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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25425547 No.25425547 [Reply] [Original]

Remember, no Chinese

>> No.25425636

The average user of this board is young enough to think "No Chinese" here means "China bad" and not "Don't speak Chinese"

>> No.25425789

Anyone above 15 should probably understand it, hell maybe they've even played mw2

>> No.25425854

OP sure as hell didn't understand

>> No.25426232

>Anyone above 15
So too old for the average /vt/ user. Especially during SEA hours.

>> No.25426565

yet another holobrony seething

>> No.25426697

that mission was traumatizing as fuck. incredibly based scene of a game to have

>> No.25427046

Jannies don't care about this board.

>> No.25427215
File: 40 KB, 501x585, 4e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nijisanji is mindcontrolled and funded by China.
Nijisanji is streaming on the chinese service Bilibili with large quantities of their Niji En watchers being from mainlan china. (several streamers being ethnic chinese as well.)

>> No.25429014

Should've had us shoot chinks instead, nothing traumatising about killing insects

>> No.25430545

Every kid in my area spammed that mission because it's the "easiest" one because you only shoot civilians.

>> No.25436092


>> No.25436310

>seething, coping holobrony op has to resort to bumping his thread because he got literally zero attention
lmao. Have a pity (You)

>> No.25436792

the average user is a teenage seamonkey, so everything equates to "china bad" as zhangs are the ultimate bogeyman in that part of the world

>> No.25436937

I love how you're implying chinks aren't the ultimate boogeyman everywhere in the world right now
Well unless you're getting buttfucked by Russia right now but that's just chinkfear with extra steps

>> No.25437097

In europe it's more about americans or russians than chinese btw
Pretty sure americans cry about russia right now too - or they did 4 days ago. Now they are crying about schoolshootings and gays for the 7th year in a row.

>> No.25437426

the juden are the ultimate bogeyman in the west,
russia also being near the top for europe

>> No.25437661

>the juden are the ultimate bogeyman in the west
only if you spend enough time in /pol/ that you think it's reflective of the world at large

>> No.25437707

As mentioned above "crying about russia" is just "crying about china with extra steps"

>> No.25437767

he said in the west

>> No.25437791


>> No.25438005

he probably just means the US
It's like these retards crying about european shows only having whites in them.
>where are the niggers?
>the chinks?
>the obese scouter people from Wallmarkt
>This show lacks diversity!
