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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25546043 No.25546043 [Reply] [Original]

>vtubers are an inspirational niche loved by many hardcore/otaku fans
>2020 pandemic
>normalfags forced to spend time on the internet
>massive influx of casuals
>hololive en brings vtubing to mainstream youtube audience
>thousands of attention whores suddenly turn into wannabe vtubers
>average vtuber quality reaches bottom of the barrel low
>whore mindset and low standards spread across all vtuber scene
>every new vtuber bitch feels entitled to success and affection while bringing nothing to the table
>fans get dehumanized and treated as mere atm's
>legions of discord white knight npc's raiding any social circle related to vtubers
>/vt/ is now a sub-sub leddit for shills and whores to shill their low quality content and bait 24/7
>hardcore fans get labeled schizos and incels or paypigs
>continuous whore-enabling posters who literally cannot sleep unless they talk shit about actually good chuubas at least once a day
>le parasocial bad
>le mental fans
>le purity bad

This is how I see /vt/ and vtubers now. How do you see it now and how do you see vtubers and /vt/ in let's say... 3 years? I see them on MTV with big money sponsors and zero humanity, in a vevo-tier sort of fashion.

>> No.25546147

just enjoy, does anyone force you to be on this mongolian basket waving forum?

>> No.25546178

>it's just 2d anime bitches bro who cares
Forgot to mention this cope trend as well.

>> No.25546289

/vt/ avoiding this topic like plague because /vt/ is fucking dead.

>> No.25546326

>find chuuba i enjoy

>> No.25546366

>chuuba turns into twitch goblin
>still happy because stockholm syndrome and need to cope

>> No.25546395

So does this mean you're going to do something about it or are you just going to tell everyone else and expect them to do anything?

>> No.25546453

stop watching them then

not every chuuba becomes a whore

>> No.25546454

I'm talking about it for starters but what are (You) doing? probably nothing because you don't care about vtuber ideals or quality in the first place yet come to this board thinking your opinion matters for some reason.

>> No.25546487

Your oshi is turning mine into a whore.
>not every chuuba becomes a whore
Not yet.

>> No.25546538

Your forefathers were able to defend their tribe from invaders. You were not.

>> No.25546546

>implying its a new topic you just thought of

>> No.25546568

And I'm sure just because you're talking about it, everyone will rally to your cause, right?

>> No.25546594

>Your oshi is turning mine into a whore.

you don't know who my oshi is, so you're implying every vtuber is turning your oshi into a whore

>> No.25546630

>t. started watching vtubers in early 2020 and only watches EN chuubas now

>> No.25546637

Chuubas are masturbation aids. Treat them like that and you'll never worry about anything chuuba-related again.

>> No.25546859

I'm implying that the oshi of a simp like you cannot be anything more than a whore.

>> No.25547212

Not really, I started following Kizuna when people were shilling her on /g/ before the debut because she was an "AI" even though it turned out to be just an actor, that's how I got into vtubers anyway.

It's always like this because bitches and shills run this board now.

>> No.25547430

those are some retarded implications

>> No.25547567

>that length difference between 2019 and 2020
heh another normalfag i see

>> No.25547725

>defends club strippers
>calls others normalfags with half-assed cope argument
Imagine being this anon, what a pathetic existence must he be.

>> No.25547824
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>> No.25548165

>436 AD
>The cold is gnawing on my bones
>If I don't find something to eat I will surely perish
>Whaaaaaaa! I didn't gatekeep my faggy hobby hard enough whaaaaa!

>> No.25548454

>le parasocial bad
>le mental fans
>le purity bad

>> No.25548490

Please don't use Fansa to shitpost

>> No.25548641

>large corpo debut turbo faggots
>hobby is now completely shit thanks to fujocrap and yumejos complaining than they're not even fujoshits which is basically they're both women and suck gay cocks for a living
just fuck everything

>> No.25548833
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>> No.25550792
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have u tried watching vtubers u like and not watching vtubers u don't like

>> No.25554312

He only watches hololive and refuses to get out of his trash bubble, that's why.

>> No.25557366

You are not entitled to a say in the sexuality of the roomate. What they do in their own free time is their own business. You are acting like a creep.
Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with collabing with males, talking with a man doesn't mean she is fucking him.

>> No.25557425

she was a whore from the start. You don't suddenly turn into a whore for talking with somebody.

>> No.25557481

> because she was an "AI" even though it turned out to be just an actor
just how retarded are you?

>> No.25557485

Gatekeeping is good

>> No.25557551

Nice Blogpost

>> No.25557597

>whore, simps, white knights
Are you upset that your oshi has sex or something?

