need to improve, was already great from the start and didn't change much, still comfy. Yeah, streams currently less due to rl shit, but when she streams it's still as good as ever
Improved, especially after moving back to europe and being in a stable enviroment. Now you basically only get the good parts (for example, her high workrate, love for Hololive and idol culture/activities) with much less of the bad part (numberrot and accompanying selfdoubt)
Yeah uh I have nothing. Showed promise in the beginning but basically got fucked over by external stuff / fucked herself over with the breaks and doesn't seem to be motivated for Hololive anymore unless it's to stream nintoddler shit every once in a while, otherwise she's too "busy" (with chink gachashit on her other acc) anyway
Not seeing a problem, what does she do worse now than in the beginning? Tbf I don't really watch her, but I also haven't heard too much bad stuff either.

Nah - I used to watch Mori back in the early days when I could still cope with "h-haha she's just new to this stuff, all these fuckups are just endearing learning experiences and she will soon get better...", but the writing was basically on the wall as soon as she went from the sympathetic cinderella story of a girl who was reduced to a sobbing "I don't d-deserve this, you guys..." mess in the first barrage of akasupas, to the entitled stuck up "yeah dawgs, ya boi would prefer it if you wouldn't send any text with your akas anyway, so I can get through my money faster, kthxbye!" bitch and revealed her true nature that was always there when you're not just blinded by the big tiddy avatar anymore.

>> No.25690622
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>and ina didn’t change

>> No.25690687

Honestly Kiara should call all these bitches out. Even Irys not for her male collab shit but for other reasons like lazying up and bringing yabairys at the con but when shes streaming she treats her viewers like retards with her fake seiso act.

>> No.25690700

I actually do think Mori has gotten worse. She used to play up the gap Moe gimmick well...but now she acts like a "badass thug" which just makes her look like an idiot. She also INSTANTLY gets bitchy when a stupid meme she didn't come up with first gets popular and has the craziest kneejerk reactions I've ever seen from someone.

Graduate and let your mom take your place.

>> No.25690701

she found a game she actually likes streaming, nigger.

>> No.25690704

>found a game she likes

>> No.25690718

It's funny bc Kiara doesn't like empty pinks and reds and thinks "if you don't have anything to say you should use that money on yourself" or something to that degree

>> No.25690793

>not much of a numberfag anymore
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiF1tFtrfxE [Embed]

That's not the "numberfagging" people complained about, which was being perceived as having insecure feelings about comparative subcounts or ccvs etc. Fwiw, I always thought that was overblown anyway, but oh well, once she got branded with that image, it stuck and anons hyperfocused on it so that every time Kiara dared to mention numbers, even if it was just for 1 minute in a hundred hours of streaming per month, they spammed the three meme arrows and acted as if "ohmaigawd, she talks about numbers ALL the time, amiriteguyz?".

The clip you picked is about stream time, and she compliments and appreciates Koyori for her high workrate. I don't see the problem, this is a good thing and workrate should be commended, lord knows it's better than having too low standards and letting the slacker rot grow instead.

>> No.25690801

>Nah - I used to watch Mori back in the early days when I could still cope with "h-haha she's just new to this stuff, all these fuckups are just endearing learning experiences and she will soon get better...", but the writing was basically on the wall as soon as she went from the sympathetic cinderella story of a girl who was reduced to a sobbing "I don't d-deserve this, you guys..." mess in the first barrage of akasupas, to the entitled stuck up "yeah dawgs, ya boi would prefer it if you wouldn't send any text with your akas anyway, so I can get through my money faster, kthxbye!" bitch and revealed her true nature that was always there when you're not just blinded by the big tiddy avatar anymore.
this is why I stopped watching her too, fucking up often is one thing (not my fault if shes dumb) but her attitude around it is incredibly condescending now, but shell still say "I promise to do better" to save face

>> No.25690859

>found a game she likes
Didn't defend Sana with Nintendo games and Mori with Jump King with the same excuse, did you takofags?

>> No.25690881

yeah shes really impulsive now that I think about it

>> No.25690923

All this shows is you partially watched one of Ina's streams and your opinion can be discarded.

>> No.25690936

>She also INSTANTLY gets bitchy when a stupid meme she didn't come up with first gets popular
which is ironic because Mori herself brings up her "own" stupid stale memes, acting as if shrek is the height of comedy, and then even has the nerve to bitch when her own stupid jokes don't land

>> No.25690979

>I wanna do better... for YOU guys!! ToT
The biggest lie she ever told. It's probably just saviorbait once again. God, cuckbeats are so fucking retarded it's unreal.

>> No.25690985

Unpopular opinion but I think Mori is a hard worker. She just openly despises Hololive and her own gen, though.

>> No.25691142

For people who don't like her cringe wigger rap, it doesn't matter how "hard she works" at it, because the end product is worthless and does nothing for them anyway

>> No.25691147

her stagnation effects her music as well

>> No.25691155

I literally got bored during the first 10 minutes. How the fuck she maintains her numbers I'll never know.

>> No.25691181

Improved at being a trash fire, sure.

>> No.25691419

>once she got branded with that image, it stuck and anons hyperfocused on it so that every time Kiara dared to mention numbers, even if it was just for 1 minute in a hundred hours of streaming per month, they spammed the three meme arrows and acted as if "ohmaigawd, she talks about numbers ALL the time, amiriteguyz?".
A similar situation happened with her being branded a narcissist, but whereas triple arrows actually became a light hearted meme even used by people that liked her, quite quickly in fact even back in /jp/, "mememe" was only ever used by actual threadreading retards.

>> No.25692687

>Pretty much the same
Nah, Ina has broken out of her shell a lot. Her debut rewatch stream really showed the difference between Past Ina and Present Ina even if i love both