>> No.25557696

>vtubers are basically unknown, a handful of people putting out videos for an audience that numbers in the double digits
>vtubers are known to nreds
>vtubers are known to nreds but also start becoming streamvtubers instead of just making youtube videos
>vtubers become le big, twitchtubers are basically e-thots that got too old to compete with onlyfans thots but still wanted to thot, normalfaggotry abounds and whining about 'idol culture' is everywhere as the old nred audience wants vtubers to not be total whores, twittertubers who don't stream but wanted to get donations from retards become a thing
>having actual talent or making interesting streams doesn't get any numbers, shit like BFE gets huge numbers from femcels who seethe about how GFE is the devil and that women have a right to be fucking whores, vtubing devolves into shallow pseudo-celeb drama/becomes a reality tv show in all its fake glory

>> No.25557851

It's a full circle by now, start with holo, then niji, then 300views indie, back to niji, vshojo for few days and now I'm only watching my holo oshi

>> No.25557983

>to not be total whores
what does that even mean?

>> No.25558039

No they weren't. Have you seen the absolute state of western countries nowadays?

>> No.25558197
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Toasting in an epic bread!

>> No.25558243 [DELETED] 

>faggot fat whores like this get offended when I post truth
You will always be obese.

>> No.25558609

It's all happened before,
It'll all happen again.

>> No.25558692

Stop watching EN vtubers.

>> No.25558912

>slut shamming antis are the real fans.

>> No.25558998
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>Starting at 2019

>> No.25559071

>White Knights, simps
>Nooo, stop calling me out on my lies, stop refuting my retarded "arguments"

>> No.25560099

>I started following Kizuna when people were shilling her on /g/ before the debut because she was an "AI" even though it turned out to be just an actor
絆 (きずな)
愛 (あい)

>> No.25561424

>reeee thing I like got popular I have to hate it reeee
seriously, take your meds, faggots.

>> No.25563013


>> No.25563195

>vtubing devolves into shallow pseudo-celeb drama/becomes a reality tv show in all its fake glory
man the indie/small corpo/niji scene must e pretty shit. I only watch holos so I had no idea it was that bad out there

>> No.25565062
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It's women, honestly. I don't judge them as it's just their nature on average.
Old /hlg/ or even early /vt/ looked like Forum Romanum compared to nu-/vt/
Move male vtubers to another board and the culture will stabilize itself in a single day

>> No.25568810

>Says Vtubers will be on MTV.
Holy shit, how did a boomer make it to 4Chan?!?

>> No.25569150

if you look at the polls, median age here is late twenties early thirties. zoomers don't have the nostalgia we have for this place when it was actually good in the 2000s so they don't stick around.

>> No.25570700

2014-2016 : Nobody gives a fuck and vtubers can barely make $5 but the new 3D tracking tech is a sign of the future.
2017 : Nerds invade the scene, forcing the hardcore tech-heads out with their nerdfagging. The industry can now support a handful of vtubers without requiring them to starve for their art, but corpos impose their money-grubbing and 3D is displaced by 2D.
2018-2019 : Fucking nerd rich-bitch money completes the ruination of the scene. Faggotry and idol worship everywhere. Tech is degraded to live2D across the entire industry. Only a few users hold out. Vtubers can now earn a living.
2020-2021 : Almost a revival of 3D tech thanks to a pornstar, but 2D is still cheaper and lower maintenance. Corpo cheap 2D bullshit has become the norm and any new innovation is stifled and snuffed out. Even 3D models are done on the cheap, look like shit and have nothing to show for the years wasted since vtubing began. Normalfags enter the scene but have no clue how good tracking tech works. Vtubers can now get obscenely rich for little effort and decide not to put in effort. Big surprise.
2022 : More of the same. Fuck nerds and their fucking hobbyist bullshit anime crap 2D taste.

>> No.25570782

Live2D is far superior to 3D for vtuber models, you lost digi

>> No.25571087

Vtubing replaced cosplay as an activity for attention whores with nerd-related interests.

>> No.25571155
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>because she was an "AI" even though it turned out to be just an actor
You're so gullible, you'd probably be impressed by the "tear finger off" trick.

>> No.25571273

This sadly makes a lot of sense.

>> No.25571340

Yes. Lost big, and now all the innovation that could have brought in things like home accessible wireless tracking and even up to things like holographic interaction has been wasted on making iPhone apps.
I'm not against improved face tracking, it's impressive for what it is, but it's no quantum leap in technology.
Live2D just sucks. It has it's place much like .pngtubing has a place, for people who can't afford better. The problem is they COULD have afforded better if the tech had advanced.
Kizuna still had the best 3D of any vtuber and that says a lot about the industry.
Now the idolfag nerds are losing big just as we techheads did. Thots and moneygrubbers have taken over. How does it feel?

>> No.25576452

lmao imagine being so assblasted by being called a normalfag that you start hallucinating
